Chapter 254
A human can actually throw a tailed beast into the sky, tie it with a "rope", and spin it like a pebble? ? !
Such a scene combined with Shukaku's chubby body, although it looked a bit funny, also unknowingly shocked all the creatures present. Their eyes when looking at Nagato slowly became filled with awe. I don't dare to treat him as an ordinary human being.

", fuck...!!!"

Shukaku spun in the air like a tornado and made an inarticulate sound.

Now it is no longer as simple as filling its mouth with wind. The strong wind is like filling sausages, pouring into its body from every hole in its face, allowing it to fully experience what "coolness in the heart" means. Coupled with the high-speed rotation that made the vision in front of it extremely blurred, it immediately experienced the pleasure of "heart flying". Nagato used his actual actions to let the little tanuki in another world taste the taste of Sprite.

As a result, probably because of traveling through time and space, this "Sprite" seems to be able to make the tailed beast get on top.

Shukaku was in the sky, experiencing the joy of spinning, and was finally slowed down by Nagato and released from the sky.

After finally landing with both legs on the ground, Nagato felt that this guy should be honest, so he took back the King Kong Blockade tied to it. Shukaku yelled "Ouch", as if he wanted to say something, but he held his belly and felt The sky and the earth were spinning for a while, and I was a little confused. It had obviously stopped, so why did the sky and the earth start spinning?

Before Shouhe could figure it out, gold stars appeared in its eyes, as if it had drunk too much. After standing on the spot and shaking back and forth for a while, it fell to the ground with a "bang"... ·The chubby body twitched and twitched, looking extremely funny...

The tailed beasts all looked at the little civet cat with sympathetic eyes, even restrained the smirk on Nine-Tails' face, lowered their heads, covered their mouths, and let out an uncontrollable muffled laugh.


Shukaku's body twitched for a while, then he opened his mouth wide and retched several times. The expression on his face was that of a man who had no love in his life and felt that his life was worth it!

Shukaku never dreamed that as a tailed beast, a monster formed by chakra, which had never eaten food in its life, one day it would be turned to the point of vomiting by humans?What principle is this?Yin-Yang Escape isn't that scary, right?

Shukaku, who retched a few times and regained some energy, looked at Nagato with fearful eyes.

Needless to say!Although Shukaku is a tailed beast, the red-haired man in front of him is definitely not a person, he is a monster!The kind that knows magic! !

Nagato, who didn't know that Shukaku had already defined himself as "inhuman!", was a little satisfied with the "awed" look in the fat tanuki's eyes when he looked at him.

Nodding, Nagato asked Shukaku in an "amiable" tone, "Are you still playing?"

"Ugh..." Shukaku was about to ask, "Playing?", but after remembering what happened just now, he immediately covered his mouth in horror and shook his head like a drum.

I thought, what if the damn red hair "misunderstood" me again, that would be terrible!

If Gaara sees the well-behaved baby Shouhe at this time, he will be moved to tears, because this civet cat who is so noisy has learned to shut up!This world is so amazing!
Nagato, who had easily "trained" the little tanuki, retracted his gaze with satisfaction, and then looked at the other tailed beasts with "ferocious" eyes.

"Who else?······"

He asked the tailed beasts.

That gaze was like a devil... When the tailed beasts felt the red-haired gaze looking over, they all "shocked", and then heard Nagato's cry of "Inhuman!" Finally, he lowered his head silently.

It's not like they've never met before, they're all about the same strength. Shukaku is played like a ball in Hongmao's hands, how much better can they be?
The tailed beasts are not real beasts. They have enough wisdom and reason to see the reality clearly. Therefore, in Nagato's sight, each of them has restrained their evil aura and appeared "well-behaved and cute".

"It's almost there!"

Nagato was also very satisfied with the well-behaved pets, and took a step forward, "Next, you will sign a contract with me, and leave enough Chakra to revive the ten tails, and I promise you can live freely, no How about being threatened by others? Isn't this much happier than the way you lived before?"

He raised his right hand to the tailed beasts, and the tailed beasts all took a step back, obviously unwilling...

"What? Do you really want to resurrect the Ten-Tails from my demon statue of the Way Beyond the Wall?"

Nagato's eyes were a little confused.

Kyuubi looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, looking confident, as if he had determined something.

The atmosphere at the scene was so quiet that it was solemn. Nagato's Rinnegan eyes glowed with a cold and fierce light. The tailed beasts shrank their necks when they saw this. The second tailed Mataru's cat ears moved and he spoke with some hesitation. : "Although you are strong, we are seven people..."

Nagato blinked, not understanding what it meant.

"According to your statement, you want to sign a contract with the seven of us and identify with you like Jiu Xiaoxiao?..."

