Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 638 Moonlight Moria becomes stronger!

Chapter 638 Moonlight Moria becomes stronger!

Anger and hatred even appeared in the process of control. Moria's eyes showed crazy persistence, as if he could do anything to realize it. In his heart, he was surprised by Moria's weirdness. Mord snorted coldly without fear,

"If you want to defeat me with the power of Trafalgar Law, you can give it a try!"

"Blackbeard Teach, I will definitely kill you, I will use the most powerful force to kill you, Absalom!", an unexpected sound emerged, Moonlight Moria's eyes were blood red, and he was filled with shocking hatred and tried his best to control himself. With soaring power, he shouted wildly.
In order to perfectly control the power in his body, Moriah constantly pushed himself to the limit and hammered the ground with his hands, causing the ground to crack and a large amount of smoke and dust appear.
The body was getting bigger and the aura was getting stronger at an extremely fast speed. Moder couldn't help but feel shocked when he personally sensed the changes in Moria's aura. This extremely crazy hatred was too shocking. In the end, the aura condensed and stabilized, and Moria could not help but feel shocked. The aura approached the Four Emperors.
Under the extreme madness of will, Moonlight Moria's power reached an astonishing level. Moria raised his hands and trembled with excitement, as if he had returned to his youth when he fought Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, and shouted,
"Sure enough, no matter how many shadows of miscellaneous fish, they are not as useful as the shadow of a strong man, it is really a powerful force, hehehehe!"

"I can still become stronger. The Four Emperors and the Pirate King are not worth mentioning in front of me. White-haired boy, give me your shadow too!"

Moonlight Moria's confidence increased after she became stronger. She knew that Mod was the Four Emperors' extremely powerful and wanted to get his shadow. A giant hand swung directly to grab Mod's figure in mid-air, and the aftermath of the swipe caused a wave of waves. The impact air wave rumbled and shattered the rocks.
call out!
As Moria grabbed hold of Mord and disappeared one step earlier, Moria opened his hand empty and looked up to see Mord in mid-air not far away. He quickly slashed with his sword with both hands, and a hundred-meter-long black sword energy ripple began. The mountain-cutting power struck Moria.
Seeing this powerful domineering power, Moria quickly hardened his sword and made a fist with his giant hand and struck directly. When the sword wave collided violently with the black giant fist, it impacted the surroundings. When the stalemate continued, Moria laughed when he saw how powerful he was.
Boom! After a blow, Moonlight Moria's giant fist flew away, and a huge sword mark appeared on the fist. However, because the fist was too big, it was only a shallow wound. Moria ignored the small scar and said excitedly,

"My strength has been restored. The mere strength of the Four Emperors cannot defeat me, hee hee hee hee!"

"No, my power can be stronger!"

"Shadow Mountain!" Moria looked at Maud in mid-air, and pressed a pair of giant hands from the air. The rocks around the underground hive directly deformed and softened, like rubber clay, and quickly closed together, leaving Maud with no way to retreat. A large number of bats came from Mo Leah's body flew out.
A powerful sword flashed, and the surrounding rocks were cut off like a watermelon, and a hundred meters of rocks were split open.
Although Moria was shocked by the power of Mord's sword, he still controlled the broken rocks freely. Under the shadow revolution, the fluid flow swept through Mord's body again and enveloped Mord's body. Then he ignored Mord's laughter after slashing the rock. road,
"It's useless. Shadows are everywhere in this underground space. I'm invincible now!"

The sudden condensation of 500 meters of huge mountain rocks was about to pin Maud in mid-air, unable to move. A large number of shadow bats flew towards Maud, preparing to harvest Maud's shadow. At this moment, a violent explosion of light erupted from the area. Emerging from the closed rocks.
A huge 300-meter small solar explosion tore apart everything and shattered all the surrounding rocks. The rocks changed under the shadow revolution. A spherical energy shock wave swept across a kilometer radius of the underground space in an instant, and rocks everywhere exploded with a bang.
The violent explosion directly tore apart the five underground floors, the fourth underground floor, the third underground floor, the second underground floor, and even the underground floor of the honeycomb. Within a thousand meters of the explosion, the maze caves of countless honeycombs were directly destroyed. It exploded into pieces.
The dazzling light illuminated the entire underground space, as if the moonlight Moriah was in the sun's rays. She opened her hands to cover her eyes and said unwillingly,
"Damn it, what's the matter with this boy's strength!"

