Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 646 Resurrection and Sera!

Chapter 646 Resurrection and Sera!
Robin closed the door and came to the table and lit a lamp. The large captain's cabin was brightly lit. Maud hugged Sophie and half sat on the bed and said with a smile,
"It's warm under the quilt, come on!"

Robin, who had just approached, was about to sit on a chair. When she heard this, she let out a laugh and moved her light and sexy body into the quilt. Sophie laughed heartily a few times, feeling that Robin was missing a man in the middle of the night, and Robin glared. She glanced at it and said worriedly,

"Intelligence agents have been lurking on Beehive Island for a long time. After returning, I asked them to secretly pay attention to the follow-up results of Beehive Island. Unexpectedly, the uneasiness in my heart was confirmed!"

"Blackbeard Teach is missing?" Maude smiled and asked seriously.
Robin chuckled and nodded. He hugged Maud's body with rare tenderness and gently rested his head on Maud's strong chest to tell the two of them the information.
"Well, Yuzhiliu and the others probably took Blackbeard Teach away. The Straw Hats found Charlotte Brynn, but they didn't find Trafalgar Law. Sure enough, Blackbeard wanted Trafalgar. Gal Luo's surgery fruit!"

"I don't know why I have a premonition that Rocks is going to be resurrected!"

Sophie hugged Maud gently on the other side and said softly, "Rocks is the Rocks that the old woman Ms. Barkin said wanted to be the king of the world. It has been more than 40 years, and the body is long gone." How can he be resurrected after being turned into bones?"

Robin told the secrets he knew from getting along with Vegapunk and others before, and said with a smile,
"Sophie, do you remember Ms. Stussy? Her true identity is a human created by Bega Punk through the blood factor. Miss Barkin's clone!"

"Ms. Stussy is identical to the young Ms. Barkin, in a way Vegapunk resurrected the old Ms. Barkin!"

"Did Vegapunk create clones for Rocks? Or does everyone in the Rocks Pirates have clones? That would be terrible!" Sophie compared the looks of Barkin and Stussy in her mind. and figure, comments and surprises.
"What I'm worried about now is that Miss Bajin secretly created clones of Rocks Pirates and others decades ago. At least Rocks's clones have them!"

"In addition, when the Rocks Pirates were still in the past, Rocks and Big Mom, who was still his crewmate, did things secretly. Maybe part of his soul has been preserved until now. With the body and soul, Rocks can be resurrected, right? "

Maud didn't believe in the resurrection of the dead at first, but it was indeed possible to resurrect in the way Robin said, so he asked,
"The theory is feasible, but Miss Barkin would really do so many things secretly for Rocks. She likes Whitebeard and her son is Weibull!"

"Even if there is a cloned body, where is the part of Lox's soul?"

Sophie's eyes lit up and she shouted firmly, "In the body of Blackbeard Tikki, why else would he have to defeat the big pirate king and occupy Beehive Island? Even the name of the ship is called Jibek's Sword, Blackbeard Tikki Odd is most likely!"

Robin also felt that this possibility was very high, but still disagreed and raised doubts, "But when we fought the Big Mom Pirates in the Totland Sea, we did not find any examples of Big Mom putting souls into human bodies. Otherwise, Her many children must be abnormal, but there is no such thing as intelligence!"

"Combining the intelligence and our experience, it turns out that the soul extracted from bigmom's soul fruit cannot be put into the human body!"

