Chapter 295 Soup

After scanning the hot springs here with his Byakugan, Nagato had a "Found it" expression on his face.

He turned around and said to Kyuubi: "Let's go, let's go this way." Regardless of whether Kyuubi agreed or not, he walked towards the bathing place he liked, as if he didn't even think about it. It seemed like Kyuubi would refuse.

Seeing this, Kyuubi, who had been squatting on the ground, tilted its big head, looked at Nagato's back, and chose to follow Nagato's footsteps.

Although deep down in its heart, it feels that as a tailed beast, it is a bit silly to always run to human gathering places, but it seems to be very interesting to do so!
It discovered that it actually liked the experience of following Nagato around, going wherever it wanted, and no one could do anything about it.

Although Nagato, the tour guide, seems to be very unreliable, no matter how unreliable it is, it is better than nothing. As a fox, it has long been curious about the human world, but in the past No one is willing, or qualified, to go shopping with it.

So, what is there to hesitate about? Just go along and have fun!
"Bang, bang, bang."

Following Nagato, the sound of Kyuubi's huge footsteps echoed in the deserted streets of Yu no Kuni.

The effect it had was to ward off all evil. Not only did it scare away all passers-by in an instant, clearing the streets in the city, but it also exploded the men and women hiding inside before approaching the hot spring baths.

"M~~! It's actually coming this way!!"

"Run! Don't look back!"

"Don't come here!!!"

These people, regardless of age or sex, rushed out of the bathhouse and ran around naked in the street, as if they were afraid that Kyuubi would take the hot "soup" and beat their teeth to death. They looked really full of energy!
After a while, when these people finished running, the street returned to silence.

Nagato rolled his eyes and found that not only the customers, but also the owner of the bathhouse had abandoned his property and fled without a trace. He couldn't help sighing with satisfaction and exclaimed: "It's great! This way no one will squeeze in with me!" It’s like booking the venue! And, most importantly, you don’t have to worry about paying!”

He grinned and showed a happy smile.

"No need to pay?!" Kyuubi lowered his head in shock, looked sideways at Nagato, and said in disbelief, "...That's why you asked me to come with you. ?"

There is such a saucy operation?You really don’t want to be a human anymore!
Kyuubi looked into Nagato's eyes and revealed this thought.

"do not mind the details."

Nagato shook his head, snapped his fingers, pointed towards the largest bathhouse, and said, "Now we can take a good bath!"

Although the name of the Country of Soup has the word soup in it, this soup obviously has nothing to do with vegetable soup. The people here don’t have any special hobby of making soup, let alone eating Hu Jianren.Therefore, soup here refers to just hot water.

From Nagato's point of view, this is not a country of hot springs. It is clearly a country of bathing, a place specially used for bathing.

"Oh! It's so comfortable."

He took off all his clothes and jumped into the hot spring, sighing like this.

Well, it does look quite comfortable.

Kyuubi looked confused. He looked at Nagato's expression of enjoyment through the fresh hole on the roof of the bathhouse. He didn't understand what he was doing here.
"Huh? Why don't you take a bath?"

After Nagato sighed, he obviously noticed Kyuubi's stunned look and asked.

"How do you want me to soak in such a small hot spring pool!!!"

Kyuubi was so angry that he bared his teeth and showed a rude middle finger.

"Ah...that's right!"

Nagato showed sleepy eyes, turned to look at the hot spring pool that could accommodate nearly twenty people, and then looked at the huge claws of the Nine-Tails, and seemed to understand the problem.

These hot spring pools look huge, but in fact it’s a bit hard to even bathe Kyuubi’s feet!How could it accommodate its body as big as a mountain?

Nagato yawned and looked like he was about to fall asleep. He asked in a calm tone: "Can't you use the transformation technique to make yourself smaller??"

"It can't be that easy!" Kyuubi shouted frantically, "Do you think the transformation technique can do such a thing??"

