Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 247 Theoretical safety and practical troublemaking

Chapter 247 Theoretical safety and practical troublemaking

Kabuto, Madara, and the third force composed of Black and White Zetsu are ready to make a move on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Water.

Although they had just risen to prominence and had done something big, not only interfering with the war between the Akatsuki, Kirigakure ninja alliance and Kumogakure Konoha alliance, but also captured the Eight-Tails jinchūriki, their presence was not strong enough to To the point of attracting everyone's attention.

At least before Kabuto attacks the Akatsuki organization and Kirigakure Village, and even before Uchiha Madara appears, this force composed of behind-the-scenes bosses will be underestimated by everyone until it shows its true strength.

The Hokages of Konoha Village, after having to accept the agreement proposed by "Nagato" not to participate in the war, watched "Nagato" turn into a space vortex and "leave" Konoha Hidden Village.

Has "Nagato" left?Of course not, he was still planning to secretly help the stupid body get some Nine-Tails chakra back.

In short, its life goal has changed from "later, go to Konoha Village to make an agreement on the hour" to "later, go to Konoha Village to make the Nine-Tails Chakra on the hour."

The Hokage obviously didn't know how "shameless" this clone was.

It was not only a troll, but also a thief. Just now, in front of them, he was talking about "world peace" and looked like he was thinking about the whole world. Then he turned around and planned to steal their Kyuubi's chakra!

Now, while "Nagato" had left and there was nothing else to do, the Hokages looked at each other and started another important task, which was to find out who summoned them to this world.

Logically speaking, with the Hokage's IQ, they should have figured this out a long time ago.

However, this is where things are strange. I don't know why, but the second, third and fourth generations of Hokage all strangely ignored this very important issue.

It wasn't until "Nagato" brought it up that they suddenly woke up and realized the fact that they had been channeled into this world almost in a daze - they had never seen the magician at all.

This is obviously an important matter that must be clarified as soon as possible. Senju Tobirama looked at each other with the third and fourth generation Hokages with a serious look on his face, then formed a seal and used the psychic technique on Senju Hashirama.


He was using the wooden avatar to rebuild the Senshou Hashirama of Konoha Village, with a dazed look on his face, he was psychically channeled to him from the side by Feima inexplicably.

Hashirama doesn't understand what this "half-meter psychic" means?Is cute little brother playing ninja games with him?

I really didn’t expect that Tobirama still has such a cute hobby...
Senju Tobirama found with a displeased expression that Hashirama looked at him with a "loving" look for no apparent reason, and his face almost turned black with anger.

The Third Hokage understood, nodded towards Senju Tobirama, and used the psychic technique on the Fourth Hokage, which was also successful, while Namikaze Minato's channeling on Hatake Sakumo failed.

Hatake Sakumo, who was standing still, also understood what the Hokages were doing. He nodded and said, "I was channeled by Danzo and one of the two advisors."

In the technique of reincarnation of dirty soil, as long as the dead are psychicized by the same operator, they can use the psychic technique on each other.

The actions just now have proved that the four Hokage have this kind of mutual psychic relationship, and therefore proved that they are channeled by the same "person".

"Brother, were you channeled by the Immortal of Six Paths?"

Thinking of this, Senju Tobirama asked Hashirama, who looked stupid.


Chizuru nodded.

"Then we were also channeled by the Immortal of Six Paths!"

Senju Tobirama left the words and immediately gave his conclusion to the third and fourth Hokage.


Senju Hashirama nodded again.

He looked silly, as if he already knew—wait a minute.

"You already knew?"

Senju Tobirama looked at Hashirama with wide eyes.


Qianshou Zhujian blinked, nodded, and suddenly his eyes lit up, showing a look of sudden realization, "Oh, so you just want to find out this! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"You stupid big brother!!"

Senju Tobirama roared in anger.

The Fourth Hokage smiled bitterly, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

However, when things developed to this point, the truth was far from coming to light. Qianju Tobirama continued to ask: "Do you know what the purpose of the Six Paths Immortal's channeling to us people is?"

"To prevent the Ten-Tails from resurrecting!"

Senju Bashima answered naturally.

As if this sentence answered everything!Is this the only reason for going through so much trouble?Senshou Tomona looked at Hashirama with a sighing gaze: "As for why you want to prevent Ten-tails from resurrecting, you have forgotten the specific reason, right?"

Senju Hashirama nodded honestly.

That look was so cute, Qian Shu Feijian sighed sadly and resisted the urge to slap this "naughty kid".