King Wu Tai Mu tentatively spoke.

"Then give us a fight. Only by relying on your own strength and defeating seven of us at the same time will you be considered to have the strength that we recognize."

The wings on Nanao Chongming's tail moved, as if he couldn't help but want to fly.

"Moreover, you can't ask the Nine Lamas to help you, including slugs, heretic demons, and the clones you prepared."

Six-tailed Rhino, added in its somewhat high-pitched voice.

"How about it? Uzumaki Nagato, do you dare to accept such a challenge??"

The four-tailed orangutan clenched its fists. The muscles on its two "orangutan arms" were extremely developed and full of power.

"Beat us, and we will recognize you."

Sanwei Isao was shocked. This deformed turtle in Nagato's eyes also spoke and expressed his attitude.

"Gah! That's it, come fight with us first!!"

Even Shukaku "sit up in shock while dying of illness" and regained his fighting spirit!
Nagato listened quietly to the opinions expressed by these little pets, keeping his face paralyzed and not rushing to answer.

The tailed beasts couldn't tell what he was thinking from his face, and they gradually looked worried. Did they think their request was too much?
Just when the tailed beasts looked at each other and began to consider whether to lower their demands, Nagato, who understood that the little pets had finished speaking, flashed lightning on his body and appeared next to Shukaku in an instant, sucking it into the Kamui space.

Then, extending from the mouth of the Outer Way Golem, the Chakra chains restraining the Tailed Beasts shrunk rapidly, and the Tailed Beasts turned pale with fright, before they had time to say anything, they were sucked back into the body by the Outer Way Golem in an instant.

"Nagato, do you want to fight?" Kyuubi looked at Nagato seriously and asked.

Each of the seven tailed beasts has its own abilities. For ordinary ninjas, even if they reach the shadow level, let alone seven, it will be difficult to deal with even one, but two will be no match at all.

There is a saying that changes in quantity lead to changes in quality. The combination of the abilities and physical strength of the seven tailed beasts makes even it find it difficult. If it were not for knowing how terrifying Nagato's ability is, the Nine Tails would not mention this to the tailed beasts at all. kind of suggestions.

Yes, this idea was also thought up by its Nine-Tails. It is really a clever little ghost...
"Hit, why not?"

Nagato answered while perceiving the surrounding environment, and asked the slug which direction the ground could be tossed at will. After getting the answer, he quickly found a place.

It is far away from the Wetbone Forest, without any human habitation, surrounded by barren hills, and the geology is very solid, even the grass doesn't grow very much, so it is a good place for beating.

Both Nagato and Slug were very satisfied with this place, so Nagato activated his divine power and released Shukaku.

Before the fat raccoon cat could yell anything, the split body that had been standing there connected to the heretic demon was channeled by Nagato. Then, the split body channeled out of the heretic demon and was penetrated again, leaving the remaining The six tailed beasts below were released at once.

The tailed beasts who saw the light of day again were pleasantly surprised to find that the chakra chains on their bodies were taken back by the heretic golem when they saw Nagato. The split body even avoided suspicion and returned with the heretic golem. Moist Bone Forest.

As a result, in the continuous barren mountains, there were only seven tailed beasts, Nagato and the little slug.

"are you ready?"

Erwei went to Nagato and opened his mouth.

The humans in front of them had obviously accepted their proposal, and of course Matauri would not ask too many nonsense questions. Although his tone was gentle, he couldn't help but stick out his right paw towards Nagato, assuming the posture of a cat ready to prey.

"let's start!"

Nagato answered simply, and at the same time as he spoke, the seven tailed beasts raised their tails and swiped towards Nagato at the same time.


At such a close distance, of course physical attacks and their fastest and strongest tails are the most lethal!
The seven tailed beasts coordinated their tail-flicking attacks with great tacit understanding, causing violent turmoil on the ground. Dust raised and gravel flew everywhere. Nagato turned into a bolt of lightning and retreated continuously to avoid the attack. Then, at the same time, with his right foot Stomping on the ground, his body went straight forward like electricity, rushing into the group of tailed beasts.

"Well done, I won't show mercy."

The Three-Tailed Iso panicked, retracted his body into the tortoise shell, and quickly spun on the spot, like a huge metal roller, rolling towards Nagato.

"Before that, control your actions first!"

Ichibi Shukaku activated his ability to control sand, crushing the earth and turning it into earth-yellow waves of sand, rising into the sky and rushing towards Nagato from both sides of his body, trying to block his retreat.

"It's very fast, but can you still see clearly?"

Nanao Shigeaki flapped his wings and flew into the sky, sprinkling golden scale powder in the direction of Nagato, depriving him of his vision.

(End of this chapter)

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