Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 671 World Tree!

Chapter 671 World Tree!
As Sauro narrated the past incident of O'Hara, Maude more clearly concluded the whole story of O'Hara's destruction by the Demon-Slaying Order. She raised her head and smiled tenderly at Robin who was looking at him to show her comfort. Robin smiled. A bunch of books were put back on the bookshelf and he came over.
As soon as Robin returned to Mod's side, Agular and others had a deeper understanding of the dangers of the historical text that Robin had warned about; after all, when they first heard that they wanted to collect the red historical text, they only pursued the joy of one piece. There is no worry of being hunted down by the world government.
After Kulikai sighed a few times, he was silent for a while and said,
"I didn't expect the world government to be so firm and ruthless about the main text of history. It's incredible!"

O'Hara's tragedy, and when the Mord Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates faced off against the Five Old Stars, General Kizaru, and General Green Bull, we knew that the World Government was very powerful when it took action. If they hadn't been four The emperor-level pirate group has no confidence at all.
Looking at the giant Sauro who had burns all over his body, Moder understood that the general Qingzhi Kuzan did not have any intention to kill him, and he might have been secretly taking care of Nico Robin.
The O'Hara incident confirmed one thing, that is, the prohibition on studying the blank 100 years of history is the bottom line of the world government. The twenty royal families who created this world 800 years ago deliberately concealed and modified that history after they became the Celestial Dragons. .
However, it is common for ancient dynasties to change history. For example, the small humans in the Kingdom of Dressrosa have been secretly enslaved by the Don Quixote family a long time ago. There is no historical record of the small humans in the existing history of the Kingdom of Dressrosa. .
The world has a bright side and a dark side. No kingdom will speak out about dirty things, and the Celestial Dragons do not want anyone to inquire about the dirty methods used to achieve victory in the blank 100 years, and doubt the rationality of their own rule.
In the face of this method of changing dynasties and tampering with history, it is hard for Morde to say much when it comes to politics. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.
When Galz saw the members of the Mord Pirates, some were angry, some were talking, and some even looked disgusted with the World Government. Only the Fourth Emperor Mord was standing there calmly and silently, and he couldn't help but curiously asked with a smile,

"Lord Maude, after listening to Sauro about O'Hara's tragedy, don't you want to say something? The devil's son, Nicole Robin, is your crew member!"

After saying this, everyone couldn't help but look at it. Maud smiled softly and asked,
"What do you want me to do, what do the giants want me to do, Robin, what do you want me to do?"

When Galz opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, the elegant Robin smiled directly and said,
"I just want to collect historical texts, reach the end of the Grand Line, Rafdru, and learn all the truth about the 100-year gap. This is what I want to do most, Maude!"

Mod smiled and nodded. It was a matter of course that they had collected all the coordinates of the red historical text. Then he looked at Sauro, and Geerz continued,

"Where are the giants? What do you want me to do?"

Sauro smiled and said loudly at this time, "I only hope that you can bring happiness and joy to Robin, so that she can live happily in the future. Can you promise me?"

Maud smiled and told the secret between Robin and Robin very straightforwardly, and said with a smile,

"No problem, because Nicole Robin is my wife and we already have children. She is the woman I love deeply. It is my responsibility as a husband to keep her safe and happy!"

"What...what!?" Sauro, Galz, and Lily all stared at Maud and Robin with their eyes wide open and expressions of disbelief on their faces.
Maud answered,
"Of course this is a secret. I don't want too many people to know. You three, don't tell it!"

Galz was stunned, while Lily and Savullo looked on with incredible surprise when they saw Robin nodding and admitting with a smile;
In their minds, it was unbelievable that Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, would get married and have children. After all, according to the intelligence, he had been hiding.
Sauro laughed a few times, but he happily accepted the combination of Maud and Robin. After getting to know each other, he felt that the two were quite suitable.
Galz and Lily quickly nodded and agreed to keep this shocking secret. After seeing Sauro relieved, Mod couldn't help but look at Galz and asked the question just now. Obviously Galz didn't know what the giants wanted Mod to do. How to do.
Seeing the harmonious atmosphere, Maude changed the subject and asked about the Giants’ concern for the Giants as Vice Admirals. Sauro and Gelz simply put the former nun Carmelite and the Four Emperors BIGMOM in Albaf when they were young. The experience was told.
Regarding the whereabouts of Sister Carmel, the three giants were very secretive and did not say much; Maud did not expect that because of the nun's inspiration, the giants gradually agreed to send people to join the navy and contribute to the justice of the world.
When it comes to giants serving as navy, the giants feel that it is the other's personal choice and they have no right to interfere. After all, some giants will venture out to sea on their own.
After getting to know each other, Maud decided to let Lily and the two girls take him to the royal city. Sauro was reluctant to see Robin leaving and asked,

“Don’t you want to know more about the blank 100 years of history?”

"Maybe it would be better to wait for the Straw Hat Pirates to come and listen to you together!" Mod saw Robin's surprised expression, but he didn't want to waste more time and said it. Under Sauro's reluctant farewell look, Mod The pirate group moved forward with Lily and the two girls leading the way.
Elbaf's island is very big. A dozen people walked for another hour before they saw a glorious and huge royal city from a distance. The giant's town was rough and huge. People walking on the streets looked at the huge objects everywhere, which made Mod and his party feel... Very small and magical.
There are obviously many more giants in the giant town than in the countryside. Looking around, there are forty or fifty adult giants on the streets. Mod thought that an adult giant is equivalent to the strength of a general, and sighed in his heart at the power of the Elbafu Kingdom.
Crossing the street, everyone came to the tens of meters high wall of the royal city. There were giant guards on the wall holding spears. Looking from a distance, they saw the giant peaks reaching the sky that they had seen on the sea before. Now it was clearer, faintly visible through the white clouds. It looks like a giant leaf.
Robin hesitated and asked in wonder, "Is that a tree or a mountain!?"

Galz looked at the giant trees in the mountains. As a giant, she felt deeply insignificant. She couldn't help but perform a small ceremony first, and then explained to Maud and others,
"That tree is the World Tree. The World Tree has existed in Elbaf since ancient legends. It is as huge as a mountain and has lived for countless thousands of years. It is said that its branches and leaves have reached an altitude of [-] meters. It is the sacred tree of our giant family. , Fourth Emperor Mord, please don’t act recklessly, otherwise you will violate the taboos of our giant clan!”

"Under the World Tree is the Golden Palace where the royal family lives. Our invincible God of War Giant King Odin is in the Silver Hall. Prince Loki who fought with you before, Mod, is one of your Majesty's princes!"

"The Kingdom of Elbaf is known as the world's most powerful country, and its real strength is not just what you saw on the coast yesterday!"

Negus and Kulikai looked surprised. After all, someone as strong as Prince Loki could fight like that with Mod. He was actually just one of the princes. There was also a stronger giant king, and there were giant civilians and guards everywhere. The combat power is truly astonishing and terrifying.
When Mod excitedly asked Galz to take her into the Royal City, she heard Galz shake his head and said that she had never even entered the Royal City, so she could only come forward to report.
Not long after the announcement, there was a rumble on the ground behind the tens-meter-high royal city gate that was tightly closed. As the huge gate slowly opened, it seemed as if a huge world appeared in front of everyone.
(End of this chapter)

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