Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 622 Management!

Chapter 622 Management!

Maud continued,

"Selling some arms on a small scale to make money is not a bad thing. The number of arms in this world will not decrease or even increase because of the fall of Kaido. Because wars continue to require weapons, someone must go to the manufacturing factory to provide arms!"

"Just like if I don't take over the slave trade under Doflamingo, there must be someone else in the underground world who will take over. I just stick to my own principles and I don't want to interfere with other things!"

"The two trades of slaves and arms will not disappear just because a big bad guy is defeated. They will always exist. I just don't make the money!"

Sophie looked surprised, looked at the silent Robin and asked, "How could this happen? Is it true, Sister Robin?"

"Maybe!" Robin smiled bitterly. She was not so arrogant that everyone in the world could not have weapons. This was too ideal and she did not want to delve into these matters. Her light body fell into Maude's arms.
Maud felt the beauty's tender body, caressed and smiled lightly,

"By the way, tomorrow you will distribute all the 50 billion beli rewards to the Dragon Armor Army and the intelligence organization. All 50 billion beli will support Fulo's plan!"

"It's really generous, no problem!" Robin looked up in surprise and smiled brightly without caring. Next to Sophie, she opened her mouth and was a little shocked. Maud took out half of the wealth at once, and in a blink of an eye she was happily holding Maud's left hand.
next morning
Maud woke up from bed and the air was still filled with the scent of Sophie and Robin's body fragrance. Next to her was a beautiful snow-white face under the wavy shiny blond hair. When she saw Sophie's charming and lovely sleeping face, she
Maud opened the door slightly and the sun was shining down. Sophie was covered with a thin quilt on the bed and her white shoulders were exposed. She was happy and soft, adding tenderness and charm. She looked at Maud's leaving figure, her eyes closed and she looked extremely satisfied. appearance.
On the deck, as soon as Maude came out, she saw a dark and stormy atmosphere in the sky and the sea. The sea was even more choppy. There were waves in the sea from time to time. The ups and downs even made the ship shake a little.
"With this kind of weather, I'm afraid there will be a storm later!" Maud came to the helm and looked at the record needle, observing the climate changes and said calmly.
Agulal was steering the helm and said with a calm smile,
"Captain, we still have three or four days to sail from Beehive Island. Miss Robin has also arranged for intelligence members to keep an eye on Beehive Island's movements in the near future. No problem!"

"The ship is turning slightly to the north, and there is already a thunderstorm tens of kilometers ahead!" After listening to Maud, Maude sensed it and gave the order with a smile. There were indeed dark clouds over the sea.
A few ten minutes later, under a layer of overlapping dark clouds that covered the sun in the sky, there was lightning and thunder, howling winds, heavy rain mixed with vertical ice spear-like ice spikes falling on the sea surface, violent waves surging, and a large ship with its sails spread out. Sailing on the sea.
The ship was rocking and sailing smoothly. As soon as the captain's cabin opened, Sophie, who was wearing a short-sleeved long sarong and a pair of high boots, looked fresh, elegant and cute. She walked to the deck with a few light steps. When she saw the dark sky and the weather, she was surprised and then said with a smile,
"This is hail. It's raining down like ice spears. It's so powerful!"

Maude's eyes lit up when he saw this female costume, and he lifted the boat with his right hand slightly upwind. There was a powerful cyclone wind like a tornado in the air, and the strong wind was attracted to condense the hailstones, and when they fell on it, they rolled and shattered and flew away.
But a lot of ice fragments fell on the deck, and Alec used a large vat to pick them up. Sophie stepped forward out of curiosity and asked if it was to collect fresh water, and she also helped.
The other crew members were working in various positions to ensure the safety and navigation of the ship. Robin stood quietly beside Maud and looked at it with a smile. After finishing the matters arranged by Maud last night, he told Maud, curious. his reaction.
On the other side, in the office on the second floor of the bunker in the dock town of Wikonska Island, Hiiragi, Francis, and several generals who were still on the island gathered around a long table with expressions of great surprise. Highly praise Maude for her kindness.
"Marshal, you are really generous!", as a general, Francis said excitedly when he saw that he was about to share more than tens of millions of Baileys.
Hiiragi, who was wearing a black suit and had a strong and bulging body, laughed loudly and said, "Hahahaha, I am more and more satisfied with the commander now. This is the commander-in-chief's way. I had some misunderstandings before!"

