Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 252 Shukaku is laughing wildly

Chapter 252 Shukaku is laughing wildly

The heretic demon statue behind it is still the body of the Ten-Tails, and it doesn’t say that it is the real Ten-Tails?

"Hahahaha, ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

Shukaku was the first to laugh. The fat tanuki was holding his belly and laughing up to the sky. It looked a little funny, but the scary thing was that not only was there no smile in its eyes, but it radiated a crazy murderous look. meaning.

"You think that after defeating a brat like Gaara, you can be arrogant in front of me? If... if there is no such thing..."

Having said this, Shukaku glanced at the chakra chain on his body with an angry expression.

Obviously, it felt that without the restraints of the Heretic Golem, Nagato would not be its opponent at all.

Seeing this, the other six tailed beasts that were locked up also showed expressions of sadness and anger, feeling that they were completely bullied by dogs after falling into disgrace. Nine Tails let out a short sneer.

Kyuubi felt that Izuo Morizuru was obviously much weaker than it, but refused to admit his weakness, kept fighting it and provoking it, what an idiot.

Nagato also looked at the silly fat tanuki with a smile on his face.

To Shukaku, this smile was very contemptuous, making him extremely angry.

Shukaku opened his mouth wide, and before he could shout out his dissatisfaction, Nagato's voice sounded one step ahead of him, and he said: "You look very unconvinced. That's good. I'll let the heretic demon statue capture you." Let go and let you know the huge gap between you and me."


What Nagato said was really a surprise to the other-tailed beast. When Shukaku heard the words, he quickly covered his mouth and swallowed back the curse words that he almost blurted out. The anger on his face completely disappeared. His little eyes blinked, no. He looked at Nagato in disbelief, wondering if he heard something wrong.

Like it, the tailed beasts restrained by the heretic golem also fell silent at the same time, staring at Nagato. In their eyes, this human being was no bigger than a mouse, and they did not believe that he would make such a "stupid" decision.

As if they were afraid that Nagato would regret it, the tailed beasts became quiet together. Tsunade and Konan began to retreat at Nagato's signal, giving Nagato space to repair Shukaku.

"Hey! Don't break my wet bone forest!"

The sound of slugs resounded in Nagato's mind.

There is no doubt about the strength of the tailed beast, and Slug also knows quite clearly about Nagato's ability.

According to Nagato's past style, if he fights Shukaku, half of the Shiggou Forest will probably be beaten to a pulp. Therefore, Slug's voice sounded a little anxious.

"It doesn't matter." Nagato comforted Slug in his mind, "I am no longer what I used to be. This fat tanuki can't do anything in front of me."

According to his understanding of his own abilities, Shukaku should be no match for him now, and he would be beaten to the point where he would be unable to fight back.

Of course, this is just his personal understanding and has not been verified in actual combat. What if his understanding is wrong and Shukaku controls the sand and turns most of the wet bone forest into a desert? ?

Of course it's Shukaku's fault!Slug Sage can use Shukaku as a punching bag when the time comes. No matter how hard it tries to beat Shukaku, he will definitely not stop it! !
The little slug on Nagato's shoulder kept conveying doubts to Nagato, but Nagato remained calm and used his consciousness to command the split body, manipulate the heretic golem, and release Shukaku.

So, under the surprised and delighted eyes of the tailed beasts, the chakra chain originally wrapped around Shukaku's neck and body loosened its body and retracted into the mouth of the heretic demon.

"Nagato is too messy."

After retreating to a safe distance, Tsunade said, feeling that Nagato's behavior was unnecessary.

How can a normal person be serious about a tailed beast?Young people are just full and have nothing to do.

"Nagato must have his own reasons."

Xiao Nan said with a firm tone.

She looked like this, obviously knowing nothing about what Nagato wanted to do, but she still maintained [-]% trust in Nagato, which made Tsunade sigh, feeling that Konan like this was really annoying!

At first, the reason why she taught Konan ninjutsu was just because of her relationship with Nagato. However, getting along with her during this period of time made Tsunade change her view of Konan, and she felt that it was actually good to have such a disciple!Maybe she can use Xiaonan's relationship to ask Nagato to resurrect a few more people for her...

Thinking of this, Tsunade smiled secretly.

It has to be said that apart from gambling, Tsunade's wishful thinking is all over the place. If Nagato finds out, he will politely ask her to look in the mirror and stop thinking too much about herself.After all, she is almost 60 years old, and it would be too shameful to still love fantasy so much. With that kind of skill, considering her life, it would be more realistic to try to quit gambling addiction!

When the chakra chain on Shukaku's body was taken back by the heretic demon, he twisted his body in disbelief and carefully looked at his body to see if there were any other signs of being sealed.