The key issue is that when it comes to smoking, it’s not certain who will smoke whom...
After Senju Hashirama answered the question of "cute brother", he continued to separate the wooden clones and let them rebuild the leaf village.

He is familiar with this life!He just did it last night, and now he just needs to renovate it as before. Whether it is building a house with Wood Release, or filling the torn earth with Earth Release, his wooden clone can do the job!
" the strength of the leader of the Akatsuki organization really such that we have no chance to take action?"

Just as Senju Tobirama was thinking about what the Six Paths Sage was hiding by doing this, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but ask.

Although Nagato's clone was indeed troublesome in his opinion, this trouble was largely caused by the fact that the battle took place in Konoha Village.

As long as the battle took place outside the Leaf Village, many of Nagato's techniques were nothing to Namikaze Minato, and it was impossible to hit him.

For an assassin-type ninja with "super speed" like him, it's hard to believe that a person can be so strong that there are no flaws.

To put it bluntly, if the Second Hokage were to hand over the assassination of Nagato's body as an SSS-level task to Namikaze Minato, then Namikaze Minato would definitely pick up a kunai and search for Nagato all over the world without saying a word.

His statement obviously proved that he did not have a correct understanding of immortal magic and the strength of Nagato and Hashirama.

And this is a very normal thing. After all, who would know how strong his eldest brother is if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes.

Senju Tobirama, who was thinking about the thoughts of the Six Paths Sage, closed his eyes gently after hearing Minato Namikaze's question, and then quickly opened his eyes, looking at Minato Namikaze's face full of curiosity, he made a decision: "This question is very simple. You only need to take a look at the battle traces left by Nagato's body after fighting with Hashirama, and then compete with Hashirama yourself, and you will have the answer."

"You stayed with your son last night and didn't have time to understand the situation in this area. Now, take advantage of this peaceful time to learn about the unique fighting methods of ninjas of Hashirama's level. This will be helpful to you. Actions after that are also very beneficial.”

Senshou Tomona felt that it was obviously a very stupid thing to believe in the world peace that "Nagato" said, and that it was the most important thing for Hokage to be ready to fight at all times.

And his ideas and suggestions are obviously very suitable for Hokage's taste.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Teacher Hashirama's strength for many years."

Sarutobi Hiruzen moved his body with an expectant expression on his face.

"The God of Ninja is powerful, I wonder if I will have a chance to experience it?"

Hatake Sakumo also seemed extremely moved.

Hasan Minato looked at Senju Hashirama with a happy expression on his face.

Even Kakashi, who had been keeping his head down and trying to eliminate his sense of existence, raised his right hand: "That... I also want to see it..."

"You little guys..."

Senju Hashirama crossed his arms and tried his best to put on a pose that he thought was handsome, and said with a proud smile, "I won't be merciful in a while..."

"Okay, okay, then it's decided, let's go now..."

Seeing that Senju Hashirama had left enough wooden clones in Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama didn't want to leave any opportunity for Hashirama to say dirty words. After interrupting Hashirama's speech, he pressed his hand on his shoulder. On the shoulder, the other hand held down Sarutobi Hiruzen's shoulder, "I'll leave the remaining two to you, Yondaime."

After saying this, Senju Tobirama immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and left the place with the two Hokages.

"I will follow you, Master Second Generation."

Although he knew that what he said would not be heard by the Second Hokage, Namikaze Minato still responded as if he was talking to himself. He followed the example of the Second Hokage and put his hands on the shoulders of Kakashi and his son. They also left Konoha.

Based on the current situation in the ninja world, to be precise, for most of the time in this world, the wooden clones left by Senju Hashirama in Konoha Village were enough to protect Konoha's safety.

The Akatsuki organization, which can pose a huge threat to Konoha in this defensive state, has just reached an agreement with them, and they should not cause trouble in the short term, so the Hokages are very relieved to leave.

This kind of reassurance is obviously no problem under normal circumstances. Unfortunately, the "Nagato" they are facing is not a normal person.

I was hiding in the Kamui space, thinking about how I could seize part of the Nine-Tails chakra in front of the Hokage as naturally and without embarrassment as "Nagato", when I suddenly discovered that the Hokage's chakra had disappeared from the Leaf Village. Already?

It secretly stretched out its head from the Kamui Space, and carefully used various sensing abilities. After sensing clearly, "Nagato" showed a surprised smile on his face, and then his head retracted back into the Kamui Space.

When it reappeared, it was already standing behind Naruto.

(End of this chapter)

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