Everyone present knew it very well. In the past, they always thought that the previous management method was Maud's way, but now it seems that it is completely Huon's way. Maud's generosity has greatly alleviated Hiiragi's current worries, and it is also a sign of admiration. Affection.
An organization with tens of thousands of people needs a lot of money every day to maintain its operation. It is useless to talk about ideals and discipline if the members have enough food, clothing and warmth. With money, many things can be easily arranged for subordinates.
After the system was changed and money was about to be in place, the Dragon Armor Army burst out with great enthusiasm, its efficiency improved by an unknown amount, and its loyalty to Mod increased several levels. Hiiragi's arrangement was quickly implemented.
After all, there are too few pirates who talk about dreams and idealism, and the vast majority of pirates talk about money, survival, and living comfortably.
The effect of smashing tens of billions of Baileys is obvious, and the development of the Dragon Armor Army is also operating in a way beyond Mod's expectations; at the same time, the Navy Headquarters has been eavesdropping and monitoring the intelligence organization of the Mod Pirates. Got the news too.
Navy Headquarters, in the tall headquarters office, Marshal Sakas is smoking a cigar and wearing a white cloak of justice. The desk in front of him is a pile of documents, and he is looking at a document in his hand.
On both sides below stood some generals and commanders waiting for orders. The world was in a period of violent turmoil, and the navy was going to sea very frequently.
At this moment, Brigadier General Brannu came in quickly from outside the office door holding a document in his hand. As he approached, Marshal Sakas raised his head and puffed out smoke. The smoke was floating in the air and he said with a deep and calm expression, "Brodore Brannu, whats the matter?"

Brigadier General Brannu looked embarrassed and said calmly,

"The intelligence department just eavesdropped on the phone bug of Yonko Mord's intelligence organization. Nicole Robin carried out Yonko Mord's order and gave a large amount of 50 billion beli to the Dragon Armor Army and his intelligence department. Each person on the Internet can get more than 30 Baileys, and all members of Lennon’s intelligence team are having a party happily!”

The generals were surprised when they heard this. The gorgeous and sexy Taotu, with her long straight snow-white legs, exclaimed, "Impossible, that Yonko Mord is so generous. There has never been such information before. He has completely changed." Sample!"

"Blannu, what do you think?" The other generals also nodded in doubt, and Sakaski asked, holding the information about Wiconska.
Brigadier General Brannu analyzed,
"It is very likely that in the past two years, the forces under the Maud Pirates were not managed by Maud, but by Mark Huen, who had a bounty of 9 million Baileys. With the fierce fighting on Wikonska Island, The incident occurred and the Four Emperors Mord had to take over the task of sorting out his forces! "

"The way of the Four Emperors Mod is very different from that of Mark Hunn. It can be seen from the way of public screening at the Wellcome Square!"

The generals and commanders were a little bit excited about this analysis, and Momotu Gion couldn't help but complain,

"In two years, I didn't care about the development of thousands of people under my influence. I can't believe it. Is there anyone who is such a boss?"

Marshal Sakaski, although he knew that Mod's forces were developing in a good direction, he looked down upon it and said, "But copying the classification method of our navy headquarters, what's the big deal? Pirates are pirates after all. Have you found out how many arms he sold?"

Brigadier General Brannu immediately told the information that Mod was sold to the King's Army of four franchising countries and three non-franchising countries. After hearing this, Marshal Sakaski was silent for a while and smoked a cigar, and he somewhat understood what Mod was doing. chosen.
Mod's actions have not exceeded Marshal Sakaski's bottom line. After all, Kaido is not the only arms dealer selling weapons in this world.
Selling arms in this way actually expresses a position that it recognizes the orthodoxy of the royal families of all kingdoms in the world. The navy also basically recognizes that the royal families of all joining countries and non-joining kingdoms are orthodox, and any non-royal chaos is illegal.
(End of this chapter)

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