Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 683 Odin and Mord!

Chapter 683 Odin and Mord!
Sophie looked surprised when she saw Robin continuing to fight Princess Valkyrie. It was clear that she had no strength left to take the next move.
Maud, who was standing next to Sophie, saw her curious question and explained with a smile,
"Your awakening state consumes a lot of energy, and the queen is very strong. Although the moves are the same, the power is different!"

Sophie smiled and nodded, and Princess Valkyrie entered the square. As a giant, she has a strong fighting endurance. The advantage of a giant's physical fitness is conducive to a protracted battle.
However, several battles without Robin's hands have achieved results, which undoubtedly hurt the opponent's confidence.
The ability of the flower fruit prevents the opponent's powerful combat skills from hitting Robin. This fighting method is too awkward and can only consume Robin's physical strength in disguise.
It was hard for Her Royal Highness to accept the exhaustion of physical strength to defeat Robin. The battle between the two women gradually became helpless and turned into a protracted battle. It was not until an hour later that the constantly injured giant Valkyrie became inconvenient to move. .
Liu Ying's internal destructive moves left the princess with a powerful giant body unable to defend herself, causing serious injuries, especially to the joints.
The giant princess with limited mobility was easily captured by the moves of Robin, who transformed into a huge demon, and had to admit defeat. The result was beyond the expectation of the giant royal family, Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, lost.
With the physical fitness and powerful domineering power of the giant royal family, the effect of the Robin Blossom Fruit cannot be enough to cause serious injury in one blow.
The two fought for more than an hour due to each other's strengths and weaknesses. Robin used the unique skill of demon form to narrowly defeat the giant Valkyrie Princess Valkyrie.
Mod looked at Valkyrie, who was not seriously injured, and saw that Robin's face was exhausted. After the victory, his body could no longer support him and he was half-kneeling on the ground to rest. Fei took care of him.
The members of the Mord Pirates were delighted with Robin's victory, while the Giant Royal Family had no choice but to accept the current situation of one win and one loss.
The last battle is the turn of the king against the king, the battle between the giant king Odin and the four emperors Morde.
The atmosphere in the square became quiet. Mod and Odin looked at each other and stepped forward with smiles. They were extremely tall and muscular, with a majestic and heroic demeanor. The giant Odin, who was more than 20 meters tall, held a heavy metallic gun in his right hand. , more than ten meters long, with an extremely sharp tip.
The two arrived at the center of the square with tacit understanding, reaching a huge square of 600 meters. As a giant square, it is very huge, but as a battlefield of the Yonko level, it is slightly reluctant.
More than 20 meters away, Mod Dejing, who was more than three meters tall, strong and majestic, with a terrifying muscular body and wearing a black cloak, stood there with two fast-level swords and swords on his waist. His face was calm and calm. excitement.
Needless to say, Maud held a sword from his waist and pulled it out. The beautiful sword was unsheathed and accompanied by a flash of cold light. It was a black and thick sword that was completely black and thick. In his hand, he was slashing towards the fallen sword. Then the huge spear with the power of a landslide swung upwards.
The whole ground shook, and the extremely strong and slow collision and the huge wind swept along with the amazing energy. Whether they were giants or members of the Morde Pirates, when they were shocked by the two people in the square, Huon suddenly looked at the tumbling waves in shock. Storm.
The white clouds in the sky that covered the entire royal city began to billow, and seemed to be split into two halves as the sky changed, causing shock to the people present and the giants in the royal city.
As the ground shook violently, the Mord Pirates and the Giant Royal Family looked in shock at the fight between the two powerful men, as if the sky and the earth would become unsafe at any moment.
The green-haired Lily was shocked, thinking of the scene where the thousand-meter coast directly changed the landscape yesterday, she worried in a low voice,

"If this fight continues, the royal city won't be demolished, right!?"

