Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 263 From Success to Failure

Chapter 263 From Success to Failure
From Lin's perspective, she felt that she had no choice.

She died in the war and knew very well that in this world, the weak have no choice.

Not to mention the three ninjas and the mysterious and powerful Nagato standing here, even if she faced only four ordinary jounin, with her strength, there was no need for her to struggle needlessly.The resistance just now was just a conditioned response behavior brought to her by the horrific experiences she had experienced during her lifetime.

After regaining some sanity, especially after feeling the reality from the name Uchiha Obito.The trance and unreal feeling caused by the inexplicable resurrection in Lin's mind was relieved a lot.

Of course she couldn't make any promises to Nagato, so she just asked in a low voice: "Then where is Obito now?"

If all this was really related to Obito, she didn't believe that Obito would not come to see her!
Does the goddess want to summon her own licking dog?
With a serious look on his face, Nagato began to read and understand Lin's question in his own way, and a picture emerged of Lin channeling Obito as if he were channeling a hellhound.

"This, regarding matters related to Obito, you can ask him yourself at that time."

Although he felt that he "understood" Lin's current mentality - didn't he summon the Nine-Tails first before dealing with the Ten-Tails?However, Nagato did not intend to get involved in this sour smell of love.

For him, channeling Lin was just to use her as a medicine to treat Obito's mental illness, to stabilize Obito, and, most importantly, to make Obito embarrassed to mention his eyes to him!

You know, although he took Obito's eye, he also gave Obito a girlfriend! !Being able to exchange his eyes for a girlfriend, what else wouldn't the "love-mad" Obito not be happy with?It should be said that it is earned through blood, right? !Nagato's idea is that simple.

Lin looked at Nagato with confusion, as if she didn't like to talk too much, and tilted her head slightly.

The girl's slender and sensitive nerves made her feel that the red hair in front of her didn't seem to understand her meaning at all. This guy seemed to be thinking about something weird?

"Anyway, I'm going to resurrect you now and take you to see Obito!"

When Nagato saw Lin stopped talking, he immediately felt that he had convinced her. After giving himself a thumbs up, he spoke with a final tone.

Lin didn't know how to object to his decision.

If someone insists on resurrecting her, what can she do?The three ninja next to her didn't seem to dare to oppose Nagato. She was just an ordinary ninja who knew a little bit about medical ninjutsu. How could she be the opponent of this red-haired man who looked extremely powerful at first glance?

At Nagato's signal, Nohara Rin took a few steps forward, suppressing the panic in her heart and the urge to turn around and run away, and approached the Ten-Tails.

"It's so ugly. Look how scared you are of that little girl!"

After noticing that Lin's calves were shaking slightly, Nagato glanced at the ugly one-eyed toad-like face of the Ten-Tails and cursed in his heart.

He suddenly felt that it was really not the Six Paths Sage's problem that the tailed beasts were so ugly!This is all the fault of the Ten-Tails. The source of the tailed beasts, the Ten-Tails, is an ugly monster in itself!

And if we continue to deduce, whose fault is it that the Ten-Tails, the source of chakra, can grow so ugly?This is really gratifying!No wonder Obito despairs of this world!
The Ten-Tails plus the reincarnation, two taboo things superimposed together, what kind of waves it will cause and what kind of consequences it will cause, to be honest, Nagato himself cannot estimate at all.

He turned sideways in front of Lin, leaving the little girl's passage leading to Ten-tails, watching her back, until she was trembling all over, and the distance to Ten-tails was less than five meters before he asked her to stop.

This is simply Girl and the Beast!
After seeing Lin and the Ten-Tails standing so close, Nagato instantly felt like this.Lin's movements immediately attracted the attention of Konan and the Sannin.

After the Ten-Tails saw Lin, a strange human being approaching, the ferocious aura in his one eye seemed to begin to gather again.

The huge six-magatama samsara eye on its face was like a mirror with magical power, illuminating Lin's heart.

Even if she kept telling herself that she was dead and had nothing to fear, Lin could not suppress her inner fear of the Ten-Tails at such a distance.

