Chapter 285
"Old Yu, it turns out it's you. No wonder you can train so many outstanding ninjas. It's a pity that you all have to die here today."

In the moist white mist, a floating male voice came.

The sound appears here and there, making it impossible to determine the specific location of the speaker through the source of the sound.

The old ninja kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

He could even ignore the cries for help from his ministers, let alone the verbal provocations from his enemies.

Since taking out the long sword, he has stood firmly in front of the daimyo of the country of water, and with his own attitude, he has carried out his oath to protect the daimyo.

Even in the thick fog, the black-clad ninjas he trained were dying silently and turning into corpses. After falling to the ground with a "bang", they could no longer get up. He did not move his steps, giving the enemy a chance to approach the daimyo. .

"Are you from Kirigakure Village?"

After all the subordinates he had trained with so much effort and effort were almost dead, the old ninja asked in a solemn tone to the thick fog in front of him.

"What do you think? With so many ninjas who know how to kill silently, where else can you find them besides Kirigakure?"

The male voice that had been uncertain before now answered motionlessly in the fog.

He no longer bothered to hide his location. Obviously, he felt that the overall situation was decided.

After a large number of black-clothed ninjas fell to the ground and died, the sound of weapons clashing in the white mist gradually became sparse, and then a series of "puff-puff" sounds of sharp blades piercing the human body suddenly sounded.

The smell of blood in the air seemed to suddenly become twice as strong, and the white mist gradually became lighter and even disappeared.

The ninja who maintained the Kirigakure Jutsu stopped casting chakra.

Because everything is over.

The old ninja had a sad look on his face, his eyelids were trembling, and he instinctively wanted to close his eyes, unable to bear to look at the gradually clearer picture in front of him, but he seemed to have remembered something, and opened his eyes wide, glaring angrily at the man standing not far away. In the center of the hall, blood was pouring from each mouth. The black-clothed ninjas who were pierced by nearly ten long knives around them at the same time took a deep breath.

"What do you want to do in Kirigakure Village?!!"

He shouted loudly at the densely packed Kirigakure ninjas who appeared in the main hall.

The ninjas stood there with bloody weapons in their hands, grinning at him.

The fierce light flashing in his eyes was like a pack of evil wolves, which made him feel cold. Suddenly, he felt like he was alone, facing a pack of bloodthirsty beasts on the grassland.

The murderous aura around him was too strong, and an uneasy premonition gradually enveloped him.

"Our Wuyin Village? Senior Yu, my good uncle, do you really regard yourself as an outsider?"

After the fog cleared, the ninja who was hiding in the fog and talking before also revealed his true colors. It was the bearded ninja who was in charge of "charming monsters" for Nagato in Wuyin Village.

At this time, the bearded man stood in the crowd with a high-spirited look, a "honest" smile on his face, but his eyes were bloodshot, and his body was full of murderous aura. There was no trace of the respect he had when he faced Nagato. , looking attentive?
The old ninja who was standing in front of the daimyo suddenly opened his eyes wide when he saw the big beard.

"It turned out to be you?!"

There was shock in his voice.

"Of course it's me? You can't even recognize your own nephew's voice!" The bearded man shook his head, "I'm so disappointed. We are the only two direct ninjas left in our family. Woolen cloth."

"Family? You little bastard, do you still care about this kind of thing?"

"Indeed, the thing your biological sister gave birth to is still a bastard!!"

After hearing what Big Beard said, the old ninja was so angry that he was shaking all over, but the happy smile on Big Beard's face became stronger and stronger.The scary thing is that the more exaggerated the smile on his face, the more obvious the fierce light revealed in the depths of his eyes. Such a strong contrast, like a split personality, made his originally somewhat honest appearance gradually become as ferocious as a devil.

The old ninja looked at the "nephew" in front of him, and then at the Kirigakure ninjas around him who exuded murderous aura. He understood that he was probably doomed this time, and silently clenched the long sword in his hand.

"Speaking of which, when are you going to hand over this strange crow to me?"

After the bearded man noticed his uncle's actions, he suppressed the smile on his face and asked softly, "Logically speaking, after you die, it will be me who inherits this ninja sword, right?"

His brazen speech distorted the expression on the old ninja's face, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

As a biological uncle, he is still thinking about inheriting the Ninja Sword, even though he is not yet dead.What a “good” nephew!

"Do you like this knife? If you like it... come and get it!"

The old ninja took a deep breath and suddenly took a step forward. His aura suddenly increased, like a tiger.

A dozen Kirigakure ninjas immediately rushed forward like bloodthirsty wolves, trying to tear the old ninja into pieces!
"and many more!!"

The bearded man secretly thought something was wrong and quickly shouted out.


However, it was too late to stop him.

Faced with the siege of more than a dozen Kirigakure ninjas, the old ninja had no intention of retreating. He suddenly waved the strange sword in his hand towards the air in front of him. The strange sword made a whining sound, and wind blades suddenly appeared in the air. Cutting these Kirigakure ninjas into pieces, their power remained unabated, leaving several deep slash marks on the ground of the hall with a loud bang!
The bearded man took a few steps back and shouted, "Stop!"

