Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 233 Popularity

Chapter 233 Popularity
"Despicable person? No, I just want to be who I am."

Kabuto's voice continued to come from Itachi's mouth, "I think if it were you, you should be able to understand my thoughts... What do you think? As a disciple of Orochimaru, do you want to join forces with me?"

"I don't want to call someone like Orochimaru a master..."

After hearing Kabuto's suggestion, Sasuke's voice suddenly calmed down, and the anger on his face quickly disappeared, becoming expressionless, "You want to join forces with me? So, tell me where you are now?"

Since Orochimaru said that the reincarnation of the filthy soil can be directly resurrected, and killing the caster will not make the spell invalid, then Sasuke felt that killing Tobu directly was the best choice.What Kabuto didn't know was that when he used Itachi as a pawn, it was no longer possible between him and Sasuke!Itachi is Sasuke's true love. (Naruto tears again.)
"You just seemed to say that you knew how to break the Jutsu Reincarnation technique, and you even asked Itachi about my location..."

As an "intellectual" with a high IQ, Kabuto would certainly not reveal his position easily.

If before Sasuke revealed his strength and attacked Konoha Village, Kabuto would have been happy to hear Sasuke inquire about his location, and he would have told everything.And took the initiative to approach Sasuke and take this living Uchiha material into his pocket.

But now, after witnessing Sasuke slashing the eight tails with his sword, even Kabuto, who had just learned Ryūchi Cave Senjutsu and whose self-confidence was at an unprecedented period of expansion, did not dare to approach Sasuke easily at this time.

He knew very well how Orochimaru stole the chicken but lost the rice, and was counterattacked by this boy.

If two people met at this time, it was really not certain who would catch whom, so he had to figure out Sasuke's attitude towards him.

"What? Don't you dare to meet me? Why talk about joining forces like this..."

Sasuke's tone was full of disdain. His experience with the Akatsuki organization during this period made him understand Bai Zetsu's intelligence gathering capabilities, so he was not worried that he would not be able to catch Kabuto.

Of course, if he knew that Bai Jue and the Xiao organization were not in the same mind, and that the current Dou and Bai Jue were on the same team, he might not be so optimistic...

"I feel hostility, Sasuke." Kabuto said with a smile.

The sinister tone came from Itachi's mouth, making Sasuke particularly uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'm also a disciple of Orochimaru, let me test your current strength. How about using the Itachi you hate to compete with you?" Kabuto thought of this very insidious idea.

"Then what nonsense are you talking about?!" Sasuke said nothing. After the Susanoo on his body grew legs, he slashed at Itachi with his sword.


The Susanoo on Itachi raised the shield in his hand to block the sword.

The red shield collided with the purple chakra knife. The shock wave did not spread from Sasuke's chakra knife toward Itachi, but spread along the shield toward Sasuke, causing Sasuke to frown.

"This is a spiritual weapon. It's a Yata weapon. It's really useful."

Kabuto's tone was smiling, as if he was very satisfied with the feeling of controlling Itachi.

Sasuke's face darkened uncontrollably, and he stopped talking nonsense and continued to attack Itachi.

To him, the current situation is just a replica of what he encountered in Konoha. Freeing Itachi from the shackles of this technique is the most important thing he should do.

On the other side, in the Kamui Space, Obito thought deeply about the current situation for a while, then ignored Hidan's screams and walked out of the Kamui Space.

Nagato wanted to deal with the four Hokage's reincarnations on his own. Such "confidence" made Obito feel incredible.

Has Nagato become so powerful?Then his Eye of the Moon plan is in vain. Even if Sasuke is willing to join forces with him, the two of them combined may not be enough for Nagato to fight alone.

When the gap in strength reaches a certain level, any conspiracy will be ineffective. Obito knows this very well.

Moreover, Nagato also had Shigulin as his backing, so it would be too difficult to fool him.

Obito, with a pessimistic look on his face, appeared on the battlefield again. Seeing Sasuke showing off his power and suppressing Itachi, he was no longer happy. He even saw the ninjas from Cloud Hidden Village and Konoha Village retreating and lost interest in pursuing them. .

——Even if he catches the Eight-Tails and resurrects the Ten-Tails, can he snatch the Ten-Tails away from Nagato?
Obito sighed with lonely eyes, looking at the blue sky, and suddenly thought of Nohara Rin's face again. For the first time in more than ten years, he felt that the morning sun was so warm and bright.