She didn't know why she was so scared, and she didn't know how the people around her viewed her. Suddenly, she glanced at Ten-Tails's eyes, and realized that her own appearance reflected in them was pitiful, as if she might die at any moment. Just like crying.

"How unpleasant!"

Tsunade paid attention to Lin's reaction, put her hands on Naoki's shoulders, and sighed as if she was afraid that he would run away again.

Jiraiya's eyes looked a little complicated, and Orochimaru showed his signature evil smile.

The picture that appeared in their eyes was unique to the Land of Rain, the kind of gloomy sky that never faded over the years.

And, squatting there, with the leaden clouds as the background, the terrifying Ten-Tails, that inexplicably huge and terrifying figure, wagging its tail enough to cover the sky, and opened its mouth wide enough to split its cheeks, The dense layers of sharp teeth inside are like sharp swords, and it looks like they can bite people into pieces with one bite!

The terrifying monster that was so weird and nightmare-like has now become a reality, making this "real" world seem "unreal".

In front of this gloomy, treacherous, terrifying, and ruthless picture, Lin's slender girl's back, and her pitiful demeanor add some humane sentimentality and tragic color to the scene in front of her.

Her body was too small in comparison with the Ten-Tails, and she was approaching the Ten-Tails alone in an almost "alone" state.Although it is clear that Nagato wants to resurrect this girl, if this prerequisite is put aside, the first word that comes to most people's minds when they see this kind of scene is probably sacrifice.

And Jiraiya, who was more "enlightened" and often talked about the fate of the ninja world, saw the fate of ninjas from Lin.They are all just fragile and insignificant ninjas like Lin, borrowing the power of chakra from terrifying beings like the Ten-Tails.

"It's about to start."

Nagato spoke softly to Konan, who had unknowingly approached him.

"We should stand further away. Whether it's the Ten-Tails or something else, it's not as important as our own safety!"

While the Sannin were staring at the Ten-Tails like three fools, Nagato, Konan and Kyuubi quietly moved their steps and distanced themselves from the Ten-Tails.

"Is it dangerous?"

Konan asked softly.


Nagato replied softly. He glanced at the reactions from the Ten-Tails to the Sannin and was very satisfied with the performance of this idiot.

What he is going to do now, in his assessment, is probably similar to the experiments at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Ten-Tails, he hasn't figured this thing out yet!The dangerous level is no less than an unstable nuclear reactor. Then, he will use this "nuclear reactor" to conduct experiments and force it to use reincarnation, a forbidden technique with great side effects!

Hey, this... is a very dangerous thing no matter how you think about it. It's good for the Sannin to stay here. They are very suitable to take over the responsibility, and they can also make Konoha and Senju Hashirama to deal with urgent needs. The key talents who came here to put out the fire, and Kyuubi also retreated with them, this is very good...

Wait, Nagato glanced at Kyuubi, who had a look on his face, and cautiously followed him back, wondering what this big fox was doing!Is it so afraid of death?With its size, it can't be sneaky at all, right?

Nagato quickly took another look at everyone's reactions, and found that Naoki was indeed looking at him with his eyes wide open, and he was moaning.

Fortunately, Tsunade knew this younger brother very well and kept covering his mouth to prevent him from talking nonsense, so Nagato's plan was not exposed in advance! !

In short, as soon as he thought about the consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Nagato decided that as long as something unexpected happened to the Ten-Tails, he would immediately lock the Sannin and the Ten-Tails together!Let them create a double-layered four-red sun array with their five split bodies, and then go to Konoha to ask Tathagata Buddha, oh no, ask Senju Hashirama to come over and help!

After the two of them and one fox retreated to a safer distance, Nagato ordered the splinters at the conscious level to force the Ten-Tails to use Reincarnation on Lin now!


Almost at the same time as Nagato gave the order, Ten-Tails immediately struggled and roared, his mouth opened wide, and he stared at Nohara Rin with hatred, scaring her so much that she sat on the ground.

All Nagato's senses were fully activated, and after his Byakugan's vision caught sight of the collapsed expression on Lin's face, he felt that if the child could muster up any courage, he would have run away without looking back.