It tried its best to circulate the chakra in the body. After feeling the chakra flowing freely in the body without any stagnation, it couldn't help but show an expression of ecstasy, grinned its big mouth and let out a wanton laugh: "Jie hahahahaha Haha!! I’m free, I’m free! Stupid humans actually made me free!!”

The six tailed beasts who had the same experience as it also had the same ferocious smile on their faces, and they couldn't contain their excitement at all! !

In the "Tailed Beast Conference" just now, they have been asking the Nine Lamas to help deal with Nagato, find an opportunity to liberate them from the shackles of the heretic golem, or directly smash the heretic golem! !It's a pity that the Nine Lamas remained unmoved, claiming that they didn't know how strong Nagato was, which made them very angry.

OK now!Shukaku is out of trouble. With Shukaku's temper, he will definitely not let this damn human go. They are all saved! ! !

Sure enough, after Shukaku laughed wildly, his expression suddenly changed, and he exuded a monstrous murderous aura. He stared at Nagato with a stern look, and let out a sharp and harsh cry: "Now that you have released me, that man will be released." I will repay you well and give you a happy death!!"

As he said that, Shukaku raised his fat paws towards Nagato, and an extremely large amount of chakra poured into his body. Looking at the motionless Nagato in front of him, his mind had already emerged, The scene where waves of sand rose into the sky, wrapped around Nagato, and crushed him into pieces! !
It has to be said that Shukaku's momentum at this time is very strong. The maniacal laughter before and the painful killing now all have the feeling that the old Thousand-Armed Demon has finally escaped from trouble.Its tailed beast friends are also very satisfied with Shukaku's performance, and the smiles on their faces are about to burst. They really want to see the moment when the stupid human being is crushed into flesh by Shukaku with sand.

Unfortunately, the sand waves that were more powerful than the ocean waves did not arrive. After a breeze, nothing happened at the scene.

Shukaku's raised claw just now fanned Nagato a little and made his long hair move.

"what happened!"

Shukaku's fat face showed a look of surprise. He touched his chubby body. Suspicion flashed through his small eyes. After he found that there was no sign of any sealing or illusion in his body, he raised his voice again. Claws - this time both claws were raised, shouting: "I'll kill you now!!"

Two bursts of clear air blew at the same time, and Nagato's long hair moved again. Still nothing happened at the scene. Shukaku kept raising his claws at Nagato. To the tailed beasts and humans watching, it looked like What a fool...
"Hey, Shukaku! What are you doing?"

"Now is not the time to fool around! Activate your abilities!"

"Kill that human and let us out too!"

"That's right! You stupid tanuki, why are you always fanning Nagato with your paws? He's not hot!!"

The last words were spoken by Kyuubi. As soon as these words came out, all the tailed beasts showed speechless and choked expressions. Shukaku was so angry that the tanuki's face swelled.

"Watch me kill you!!!"

When he was angry, an even stronger desire to kill arose in his heart. Shukaku took a deep breath, and his already round belly expanded like a balloon. Then, he raised his paws and slapped his own belly hard. Belly: "Wind Escape, practice blank bullets! Practice blank bullets! Practice blank bullets!······"

It seems that shouting out the name of the ninjutsu will make it more realistic to perform the ninjutsu. Shukaku kept inhaling, patting his belly, and shouted the name of the blank bullet. Unfortunately, there was nothing in front of him. It didn't happen either. It kept patting its belly and sucked in air desperately. It no longer looked like a civet cat, but a baboon, and it was also the kind of incompetent and furious... ·
Nagato looked at the silly tanuki with sympathy, wondering if it was a bit bad for him to bully his future pet like this?Shukaku slapped his belly continuously, which made a "bang bang" noise, like beating a drum, but he couldn't cast a single ninjutsu. In the eyes of his friends, who looked like they were mentally retarded, the expression on the fat raccoon cat's face was aggrieved. Baba, seems to be about to cry...
Oh, this kid must be very desperate inside, right?Who told him that he had never seen the power of hungry ghosts and didn't know what magic was? ?

After the immortal method reached the intermediate stage mentioned by Immortal Slug, he was able to connect his abilities with natural energy, allowing natural energy to become a channel for transmitting his abilities.

Just like the Nara clan's shadow imitation technique, the shadow/ability that could only appear around him originally became shapeable and extended with the addition and conduction of natural energy, connecting from his feet to Shukaku's feet. Acts on Shukaku's surroundings.

That's why Shukaku couldn't use any of his techniques, because as soon as his chakra came out of his body, it was sucked away by him using his Hungry Ghost Path ability.

Now, he only needs to watch the chakra flow in Shukaku's body, and whenever Shukaku wants to use a technique, he can activate the ability of Hungry Ghost Path to absorb the chakra.Moreover, with his chakra amount far exceeding Shukaku's now, not to mention the ordinary techniques Shukaku casts, even the Tailed Beast Jade, Nagato can take it away in one fell swoop. Until birth.

(End of this chapter)

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