Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 663: Brilliance 1 Sword Jinghong

Chapter 663: A brilliant sword strike!
Two tall black-haired men with a long knife and a sniper rifle on their backs, and another two-meter-two-meter-tall blond man who held a demon knife. It was Huen and Agural who stood in their way calmly and confidently. In front of the escort.
Agulal raised his long sword and pointed it directly at the Oka giant captain who was holding the sword and shield, and said with a confident smile,
"Leave this sword wielder to me, don't let me down, captain of the giant's elite guard!"

Huen also raised his sword and pointed it at Luo Xiu, the giant captain, and said with a relaxed smile, "You who use an axe, your aura is very strong, you are mine, hahahahahaha!!"

"You two humans, don't be too arrogant!" The twelve guard giants all showed angry expressions. Franka held the battle ax and shouted. They are elite giant warriors carefully selected by the giant clan. When will it be anyone's turn? The point where people pick and choose.
The plush-bearded giant Oka took a step forward excitedly and said,
"Blonde little one, I admire your courage, hahahaha, brothers, crush them, we are the invincible escort!"

"Oh!", the giants shouted, Oka was the first to hold the sword and shield and rushed straight to Agulal. With the combination of light fruit and armed domineering, Agulal jumped into the air and collided with Oka's sword.
Huon went straight to Luo Xiu, and the two sides fought in a stalemate. The elite giants who followed wanted to attack from the side, but Judd and Hodgson jumped over from the side.
For a time, a fierce battle broke out in the rocky clearing. Although the giants were shocked by the strength of the four emperors, Mord, they were confident that they could win against the members of the Mord pirate group. Agular and others also refused to admit defeat and wanted to compete with each other.
There was a rumbling sound below, and the sound of swords clashing constantly came from the ground. A piece of rubble flew away and smoke was everywhere. Despite the excitement, the battlefield between Maud and Loki above seemed deserted.
Prince Loki, who was originally a little depressed and worried about his subordinates, took a look with his giant sword and saw that the members of the Giant Pirates United Guards were fighting evenly with the members of the Mod Pirates and even had a slight upper hand due to their numerical advantage. I couldn't help but feel shocked.
Prince Loki, who was deeply influenced by Maud, glanced at the bloody sword marks on his chest and held the giant sword again; the giants are powerful, and with this confidence regained, King Loki looked at Maud and understood The man in front of me is extremely powerful.
Prince Loki pointed his giant sword at Maude and shouted,

"Your strength is not invincible, I will defeat you!"

Maud nodded with some appreciation. Although the guy in front of him knew nothing about his true strength, he deserved encouragement. He smiled and said,
"You have always fought with the strong men of the giant clan before and were carefully trained by them. But unfortunately, your status is too noble and has been well protected. You probably have never really fought against the four emperors. You are too precious in actual combat." not enough!"

"I'm sorry, I don't pay much attention to the royal family and royal power in this sea. I choose the method of equal communication!"

"Communication on an equal footing means that you won't hold back when facing me as a prince, which is exactly what I want!" Prince Loki found that Mod's words were all right. He had never left Elbaf since he was a child. Red-haired Shanks treated him with respect, how could he be like Maud?
"Gun ghost!"

The fighting spirit rose again, Prince Loki held the giant sword and charged directly at Maud. The sword energy condensed all over his body was extremely piercing and rushed towards Maud's body as if tangible.
Maud swept the black knife in his hand, and a circle of domineering ripples blocked his body in front of him. It was as if there were black ripples in the space, making him look thick and defensive.
The dozens of stinging and domineering sword energy spreading from Loki's body collided with the black ripples and caused a fierce stalemate. The ripple screen defense could not be broken, and the two sides were in a stalemate like spears and shields.
Prince Loki put away his surprise, and with all his strength, he held the huge black sword and struck it on the domineering ripple barrier. When the ripples collapsed, thin cracks appeared. Loki smiled confidently,
"Your sword skills are really diverse, both offensive and defensive. It's really interesting!"

