Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 692 White-haired Maude VS Red-haired Shanks 3

Chapter 692 White-haired Maude VS Red-haired Shanks 3
This means that this battle is time-limited for him. Looking at Maud who is not relaxed and serious in half a step, the red-haired Shanks decisively discarded any extra thoughts, and the knife flickered. When he arrived in front of Maude, he stabbed Maude with a knife with a black and red ribbon in his hand.
The blue crystal-clear sword with the domineering red intention turned around at a very fast speed, and in an extremely fast time, it collided with Shanks' domineering sword.
Before contact, there was a loud collision in the air, black and red lightning flooded the battlefield, the combination of gas explosion and the astonishing power of domineering directly collided fiercely with the opponent's powerful domineering sword, and waves of energy storms swept out.
Neither Maud nor the red-haired man could take a step back. The ground exploded again. The strong wind of energy blew their clothes and hair, and their cloaks rustled.
Just now, the overlord-colored domineering entanglement caused a slight injury to Mod, but this time it was directly ineffective. The qualitatively changed power of the gas explosion combined with the power of the domineering power allowed Mod to easily block the red-haired knife.
The red-haired Shanks was surprised, and he quickly turned and swept away, only to see the blue flame sword change and block it. The two of them backed away in shock.
Without any hesitation, the confident two turned into a blue ray, and a red ray quickly approached. There was a loud bang, the huge open space shook violently, and gravel and smoke flew around.
bump bump!
The two people were constantly colliding with each other at extremely high speeds. Even though they could not predict each other's future situation, they relied on their extremely powerful swordsmanship to not be affected at all.
The figures of the two people seemed to be lost and flickering. Only at the moment of the collision and explosion were they briefly seen. Countless sword shadows swayed the entire open space with a radius of one kilometer, and a large amount of sword energy cut through ravines and The broken sword energy cut and flew everywhere.
Along with energy shock circles that spread thousands of meters, the entire island was filled with the effects of the two men's battle.
The rapid flashes of collision and the exchange of swordsmanship brought each other into a stalemate, but soon Mod's movement speed and reaction became faster and faster. Red-haired Shanks, who had experienced many battles, was deeply surprised.
In the face of ordinary admirals with natural devil fruit abilities, just restraining and foreseeing the future makes Huang Yuan and others startled, plus he is very good at domineering super-speed movement, under the influence of armed domineering and domineering domineering physical skills, he The speed is extremely fast.
Coupled with the super-powerful and domineering winding attack, he can quickly attack with one move, and a few moves can injure the admiral. This is also a powerful strength that makes both Sakaski and the Five Old Stars extremely afraid.
But now facing Mod, who is also a natural ability user, except for the slight injury from the previous move, it no longer has similar effects.
This is actually the use of the natural gas fruit ability. Compared to others, Mod's movement speed is divided into four layers of superposition. Take Marine Six's Shave as an example. His body is extremely proficient in Shave's movement through physical skills.
But the armed color domineering can also act on the feet to increase the speed of shaving, the same is true for the overlord color domineering, the red-haired Shanks' movement speed is also the three layers, but Mod also has a layer of super-compressed air mask superimposed movement.
Former King Shichibukai Bartholomi Bear, because the ability of the meat ball fruit can move instantly, which comes from air compression.
Mod's gas fruit ability can also compress air. The four movement methods are directly integrated and superimposed, creating Mod's super moving speed, such as lightning. This is the reason why he dared to fight faster than the general Kizaru at close range before.
Coupled with the recent improvement in the gas ability of the qualitative change, it is not an exaggeration to say that the speed is teleportation.
Because of the natural gas fruit, his speed, reaction, and strength have been greatly improved, and even defense, he can also perform four-layer fusion defense of body, air mask, armed color Haki, and Overlord color Haki.
In the past, Moder compared the highly compressed air mask to similar armed domineering, which is indeed feasible. The air mask can indeed integrate offense and defense, improving Moder's strength in all aspects.
