Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 603 The past of Rocks Pirates!

Chapter 603 The past of Rocks Pirates!
"Cowardly Star, did you really say that? What kind of prophecy?" Luffy looked surprised and asked while others were also confused.
Maud asked Robin to tell him about the previous experience on Fish-Man Island, and revealed Mrs. Charlie's prophecy about Huon. The so-called prophecy of the melee and fighting at Lovedru was entirely based on Maud's own interpretation of the situation. But Princess Bai Xing believed it.
Luffy looked at Huon, the sniper, with some surprise, knowing that what Robin said was true. Maud saw his complicated expression and smiled and said,

"Although I interpreted the prophecy and added it to the story, what Princess Shirahoshi said is true, isn't it, Straw Hat!"

Luffy asked curiously, "Am I going to become the Pirate King no matter what, or is there really someone else who will find Raph Drew? Do you know something, or are you just talking nonsense?"

"Nonsense, but it's possible!", Maude smirked.
Seeing Mod's look, everyone else wanted to beat him up. Luffy was a little speechless, but he also understood that Shirahoshi didn't want the two of them to fight; Zoro, Sanji, and Nami were all speechless, and Fatty Lan Hai Xia Jinping folded his arms and said in a deep voice,
"Mrs. Charlie's prophecy is very well-known on Fish-Man Island. She has predicted many major events. Since it only predicted that Lord Huon would get a boatload of treasures, and what you said about Rafdrew was completely made up by you, it shouldn't be taken seriously. real!"

"Lord Maude, for something as sacred as prophecy, please be more respectful next time!"

"Kai Xia Jinbei, you think prophecies are sacred, but I don't. No one can know what this world will be like in the future. I don't believe in prophecies. This is my attitude!" Mod said with a soft smile on his face.
Jinbei was silent after hearing this. Everyone had different ideas and he didn't say anything more. When Nami saw that Luffy wanted to defeat Blackbeard Tikki and become the Pirate King because of the appearance of the last sign, she glanced at Mod. It’s hard to say much.
Miss Ba Jin saw the silence between the two parties. After lightly coughing to attract everyone's attention, he said seriously,

"If you want to defeat Blackbeard Teach, maybe you want to know something about Beehive Island's past. It might be helpful. Decades ago, I was the ship's doctor of the Rocks Pirates who terrified and shocked the whole world. I was the same as the one at that time. The white beard of the crew is a close companion!"

When Maud heard the news, she sat quietly on a tree stump and drank. She found it was empty. When she raised her head, she saw Sophie holding a wine barrel and pouring it over with a sweet smile. Maud smiled happily when she saw the small barrel in her hand was full. Seeing the two of them like this, the guests also sat quietly on a wooden bench aside.
Agular and others already knew the meaning of Mod's coming this time, and listened quietly to the story. However, Luffy witnessed the large number of Whitebeard Pirates and the power of Whitebeard during the battle on the top, and looked at Bao with disbelief. Jin didn’t believe it;
"I've never heard of the Rocks Pirates. How could such a powerful Whitebeard have been their crew? I remember that Whitebeard was the captain of many people in Marco. Don't lie!"

When Marco saw the unbelieving looks on Luffy, Zoro and others, even Kai Xia Jinbei looked at him with some doubts. He glanced at the Mord Pirates who were sitting quietly aside, and added with a smile,
"Straw Hat Boy, my father did spend some time with the Rocks Pirates decades ago. Not only his father, but also the Four Emperors Kaido and the Four Emperors BIGMOM, the Golden Lion Shiki, Captain John, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi and other great pirates who have shocked the world in this sea in the past few decades are all from the Rocks Pirates!"

"Forty years ago, this sea belonged to the era of Rocks. The island they were on at that time was Beehive Island. It is now occupied by Blackbeard Teach!"

Orange-haired Nami shouted in shock when Luffy opened his mouth in disbelief,
"There were actually three Yonko who were in the Rocks Pirates. It's unbelievable and terrifying. Why have I never heard anything about the Rocks Pirates!"

