Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 667 Sauro and Robin!

Chapter 667 Sauro and Robin!

The 1.8 meter fat wealthy businessman wiped the sweat from his round face with a white towel, and introduced himself with a forced smile,
"Yes, Lord Maude, I am a leather merchant named Woodrow Howard. I am engaged in the acquisition and processing of leather from several nearby islands. The main products are clothes, shoes and the like!"

Robin was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood something and smiled, "Are you selling your clothes and products to us? Hahahaha, we don't mind taking a look at it. If we are satisfied, we will buy it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Howard smiled bitterly and wanted to laugh, but he didn't have the courage. After all, the Four Emperors in front of him could die if he said the wrong word. Suddenly, a clear young voice came from behind a few people,
"No, don't get me wrong!"

"Young Master, please forget it. They are the Four Emperors. There is no need for us to contact them. It's too dangerous!" At this time, the sophisticated butler saw that both the wealthy businessman and his son were silent and did not dare to say anything more. He swallowed and added. .
Seeing this, Maude hid the powerful aura on his body, but it was useless at all. The other father and son were afraid to speak, and said with a smile, "Judd, go forward and communicate with the butler, what is it, we are waiting for news! "

Judd nodded and stepped forward with a smile. When the middle-aged housekeeper saw him stepping forward to ask, he couldn't help but explain the reason in detail. Maud and his party, who were standing not far away, were well-sighted and had heard something.
Seeing that Judd could talk, the shy black-haired boy added a few words excitedly, and the Howard businessman was also happy and communicated in good faith.
When Judd came back, he laughed strangely. Seeing Maud and others, they couldn't help but tell the purpose of Howard, the leather merchant. These people actually came to thank the Maud pirates for their treatment of Howard's son Mana. A life-saving grace.
A few months ago, when Howard's ship, which was engaged in the leather business, docked at an island town in the nearby sea, his young, cheerful and curious son ran away from their large group, and then disappeared directly.
It was only recently that their son Mana came back on a passenger ship. Howard's parents and the housekeeper's servants burst into tears and looked very excited when they saw their missing son suddenly coming back.
But this time their cheerful son seemed to have changed his personality when he came back and became very shy and afraid of others. After several exchanges, they found out that their son Mana had been kidnapped by human traffickers and became a slave.
Mana, who was in despair in the slave iron prison, was transferred several times in the cabins of human traffickers at sea. Together with a large number of slaves, he thought he was going to be sold.
Unexpectedly, Mod's forces happened to occupy a slave trading market in the underground world. The slave owners there saw Doflamingo's fall and wanted to join Mod, a great pirate, to continue the slave trade.
But an accident happened. Maude directly rejected the slave trade at that time, and even gave up more than 5000 slaves and gave them a fee to return home.
This expense cost Maud nearly [-] million beli, but Huon still carried out Maud's orders and arrangements extremely seriously, knowing that none of his partners were willing to accept a business like slave trading.
This incident created a big fuss in the underground world, and even the Navy headquarters knew about it. Navy hero Garp thought it was done by the revolutionary army, and was very surprised when he learned the facts.
Mana was one of the liberated slaves. He returned home safely through a merchant ship on the main channel with a return fee.
This time I accompanied my father to Elbaf to buy leather. I accidentally heard the arrival of the Yonko Mord Pirates, so I was very excited and asked my father Howard to bring him over to meet him.
Robin, Sophie, Nicholas and others were a little surprised and sighed after hearing this. They didn't expect these unknown guys to come here for this reason.
Howard saw that Mod and the others did not avoid them during the discussion. After hearing that they understood the process, Howard stepped forward seriously and said,

"Lord Maud, if you don't mind, although we can't help you with anything, please allow me to entertain you once and express my humble gratitude!"

"Mr. Maude, please come!" Maude was a little hesitant, and Mana boy excitedly stepped forward and said quickly; Maude pondered for a while and laughed, nodded and let Howard and his party lead the way.
After going to the leather merchant's manor building and having a big meal, Maud and others spent another hour. When they returned to the street of the Fork Restaurant, they saw Lily trying to pull them into the store.
Maud had two big meals in a row and didn't want to eat anymore. She entered the store to eat juice and drinks. Robin smelled the aroma of fish and said funny,

“It’s a bit surprising that we are so popular in the port town of Elbaf!”

