Nagato carrying rice in Konoha

Chapter 265 Battle of Hidden Mist Village

Chapter 265 Battle of Hidden Mist Village

Of course, he couldn't guess such a thing.

Because Nagato said he wanted him to agree to a request, but he was just teasing him.Nowadays, Jiraiya can't really help Nagato.

Whether it was strength or power, Jiraiya seemed to have none of it in Nagato.

Even if he wants to find a passage to Mount Myouki, he can get the answer directly through the soul-searching toad Fukasaku, the "higher level" of Mount Myouki.There is no need for the second-hand information that Jiraiya has that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Jiraiya rubbed his head and was stunned. After everyone used the time and space ninjutsu to disappear without hesitation, he stood alone for a while and thought about the magical journey of resurrection he had experienced.

After thinking about his situation, Jiraiya shook his head helplessly and decided to return to his Gaolaozhuang first, oh no, to Konoha Village.

The means of transportation he uses is, of course, his two legs!As the toad monster of Mt. Myoboku, Jiraiya said that he can run very fast!He is simply a white-haired boy as cool as the wind, so handsome that he is unstoppable!
Not to mention that Jiraiya ran back to Konoha Village in a hurry to continue his "collection" of materials in the women's bathhouse to prepare for the writing of the next yellow novel with endless poison.

Let’s just talk about Nagato’s split body. After entering Kamui Space with Nohara Rin and Orochimaru, these two people became very interested in the dark environment in Kamui Space and the simple white cube used as the ground.

When Lin looked at the environment here, the expression on her face was more or less nervous, because she was directly sucked into the divine space by the split body involuntarily, and she did not know what fate was waiting for her ahead.

Orochimaru, a veteran driver, seemed much calmer. He looked around the scene in the Kamui space with great interest, and then he set his sights on the split body. Obviously, compared to Kamui's technique, Orochimaru is not as powerful as Orochimaru. Maru was more curious about Nagato's split body itself.

Unfortunately, there is no split body at all, just the idea of ​​satisfying his curiosity.

Facing Orochimaru's curious eyes, the split body was somewhat "ready to go".

As long as Orochimaru dares to do something unpleasant or say something that makes people feel "disrespectful", it will just use force to beat him until he cries for his father and mother. It will never be used to it. This research madman.

At this time, its main body should have taken the Nine-Tails to the Cloud Hidden Village in the Land of Thunder - as a split body of Nagato, of course it knew everything about this.

Although the stupid body had made up its mind to continue to develop from the beginning, Yahiko's incident also made Nagato's sense of crisis more intense.

He knew very well that he only looked prosperous on the surface. In fact, the external force he could rely on in this world was approximately zero, and everything he had was only based on his own strength.

Moreover, as long as he is still involved with the Rinnegan and the Ten-Tails, these two things will still be in the most dangerous storm in the world, and he may overturn at any time.

Whether it's Sage of the Six Paths, Kurojue, or Madara, all the bosses in this world, as long as they are interested in Otsutsuki Kaguya's "Godhead", they will not let go of their schemes against him!

Therefore, no matter what he does, he must do it steadily.I went to Kumogakure just to perfect the Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu.

In short, that idiot finally got tired of his stupid behavior of electrocuting himself half-baked every time he fought.

This is really gratifying! !
The split body glanced at him and was still staring at himself with bright eyes, with a greedy and curious look on his face, and the Orochimaru was getting thicker and thicker.It was decided that as long as this guy dares to make an impolite request, such as assisting him with some experiments or something, it will directly break Orochimaru's legs without hesitation, and no one can stop him!

"Are you Nagato's clone?"

Finally, as a "scientist", Orochimaru noticed the malicious look in "Nagato"'s eyes when he glanced at him, but he couldn't help the strong curiosity in his heart and asked this "Nagato".

Really, this kind of clone of Nagato was really strange to him.

Although he likes to research forbidden arts, and the stand-in flow he uses is quite advanced, due to his strength and foundation, Orochimaru is not as well-informed as the Senju brothers.