It's a pity that she is now so scared that she doesn't even dare to run away. Of course, it saves him some trouble!
Nothing unusual was found, and Nagato continued to focus on the "nuclear test" in front of him.

Although the Ten-Tails does not seem to have the consciousness and soul of a normal creature, it seems to be sensitive to life, death, misfortune, and blessings.

When he and Kyuubi tried to suppress the revived state of Ten-Tails before, he was rebounded by Ten-Tails. Now letting Ten-Tails use reincarnation is almost forcing him to death.Sensing the crisis, the Ten-Tails began to resist fiercely. The first generation of Nagato's split body in it began to split under the authorization of Nagato. Then the second generation also joined the army that split and suppressed the Ten-Tails until it split. When the total number of bodies exceeded 1, Juwei showed a look of reluctance, raised his hands together, and after making a seal, crossed his fingers and clenched his hands into fists.It was at this time that the Sannin noticed that the hands of the ten-tailed monster didn't look much different from humans! ?

"Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi!"

With the infinite energy in the Ten-Tails' body, the single-player version of the Rinnegan was activated almost instantly. Its hands emitted a white light, and it made a squeaking noise. To Nagato's ears, it was like... This big baby is cursing people, spouting some curse words...

The world seemed to suddenly darken, and a bright white beam of light fell from the gap in the clouds and shone on Nohara Lin, making her seem to be in a spotlight, attracting everyone's attention.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of the heart beating gradually became clearer from the girl's body.Outside her body, the debris that originally covered her body were flying around her like dry dust.

Lin touched her suddenly smooth face in disbelief, then looked down at her clean and spotless clothes. Tears finally fell from her eyes. She didn't know whether she was happy or sad.
"He actually came back to life..."

Jiraiya opened his eyes wide and muttered to himself.

When the white light emitted by the Ten-Tails' hands disappeared, the light beam shining on Lin also disappeared in an instant, and the sky and earth returned to their gloomy appearance.Tsunade immediately let go of the rope tree, walked over to Lin, and checked her body.

Of course, Tsunade also had her own considerations as to why she did not rush to ask Nagato to resurrect the rope tree first. Although it seemed unfair to Lin, Nagato and Tsunade both made the same choice to let her Be the first guinea pig in the experiment.

Nagato grinned at Naoki, who was staring intently at him, while Naoki tried his best to make a big face at the red-haired man.

The rope tree saw what Hong Mao had just quietly retreated from! !With his usual temper, he would have already yelled at this kind of "escape" behavior. However, what surprised Nagato was that after making a face, this guy who looked like Naruto didn't say a word. Pouting, sulking there.

Reminiscing about Tsunade's previous behavior of pulling Naoki to lecture, Nagato felt that this was probably the result of Tsunade's temporary education. He also didn't know how Tsunade explained all this to Naoki? ?
"Nagato, can a dead person really be resurrected?"

As Tsunade inspected Lin's body and the expression on her face became more and more excited, Konan asked Nagato quietly.

"Who knows..."

Nagato closed his eyes slightly and looked at the cloudy sky of the Land of Rain, knowing exactly what she was thinking about.

"Just like when rain falls from the sky, we all know that it is rain. If we take the rain that has fallen on the ground and turned into a river, and then sprinkle it into the sky again, and let it fall again, we still think that it is rain. The rain of the past?”

Nagato seemed to answer, but also spoke as if talking to himself.

Life and death are by no means just two states of existence of living things, just a simple matter.

Everyone knows this, which is why Obito is desperate, and why this world is full of disputes.


Konan's tone was a little hesitant, she knew what Nagato would definitely do next.

"Don't think too much." Nagato interrupted what she wanted to say, "Use the clone to bring Yahiko's body over. Just let Yahiko decide whether to resurrect him or not!"

To Nagato, the issues of life and death were nothing more than philosophical trivial matters.

Wouldn't it be enough to just ask the person involved if he wants to be resurrected?Not respecting the wishes of the person concerned and treating it as a lunatic is the kind of thing that a lunatic like Obito would do.Nagato felt that he would not look for trouble!
Konan looked at Nagato seriously and saw that he had made a decision, so he used the paper clone to bring Yahiko's body over.

