Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 175 Dead Leaves

Chapter 175 Dead Leaves
Maybe he was used to the selfless help from the mirror in the past, or maybe he was like a jackal in his nature.

In the eyes of onlookers like Orochimaru and Nagato, the way Danzo was staring at the "corpse" left behind by the mirror was as ferocious as a vicious dog that wanted to lie down and take two bites on the corpse. of.

If this corpse is really Kagami's, perhaps Danzo actually did this.Anyway, no one cares about what he will do next.

"As a result, the mirror used the power of the cells between the pillars to get rid of the control of the reincarnation of the dirt? It just disappeared... What a pity..."

Orochimaru's sigh at this time also represents the voice of all the people at the scene who are watching the excitement and don't mind it. To put it bluntly, apart from Orochimaru, the only such person here is Nagato.

The quality displayed by these two people at this time can be said to be shockingly low.

"Oh, I thought I could watch the Gundam battle between the new version of Susanoo and Sasuke..."

Nagato sighed.

He thought to himself, no wonder the Uchiha and the Senju must fly the Gundam every time they fight after learning how to fly it. This kind of battle seems to be enjoyable, but it is a pity that Kage, an old driver, actually hung up his chain at the critical moment and stopped acting?How can I watch this show.

Fortunately, Sasuke stood far away and didn't know what these two things were muttering about, otherwise a stabbing would have been inevitable.

The Uchiha were so tired from fighting to the death here that they almost vomited blood. These two guys were just watching the show. Didn't they think the fighting wasn't intense enough?Is it really inhuman?
Even more hateful than the Konoha villagers back then.

"Have you made such a decision?" Zhisui looked at the direction where the mirror disappeared, with a complicated expression on his face.

"You..." Danzo, who was in a state of rage, suddenly realized that Shisui Shisui had recovered without even realizing it.

The expression on his face turned into panic in an instant, and he realized that he had gotten too close to Zhishui in a moment of carelessness.

When manipulating someone like Shisui, you really can't be careless.

At this moment, Danzo recalled why he had to "personally" control Shisui.

"Shisui is much more dangerous than Mirror."

This was the conclusion he came up with when he asked Mito Kadoyan to control the dirty mirror.

The strongest genjutsu and the potential to unlock Susanoo with one eye, all of which made the act of manipulating Shisui very dangerous. Danzo could not trust anyone except himself.

Unfortunately, it was only then that he realized that he really shouldn't believe his...

"Don't be a god!"

Shisui just glanced at Danzo lightly, and the expression on Danzo's face froze on his face, the struggle and doubt in his small eyes flashed away, and then his eyes began to seal firmly.

He looked as if he would fight to the death for anyone who dared to stop him from forming the seal, and he was absolutely determined.

Whether it was Orochimaru Nagato who was watching the show, Sasuke and Obito who were already participating in the battle, including Hatake Sakumo, they were all watching this strange scene quietly.

Danzo, who looked horrified, suddenly seemed to be a different person after Shisui glanced at him. He calmed down strangely and began to form the seal seriously, releasing Shisui's reincarnation in the earth.

Sasuke, who had been deliberately keeping a distance from Shisui during the battle and not looking into his eyes, discovered that Shisui's genjutsu was completely different from Itachi's. He didn't need to look into his opponent's eyes, he only needed to see the opponent. It can be activated.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, and when he looked at the dissipating Shisui, the expression on his face became a little complicated.

A large amount of debris floated up from Shisui's body, looking dry and decayed, like dead leaves blown up by the wind in the dry autumn air.

The appearance on his face that was originally made of debris gradually became broken and blurred, turning into the face of another person, which was a "sacrifice" used to perform the reincarnation of dirty earth.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Uchiha Shisui's soul, freed from the shackles of the filthy earth reincarnation, flew up from the sacrifice and rose to the height of Sasuke. Sasuke turned his head and looked at his calm face, with this meaning in his eyes.

From Nagato's words and his own previous memories, Sasuke can understand the importance of Shisui in the Uchiha genocide.

Zhisui slowly closed his eyes and moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something. In the end, he returned a wry smile and said nothing.

What came to mind was the image of him entrusting everything to Itachi before he "dyed", but this time, after being summoned, the person he saw was Sasuke. Perhaps, this is the "answer" to this world. .

Shisui, who had become accustomed to hiding his true feelings from others, disappeared from everyone's sight without saying the last word.

After Uchiha Fugaku and Kagami, the last Uchiha's filthy reincarnated body also left the battlefield. The ninjas on Konoha's side looked up at the purple Susano who was still standing, with a look of panic on their faces. .

The young masters who were originally at the same time as Sasuke also looked at the huge chakra giant used by Sasuke in front of them, and they all showed bewildered expressions. They had no idea how to deal with such a ninjutsu.

The dark clouds covering the sky were receding to both sides along with the incision made by Susanoo. The afternoon sun poured down from the increasingly larger cracks in the sky, shining on everyone's faces, but making All the ninjas on Konoha's side couldn't feel the slightest hint of warmth.

Susanoo, who looked like a huge iceberg in front of them, exuding cold murderous intent, made their hearts freeze.The body also seemed to be frozen, unable to move, and could only passively wait for fate to come.

Not to mention that female ninjas like Ino Sakura had already lost their will to fight with a look of fear on their faces, even guys like Inuzuka Kiba who were "unafraid of nothing but heaven and earth" had their eyes widened and froze in place.

After Sasuke's attack just now, it was a fluke that they could survive. After witnessing the power of that sword with their own eyes, no normal person would think that they could be an enemy of such a ninjutsu.

As long as you still have some common sense in your mind, you can understand that the previous battle has been relying on the two Susanoos on your side to hold up the scene. Without those two Susanoos, they, Konoha Village, can no longer stop it. Sasuke's power.

Just when the ninjas in Konoha Village fell into despair, a voice full of courage sounded.

"Sasuke!! Don't go on like this! Even if I risk my life, I will definitely stop you!"

There seems to be another guy in Konoha Village who has no common sense in his mind.

After Shimura Danzo left his side, Naruto finally seemed to have got rid of some shackles and could yell at Sasuke as much as he wanted.

The voice was loud and clear, full of the aura of a second grader, and went straight into the sky. It gave people the impression that it was full of some kind of eternal meaning, as if it could go on like this forever.

Of course, this feeling was only felt by Nagato. When others heard Naruto's voice, they only thought that this boy seemed to be mentally retarded.

 In the original play, when Danzo used Shisui Eyes to use genjutsu on Mifune, he didn't even take off the bandage on his eyes, so it was impossible for Mifune to see his eyes.

  Therefore, Shisui's genjutsu can be used without "looking at each other".

(End of this chapter)

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