Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 657 Mod Pirates VS Giant Pirates!

Chapter 657 Mod Pirates VS Giant Pirates!
Being easily subdued by Robin, Frye couldn't move and was a little unresponsive. He looked at his situation in shock and couldn't help but smile bitterly. He really didn't expect Nicole Robin to be so powerful.
Several giants who wanted to rescue Fry couldn't help but stepped forward to help, but were still subdued by the snow-white giant hands grown from Robin's Blossom Fruit. The power of the Blossom Fruit gave Robin a great advantage when facing the giants.
As long as the strength and domineering power of giants are not too strong, they are all within Robin's ability. Robin easily subdued three or four giants and smiled confidently after suddenly coming over.
When the giants of the Giant Pirates fought against the people of the Mord Pirates, they soon discovered that none of the humans in front of them were weak. Except for Alec, the others could easily fight against one or even multiple giants, but more than 20 giants were in trouble. Downwind.
At this moment, a huge black sword wave of tens of meters flew out, and the black light of the domineering sword wave seemed to envelope the mountainous area. Aoki Tori, who was knocked back by the shock, held the giant sword and saw the huge condensed The extremely sharp sword energy slashed at him and he hurriedly ducked to avoid it.
The black sword wave flew past Dongli in a flash, and with a bang, a huge shock was heard from behind, and the hill was cut directly in half.
A circle of impact spread out in all directions, and the top half of the hill shook and fell directly towards the sea. After a loud rumble, the sky shook and the earth shook. The seawater on the coast rumbled with a loud bang, and the waves burst into the sky.
There was a crash of seawater droplets rising from the sky and falling like rain. The power of the sword shocked Aoi Tori and everyone else.
The top level Haki forms an extremely condensed sword energy. Although the Tori Haki on the opposite side has reached the quality of high-level armed color Haki, and the Haki is much more powerful, it is ultimately not as good as Mod in terms of quality.
Mod held the black sword and looked at the giant Dongli facing him solemnly with a calm expression, and said calmly,
"The quality of armed domineering energy also varies, be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Maud ran towards Dongli with a sword and a sword in both hands; Dongli, however, was full of fighting spirit and held the sword without showing any weakness. He rushed towards Maud without retreating. When Broki saw this, he held the battle ax in both hands. The jet-black domineering energy wound up and turned into a black giant axe.
The two giant captains, one with a black sword and the other with a big black axe, seemed to shake the ground with each step. The two of them had a tacit understanding and together they raised their troops and rushed towards Maud and fell down.
The ground shook, and the weapons of the two giants, which were more than ten meters long, fell down. The air wave shook, but a white-haired figure more than three meters tall was seen below. He blocked it with swords and swords with both hands. A circle of dust and air waves flew around the ground. Sweep away.
"Drink!" Dongli and Brockie felt that Maude was falling like a mountain. They both shouted together and tried their best to defeat Maude.
The sound of shaking sound was transmitted, and Maud's feet sank lightly into the ground under the infinite force. The rocky ground cracked, but his expression was high and full of fighting spirit. The black sword and the black sword blocked the two giants' attacks with a shock. With all my strength, he laughed and said,

"You are so powerful, it will be difficult to defeat me!"

With a roar and a shock, two giant soldiers with a length of more than ten meters were lifted up. Dong Li and Broki kept retreating while their expressions were shocked, and they sank every step. Two pairs of big eyes looked at the majestic, domineering and detached figure in front of them. Also surprised.
"The sword energy is everywhere!"

The two soldiers fell like a mountain with one move, and the ground exploded with a loud roar. A huge black sword with a diameter of more than ten meters was extremely sharp, piercing the distance between the two sides like an overwhelming force. Dongli and Broki joined forces to block it.
With a loud bang, the two giant leaders were directly thrown backwards by the giant sword energy. The giant sword that stretched for tens of meters was condensed, and with a bang, the two giants crashed into the back. of rocks.
There was a crashing sound of gravel flying down, blood flowed from the corners of Dongli and Broki's mouths as they held arms, their huge figures swayed as the mountain collapsed behind them, their expressions solemn, and they fell to the ground in a cloud of dust.
The move caused a sensation, and the giants who were fighting fiercely and were at a disadvantage looked in disbelief. Haildin was repelled by Agulal and saw this scene and shouted,

"Captain Tolly, Captain Brockie, no way!"