"If you don't think clearly, don't think about it. If you are really resurrected, just hit him!" Maud hugged her left and right, listening to the two beauties shaking their heads for this distress and no longer thinking about it. She rubbed her hands lightly, causing There was a burst of laughter.
After teasing for a while, Maude raised her finger and a blast of wind blew out the lamp. She excitedly hugged the two girls and rolled around, not knowing when the three of them hugged each other and fell asleep.
next morning
When Maude came to the deck, she saw Hodgson calling for everyone to help him prepare an antidote. Judd was sent directly to Coco Island to buy a large amount of medicinal materials. After breakfast, Hodgson, who had prepared an antidote, asked He woke someone up to try.
Hodgson's medical skills have become more and more sophisticated in recent years. With the help of his influence, he can basically get all the medical skills and medical equipment that the underground world wants. The preparation of virus antidotes is very smooth. The trouble is that there are many types of viruses and a lot of medicinal materials are consumed.
Huon was anxious to go to Loughdrew to find the One Piece, but Hodgson insisted on rescuing everyone before leaving. With a wry smile, he could only cooperate; the decks of the two ships were still not enough. Seeing this, Maude let the ship dock and looked for the shore. Handle in the open.
After a busy day, the smell of herbs was everywhere in the woods. All the trees within a [-]-meter area were cleared and a temporary simple house was built.
At this time, a group of more than a thousand people were eating in the open space. These pirates looked at the Mod Pirates with gratitude and curiosity. A temporary kitchen was set up, and more than 20 people and Alec were making food. More dishes.
One of them was a stunning woman who was 1.8 meters tall, with a slender and strong figure, straight long legs and sexy wavy brown hair. Her appearance was extremely outstanding, but her serious and cold expression made it difficult for people to get close to her.
Sera held a grilled fish skewer and ate it quickly. When she saw Maud's eyes sweeping over her, they couldn't help but stop and look at each other. She nodded, smiled, thought about it, walked out of the crowd, and walked towards Maud. .
The Maude Pirates are the Four Emperors' forces. They already knew that they could not help but stop and look quietly when they saw Sera approaching. Maude was a little surprised to see Sophie and Robin smiling, and he couldn't help but feel dizzy.


Sera's extremely sexy and tall figure, combined with her expressionless and serious look, gave her the beauty of an iceberg goddess. As soon as she got closer, she stretched out her hand and said her name. Mode was slightly surprised and calmly stretched out her strong right hand to repay her. name.
"Did you really save me!?"

"Yes, but the most important thing is that Dr. Hodgson has prepared antidotes for dozens of viruses in your body. His medical skills are very powerful!"

"Before you responded to me and fell asleep again, I swore in my heart that if you really saved me, I, Sera, would decide to follow you from now on. This is my determination!" Sera smiled slightly with a beautiful and serious expression, very seriously. A firm way.
As soon as Sera finished speaking, Robin and Sophie both showed playful smiles. Maud saw the other party clasping hands and looking at each other with serious eyes. It was clear that this woman named Sera was an extremely serious woman, and the other party's words were not given to him at all. Possibility of rejection.
He doesn't want to add too many women to the ship. Now Robin and Sophie on the ship are actually his women. It is very likely that Sierra will develop a similar relationship once she gets on the ship.
When Mod was about to refuse, thousands of pirates started to follow Mod after hearing Sera's words; under such circumstances, directly rejecting Sera would directly chill the hearts of these people who wanted to seek refuge. , Maude is a bit difficult to deal with.
Sera had already noticed the stunningly beautiful Robin and the two girls, and kept staring at Maud's eyes. When she saw him dodge, she said amusedly,

"Why don't you speak? Do you think we are too weak and don't care?"

Maude's eyesight noticed that the two of them were still holding hands, so she couldn't help but let go without forcing the other party to do so. Maude looked at everyone and smiled and said,

"Ahem, I'm glad that you want to join me. The Dragon Armor Army under my banner has as many as ten thousand people. Its base is on Wikonska Island. You can go there and explain the situation to Hiiragi, and he will arrange it for you!"

“Of course, if you don’t want to join, don’t force it, just make friends!”

Most of the people were excited and expressed their willingness to join the Dragon Armor Army when they heard it, but a small number of them did have their own affairs and could not decide whether to join or not; on the contrary, Sera, the stunning woman, swept away more than a dozen members of the Morde Pirates .
All the pirates present knew that the best way was to become a member of the Mod Pirates, and Sera sincerely hoped to do so and simply asked.
Mod decisively refused, and Negus and others secretly expressed some surprise and appreciation. Although their captain was greedy for beauty, he was obviously very measured. Robin stepped forward and could not help but comfort Sera and analyze the benefits of the Dragon Armor Army.
With Serra's general strength, he can get very high treatment in the Dragon Armor Army, which is divided by strength. The occupied territory and development plan require manpower.
(End of this chapter)

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