The barrier of domineering ripples was blasted through by Loki with a strong thrust. The giant sword was directed directly at Mod's body. Knowing that Mod had an invisible defense, Loki did not hold back and stabbed with all his strength. However, there was a loud sound, but he saw a long sword of golden flowing cherry blocking the way. On the tip of the giant sword.
The two of them competed with each other with their domineering force. Loki shouted forcefully and pushed Mod back with great force. The dust on the ground suddenly shook and stopped.
The energy shock spread out from the intersection of the weapons in a circle, and Prince Loki was surprised to see the golden cherry blossoms on the small and large sword of Maude was condensed and exploded with powerful force to recoil his giant sword, and the sound of the touch directly shook his sword. Fly away this Prince Loki.
Mod flew forward and slashed down with a powerful sword. A tornado and strong wind appeared on his body, but he was absorbing a large amount of air from the outside world. The sweeping wind disturbed Loki's figure. He hurriedly responded to Mod's fast attack and soon became proficient. Incomparable.
The two exchanged fiercely and quickly. Maude absorbed enough air, used a compressed air shield to fuse armed domineering, and the two used sword skills to face each other head-on. Maude, who hid an unknown amount of strength, smiled.
His figure suddenly jumped up from the ground and into the air, his robes fluttering. Maude held the knife in both hands and made a buzz. A terrifying and astonishing surrounding air flow appeared around him. His whole body was filled with golden flowing domineering momentum, which swept a 300-meter radius space.
A violent wind roared in mid-air, and the sword's intention soared into the sky with an astonishing momentum. Even the white clouds in the sky were swirling. Such a change of scenery shocked the giants fighting below. Prince Loki held the sword and his whole body was boiling with breath, and he also performed a unique move.
Suddenly, the wind and clouds stopped in the air, and there was a calm atmosphere. There was only a white-haired man with a transcendent demeanor and a golden glow all over his body. A large sharp knife in his hand seemed to be coated with an overlapping layer of transparent long swords glowing with infinite golden light.
"Hegemony!" Just when Mod was about to attack, Prince Loki took the lead and swept his giant sword towards the sky.
Maud looked down and laughed, "Interesting!"

The huge gun-shaped shock wave torrent with a diameter of [-] meters carries the domineering black ripples of armed colors, and the oscillating air roars.
Maud's figure moved like a dream, and fell straight into the power of the Overlord, turning into a three-meter-long golden flowing crystal peerless sword. The sword cut across the sky like a stunning sword shadow in the world.
"The brilliance is overflowing with brilliance, and the sword strikes a huge chord!"

Just when he touched the huge black-striped sword energy shock wave of the hegemony in an instant, a mighty hegemony came from the mid-air, and the golden sword swirled rapidly, carrying a sword with endless compressed air and armed domineering energy. The power stabbed straight down.
A circle of terrifying energy shock waves suddenly dispersed in mid-air, a thousand meters away in an instant. The violent collision shook the space of a hundred meters in radius. Amidst the loud noise and roar, a ten-meter-large torrent of black-striped sword energy was seen. The stalemate lasted for less than a moment before he was driven back by the flowing light sword.
After retreating even an inch, the force was as strong as breaking bamboo. There was a loud bang and the might of the hegemony along the way continued to collapse and explode. The mighty impact wave swept across the surrounding land for thousands of meters. The rocks broke apart and the sea surged into the sky.
"Damn it, I'm Loki, the strongest among the giants!" Prince Loki swung his sword and looked in disbelief, shouting with strength to resist.
The sound of a loud explosion in mid-air near the ground was heard, and the air was filled with countless black and red lightnings, which scattered on the ground;

The rocks shattered and flew up, and the smoke and dust were scattered by the impact. Only the 20-meter-tall Prince Loki could be seen holding a sword in both hands to block the brilliant move.
Crack clap!
The power of Morde's sword was so terrifying. The ground under Prince Loki's feet roared and shattered with a loud noise. Hundreds of meters of rock turned into fragments and kept flying up. The land with a radius of one thousand meters seemed to be impacted by a huge force, shaking and shaking. stand up.
Prince Loki's feet kept falling to the ground, but the ground around him continued to crack, shake, and fly up. The golden-haired white-haired figure in mid-air seemed to be weighed down by a mountain with one person and one sword. It was extremely difficult for Loki to hold on.
(End of this chapter)

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