Therefore, he didn't know what the magic of Shigulin was, let alone guess that a human could possess the ability of a slug, and combine that ability with a shadow clone.

In his opinion, the current "Nagato" should be its original body, a special clone created by using some unique ability!Of course, according to his way of understanding, there is actually nothing wrong with it.

"Nagato" lowered his head and thought for a moment, then put his hands behind his back in a grand manner. Facing Orochimaru's eyes full of curiosity, he answered proudly.

"Don't compare me to that stupid body! I'm very strong."

After receiving the task of escorting Lin to meet Obito, it gained a very high degree of freedom of movement from the main body, so it also appeared much more "lively".

"Hehe, you are indeed very strong."

Orochimaru avoided talking about its "stupid nature" and only gave his own evaluation objectively.

After all, after living for half his life, Orochimaru has seen too many weird things, and he knows that some people are like this. He can scold himself, but he will never accept others scolding him in their exact words!Facing a guy like Nagato who is hostile to him and overly powerful, he must be careful and cautious.

"Would you like to ask him what special abilities he has?"

Orochimaru thought about this problem in his heart, and finally, under the malicious eyes of "Nagato", he gave up such a plan.

In his opinion, no matter whether the "Nagato" in front of him is the real person or not, the powerful sense of oppression exuded by it cannot be faked.

Orochimaru, a wise decision is better to be careful.No matter how weird the "Nagato" in front of him is, he will treat it as the real Nagato.After all, this world is respected by strength, and the former Heavenly Dao was just a corpse, and no one in the Xiao organization dared to disrespect it.

The split body withdrew its gaze from Orochimaru and was quite satisfied with his calm appearance. It noticed that Lin was still carefully looking at the scene in the Kamui space. It grinned at the little girl and said, "This technique is called Kamui. , is a time and space ninjutsu. If we use it, we will soon reach the Kingdom of Water and let you see Obito."

In its opinion, although this little girl looks, at most it can only be called a little cute, and her figure is basically non-existent, but a dog-licker like Obito shouldn't be so picky, right?

As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so why would Obito be so good at it?

Seeing Lin looking at him in surprise, as if he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to explain something to her, the split body added proudly: "Do you think it's awesome? This is the pupil technique possessed by Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan. !My body secretly transplanted Obito’s eyes to gain this ability.”

The unexpected expression on Lin's face gradually turned into panic. Why did she feel that the meaning of the person in front of her was that its body had snatched Obito's Sharingan?
Obito had already given his left eye to Kakashi, and now someone took away another eye. Wouldn't Obito not even have an eye?

In Lin's horrified expression, the split body straightened its back, looking very proud of itself.

It's as if it feels that it is a very glorious thing for its own body to steal other people's eyes.

"What's going on between you and Obito..."

In Lin's big dark brown eyes, there was a lot of worry, and she wanted to ask what was the relationship between the guy in front of her and Obito, but Orochimaru stretched out her arm to stop her plan.

Who knows whether the character of the avatar in front of him has more "funny" attributes, or whether he has more "cruel" tendencies?
Orochimaru knew very well how dangerous the people in the Akatsuki organization were and how unscrupulous their behavior was, so he felt that before he understood the situation, it was better not to let an ignorant brat like Lin get involved with "Nagato" Small talk is better.

He looked curious, looking at the character and behavior of this avatar that was completely different from the original body, and couldn't help but guess: "Your situation must be related to the strength of your soul, right?"

Orochimaru has studied beings with more chakra than Nagato, or with stronger spiritual energy than him.

Such a strange avatar has never appeared on those big shots.

Considering Nagato's ability to target the soul at every turn, he immediately thought about the root of the problem in the direction of "soul power".

Needless to say, he is indeed a rare "Ninjutsu expert" in this world.Orochimaru's guess seemed quite reliable to the split body.

Even if others don't know, doesn't it know the special nature of Nagato's soul?That red hair is basically an outsider from another world, but, it will never reveal this kind of information.