In fact, both she and Nagato knew very well that Yahiko's original method of death was similar to suicide.He just despaired of his ideals, felt disillusioned because he was deceived by Hanzo, and felt guilty and self-blame for the Yuan Xiao organization and the group of companions who followed him were all killed.

To put it bluntly, when Hanzo, whom he admired and always shouted for peace, united with Konoha Village to choose to kill the Akatsuki organization.Yahiko's hope for so-called world peace, which he had gained from Jiraiya, had been shattered.

He understood that his path had been completely blocked and that "Ninja Dao" could no longer be practiced, so he chose death and left the future fate of the world to Nagato. Nagato also felt the same feelings as Yahiko. Feeling the pain of disillusionment, he finally chose to regain Yahiko's faith when he was young, and decided to rely on his own strength to let the world taste pain, returning everything to the origin of their destiny.

From a fundamental point of view, for Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan, the three precarious children living in the land of rain with constant war, the extravagant hope for peace that Jiraiya weaved and instilled in them, in the end, only It's just nonsense.

It's like a stupid uncle in a developed country, who went to the war-torn Middle East to promote some bullshit democracy. Think he's just an "outsider". (Not after being brainwashed by Naruto.)
"Rose Tree, you are next!"

Glancing at the back of Xiao Nanzhi flying away, Nagato showed his calm eyes that he had seen through everything and knew that he would succeed, and confidently ordered the rope tree.

In fact, he was already extremely excited!Because the Chernobyl nuclear experiment in his mind was successful?This is really awesome!Is Intenachonel about to be realized?

Nagato felt that it wouldn't be a problem for him to change his name to "Holy Nagato" after he mastered the great resurrection technique, right?

Well, if he hadn't just greased the soles of his feet, with his strength, momentum, and feat of controlling the Ten-Tails, he might have really made Naoki admire him so much that he became his little fan.

But now...

Sheng Shu pouted at Lao Gao and turned his head to one side.This was his response to Nagato.

Although he didn't care about a brat's attitude towards him, Nagato still felt that the Senju family were really annoying!


After checking Lin's body, Tsunade rushed over happily. As soon as she saw the stinky appearance of Nogeki, she immediately punched him in the head.

"What are you still doing here? Come here quickly!!"

Tsunade yelled fiercely.

After her examination, Lin's body was no different from that of a normal person!It is the real resurrection!Tsunade now wishes she could take Nagato as her father, but the little Nasuki bunny dares to get into trouble with Nagato. It's just asking for trouble!

Naoki was in tears after being punched by Tsunade. His eyes went blank and he almost lost consciousness. Tsunade forcibly pulled him in front of the Ten-Tails.

"Nagato! You promised me!"

As if she was afraid that Nagato, the "super medical master", would regret it, Tsunade turned and shouted to Nagato.

In her opinion, her so-called medical ninjutsu was nothing compared to true resurrection.

How much Nagato cared about her, the number one medical ninja in the ninja world, now she cared about Nagato, the "humanoid resurrection machine."It can be said that as long as the information that Nagato can resurrect the dead at will spreads in the ninja world, he will be the most popular person in the world!The type of person who poops on someone else's dining table and is greeted with a smile and told that it smells really good! (Why would you want to do this?)
After the Ten-Tails used the Rinnegan to resurrect Lin, the vitality in his body seemed to have decreased a bit, and the huge six magatama reincarnation eyes also looked a little tired. Nagato estimated the vitality in the Ten-Tails' body and silently calculated the chakra quality of Lin and the rope tree. , continued to issue orders to the clones, forcing the Ten-Tails to use reincarnation!
"Whoa whoa whoa-!"

The poor Ten-Tails never dreamed that after being forced to consume a lot of life force, he would be forced to score twice right away?

Its hollow cry sounded a little pitiful to Nagato, but Nagato felt that this big baby was too pretentious!Although the vitality it consumes is almost disproportionate to the vitality Lin gets, in terms of its "infinite" total vitality, this is nothing at all!As long as you don't die, what's there to worry about?What a serious injury!
Under Orochimaru's rather sympathetic gaze, Ten-Tails started to form the seal with almost trembling hands, and then held them together.