The blond Agulal held the black knife, stood in front of Heldin who was standing still, raised his head and said seriously,

"Nothing is impossible. We, the Mord Pirates, are not just the Four Emperors, but we are recognized as the Four Emperors because of the strength of the Four Emperors. Do you think we are better than the red-haired pirates?" The group is too weak!"

"Admit defeat, you Giant Pirates are no match for us!"

"Admit defeat. There is no such word as surrender in the faith of our giant warriors. Boy, let's see the power of the Elbaf warriors!" Haildin looked firm, clenched his fist and stepped towards Agulal with a giant punch.
Mod, who was in the distance, sighed a little when he saw this. The power of giants is very advantageous against humans with the strength of a lieutenant general or below, but once the human's armed domineering reaches the level of advanced armed domineering, the giant's fighting method has too many flaws.
Because high-grade weapons with Haki-enhanced weapons can easily kill giants and seriously injure them. Humans who have also cultivated Haki to this level are generally very agile and have superb physical skills. It just so happens that the Mod Pirates are basically such masters. .
The battlefields suitable for the giants' combat power are large-scale wars. They will basically lose one-on-one with strong human beings. The flaw of speed alone is fatal.
If you hit Morde seriously, you can instantly kill the opponent with one move. He has personally seen the battle between Dongli and Brockie in the small garden. He has rarely fought against strong human beings. You must know that the most powerful people in this world are human beings.
At this time, the collapsed rocky ground in front of them shook. Dongli and Broki stood up holding huge weapons, their huge heights easily breaking away from the smoke and dust.
The two giants were full of fighting spirit and walked straight towards Mord. Mord was a little uninterested in holding the soldiers in his hands. Seeing that Negus and Kulikai easily fought against ordinary giants, they looked curiously and said with a smile,
"Nigus, Kulikai, you two give it a try, and I'll take a break, hahahaha!"

"Okay!", the three-meter-strong Negus responded with a laugh and knocked away the enemy giant with a shock. With a flash of light, the giants looked surprised and quickly appeared in front of Broki, with millet beside him. Kuli Kai on the head flickered and followed.
With smiles on their faces, the two jumped into the air and attacked directly at the two giant leaders, Dongli and Broki. Dongli and Broki came down with swords and axes in anger.
The four of them collided one-on-one and fought together, and the shock wave scattered. Dongli and Broki were all in a stalemate with Kulikai, and the domineering black lightning flashed continuously in the midair under the domineering collision.
When the two giants Helding and Geerz saw the four of them facing each other a few meters apart after landing on the ground, their expressions were full of astonishment and even more incredible.
Galz moved his eyes to where Maud was, only to see him disappear in a flash. He looked around and saw Maud standing quietly on the high rocks behind, looking down. Maud noticed the giant beauty's face. He looked at both soldiers and raised his hands and said hello with a smile.
Hailding, who was more than 20 meters tall, also noticed that Moder didn't want to fight. He clenched his fist and shouted unwillingly,
"Are you kidding me? White-haired boy, you, the Fourth Emperor, come down and fight with me!"

"My partner is very strong. It won't be too late for him to find me if he wins!", Mod laughed on the top of the mountain, and stopped directly. Dongli and Broki were very angry, The two attacked fiercely, but found that they couldn't defeat each other at all.
Haldin was also kicked away by Agullar and fell to the ground. Smoke, dust and gravel continued to fly up. The two giant girls Galz and Lily were still beaten back more than ten steps by Sophie with all their strength, which was full of incredible looks. .
Galz held the battle ax and looked at the three-meter-tall catwoman Sophie in beast form in front of her. He saw Haldin roaring and rushing towards Mod on the top of the mountain behind, seeming to pull him down for a fight. Erzi hurriedly stopped him and said,

"Haildin, don't be impulsive. They are a real Yonko-level pirate group with great strength, not just ordinary pirates!"

"Damn it!" Haildin cursed angrily when he saw Agulal in front of him holding a black knife in front of him. Agulal held the knife and rushed to fight with the opponent. The slightest blow of the knife was a thousand-ton pressure. The battle was extremely difficult for Haildin. difficulty.
(End of this chapter)

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