Therefore, it just stared at Orochimaru indifferently, staring at the little snake with fear, and once again thanked itself for pulling away from Nagato and "going to" Sasuke's decision.

Although Nagato holds more secrets than Sasuke, for Orochimaru, this red-haired man is still too dangerous and is beyond the scope of his ability to study.

Shortly after the three "people" fell silent, the space vortex opened again, and Nagato activated his divine power to release Lin and Orochimaru.


What greeted them was a white clay bomb falling from the sky.

"Hahahahaha, where is Sasuke? Where did that kid go? I want him to see my art again! Yes!"

Over the smoke-filled Kirigakure Village, Deidara rode his white two-winged bird made of explosive clay, frantically throwing bombs downwards, and one of them accidentally landed on "Nagato"'s head. Go up and make it very angry.

"What a messy guy!!"

The fireball transformed from the clay bomb disappeared in the blink of an eye after reaching the space around it. Lin and Orochimaru stood on its left and right, naturally unscathed.

"It seems like there's a war going on."

After looking at the chaotic environment around him, Orochimaru spoke.

The place where they appeared at this time was originally supposed to be a street in Kirigakure Village.The reason why it is called "original" is because this street has been bombarded to a flat ground in the explosion just now, and no buildings are left. Of course, it can no longer be called a street.

Lin was quite adaptable to such a war scene, and there was no panic on her face. "Nagato" pulled her behind him just to be on the safe side.

"This kid Deidara seems a little too arrogant."

It stared at Deidara, who was still throwing clay bombs on the ground, and said.

While locking Deidara's position with its Byakugan, a mechanical arm appeared on its shoulder. The five fingers of the arm, including the front half of the forearm, turned into a rotating metal muzzle, aiming at Deidara's head. , A bombardment passed.


The dazzling green light was like a bolt of lightning streaking across the sky, so fast that Deidara had no time to react.

He never expected that the enemy still had anti-aircraft firepower!The green light came from bottom to top, blasting Didara's head clean in just an instant, as if it had been vaporized, leaving nothing behind.

The headless "corpse" of Deidara, who was instantly killed, stood on the two-winged bird. Following the inertia, he swayed silently for a few times, and then, amidst the exclamations from all over Kirigakure Village, he fell forward. Lying on the back of the two-winged bird.

Due to flying too high, Hidden Mist Village did not have the power to attack Deidara before Nagato took action.

At this time, the two-winged bird lost the support and control of Deidara's chakra, its head sank, and it fell to the ground with its owner. In the eyes of the Kirigakure ninjas, it was like a plane on the battlefield. Above, a bomber crashed.

They didn't know who killed the enemy with the green laser, but they were all shocked and felt that they saw hope of winning the battle.The ninjas who had witnessed Nagato's actions began to look for the leader of the Akatsuki organization excitedly.

"Orochimaru, use Thunder Release to stop the bird from exploding, and then try to eliminate the enemies that invade Kirigakure Village."

After "Nagato" blasted Didara, he opened his mouth to Orochimaru with a relaxed face.

Then, it narrowed its eyes and stretched out its right hand towards Deidara, who was falling from the air.

"Immortal method, Vientiane Tianyin."

Deidara's headless "corpse", affected by gravity, flew straight towards "Nagato" like a sharp arrow, and was caught in its hand.

Orochimaru grinned and chose to accept the order. He used Earth Release like a snake and burrowed into the ground. Then, when he reappeared, he was already standing under the two-winged bird and cast the Thunder Release Ninjutsu to stop the bird. Explosion of the strange white bird.

He carefully observed the chaotic scene in Kirigakure Village. Even if Deidara had been easily solved by "Nagato", the explosions that were ringing everywhere in the village were far from over.

Orochimaru let out a chuckle, and with the mood of "watching the fun", he began to dive in the direction of the loudest explosion.

"In this way, it will be considered as retrieving a younger brother first."