Countless rubble fell from above and was swept away by the energy impact. With the terrifying explosion of Mod's fire star, it directly exploded into a huge space of nearly a kilometer in the underground hive.
This spherical explosion space directly penetrated the entire underground space. After the explosion dissipated, the original five underground floors were empty.
At this time, due to the explosion just now, the cracks in the sky of the underground world scattered the sun's rays down bit by bit, shining on this dark underground space and bringing fresh air.
There were wisps of white in the air, and they quickly rotated to condense into a white human form. Then they condensed into Maud's body. The sun fell on his face. Maud looked up and saw a huge cave filled with dim sunlight and opened his mouth.
I was walking through the underground hive level by level and saw the filth and darkness along the way. I never expected that I would feel so happy after blowing up a clean one.
There was a sudden crashing and booming sound in a pile of rubble on the ground. Moonlight Moria got out of the rocks and the dust on her body dispersed. She was shocked when she saw the huge cave in front of her. Her body, which was more than 20 meters tall, took a few breaths. .
The terrifying power of this explosion made Moonlight Moria understand the fact that he could not defeat Mod. His original intention was to kill Blackbeard Teach. If the outcome was determined by the other party, he did not know whether he would have the strength to deal with Blackbeard.
With a cunning look in his eyes, Moria said in speechless surprise,
"What a random kid, I can't believe it!"

Suddenly, a large number of shadow bats scattered from his body and flew straight into the sky. Just when Maud thought he was about to be attacked, he saw these bats flying away in groups, making strange chirping sounds, and then disappeared into the cave not long after.
Mod had somewhat guessed what Moonlight Moria was thinking, so he did not go to intercept it. He had no control over what the enemy wanted to do unless he was with the Mod Pirates.
Moria's ability is a bit strange. As a shadow bat, he can hit entities with his domineering energy or even fists, but other people's shadows seem to have no entities. It is estimated that only sea salt is effective.
As soon as he landed lightly, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a big hand holding a black double-edged sword on the ground. The opponent's body was buried in a large number of rocks; he picked up the sword in Zombie King Zhi's hand, and the sword body was flowing in the sunlight. Like water, it appears thick and beautiful.
The three-foot long sword looked cold and sharp under the heavy atmosphere. The sword had scales on the body and the hilt was simple. It gave a domineering and heroic feeling when held in the hand. Maud's eyes lit up, he looked up and down and smiled and said,
"The quality of the sword is at the level of a great sword. This sword has the aura of a king. What a great sword!"

After Qing Wu gave a few praises with his swords, he raised his head with a bang, and saw that the pile of stones had slipped and buried the Zombie King's exposed hand. The pile of rocks in front of him had become the final grave of the opponent, and Moder was silent for a while and thanked him.
Although the Morde Pirates and others were also buried by the rocks, they had already escaped from Wang Zhi's battle with him just now, so they were safe due to the violent explosion because they were far away.
Ten minutes later, the safe and sound Mord Pirates and Nami stood together. Everyone marveled at the reflection of the sun above and the huge cave in front of them.
As for the pirates who had escaped from the third underground floor, there were only more than 400 pirates left. Whether it was the previous fierce battle with the zombie army or the battle with Moonlight Moria, the weaker ones would easily lose their lives.
The beautiful girl Kebi's face was white and delicate. When she saw the huge cave connecting several floors, she was shocked at the opponent's strength, and at the same time, she was speechless and Maude acted like this; the strength of the Four Emperors once again shocked him.
Robin learned about what happened before from Mord, and saw that most of the pirates were happy to find their shadows, but most of the powerful ones had dark expressions.
Especially when Usopp said that Shadow could only be let go if Moria was willing to do so, Robin looked helpless and said,
"Luo's shadow was swallowed into Moonlight Moria's belly, and things became troublesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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