Miss Bajin smiled evilly. Even though she was old, she could tell that this old woman had experienced a lot of storms and storms, and said,
"That's because the Navy Headquarters and the World Government have blocked all information about the Rocks Pirates. The Rocks Pirates are extremely cruel and strong men who are dissatisfied with each other. They have also done a lot to the outside world that shocked and horrified the world. Hey hey hey, anyone who dared to resist us at that time had only one fate: death! "

"Of course the main reason is that Rocks' dream is to become the king of the world. He even prepared to attack the Tianlong people in the Valley of Gods, but he encountered two powerful opponents and failed!"

When Luffy heard the news, his curiosity aroused and he immediately asked who Rocks's two powerful opponents were. To everyone's surprise, it was the navy hero Garp and the Roger Pirates who joined forces and defeated Rocks. The pirate group killed Rocks, causing the evil pirate group to be completely disbanded.
It was also because of Lieutenant General Garp's battle in the Valley of Gods that he was named a naval hero. When Luffy heard that his grandfather Garp and Pirate King Roger were joining forces, his expression was excited and full of yearning, and his fighting spirit was somewhat high.
missBajin saw Luffy acting like this. Decades later, the Rocks Pirates incident was already in the past. Her mind was very calm. The most important thing to her now was her son Weibull.
The defeat of the Rocks Pirates was also caused by the disobedience and lack of cooperation among the crew members who were very strong. After all, there were many people with the aptitude for domineering domineering. In addition, Captain Rocks was unpredictable and cruel by nature. It was difficult to Make people risk their lives.
As Miss Bajin told about the past of the Rocks Pirates, they also learned about the history of an extremely brutal pirate group. Their faces were frowning in shock and thankful that the Rocks Pirates were defeated and disbanded.The elegant and calm Robin was also surprised when he heard this secret, and said in doubt,
"Rocks. D. Gibeck, Blackbeard Teach's ship is called Gibeck's Sword. Is there any unknown relationship between Blackbeard and Locks?"

Miss Bajin shook his head slightly. Although Blackbeard Teach also had a D, his appearance was not similar to that of Captain Rocks. He glanced at Stussy's profile, and the other party noticed that he turned his head and looked at each other with a smile. Bajin Looking at his younger self in the past, he looked complicated and continued,
"I don't know about that. Rocks has some secrets that even I, the ship's doctor, don't know about. He secretly did something secretly with BIGMOM, who was a crew member at the time. But one thing is very possible!"

"Captain Rocks of the Rocks Pirates is likely to be resurrected. At the end of the Battle of the Valley of Gods, he believed that he would come back again before he died!"

Luffy, Nami and others looked shocked when they heard this. Even Mod and the others were surprised. Robin looked at Brooke, who was only covered in bones, and said,

"Resurrection, is resurrection from the dead really possible? I really can't believe it. What did Yonko BIGMOM do for Rocks?"

When Brooke opened his head, he took out a cup of black tea and closed his head. He took a sip of tea. The bonfire shook as if he had seen a ghost in the night. Everyone looked quiet and speechless for a moment. Brooke took a satisfied sip and said calmly,

"But I have already eaten the Underworld Fruit. The power of the Underworld Fruit will only truly appear after death. How will the terrifying Captain Rocks be resurrected? Will his soul come back from the Underworld?"

"Even so, after his soul came back and his body turned into white bones like mine after a few decades, it really feels good!"

With a snap, Nami decisively hit Brooke on the head. Goosebumps rose when she heard that there was a skeleton drinking tea next to him again, and she said softly,

"Don't tell it like a ghost story, Brooke, can the human soul really come back from the underworld?"

"I don't know, I'm the only one I know, yo hoo hoo hoo!" Brooke replied casually. Originally, his country believed in the existence of the underworld, but it is impossible to believe in facts; at least Locke It is unlikely that Si will repeat his experience.
When miss Bajin heard about the power of the Underworld Fruit, he was amused and puzzled at the same time. He glanced at Maud who was beside him, and finally smiled and said,
"Maybe the D in Blackbeard Teach's name just inherits the same will as Rocks, which is different from the will inherited by your D, Straw Hat Boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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