Pirate's Gas Fruit

Chapter 699 The awakening of Kulikai’s overlord color and domineering energy!

Chapter 699 The awakening of Kulikai’s overlord color and domineering energy!
As soon as his body leaped down, the sword was smashed with the power of Ba Tang. Beckman held the gun in both hands and sank his feet. At the same time, his mind was shocked and a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth. He stared at the Ba Tang on the sword. The power and the look in Maud's eyes at this time, the air in his heart,
"This fighting maniac, why is the overlord color and domineering strength growing again at this time!"

"The red-haired pirates will never lose to this guy, I will definitely defeat him!"

Relying on his strong strength and his body that had just entered the Wu Kong World for the first time, Ben. Beckman exploded with powerful fighting power and violently collided with Mod's force;
However, the situation of the two people who were fast and fast was that Beckman's body was injured from time to time. Within a few minutes, his body was directly blown to the ground by the sword. No enemy took over the battle. Moder recovered from his selfless madness and stood up again. Ben Beckman rushed over quickly.
After all, Beckman's strength is not outstanding among the top experts. He is completely at a disadvantage against Mod. Seeing that Mod's weak time will be spent in this kind of consumption.
The red-haired Shanks, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, controlled his body with a strong will and rushed towards Mod again. Beckman and his eyes met as they approached quickly, and both parties understood.
Then Beckman held the gun and Mod's sword was directly staggered. When he saw this situation, Mod came back to his senses and realized something, but the inertia of his body could not stop.
The sword hit Beckman's chest directly with a powerful force. At the same time, the opponent's gun swept across his stomach. With a heavy sound, Beckman's whole body hurt and he vomited blood from the corner of his mouth. Two huge swords appeared on his body. The wounded blood flew up.
Maud felt a pain in his stomach, and a ray of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth even though the opponent was weaker than him. He retreated at the same time as the opponent, and a powerful knife from behind struck at this moment.
While the body was moving at extremely high speed, the white gas behind the body formed a giant fist burning with flames. It flew towards the red-haired Shanks' body with a flying punch. Facing this punch, the red-haired Shanks deflected sensitively. The body rushed down towards Maude's body.
Just as a long knife pierced Mord's chest, the burning giant fist flashed with explosive light. At close range, Mord's chest deformed and moved, along with a punch of Barang gas condensed in his chest. It hit the tip of the knife head-on.
Under the light of the explosion that spread over dozens of meters, the collision of black and red lightning continued to pierce the explosion, filling the area with a radius of a kilometer. After a loud noise, two figures were directly blown up. .
After the explosion, Maud landed lightly on the ground and couldn't help but cough a few times while half-kneeling. A few strands of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Thinking of the collision in the explosion just now, Maud couldn't help but feel happy.
The red-haired Shanks has amazing willpower and endurance. He seems to have no energy left, but he always gives people the feeling that he can suddenly strike a fatal blow. He has no confidence in defeating the opponent without opening the Wu Kong World. Therefore, he attaches great importance to this guy's strength and does not underestimate it. The enemy's benefits are obvious.
Even though Ben Beckman's playing style of exchanging injuries for injuries created opportunities, the elemental body is convenient;

Whether Shanks' body was shaken by the explosion, or he used gas to transform his body to avoid damage, or he grew extra hands to gather emergency domination to resist.
This allowed him to narrowly avoid the two people's plans this time, but although the opponent's powerful overlord-colored domineering energy did not hit the vital point, it still hit Mod's body.
"The injury is not as serious as expected, and the domineering color has grown, which is interesting!"

