Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 625 Flying to Beehive Island!

Chapter 625 Flying to Beehive Island!
When Robin saw Sophie yelling for her sister to come closer and hug her, she smiled and said, "You two are back. I've seen you dozens of times on the street!"

"Then why don't you come with us?" Modey sat on the edge of the table, quickly peeling the fruit and said with a surprised smile.
"got used to!"

Robin took the fruit meat and started eating it with a gentle smile. Maud nodded and did not ask any further questions. Robin's life requires personal space. The two of them have close contact and understanding. Maud will not interfere too much. She likes to be alone. Just leave her alone.
Maud watched Robin sort out the information for a while and then went to the sofa nearby. Sophie came close to Maud and the two hugged each other and kissed sweetly in the atmosphere. The two of them hugged and kissed on the sofa and laughed and were already emotional.
Robin gently held Maud's hand with both hands, biting her lip with each step, and pinched Maud's arm. Maud looked at her with a smile of satisfaction as she looked more feminine and affectionate.
Seeing this, Robin felt warm and sweet in her heart, and said a little shyly, "Maud, aren't you worried that I have another child?"

"Having children is a great thing. No problem. Is it true that we have children again?"

Maud looked surprised and hugged Robin's slender waist, kissed her and asked with a smile. Robin shook her head slightly, but she felt that it would be a matter of time before she had another child if things continued like this. Seeing that Maud was not worried about rejoicing, her thoughts suddenly changed. It's heart-warming.
Sophie's snow-white slender hands gently caressed her smooth belly, and then a happy motherly smile appeared. Robin said that it was very possible for the three of them to have children after being so close and frequently together.
The two girls looked at Maud with a sense of intimacy and love. Maud took the two girls slowly along the pier and the coast, accompanying them like ordinary people.
Putting aside their plans to go to Beehive Island, the three of them immersed themselves in this family atmosphere. With such warmth, Robin's stubborn heart melted into hot water. Without thinking about the other three, they were happy again. one day.
At this time, the appearance of the Straw Hat Pirates was also reported on Beehive Island, which caused a period of chaos. When Mod heard the news without saying a word, he took Robin and Sophie to find his men and quickly flew to Beehive Island.
"Maud, why don't you sail over by boat? What should you do when you leave?" Hodgson, who was being carried by Maud in mid-air, wondered.
Maude smiled and said,

"You saw the power of the Quake Fruit during the Summit War two years ago. If Blackbeard really wanted to take action, he wouldn't care about the safety of the island. Our ship was on Coco Island, and they didn't look at it. The boats arriving at our ship will think we didn’t come!”

"We have roughly figured out the map of Beehive Island. All we need to do is dig into the underground tunnels and search slowly!"

Hodgson nodded and smiled, and the two of them quickly flew to Beehive Island. An hour later, they saw an island with a yellow rock color from a distance, and the obvious skull mountain logo in the middle was very eye-catching.
At the beginning of Beehive Island, Maude thought that among the dense buildings on the surface of the island, the skeleton mountain in the center was hollowed out to serve as a castle-like existence; but after hearing Robin's intelligence and analyzing it, he found that this was not the case.
Beehive Island is just like the name of Beehive. In fact, the island was originally an underground honeycomb-like structure. The hives were transformed by the pirates on the island into a place for living, entertainment and various underground transactions.
An underground structure like a maze is very disadvantageous for the attacking side, because only those who are familiar with the tunnels know where they are connected, otherwise they will just get lost in the underground maze and go around and around.
There are many ships parked on the sea surface of Beehive Island. There are dozens of large ships of 30 meters long, 50 meters long, and even more than 70 meters long. The pirate flags flying are very spectacular.
On the sea in the distance, Maud and Hodgson landed against the windy sea. They used their senses to avoid the pirates on the ships at extremely fast speeds. They passed through the dock streets in a blink of an eye and arrived at an alley.
Hearing the sound of explosions and fighting in the distance, Maud glanced left and right, and then Robin's voice came from Hodgson's body and laughed,
"Mode, I heard that there is an entrance to an underground hive in the basement of a bar near the seaside. Use your ability to find it!"

"it is good!"

Mod responded. The top-notch domineering power combined with the now extremely powerful natural gas fruit's ability to control the air, seemed to have entered a world where airflow composed of all kinds of different gases slowly flows through the surrounding space.
No matter what kind of gas it is, it is divided into various gas flows. The flow of gas seems to be very clear. The space of any island is filled with air, and there are various gases in the air.
Only Mord, who has the ability to control the gas fruit of the air, can distinguish it so clearly, and can clearly perceive the flow and fluctuation of various gases with top-notch domineering power.
Maude glanced at Hodgson's breathing next to her. At this moment, Sophie's unique breathing came from her arm. She looked up and met the eyes of Sophie who opened the door and window and looked outside curiously. Sophie winked brightly and said hello.
"The bar, that is, the place where there is a lot of alcohol, has been found!"

Following the origin of the smell of alcohol in the air, I quickly discovered a place that was constantly smelling of alcohol. I sensed that there were a lot of good-looking smells inside, along with the smell of smoke from the alcohol-smelling bar. Various strange smells followed.
He pinches his nose, he likes to drink and rarely smokes, smoking oxygen is a very common thing to do, and it is not good to gamble, most of it is to chat with his subordinates and play cards, so he feels flat for places like bars.
The main reason is that as a natural gas fruit ability user, the stronger the strength, the stronger the five senses. His sensitivity to smells is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he will suffer if he is treated for too long.
Maude and Hodgson disappeared in a flash. After a few flashes, they entered the bar directly from the back door like a stream of light. Although there were people there, they only felt a gust of wind blowing by. When they came back to their senses, they saw nothing. arrive.
When they arrived at the closed entrance floor of an underground warehouse, they saw three or four people in black suits smoking, drinking, laughing and chatting. They had pistols on their waists and long knives aside.
A burst of white gas blew past quickly. The four of them had not reacted at the sight and watched the gas passing by. In the blink of an eye, the bodies of the four chatting and laughing guys swayed and their eyes half-closed, they fell unconscious and fell to the ground.
In the light white mist, two tall figures appeared. One of them gently opened the entrance floor of the underground warehouse, and the two disappeared in the blink of an eye.
As soon as he landed lightly on the ground of the underground warehouse, the smell of a lot of alcohol hit his nostrils. At the same time, a strong, middle-aged black-haired man with a black beard held a pistol in excellent condition and pointed it at Mo. De's head, the shiny gun body seemed to be coated with a layer of oil.
The black-haired man was the owner of the bar. He originally thought that Maud and Hodgson, who was following behind him, were drunkards who stole alcohol. However, when he saw Maud's astonishing sword intent, he couldn't help but said in fear and hesitation.
"who are you?"

"Casillo, the owner of the Forest Bar, there are not many trees on Beehive Island, how could you choose such a name?" Maude looked happy when he saw this man and didn't care about the other's pistol. He walked closer and asked with a calm smile. road.
(End of this chapter)

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