Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 674 Communication and shock!

Chapter 674 Communication and shock!
Mod's words shocked everyone present. Galz opened his mouth and was speechless. It was unbelievable that this white-haired man could fight with their king without saying a single word of excuse.
Even Loki and the beautiful queen's eyes lit up, and the giant king Odin was also surprised and then laughed happily,
"Hahahaha, the white-haired boy is so straightforward, okay, it's settled!"

The queen, who was wearing a veil, said softly and sweetly,
"Your Majesty, there is an important matter to discuss in inviting the Morde Pirates this time. They are the guests of our Elbaf Kingdom. It is not good to compete lightly. This makes our giants seem to only love fighting!"

Giant King Odin looked excited and was not worried at all about giving people a bad impression by fighting easily. He smiled and said,
"Frigga, we giants are born warriors, and the Kingdom of Elbaf is the hometown of warriors. We can never hope for any battle!"

"A first-class strong person can feel what the other person is thinking and understand the other person's heart through a single fight. Fighting is also a kind of communication. You think so, Yonko Mord, hahahahaha!"

Maud was stunned by what he said next, and turned to look at Galz and Lily beside him. The two women shook their heads in unison. They behaved like good babies in front of the giant royal family and did not dare to speak rudely. They understood what was happening. It came from Hailding.
Seeing Odin's fun-loving temperament, Mod turned the topic back and said, "Your Majesty Odin, we can wait until we finish talking about the battle. I wonder what the important thing Queen Frigga said?"

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at Odin curiously. The giant king couldn't help but laugh when he wanted to say something, but he still smiled and asked the key question,
"Lan Mod, are you a good guy or a bad guy!?"

Queen Frigga covered her mouth and smiled, like the sound of nature. The other princes and princesses also laughed. They all felt that this question was too speechless. Maud saw Lily's smile and gave an apologetic look, and she also put it away. Under everyone's gaze, he looked solemn.
When everyone saw this, the atmosphere changed. Odin couldn't help but be surprised and looked at his answer. Maud said seriously,

"I am a good person!"

"Hahahahaha!" After hearing this, everyone was shocked and burst into laughter. Such an answer came from the mouth of a Yonko. It was very unusual, but Maude said it seriously.
The giant king Odin laughed heartily and punched the armrest of the king's chair, making constant banging sounds as if he was trying his best to suppress his mood at the moment, but he still couldn't hold it back.
Queen Frigga's stunning face under the veil still laughed out loud despite covering her mouth, and her extremely beautiful figure of more than 20 meters was trembling like a flower;

The slender and silky waist made Maud worry about whether her smile would break when she bent over with a slight smile, but every move of this woman was full of elegance, divine beauty and stunning feeling.
Prince Loki laughed heartily and coughed a few times. He looked at the short, three-meter-tall white-haired man in front of him with surprise and speechlessness, as if he had met him for the first time.
Thor, God of Thunder, held the war hammer and smiled in a rare and gentle manner. Seeing his brothers and sisters laughing, he felt very warm. He looked at his father and the Four Emperors Mord next to him in surprise, and he was speechless behind him. Those subordinates who laughed.
On the other hand, the Valkyrie smiled kindly and stood quietly holding the spear and shield. It seemed that no matter what happened, she would not be shaken.
Robin lightly covered her lips with her snow-white hands, and inadvertently observed the people present. After looking at each other with Thor, she was a little surprised to see Valkyrie's expression, and secretly sighed that this female giant must have an extremely serious character.
On the other hand, the restrained expressions of the two giantesses Galz and Lily were immediately disrupted by their hearty laughter, and they returned to their usual lively and sexy appearance.
After scanning Queen Frigga, the extremely beautiful and sacred giantess, Robin quickly looked at Maud, and saw Maud turning her head slightly to look at her as if she was feeling something. Maud chuckled, and Robin couldn't help but feel guilty. glanced at him.
After a laugh, after the giant king Odin was happy, he was also surprised that Maud, a human being, was more unrestrained than the red-haired one. Sure enough, as Loki said, Maud did not pay much attention to royal power and other things, and every move seemed domineering and aloof.
Odin's smile faded and he said with a solemn expression,
"We, the giant race, have a deep friendship with Red-haired Shanks. We will indeed take action when our friends need help, but it seems that a huge war in the future will indeed happen!"

"There will be a lot of casualties in the war. As the king of the giant clan, he needs to consider the future of the kingdom. Mod, why do you think I will definitely stand with the red-haired Shanks and lead the entire giant clan into an unknown future?" Great war?"

"You say you are a good person and you choose to stand with us. What do you want to bring to the world?"

This question is really important. Everyone present couldn't help but smile. It is related to the life and death of the ethnic group. No king will easily lead his ethnic group into a war that may cause huge casualties. The giants can't help but look at it quietly. .
Galz, the beauty of the Titan Pirates, couldn't help but look shocked when she heard about the huge war and the fact that it was related to the Titans. She didn't think about it at all before coming here. This issue was too serious.
The people of the Morde Pirates are also extremely concerned about Captain Morde's future choices. How to join the war against the World Government is related to their destiny; after all, they just want to find the One Piece now, but they have not defeated the Celestial Dragons. plan.
Robin looked at Maude solemnly, hoping in her heart that he would think more carefully and not jump to conclusions. Although the World Government destroyed O'Hara, she did not want to defeat the Draco because of it. The World Government was too powerful and wanted to change the entire world. This task is too huge.
It was extremely difficult for her to live in the past while searching for historical texts and avoiding the pursuit of the world government, let alone being the enemy of the world.
Under the gaze of everyone, Mod was a little surprised by the Giant King's words. The other party seemed to believe that he would join the huge war and stand with them, and even change the world;
When did he think that? He's not Joeyboy.
After suddenly thinking of something, Maud looked at the giants and subordinates' expectations with a smile on his face, and said softly,
"Your Majesty Odin, the issue of the giants is for you, the king of the giants, to consider. I have no right to interfere. What you and red-haired Shanks are going to do is between the two of you, whether you are drinking or drinking. It is the business of both of you to join the war together!"

"What about you?" Giant King Odin nodded slightly and asked softly in surprise.
Under the golden sunlight, it looked even more divine. Maude looked domineering and replied with a bright smile,
"I, my Morde Pirates and I are the ones you need to win over, possible allies of the Yonko-level forces. I need to think more about it before I can make a conclusion!"

"My dream is to pursue the limits of humanity and become the strongest in the world. I just want to have free adventures on the sea with my friends from the Morde Pirates!"

"As for the Dragon Armor Army with tens of thousands of members, they only hope to establish a sea area where life is equal regardless of race, men, women, old and young are equal, everyone can live together in harmony, and everyone can live a life of abundant food and clothing!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Giant King Odin and Queen Frigga, as well as Prince Loki, Prince Thor, Her Royal Highness Princess Valkyrie and many other giant royal families looked shocked;
Looking at the domineering and divine white-haired man with a confident, calm smile in front of me, I feel an incomparable charm.
Next to them, the blond giantess Galz and the wavy green-haired Lily looked at Maude with shocked expressions. The strength and domineering power that penetrated their hearts made them extremely surprised.
The last sentence reminded Galz of the Four Emperors BIGMOM. Maude's dream was so similar to BIGMOM's childhood dream. At that time, BIGMOM also made her feel that she recognized them as partners and friends, rather than the cruel and cruel people they are now. The scared aunt.
Galz knew clearly that what the man in front of her said was true. Only then did she realize that she might have been full of misunderstandings about Mod when they first came into contact. The Giant Pirates had no understanding of the Mod Pirates. of distrust.
(End of this chapter)

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