"Nagato" stared at Deidara who was recovering and spoke. He did not intend to give Kabuto a chance to channel Deidara. He directly activated the ability of the human world to draw away his soul and threw it behind him. In the mouth of Hades, the spirit came out.

"Deidara, was killed?"

Standing on a street not far from Deidara's crash, he was manipulating a group of ninjas who killed Matt Kirigakure and chased another group of scorpions who killed Matt Kirigakure. After seeing the scene of Deidara being killed instantly, , his expression was startled, an interesting look appeared in his eyes, and he said, "The Akatsuki organization is not an easy character to deal with, you bastard who manipulated me, you have kicked the iron plate this time, but I don't know who took action? "

As soon as he finished speaking, lightning flashed in front of his eyes, and a man wearing a red cloud robe and long red hair appeared in front of him with a little girl.

"It's you!"

Seeing the person coming, behind those cold reincarnation eyes, Xie said, "It seems you are quite short of people now."

In the past, Tiandao would not take action so easily. In Xie's view, under normal circumstances, this BOSS with the Samsara Eye should still stay in Yuyin Village.

"Lord Nagato!"

And the two groups of Kirigakure ninjas who were controlled by the scorpion and chased and killed them almost shed tears after seeing Nagato's appearance clearly. They all shouted with excitement, finally seeing the kiss with the unlucky child. Like a father, he looks particularly sympathetic, and I don’t know how much terror and weirdness he has experienced in the hands of Scorpion.

"You should disperse first. Now that I'm here, there will be nothing wrong here."

"Nagato" extended his right hand to Scorpion.

"Oh, I've been manipulated, there's nothing I can do about it."

Scorpion sneered.

"Immortal method, Vientiane Tianyin."

Before Scorpion could control the "puppet" to rush towards him, "Nagato" used the power of heaven on Scorpion.

And Scorpion cooperated very well, manipulating the Kirigakure ninja to stand in front of him, allowing "Nagato" to suck a piece of garbage.

"I'm sorry, Nagato-sama!"

The Kirigakure ninja who was sucked by "Nagato" quickly apologized to it, and at the same time raised the "Watermelon Knife" and greeted it in the face.

"Oh, you still resist."

"Nagato" threw away the "garbage" in his hand, then pressed Lin's shoulder with his left hand, sucking her back into the Kamui space, and then raised his right foot.

His body turned into a flash of lightning again, and instantly passed all the Kirigakure ninjas manipulated by the scorpion, appearing behind the scorpion.

"The quality of the puppets is really poor."

Scorpion resolutely gave up struggling, and his tone was very dissatisfied.

"Nagato's" right hand was already on his shoulder.

"Just rest for a while first."

As the scorpion's soul was extracted, the body of the person who was regarded as the reincarnation sacrifice fell to the ground.

"If we continue like this, we will soon be able to recover all the little brothers. Kabuto is really a fool."

After throwing Scorpion's soul into Yama's mouth, "Nagato" spoke disdainfully.

In its view, Kabuto's reaction was too slow. He should have channeled the scorpion as soon as he saw himself reincarnated in the dirt. In that case, even it would have no way to do anything.

As a puppet master, Scorpion's strength is directly proportional to the quality of the puppets in his hands. Without high-quality puppets, he is almost like a toothless tiger. He can't exert much combat power at all. How could it be its opponent?
"I was saved, thanks to Nagato-sama."

"I thought I would die just like that! The enemy was defeated in an instant."

"This guy is the Red Sand Scorpion of the Kingdom of Wind, but he is no match for Lord Nagato!"

Ignoring the flattery of these Kirigakure ninjas who survived the catastrophe, Nagato used his perception ability to find the next target, and disappeared in place like a bolt of lightning.

"This is such a good day. All my lovely subordinates are back."

Kakuzu, who was fighting Suigetsu and Jugo, turned around after hearing the voice of "Nagato" and looked at "Nagato" with green eyes that were as cold as a will-o'-the-wisp.