It was exactly the same as the scene when Lin was resurrected before. After a bright light fell from the sky, Naoki jumped up excitedly: "I'm resurrected! I'm resurrected! I can be Hokage again!"

Tsunade, who carried the rope tree in front of the Ten-Tails, quickly ran away for fear of affecting the rope tree's resurrection. Upon seeing this, Tsunade was so excited that her eyes filled with tears, and she hugged her bratty brother.

"Wow... don't hold me so tightly! I'm not a child anymore, let go... let go!"

Naoki struggled under Jiraiya's envious gaze, but unfortunately he couldn't escape from Tsunade's arms.

"Teacher Orochimaru, come and save me!"

In desperation, he even started calling for help from Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and showed a helpless smile.

The death of his parents and the death of Naoki were the plane crash that weighed most heavily on Orochimaru's heart.

The former made Orochimaru feel the fragility of life, because the source of his own life was his parents, while the latter made him feel the impermanence of fate, because he knew very well how much the rope tree meant to Tsunade and Konoha. Putting it in his hands showed such trust and high hope in him.

"Congratulations, Rope Tree."

Of course Orochimaru would not "rescue" the rope tree. Didn't you see that Tsunade was already crying?

He just skillfully buried all his inner emotions, just like when Naoki died, but looked at the Ten-Tails with regained rationality.

"This is the only Ten-Tails..."

Even if he doesn't have the eye power to detect the Ten-Tails like Nagato, Orochimaru can still feel the weakness of this monster from the tired expression and emaciated body of the Ten-Tails. Nagato, that guy with a cold temperament, tortures him "Treasure and protect animals" is really merciless...
"Hey, what else is there? I still have room for resurrection, right?"

After secretly wiping away her tears and checking Nasuki's body, Tsunade called to Nagato again.

"Xiaonan hasn't learned the Yin Seal yet, you scumbag, wait until you teach her!"

Nagato spoke while assessing the condition of the Ten-Tails.

After all, it is a technique from death to life, just like creating life.

The life force consumed by the Ten-Tails' use of Samsara was greater than he imagined. He didn't know if he could use the Ten-Tails to revive other people in a short period of time after resurrecting Yahiko, so he found an excuse and rejected Tsunade. .

"Ah? Isn't it? You are so stingy! Does this count as a whirlpool?"

With this thought, Tsunade's dissatisfied complaints were ignored by Nagato as a matter of course.

This was originally the area of ​​​​Ame Hidden Village, not far from the tower where Yahiko's body was stored. In the silent expressions of Nagato and Konan, Konan's paper clone flew over with Yahiko's body.

"This is······"

Jiraiya immediately recognized the identity of the corpse and understood who Nagato would resurrect next.

"Orochimaru, use part of this body to channel his soul."

Nagato spoke to Orochimaru.

Reincarnation in the dirt itself is a type of spiritualism. This technique is broken down into using flesh and blood as "material information" to summon souls, using the body of a living person as a "container" to accommodate the soul, and then using spells to control it. Just a technique.

Orochimaru followed Nagato's orders and used a kunai to cut off a small part of Yahiko's body.

Witnessing two resurrections with his own eyes caused some changes in Orochimaru's understanding of life. His movements in channeling Yahiko looked confident and smooth, and his whole person seemed less evil and more calm than before.

Tsunade watched Orochimaru's movements without saying a word. She knew Yahiko's identity very well and his importance to Nagato, so she had no objection to the arrangement of him becoming the third candidate for resurrection.

Of course, she didn't dare to have any objections.

"The Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"

Orochimaru got ready and slapped his right hand on the ground.

Black chakra flowed from his right hand and flowed on the ground in front of him.Chakra forms runes, the runes are connected into black lines, and the black lines form the spell.

In Nagato's opinion, this technique is extremely simple. The two Chinese characters for "箷土" in it are a bit interesting. I wonder if changing it to seal script will double the power?
Konan looked at Juju's reaction with a somewhat nervous expression, wondering, where is Yahiko's soul?
And this, of course, is what Nagato wants to know.

"what happened?"

he asked.


The confidence on Orochimaru's face had completely disappeared, and there was a confused look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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