Suddenly, Obito had an inexplicable impulse in his heart. He wanted to take off the mask on his face and let the sun warm his cold face.

Losing the shackles of Uchiha Madara's identity, especially after Kakashi recognized his true identity, Obito felt that the mask on his face seemed to be too redundant.

After all, he is not the Uchiha Madara who is powerful enough to open the Samsara Eye and have the power to change the world, but just a Uchiha Obito who can't accomplish anything, is clumsy, stupid, and even a little timid.

Obito sighed slightly and pinched the bottom of the mask with his fingers, but did not take off the mask from his face.

The sense of failure in the past, as well as the self-doubt that was most familiar to him from time to time, together with his younger self, overlapped with his current emotional depression, and woven into a living Uchiha Obito.

Unfortunately, the other most important shadow in the picture did not appear and will never appear next to him again.

Lin is already dead, and no one will comfort him at this time and save him from the lost hell.

He warned himself.

Obito raised his head and looked at the bright sunshine in the morning. His fingers fell off the mask, and his eyes returned to cold despair.

Compared with the warm sunshine in front of me, the pain of that day, and Lin's pale, lifeless face in a pool of blood are the truth of this world.

What appeared in his mind now, Lin's smiling face, was just a ridiculous illusion.

Obito "buoyed up" again, and walked towards Sasuke with the same steps he had taken towards Madara as the "savior".

At the same time, in the distant Land of Rain, Orochimaru's secret base.

Orochimaru looked at the girl who was reincarnated and resurrected by him with the dirty soil, completely unaware that Nagato wanted such an ordinary girl for something.

"May I have your name······?"

In order to ensure that he would not make a mistake, Orochimaru asked the timid girl in front of him.

The red-haired Nagato was obviously not friendly to him, and the eyes he looked at were always full of malice. Orochimaru didn't want to give Nagato a chance to beat him.

"My name is Nohara Lin..."

After hearing Orochimaru's question, the girl seemed to flinch, like a frightened bird.She opened her big eyes and timidly looked at Orochimaru's appearance. After observing carefully for a while, she suddenly showed a surprised smile and asked: "Are you Orochimaru-sama?!"

The tone was like a little fan girl meeting her idol.

Orochimaru said that he often heard this tone before. Before he betrayed Konoha, his "popularity" was still good, and of course he also had a lot of "notoriety".

Orochimaru met the girl's expectant gaze and nodded reservedly.

If you want to ask him who is the disciple of the Fourth Hokage?He only remembers Kakashi.After all, in his eyes, the genius Kakashi is just "impossible to kill" at his own level, and Obito and Rin who died early?He had long since forgotten all about it.

When the Fourth Hokage and Obito "recognized each other with tears in their eyes", Orochimaru didn't dare to watch the show from the sidelines, he had already hid far away.So although he now knows the true identity of "Madara", who is Nohara Lin?He doesn't know.

From Orochimaru's point of view, all he needed to know was that the girl in front of him had no talent, but could be used in exchange for his hands.

As for why Orochimaru, who has no hands, can use the Earth Reincarnation?This question is a bit contemptuous. Can Minato Namikaze still "dance" with Madara without his hands?

It is easy for Orochimaru to control a ninja and ask him to "do a small favor" by using some small means.

Well, Jiraiya said that after he was bitten by Orochimaru, he often fell into a dazed state. Many times, he couldn't even figure out what he did or what he was done to, otherwise he would definitely not let Xiang go. Lin's opportunity to collect information. (Obito breathed a sigh of relief.)
"But... I remember that I am already dead."

After Lin recognized Orochimaru, she seemed relieved and looked at the surrounding environment, but then she thought of another problem, so she looked at Orochimaru eagerly, hoping that this "three ninjas" could give her Solve doubts.

"It doesn't matter. It won't be long before someone will come to actually resurrect you... As for the reason, you can ask him then."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes coldly, looking forward to seeing Nagato's great resurrection technique.

Compared with the real resurrection technique, in his eyes, the reincarnation of the dirty land is just a small ninjutsu, which is really not worth mentioning. His pursuit from the beginning to the end is eternal life and ninjutsu.

(End of this chapter)

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