"Although the appearance has changed, those eyes are still there, and you actually take action yourself? It seems that Kirigakure Village's status in the Akatsuki organization is not low."

"It's not bad, mainly because after you die, the organization's finances will be almost gone. Why, do you want to struggle like Scorpion?"

At this time, Kakuzu has entered Yu's "explosion" form.

His two arms were elongated due to black lines protruding from his shoulders, arms, and forearms. Not only were black lines spitting out of his mouth, but a large number of hair-like black lines also appeared on his back and head, pointing toward The surroundings exploded, and the whole person looked like a hairy monster with fried hair.

To be honest, "Nagato" doesn't even know how Suigetsu and Jugo have survived until now. It seems that these two people have gained some growth during the war.

After seeing "Nagato" appear, Suigetsu and Jugo were relieved. No matter how difficult the enemy in front of them was, in their eyes, they were far inferior to "Nagato".

Apart from anything else, can the "tentacle monster" in front of me be able to deal with the "star" that is still floating over Kirigakure Village?You can smash him to death, right? ——Although if that happens, the entire Kirigakure Village will be smashed to pieces.

"No way, I'm being manipulated."

Kakuzu spoke expressionlessly.

"That's right!"

The expression on "Nagato's" face was a little speechless, "Scorpion said the same just now!"

These guys with perverse personalities are die-hards. No matter what the reason is, they will not give in easily as long as they are in a hostile situation.

In the same organization before, these guys often engaged in internal fighting, and now you want them to be caught without a fight?It seems impossible.

"Nagato" stepped towards Kakuzu.

Kakuzu immediately gave up on Suigetsu and Jugo in front of him, turned around, and two "swish" sounds appeared in the black lines on both sides of his head, and two masks appeared, opening their mouths towards "Nagato".

"Composite ninja, fiery wind and waves!"

His two masks used ninjutsu at the same time, spitting out "Fire Release, Head Suffering" and "Wind Release, Pressure".

The sea-level flames instantly spread out in front of "Nagato", and with the strengthening of the wind escape, they suddenly exploded, so that "Nagato" could only see a wild explosion of flames in his reincarnation eyes.

"Nagato" calmly walked into the sea of ​​fire, as if these flames did not exist at all.

"Secret technique, tentacle fist!"

Across a raging sea of ​​flames, Koto looked at the faintly visible figure of "Nagato", his right hand stretched under the extension of the black line instantly, and blasted towards the heart of "Nagato".

His fist was easily caught by "Nagato", and the battle ended.

The huge sea of ​​fire was like an illusion, being swept away by the power of the Hungry Ghost Path. Kakuzu looked at "Nagato" who kept walking, and felt that his soul had been captured by "Nagato" With it in his hand, his legs were weak and he knelt on the ground.

"Isn't it possible to deflect ninjutsu? Your ability..."

He looked at "Nagato" with a somewhat puzzled look, but the expression on his face and his tone were calm, and there was no surprise about his defeat.

"My ability is not limited to that."

"Nagato" replied, placing his right hand on Kakuzu's head, "Let's talk later."

After saying this, it pulled out Jiaodu's soul and threw it into Hades' mouth.

"What happened?"

After leisurely cleaning up Kakuzu, "Nagato" asked Suigetsu and Jugo who were relieved.

At the same time, all the explosions nearby disappeared, and the Kirigakure ninjas cheered happily!

The performance of Suigetsu and Chonggo made "Nagato" feel a little satisfied. Not only has his strength become stronger, but he has also maintained a high level of vigilance. , this is how a real ninja should behave.

"I was attacked."

Shuiyue replied, using Shen De's beheading sword to support his body, "Not long after we returned to the village, we were attacked by the enemy and were beaten until we were dizzy!"

His tone was a bit casual, but "Nagato" could understand what he wanted to express.

Deidara, Scorpion, and Kakuzu alone possess the power of surprise attack, infiltration, and frontal attack. It is natural for the defense of Kirigakure Village to be penetrated by these zombies in an instant.

