Pokémon life.

Chapter 177 Ahe's Challenge

Chapter 177 Ahe's Challenge

A week later, Luo Yangshuo and his party arrived in Shuijing City.But when the elves were being restored at the elf center, an unexpected person found Luo Yangshuo.

The person who came was a man, but with a few scars on his face, he looked a bit fierce.He found Luo Yangshuo and said, "You are Luo Yangshuo, right? Hello, my name is Bu Er He Ye, you can call me A He."

Luo Yangshuo asked suspiciously, "Do we know each other?"

"It is enough for me to know you." Ah He said, "I heard that you are very strong, so I want to challenge you. Six against six all players."

"No, you're too weak." Luo Yangshuo ignored Ah He's provocation and retrieved his advanced ball from Miss Joy.

Seeing this, Ah He said, "It's not up to you whether you're weak or not, you'll only know after you fight, or are you afraid?"

Luo Yangshuo stopped in his tracks and said, "Are you sure you want to fight me? You are just seeking to abuse me with your strength."

"Probably guessed that one, but how do you know if you don't hit it?" Ah He took out a poke ball and said.

Luo Yangshuo nodded and said, "Come with me, there is a battle field behind the Fairy Center, go there to fight. Let me explain first, I have something to do, and I won't release water."

"I can't ask for it." Ah He said.

Afterwards, Luo Yangshuo and Ah He came to the battle field in the Spirit Center.There were only the two of them, and Lubi and the others had already gone to participate in the gorgeous contest, so Luo Yangshuo had to catch up with them and end the battle as soon as possible.

Standing still on the field, Luo Yangshuo dispatched a fire-breathing dragon and said, "I'll send a fire-breathing dragon, you can do whatever you want."

"Hehe. I'm really underestimated." Ah He said, "Laplace, please."

A Lapras appeared in the field, and the faint cold air instantly enveloped the field, and the field turned into a field of ice.

Luo Yangshuo frowned, and said, "Sister Ke Na's special skills."

"That's right, this trick is the skill I learned from Kona." Ah He said, "After all, I also want to surpass the existence of the master, and stagnation is not my style. I know that you have fought Kona before, and it was a tie with her Frozen Bird, so I came to challenge you."

Luo Yangshuo smiled and said, "If your strength is only like this, then I can only say sorry, and I will finish you in three minutes. Fire-breathing dragon, spray flames."

The fire-breathing dragon hit Laplace with a jet of flame without hesitation, and Laplace also collided with the jet of flame with a water cannon.But the water cannon was no match for the flames at all. A large amount of water vapor evaporated, and the flames directly suppressed the water cannon and hit Laplace hard, sending him flying and losing his fighting ability.

Luo Yangshuo curled his lips: What his fire-breathing dragon understands is the source of combustion. Everything can be burned. Although it can't fully use this source of power, its flames also have this characteristic to some extent. The power of the flame increases in a straight line, coupled with the uninterrupted secret medicine to increase the power. It can be said that the flame power of the fire-breathing dragon is the first among non-divine beasts.

Ahe took back Laplace, and then sent out a Bankera.The jet of flame just now not only defeated Laplace, but also melted the ice field.As soon as Bankiras stepped on the field, he stepped on the water and was immediately upset.Yang Shat activated abruptly, and the sweeping sandstorm instantly absorbed the water stains.

The fire-breathing dragon was hit by the wind and sand, and felt a burst of stinging pain. It flapped its wings uncomfortably, and the hot wind swung out with all its strength, blowing away the wind and sand that filled the sky, and at the same time, flame claws had appeared on its claws.

As its wings flapped, the fire-breathing dragon turned into a stream of light and shot directly at Bankilas.Bankilas stomped the ground heavily, and countless stone thorns rushed out from the ground and stabbed the fire-breathing dragon.Charizard waved his flame claws and shattered Bankiras's sharp stone attacks one by one.But Bankilas would not be so naive that his sharp stone attack could hit the fire-breathing dragon.Bankiras's arms gathered strength, and his brute force skills collided with Charizard's flame claws.Bankiras's super strength came into play, knocking Charizard flying backwards, and he also took several steps back.

But Bankiras's arms were already on fire, it was burned!

"Spray flames to deal with it!" Luo Yangshuo said.

"Illusion-breaking light!" Ah He shouted.

But how much power can the already burned Bankiras exert?The jet of flame directly suppressed the destructive light, and hit Bankiras' body hard, directly knocking him out of combat ability.

Luo Yangshuo looked at Ah He who took back Bankiras and said, "Should we continue? There is a huge gap in our strength, and you cannot surpass it now."

"It's still the same sentence, how do you know if you don't try?" Ah He sent out the Tyrannosaurus Dragon and said, "Even if I lose, I will lose clearly. Running away halfway is not my style! Storm Dragon, Meteor Swarm!"

The tyrannosaurus dragon spewed out a ball of dragon-type energy, the energy ball exploded in the air, and countless meteor-like energy attacks hit the fire-breathing dragon.

"The flames of the explosion." Luo Yangshuo said.

The fire-breathing dragon burned up and hit the ground, the explosive flames spread to the tyrannosaurus, and at the same time burned all the energy bombs of the meteor swarm.

The Violent Dragon saw that it was in a bad situation and was just about to run away, but the attack from the explosive flames hit it directly and sent it flying.Relying on the excellent fire resistance of the dragon elves, they barely resisted this move, but it was almost at the limit.

"The last flame claw." Luo Yangshuo said.

Flames burst out from the fire-breathing dragon's claws, and with the flapping of its wings, it directly hit the violent dragon, which was already powerless to escape, on the ground, losing its fighting ability.

Next, Ah He sent out his own fire-breathing dragons, Lucario and Boscodora, but they were too weak compared to Luo Yangshuo's fire-breathing dragons.An elf who has not comprehended the origin is no match for the fire-breathing dragon at all.

Luo Yangshuo came to Ah He and said, "Your strength is not bad, work hard. How about it? Do you want to join my mercenary union?"

Ah He looked at Luo Yangshuo and said, "My master is Siwon, so I won't join your guild. Luo Yangshuo, I'm not your opponent now, but that doesn't mean I won't be your opponent in the future. Next, I will go to special training, and I will definitely become the champion. When the time comes, I will challenge you again."

After finishing speaking, Ah He left without looking back.Luo Yangshuo looked at his back, smiled and said, "So he's Shiyuan's disciple, but he has a pretty good personality and is self-motivated. It's a pity that he couldn't be dug into the guild, otherwise he would be another general."

Looking at the time, it took 10 minutes to fight Ah He, which far exceeded Luo Yangshuo's expectation.But knowing a good opponent is still very worthwhile.

"Let's cheer for Ruby next." Luo Yangshuo scratched his head and said.

Taking the fire-breathing dragon back, Luo Yangshuo quickly ran to the venue of the grand contest.

(End of this chapter)

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