Mod stood up again with his sword in hand, looking at Ben Beckman and the red-haired Shanks who were still standing after the explosion. Shanks stood holding the knife with sharp eyes. This kind of will amazed Mod, but they were enemies and did not let go. It's possible.
At this time, all three of them were injured. With his high fighting spirit, Moder did not want to rest and wanted to continue fighting and defeat the two strong men in front of him.
Just as Mod was about to continue fighting, footsteps suddenly sounded that surprised the three people present, and the three people couldn't help but turn their heads to look;
When he saw Kulikai, who was dressed in a black coat and suffered serious injuries to his head and body, he ran forward with a knife in his hand, which immediately caused the expressions of the three people present to change.
When Ben Beckman saw Kulikai coming, his expression suddenly became calm, and the turning point for victory had arrived, because Kulikai's strength was too weak for the three people present.
The red-haired Shanks half-squinted his eyes and was a little curious about the reason for Kulikai's arrival. After all, the world without space does not distinguish between friend and foe; Mod held the sword in his hand, and when he saw Kulikai's glance at Beckman, he understood that the battle was getting complicated. .
Su Zitou held the knife and flew up to Maude. He stood firm and was about to fight side by side. Maude said straight away,
"Kulikai, leave. I can knock them both down one by one. Do your own thing!"

Kulikai held the knife and looked at Mod's upper body, which was naked and covered in wounds and blood. Even her black trousers were torn and stained with blood;
Originally, he had been reluctant to step forward during the outside battle, but after seeing Beckman's injury-for-injury style, he couldn't help but stepped forward.
He is a man who longs for romance between men, and he also has infinite pride in his heart. He can't bear to watch his captain fight in a bloody battle, while he stands far aside.
This battle has become strange now, because both sides have turned into a bloody battle with injuries for injuries. This shouldn't be the case, but he can't let his captain fight until the end, dripping with blood and covered with scars. Even if he wins, he can't accept it. Just because I can't bear it.
The breathless space, the extremely depressing atmosphere, and the three people's extremely powerful momentum secretly fighting against each other. Kulikai held the knife and his body seemed to be unshakable in amber. He was too familiar with this feeling.
Just like in Demon Valley Town, when I went deep into the deep sea again and again for the truth, I forced myself to the darkness that I couldn't breathe again and again, but the more I suppressed the emotions in my heart, the stronger they seemed to be about to explode.
Scenes of Maud's past were swept through, and it was the people around him who took him to the Golden Land and to the legendary Sky Island, who waited for him for a month and gave himself a new direction and a dream.
"I, Montblanc Kulikai, hope that my reputation will be resounding throughout the world, so that those who once laughed at and ridiculed the great liar Nolando will shut up and see the power and romance of Montblanc Kulikai!"

Thinking of his dream, there was no ridicule or ridicule from the beginning, only serious injuries. Maud was more than just a captain to him.
He raised the knife in his hand and pointed it directly at Shanks and Beckman. His expression resolutely shouted out that the uncontrollable pride in his heart burst out at this moment, and he laughed romantically and said,
"We are friends, this battle cannot be without me!"

Friend is a friendly word to ordinary people, but it is the most affectionate and heroic word of the Montblanc family in the past 400 years. It represents the turning point of the family. It is the heaviest word and the purest and most heroic word. ;
The true love between Rolando and Calgary, the great warrior of Gaya Island, which bears the historical mark of both parties, Kulikai did not say captain, but said friend. This is Montblanc's more important friendship and will, which is as unchangeable as gold.
A man's romance, his courage without fear of life or death, Maud must help him as a friend if she wants to fight, even if she bleeds without fear.
Along with these words, a cold and dim space enveloped the three top experts with overlord-colored domineering presence. This new weak overlord-colored domineering space was very familiar to them, but it meant the birth of a new king's qualifications.
The red-haired Shanks looked at Kulikai in surprise, with admiration in his expression. This man came with the determination to fight to the death. This is a fearless spirit, and his words are more important. The heroism of love and justice.
Ben Beckman looked at Kulikai with a complicated expression. He had noticed before that the other person was in a similar mood to his, but he did not expect that he would awaken his domineering domineering energy.
My friend, Mode felt the light and domineering space, and understood the meaning and will of Kulikai's words.
The awakening of the overlord's domineering energy generally comes from the strongest emotional outburst in the heart of a person with kingly qualifications. It also means that the initial point of the outbreak becomes the background of the overlord's will.
(End of this chapter)

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