"Nagato" took a look at the steam explosion that was happening in the north of Kirigakure Village. After noticing the injuries on Suigetsu and Jugo, he kindly asked: "Are you injured? Do you want some treatment? I am a medical ninja." The thief slipped away!"

As he said that, he rubbed his hands towards Shuiyue, who was obviously injured, and looked a little "itchy".

"No need! It's really not necessary!"

Facing "Nagato's" concern, Suigetsu's expression changed, and he took a few steps back in fright, shaking his head like a wave.

Even when he just faced Kakuzu, he was not so nervous!

"I'm fine! I can recover on my own!"

After noticing "Nagato" looking over at him like a devil, Jugo also shook his head along with Suigetsu.

They all knew what Hidan had suffered because of Nagato's "treatment". It sounded really scary!
Unlike Hidan, they are not immortal, and they feel that they really cannot bear the leader's "care"! !

"Oh, all right!"

"Nagato" said this, but his eyes looked extremely disappointed. It always felt that its medical ninjutsu should be a little stronger than its previous body. After all, it had just completed its slug transformation!

"Reluctantly" glanced at the injuries on Shuiyue and Chonggo, "Nagato" left in the lightning.

The look in its eyes before leaving made Shuiyue shudder, and she decided not to meet the leader in private until her injuries were completely healed!
At this time, in Wuyin Village, the only place where large-scale battles are still taking place is the north of the village.With the arrival of "Nagato", the battle there should also end soon.

Shuiyue sighed relaxedly and sighed: "I wish I had the strength of the leader."

Jugo looked at him like he was looking at an idiot.

This contemptuous look like that of a husky made Shuiyue feel as if he had been stabbed. His body froze, his eyes widened, and he yelled with all his strength: "What do you mean by this look?!"

The two stood in the severely damaged buildings and started arguing loudly. Suigetsu wanted to tell Chongwu what a dream was, but Chongwu said that your dream is nothing, you are just daydreaming.

The surrounding Kirigakure ninjas were as big as a bushel, and they were unable to do anything to deal with these two powerful and troubled teenagers.

"Hey, where is it?"

While Suigetsu and Jugo were arguing, "Nagato" was originally planning to rush to the north of the village to eliminate the most destructive enemy.However, he noticed the dazzling lightning near the steam explosion, and Obito who would blur himself from time to time to avoid the attack during the piercing attack of the lightning.

"But I found you, little brother!!"

Because there were too many ninjas in Kirigakure Village, and Obito would blur himself out from time to time, "Nagato" really couldn't find him at first. Now, after seeing Obito, it showed a naughty smile.

"Come out, Pikachu!"

With this shout, he released Nohara Lin from the Kamui space again.

With the confused girl, it approached Obito, who was fighting the Third Raikage.


The sound of buildings collapsing kept ringing in that area.

Obito and the Third Raikage were surrounded by hundreds of Kirigakure ninjas. From time to time, Kirigakure ninjas used Kirigakure Jutsu or Water Release Ninjutsu in an attempt to cooperate with Obito in attacking the Third Raikage.

Then the speed of the Third Raikage and his unparalleled offensive and defensive capabilities made all the Kirigakure ninja's plans fail.

This strong man, whose whole body was shrouded in thunderous lightning, with extremely developed muscles and long hair and beard, was like a heavy chariot, galloping across the battlefield, displaying unparalleled combat effectiveness.

Wherever he went, he went forward without hesitation, no matter how many people were in front of him, they would all be pierced by him with one blow!
Even though he didn't even hurt a single hair, his destructive power is very strong. Hell's Thrust and Shibon Gunshou caused the buildings in Kirigakure Village to collapse in rows. It doesn't look like this old thief is like that. They are here to fight, but more like they are here to carry out demolition!

"Nagato" felt that this kind of behavior was too much. Didn't he know that the Akatsuki organization was short of money now?Old thief, too shameless! !

(End of this chapter)

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