It also wants to take a bath in a hot spring. It has never been in a hot spring in its life, okay?
But even if the transformation technique can make the body larger or smaller, and even increase its own attack power at certain times, it is impossible to turn such a huge body into the size of an ordinary person!

Seeing Nagato soaking in the steaming spring water, Kyuubi felt that his body was too big for the first time, and it was a very bad thing!
"Okay, okay, let me help you."

Nagato yawned again, jumped out of the spring, and after connecting with Kyuubi's chakra, began to form seals, "Hey, it really can't work!"

Kyuubi was shocked to find that his body was indeed much smaller, but Nagato was obviously not satisfied.

"I will try again."

Saying this, Nagato's expression became a little more serious, and Kyuubi's body continued to shrink due to his efforts.


When Kyuubi's body was about as tall as a two-story building, Nagato came to the conclusion in a helpless tone.

"Is there nothing you can do?! Keep working hard! I think you are still very strong!"

Kyuubi yelled at Nagato, feeling a little anxious. He felt that Nagato had made it so small, couldn't it be smaller?If it doesn't go up or down, it makes it more anxious! Hey!
"There's nothing I can do. I've reached my limit. I'm thinking about what to do next." Nagato touched his chin, showing a thoughtful expression.

After a while, he said: "Yes!"

With Kyuubi's attention, he formed a seal with his hands and slapped them on the ground.


An earthquake-like sound suddenly sounded throughout the city following his movements.

Green stripes appeared on Nagato's body, and fairy chakra was like a vast ocean, covering the entire land in an instant.

Countless people with disheveled clothes who fled to the city's main area screamed and found that the buildings in the city began to collapse in pieces, and all the bathhouses with hot springs were shattered. The springs were connected together by Nagato using earth escape, and from underground They merged into the bathhouse where he was, and formed a huge new hot spring pool next to his hot spring pool.

"I'll go, this is really a big deal!"

Kyuubi shouted, staring at the huge hot spring pool in front of him, steaming like a lake, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

At this time, there were only two hot spring pools left in the entire city, one large and one small.

"Okay, it's big enough for you to soak in!"

Saying this, Nagato jumped into the spring water again and closed his eyes.

"Oh! It's so comfortable!"

Kyuubi followed Nagato's example, lying on his back in the large hot spring pool and letting out a sigh of relief.

"I never thought Earth Escape could be used like this? You are really good at it."

It stretched out its paws and showed its "thumb" towards Nagato who was soaking in the small hot spring pool.

After waiting for a while, no reply was heard from Nagato. Kyuubi turned around and found that this guy had fallen asleep long ago.

After all, he had been practicing intensively until now, and after being soaked in spring water like this, Nagato could no longer hold on any longer. While sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, he even snored loudly.

"Well, with his physique, he shouldn't catch a cold, right?"

Kyuubi was lying lazily in the spring water with such thoughts in his mind.

It sensed the malice of the crowd coming from around the city, and a cold red light appeared in its red vertical eyes.

"Nagato, this guy is really messy. No, it should be said that he is lawless and does whatever he wants. But even if he falls asleep, you little ants don't even think about taking the opportunity to do anything. I, the Nine Lamas, are not nothing. An easy character to mess with!”

Although the Country of Yu has become a "peaceful" country, this country used to have its own ninja village.

Hidan was born here, so among the crowd that seemed to be full of ordinary people, there were actually quite a few ninjas hidden inside. Although they were frightened as soon as they saw Kyuubi, they didn't dare to ask Kyuubi at all. Tail hands.But now, after feeling that they were "safe", these ninjas were ready to take action, started to think carefully, and tried to spread everything that happened here to the outside world.

Therefore, ninjas outside the Kingdom of Yu quickly got the information that Nagato and Kyuubi suddenly appeared in the Kingdom of Yu.

"Where is his true body!"

In the dim underground cave, Yakushi Kabuto sighed like this.

"Can't your intelligence network find Nagato's specific location?" Zetsu beside him narrowed his eyes on the black half of his face.