Add to this the fact that Mod's swordsmanship is extraordinary and holy. The more he fights, the more he feels that he can win. The Devil Fruit ability has real and huge benefits.
bump bump!
Thoughts flashed through his mind, and the blue flame sword in his hand was swung lightly. The two of them quickly flashed and flashed to 30 meters away. They fought and bombarded each other three times. Under the blast of energy, Maud and the red-haired man were scattered in all directions. Shanks held the knife and looked at each other as time passed slowly.
The knives in the hands collided fiercely in the air, and a large number of black and red lightning emerged. The domineering colliding energy ball continued to grow, and quickly enveloped the surrounding hundred meters, under a terrifying scene of shaking the earth.
After the astonishing collision and explosion, the two figures landed lightly on the ground with knives, looking at each other domineeringly and calmly without any weakness;
The red-haired Shanks glanced at the smoke that had not yet been stirred up and extinguished it directly. With his lips closed, his expression became more solemn. This was a phenomenon caused by the lack of air.
This battle is a time-limited battle. He doesn't know how long he can fight without breathing. The most important thing is that he is caught in a war of attrition with Mord.
Half an hour, or an hour? Both of them are swordsmen. They know that it is difficult for each other's superb swordsmanship to determine the winner in such a short time. But if he cannot determine the winner, once he reaches the limit of holding his breath, his situation will become extremely dangerous. .
After a violent collision, the domineering energy collision of black and red lightning enveloped the entire desert island several kilometers in size. The earth was flying as if it was approaching a doomsday impact and was extremely violent; the white light and the red light stepped back and stood still again, holding the knife in their hands and staring coldly. Watch your opponent's every move.
"We need to fight quickly!" Shanks stared at the white-haired man in front of him who was not weaker than him in both mental and physical skills. He held his breath and made a decisive decision in his heart.
In the suffocating world of nothingness, a violent and astonishing domineering red light was invading, and it seemed to cover a range of thousands of meters in an instant. The speed of light swept away the vines and seemed to cover the entire island. For a moment, the surviving birds were The beast was frightened and ran away in panic.
Suddenly, another piece of terrifying red energy invaded, and they collided directly and forcefully. The two overlord-colored domineering auras that refused to give in to each other came from the two top swordsmen fighting against each other. The extremely hard and sharp overlord-colored domineering auras. If there is substance, it is normal.
Under the solid and overbearing domineering look of the Overlord, red-haired Shanks saw that Mod's domineering power had not retreated at all, and the cold and ruthless determination of his mind combined with the suffocating oppression around him made people palpitate.
The collision of overlord-colored domineering energy was like an energy field, forming a core that continuously spread countless black and red lightnings, covering the entire island. The terrifying impact spread to dozens of kilometers in the surrounding sea area, and the sky and sea changed color and shook violently. With.
Dots of black and red lightning struck the ground, causing burning and explosion. It was like red thunder falling from the sky, but it was dustless and windless and suppressed to the extreme.
At the moment when the momentum collided and erupted, both of them made a move. One hand raised the blue flame sword, and the other hand raised the Griffin in the hand. The red meaning in the overlord color field was like flowing water and light, and it quickly rolled up. He made a black and red ribbon and put it on the knife in his hand.
It seemed that the two of them had reached a state of control over the domineering power of the overlord, and their movements were astonishing. However, the red-haired Shanks used most of the power of the overlord's domineering power at this time. The knife in his hand was shaking lightly, and the black and red ribbon was thick. Domineering.
Suddenly the two people jumped up at the same time. Maud's three-meter-tall body flashed with blue light. A layer of thin blue light enveloped the whole body. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the flames formed by burning gas were exquisitely controlled at this moment. Flowing blue energy light.
The two people, whose aura was like a rainbow and their domineering power increased, seemed to have put all their efforts at this moment. Their mental skills and physical bodies were at the top of their game. The ribbons wrapped around them with domineering and domineering colors were like flag streamers, representing each other's will.
(End of this chapter)

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