Lily smiled mysteriously, transformed into a three-meter-tall figure, sat down with everyone in the Mod Pirates, and announced the good news with a smile,
"That's not a good thing. We giants are very enthusiastic about the friends we like. Someone from the royal family came to find you before but couldn't find anyone. I told them to just take you there!"

"Lord Maude, when you have free time, let's go to the giant's royal city. I haven't been there since I was a child, and Galz will go too!"

"Let's go together, it feels good, hahahahaha!" Mod knew that Lily and Galz both wanted to take the opportunity to go to the royal city to play, so she laughed and didn't care too much. Sophie touched her belly and sighed in her heart. So full.
Before leaving, Chef Fry had been telling his daughter Lily to be decent and not to cause trouble. When he came to the street, the giant beauty Galz carrying a battle ax at the door of the bar happily came forward and greeted Lily, Robin, Sophie and others!
When they were on the streets of the far away dock town and were about to enter the Kingdom of Elbaf, the giant Galz suddenly turned his head and said with a smile,

"I forgot to tell you something. There is news from the members of Red-haired Shanks that the Yonko Straw Hat Pirates should arrive at Elbaf today!" Mod touched his chin and said with a smile,

"Calculating the flight distance, it is true that the Straw Hat Boy is arriving soon. Where is the Red Haired Pirates? They won't come together!"

Galz smiled and shook his head slightly, and then said with a smile, "I'm not sure for the moment. Elbaf has three Yonko coming over at once, and we giants will be nervous. Lord Maud wants to fight with the red-haired Shanks." Let’s talk about it?”

Maude didn't say anything clearly but smiled and asked, "Hahahaha, Miss Galtz, what do you giants think of a giant becoming a vice-admiral of the Navy Headquarters?"

"Vice Admiral Giant Navy, why do you suddenly ask this!?" Lily asked with a surprised expression while carrying a bag of things on her back and eating a bunch of fish in her hand.
Galz looked surprised and didn't know why Mod would mention it. He couldn't help but look at Robin, thinking it was because of Sauro's relationship, he understood and smiled,

"The giant became the navy. This story starts with the Carmelite nun; I will take you to a place first, where there is a person who has been waiting for your arrival, Miss Nicole Robin!"

“Let’s talk about it then, and you will know more about that past history!”

Robin covered his mouth with his slender hands and nodded with sparkling eyes. At this moment, he didn't know what to say. Sophie and others were a little curious about who the Savulo in Robin's mouth was, and they became even more curious.
The terrain of Elbaf is wide and full of rocks and grasslands. The number of giants is not as large as the humans in the towns. If the coast is a desolate mountainous area, then after entering the country, there are beautiful scenery of pastoral villages.
Passing through the forest trails and grassland plains, you can see the giant civilians from time to time. They are not holding weapons and wearing sexy outfits like Galz, and they are heroic and cheerful. Instead, they are like human civilians, wearing simple clothes and plowing the fields.
It's just that everything around the giant civilians is like a human pastoral magnified many times over. Compared with the giant's hugeness, it looks small and exquisite.
There are many giant farmers and herdsmen. Galz, a beautiful and lovely giant beauty, is very popular among giant civilians. Many male giants have expressed their love in secret, which has greatly enriched Sophie and Robin's experience.
After a long journey, Galz and the Morde Pirates finally came to a huge building in front of a plain grassland. The building seemed to be shaped like a huge tree, and the curved door was half open. With.
The exquisite wooden texture and the beautiful huge house made Maude stunned when she smelled the scent of books coming from inside. At this moment, the door was opened. A giant man with bandages all over his body, wearing shorts and short sleeves, with a fat figure and a strong face. The cheeks are thick tea-haired beards.
Sauro just heard the sound of the door opening and squinted his eyes when the sun shone. He quickly looked at the tall and elegant Robin and said softly in disbelief,


(End of this chapter)

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