He stopped his men who were about to rush forward at all costs.

He glanced at the bleeding hands of the old ninja, and the strange long knife in his hand that had a black blade and was covered with spots like dried blood clots. It was now emitting a blood-red light.A deep fear flashed in his eyes, and after the chaos caused by the slashing in the hall stopped, he spoke to the old ninja.

"Uncle, do you know why I hurried over here even though I knew you were here, but only brought so few people with me?"

He shamelessly called the hundreds of ninjas he brought here "a few people."

After the old ninja swung his sword, his face turned pale. He took a deep breath, tried hard to suppress the anger and injustice in his heart, and said coldly: "I don't know, and I don't want to know!"

"Because I want to realize my family's long-cherished wish!"

The bearded man spoke as softly as a lover, looking at the old ninja with sincere eyes, especially the knife in his hand, "Uncle, I am about to become the Mizukage!"


The old ninja couldn't help laughing, even though he was surrounded by powerful enemies, he still showed a sarcastic smile, "Just you? Mizukage?? You still can't see how much you have? You Little bastard!!”

As he spoke, the old ninja seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and started yelling curse words at the bearded man, such as shameless things, bastards, bastards, etc., and directly greeted the bearded man in the face. , the saliva sprayed all over the bearded face.

He was scolded back and forth, but he never gave out the specific reason for the curse. He seemed to be worried about something and just cursed in general.

"Yeah, not bad!"

The bearded man seemed to cooperate, showing a happy smile and nodding his head, as if he wanted to praise him for his good scolding.

When the old ninja's scolding sound subsided, the bearded man spoke again.

"Now, I don't have time to listen to your teachings. In the past, it was impossible for me to be a Mizukage! But now it's different! According to the meaning of the Akatsuki organization, as long as you give your name to me Now, I can become the sixth Mizukage!"

"Ridiculous! Is such a water shadow still a water shadow?!"

The old ninja scoffed at this.

But the daimyo of the country of water, who had been hiding behind him and didn't dare to say a word in front of a group of ferocious ninjas, asked tremblingly at this time: "What do you mean by handing me over to you? Are you arresting me?"

The bearded man tilted his head and his eyes flickered, as if he had thought of something. He turned to face the daimyo with a bewildering meek smile, and bowed to him solemnly.

"How can we say that you are being arrested? You are a daimyo, and the Akatsuki organization just wants to invite you over to discuss matters."

"Really? But why did I hear that he wanted to kill me?"

"How is it possible! My lord! This is definitely a rumor! I can assure you that there is absolutely no such thing. How could our Wuyin Village be against you? This operation..." The bearded man shifted his gaze and looked at The ministers and black-clothed ninjas who had turned into corpses in the hall had a playful look in their eyes, and said sincerely, "Our behavior this time is just to kill these national thieves!"

"A country thief?!"

"That's right, he is a national thief. He alienated the relationship between Kirigakure Village and the Daimyo, causing the military and political discord in the Kingdom of Water. What is it other than a national thief?"

Seeing that the bearded man's expression was sincere and did not look like he was lying, the daimyo of the Kingdom of Water gradually brightened his eyes and showed an expectant expression on his face.

In front of him, the old ninja with his back to him, although he did not look back, seemed to feel something, and reminded: "Sir! You must not believe him, this person... this evil beast, he has been saying this since he was a child Not a word of truth!!”

"Can't even our Kirigakure Village be trusted?"

The bearded man tilted his head with a smile.

"Nonsense, you are all involved with the Akatsuki organization, how can you still believe it??"

"Then, uncle, based on your thoughts, what should we do now? Make an enemy of the Akatsuki organization? Assassinate the leader of the Akatsuki organization and Uchiha Madara? Or simply flee abroad with the daimyo and hand over the Kingdom of Water to the Akatsuki Organization, go to other countries and live by looking at other people’s faces?”

Every time the bearded man said a "method" with a smile, the daimyo's face turned pale. The old ninja could not see this and shouted decisively: "That is much better than surrendering directly!"

"is it?"

The bearded man smiled gently and bowed to the daimyo again, "Of course, all of this should be decided by your Excellency."

The old ninja also changed his expression and said: "Of course it is up to the adults to decide."

The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water immediately became uncertain.

He was thinking about what to do. The hall was quiet and no one spoke anymore. Among the hundreds of Kirigakure ninjas, many of them had impatient looks on their faces and secretly clenched the weapons in their hands.

The old ninja watched all this with blazing eyes, like a loyal dog, ready to fight these ninjas desperately.

At this time, the noise and noise in the capital were getting closer and closer.

A fleeting look of anxiety appeared on the bearded face, and he spoke respectfully to the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water: "Sir, you don't know something. This time, the Akatsuki organization's order is, who will bring you safely first?" When we go back, who will be the new Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, and Uchiha Sasuke and others are here for this."