"It shouldn't happen!" Galz whispered silently, but because of her status, it was difficult for her to step forward and stop the fight. She could only hope that the two kings would be measured.
The powerful collision aura and violent wind blew, and everyone was in disbelief and unable to breathe. The strength of the two men was beyond everyone's imagination. Odin pressed down the giant gun with one hand, looking happy and laughing, and Mo Mo on the other side. De raised the sword with both hands without retreating for a moment, looking relaxed.
Mord opened the giant sword lightly, attacked directly and charged forward quickly. The giant king Odin swiped the spear in his hand casually. The weapon was bigger than Mord's body, but Mord did not avoid it, and the sword in his hand was cut by the holder. Flowing clouds and flowing water.
The battle was accompanied by a deep sound of metal collision. Although the two people were hugely different in size, they were either fast or slow, urgent or slow. To outsiders, the battle between them seemed so smooth and unhurried. One sword and one shot. Crash sound.
The sound was loud and powerful. Every sound seemed to hit everyone's heart. Thin circles of sound waves spread out in all directions, making people feel heart-stopping.
But everyone looked at the two men's moves with solemn expressions. Those who didn't understand felt unreasonably scary, while those who understood were amazed and shocked. Mod and Odin flew up and down in the square and kept fighting. Their swords and guns collided, and their momentum was fierce. Thick and steady.
Alec, the weakest chef, couldn't help but asked in surprise,
"The captain's speed has reached lightning speed, why is there such a strict battle, a competition of strength?"

Aragulal was extremely fast due to his light and fluffy fruit ability. He had experienced several encounters with strong men and said with a smile,

"Although the speed of a real strong man is an advantage, the state reached by the top strong men can be easily captured in an instant. It is not that simple. Alec, do you think the sights and sounds of Maud and Odin are very domineering? Weak?"

Sophie has a deep understanding of the improvement of the sword realm. Simply having a higher understanding of the use of power has made her stronger. The more she feels Maude's sword swing, the more she realizes that although it is full of flaws, it is a powerful move. The movement was unavoidable, and Odin said in surprise,

"His Majesty Odin's spear skills are extremely high. I'm afraid he far surpasses all of us here. It's incredible!"

"Mod can directly fight the King of Giants without using Haki. He is obviously not an animal-type ability user. How awesome!"

Sophie's few words made Guerz and Lily react and look again. They discovered that the sword in Maud's hand was indeed not wrapped with armed Haki. How could it be possible that they could easily resist their king without using Haki?
Robin sat lightly on the steps, drinking water. When he heard the people talking around him, he couldn't help but smile when he looked at Maud.
The two of them were very close. Maud didn't hide something from Robin, and she said in surprise,
"The extreme physical training that this guy has practiced is really amazing. His physical fitness is beyond imagination due to the domineering physical training. He has a strange power that is even more powerful than the giant force. He can even compete head-on with the King of Giants!"

The Ultimate Body Refining Technique is a body refining technique that Mod combines with a large number of body refining techniques and combines it with the characteristics of gas fruits to be specially suitable for him. Others cannot practice it at all.
Because this not only requires a large amount of extremely nutritious food such as Neptune, but also requires an unlimited supply of oxygen to make up for the physical consumption caused by overly powerful physical training at any time and at any time. Others will soon wear out their bodies.
More than ten minutes later, Odin was surprised by the huge power of Mord's sword after sword. There was no sense of the physical weakness of the two women. It was as if the opponent was a giant three-meter-tall body, filled with explosions like an endless stream. Terrible physical strength.
Queen Frigga and Prince Loki also obviously noticed the significant difference, because they found that Mod's breathing was not confused at all. This was the God of War Odin he was facing.
Queen Frigga smiled and said,
"The powerful body that has been cultivated to perfection is worthy of being one of the four emperors. It seems that the power is not just based on natural gas fruits!"

Odin showed more powerful strength, and Mord still dealt with it easily, but from this fighting style and the opponent's calmness, it was obvious that the opponent did not want to fight too fiercely, and he couldn't help but understand when he glanced at the exquisite and glorious royal city with his peripheral vision.
This kind of sword-for-knife fight with real swords and guns stopped an hour later when Thor, the God of Thunder, came over with the Straw Hat Pirates. The three parties returned to the main hall of the Silver Hall in a very friendly manner.
(End of this chapter)

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