"Because my intelligence collection work is so good, it is difficult to distinguish his specific movements." Kabuto explained with a smile, "If it were an ordinary person, a lot of wrong information would have been passed to you long ago, but it's just that It’s just a waste of your time.”

Jue remained silent and did not object to his statement.

"What kind of special abilities does that guy named Nagato have?" Kabuto looked at the silent Zetsu, grinned evilly, and stuck out his tongue to lick his lips, "Now that he has a clone, he can They are everywhere, and I can't tell which one is his true body."

"Yao Shidou, you are still so greedy." Jue stared at Dou with warning eyes.

"Hehe, who makes me an intellectual? Besides, it's hard for that adult to endure it any longer, right?" The smile on Kabuto's face became a little sinister, "It seems that I am studying Bai Zetsu's behavior, so I am You are a little dissatisfied."

"..." Half of his absolutely white face looked like he wanted to vomit.

"You are right, Madara-sama has no patience to wait any longer."

The black half of his face - Black Jue, did not show any abnormality.

Kabuto licked his lips again. After getting along with him for such a long time, he could already tell that this half-black and half-white guy had two completely different consciousnesses.

"There is no way. I used to think that after gaining the power of the Reincarnation of the Evil Land and the Dragon Earth Cave, I would be able to control the situation in this world, but unfortunately, it seems that is not the case now..."

At this time, a White Zetsu suddenly emerged from the ground, interrupting Kabuto's speech: "There is new information about Nagato. He took Kyuubi to the Country of Yu."

Kabuto immediately shut up, narrowed his eyes, and noticed a feeling similar to excitement coming from Zetsu's body. It seemed to be happy?

"...Really?" After a few seconds of silence, Hei Jue said calmly, "Can you be sure it's the real body this time?"

Just from the Kyuubi, there is no way to confirm that Nagato is the real Nagato.

Kabuto also knows this very well. After all, Nagato, who is currently in Kirigakure Village, once channeled a terrifying tailed beast. Based on his strength and location, normal people would think that he is the true form. , However, from the intelligence analysis, it seems that this is not the case.

"······for sure!"

Bai Zetsu, who emerged from the ground with only half his body, said something that surprised Tadou.

"How are you sure?" He couldn't help but interjected and asked.

The newly appeared White Zetsu looked at Zetsu, as if asking it whether it should answer.

"Say it." Jue said calmly.

Kabuto laughed again.

"Because he fell asleep." Bai Jue stated the basis for its judgment, "No matter what clone it is, it is only a product of chakra and does not need sleep."

The dim underground cave was suddenly filled with an atmosphere of "clearness" and "excitement".

"You seem really happy!"

Kabuto, who finally understood another point of knowledge, couldn't help but ask Jue, "Are you really so sure?"

He couldn't believe how the seemingly weak Zetsu could deal with the terrifyingly strong Nagato.

"Have you?" Hei Jue suppressed the excitement in his heart and said coldly, "Have you done what you need to do?"

If you want to perfectly deal with Nagato and get the Samsara Eye, you need precise arrangements. Kabuto also has a rough understanding of this ultimate plan.

"Sasuke can easily be lured out." He replied matter-of-factly, "The key is that the place you mentioned is really that magical."

Zetsu fell silent, ignoring Kabuto's temptation.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from above their heads, large amounts of dust fell from the top of the cave, and cracks appeared in many places.

Kabuto laughed silently, and a trace of helplessness flashed in Zetsu's eyes.

"Uchiha Madara can't bear it anymore!" Kabuto laughed in a low voice, "Why don't you include Madara's combat power in the plan against Nagato? I'm also curious about what kind of strength this Madara has. .”

He absolutely ignored him and entered the ground like a normal person stepping into the water.

"Don't forget what you have to do."

Before disappearing, it sent a reminder to Kabuto.

And after it left, Bai Zetsu, who appeared later, also showed a scared expression and hurriedly got into the ground, escaping from Kabuto's sight.

"You are so confident. Oh my, this makes me even more curious about how magical the place you chose is."

In the dim underground cave, only the voice of a person is left.

(End of this chapter)

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