"Did you say that??" The daimyo turned pale with fright.

The bearded man nodded lightly at him: "When those people come, if you and I are still in this state, I'm afraid I won't be able to compete with them..."

With that said, the bearded man pointed at the old ninja who had been holding a knife and staring fiercely at everyone. Then he looked at the daimyo, indicating that the situation was not easy to handle at the moment.

When the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water saw this, his expression became more and more worried. Compared with the bearded man who "looked okay", he was more afraid of those members of the Akatsuki organization with a notorious reputation.

In this case, the noise outside the palace also gave the daimyo an unprecedented sense of urgency.

"Sir, you cannot believe what this beast says."

The old ninja reminded the daimyo again.

"Then what do you think adults should do?"

The bearded man immediately said sarcastically to each other, "State affairs are state affairs, and private matters are private matters. You can't affect the safety of adults because of your relationship with me, right?"

The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water calmly looked at the old ninja with suspicion.

"Spurting people with blood! You bastard, how could I be such a person?!"

The old ninja roared at the bearded man.

"I don't usually see it, but who knows when it's critical? After all, you know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart! If this drags on, Sasuke Uchiha will come. At that time, you have the ability to protect the adults in front of Sasuke Uchiha?"

The old ninja was speechless.

"I am also a ninja of Kirigakure Village. I will protect the Daimyo and escort him back to Kirigakure Village to become the new Mizukage. Isn't it much better than letting a group of outsiders become Mizukage? Uncle, you are getting old. , and became indistinguishable from right to wrong.”

The bearded man's tone was full of emotion, as if he had been greatly wronged, and he felt sorry for the old ninja from the bottom of his heart.

Even the daimyo felt that, given the current situation, what the bearded man said seemed to make more sense. He simply couldn't escape the grasp of the Xiao organization.

"I don't need you, a bastard, talkative here!!"

The old ninja gritted his teeth at the bearded man.

The bearded man ignored him, but continued to say to the daimyo, "Sir, Uchiha Sasuke is not a good person. He killed an unknown number of civilians in Konoha Village not long ago, but no matter how strong he is, No matter how murderous he is, he doesn't dare to attack me openly! Because I am the direct descendant of the leader of the Akatsuki organization! When we fought in Kirigakure Village, I was the direct subordinate of the leader of the Akatsuki organization! So, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me, Come back to Kirigakure Village with me, and I will not only make it impossible for Sasuke Uchiha to attack you, but also make him afraid to approach your mansion."

Having said this, the bearded man turned around and shouted at the Kirigakure ninjas behind him.

"Isn't it? Brothers?"

The Kirigakure ninjas shouted loudly with fierce glints in their eyes.


"Swear to protect the Daimyo to the death!"

"Protect your family!!"

"The name of our country of water is protected by the ninjas of the country of water!!"

The daimyo of the country of water looked at these ghostly ninjas of Kirigakure, although his eyes were full of doubts, but thinking about his wife and children, he still felt that it was better to trust these ninjas from his own country.

Even the old ninja was silent. Thinking of what Sasuke had done in Konoha Village and the strength of Uchiha, a feeling of powerlessness suddenly enveloped his whole body.

"Sir, come with me to Kirigakure Village!!"

The bearded man shouted to the name of the Kingdom of Water and walked towards him with a sincere expression.


The old ninja standing between the bearded man and the daimyo shook his body as if he had been pricked by a needle. When the bearded man approached, he instinctively wanted to kill him with a knife.


The bearded man shivered in fright and showed an aggrieved and innocent expression to the daimyo.

"Feng Zang, forget it..."

The Water Country daimyo spoke helplessly, and walked towards the bearded man.

This was the first time in so many years that the daimyo called the old ninja by his real name. The old ninja raised his face with emotion, tears flashing in his eyes.

The bearded man did not dare to approach the daimyo anymore. At his signal, several Kirigakure ninjas walked towards the daimyo. When they passed by, the old ninja Fuzang froze in place without any movement. He seemed to even hold his sword. His hands also became weak.

Five Kirigakure ninjas silently surrounded the Daimyo of the Land of Water. They all showed evil smiles at the bearded man, and one of them pulled out the sword on his body.

The bearded man nodded excitedly towards them.


In the hall, the screams of the Water Country's daimyo suddenly rang out, and one of his left hands was chopped off.

"grown ups!!!"

Feng Zang, who had a sad expression on his face, turned to look at the daimyo. At this moment, there was a sharp pain in his chest. He lowered his head and saw that a long knife with a weird edge had penetrated his heart.

"Ha ha."

Feng Zang laughed, with a hint of relief and understanding in his eyes.

"I!! I am a hero, a hero created by the times!!"

The bearded man was full of fanaticism, and when Fuzang's attention was attracted by Daimyo, he ended his life with one knife and took away the family ninja sword in his hand.

"Kill the entire family of the Daimyo, leaving no one alive!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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