Chapter 297
"I actually fell asleep...Fortunately, nothing happened..."

As if he didn't see the circle of corpses not far from him, Nagato stood up from the hot spring pool as if nothing had happened, and then walked out.

The steaming hot spring water gurgled with his movements, flowed from his body back into the hot spring pool, and followed his footsteps, dripping on the ground along the way.

He used chakra to shake off all the moisture on his body and began to put on his clothes.

"...You call this no surprise?!"

As soon as she noticed that he was awake, she raised her chin, put on a arrogant look, and was ready to accept Nagato's thanks from Kyuubi in a calm manner. Then she realized that this red-haired man actually wanted to erase his own achievements? !He quit on the spot, pointed at the broken corpses around him with one claw, pointed his middle finger at Nagato with one claw and shouted angrily, "It's me who protected you!!"

"Oh, really? Looks like a fool is here to die!"

Nagato put on his white robe and replied in a flat tone.

Obviously he didn't have any feelings for Nine-Tail's guards, Nine-Tail was so angry that he spit out hot air, and simply turned his head away, ignoring him.

"Although I just wanted to take a shower and leave at first, it's not bad now that I'm asleep."

Nagato put on his clothes, stretched out, carefully checked his physical condition, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Good, I can finally do something serious!!"

As he said this, a flash of thunder and lightning flashed under his feet, and he instantly appeared on top of Kyuubi's head, and touched the hair on Kyuubi's head.

"Serious things? What is serious to you?" Kyuubi was stunned for a moment, curious about what Nagato said.

"Well, your fur seems to have become smoother. It seems that taking more bubble baths will be good for you." Nagato stroked Kyuubi's fur like a cat. After feeling satisfied, he answered Kyuubi. question, "Fighting is the serious thing we have to do, Jiu Lama, let me take you to Longdi Cave to have fun."

As he spoke, Nagato activated the power of the Sharingan on his arm and began to load the Nine Tails into the Kamui space.

"What did you say?! Ryuji Cave!!"

Kyuubi, who was grinning angrily because of Nagato's impolite brushing action, was shocked when he heard the words. The sound was like thunder, suddenly raised to a terrifying level, and after roaring in place, it spread to the surroundings.

"Ryuji Cave!!"

The residents of Yuno Country who were staying uneasily on the outskirts of the city heard these three words shouted by Kyuubi.

They were startled and ran away reflexively.When they realized that something was wrong, and what Kyuubi was saying seemed to be the words Ryūchi Cave, they turned around in panic and found that Kyuubi, who had been squatting in the center of the city, had disappeared.

Nagato finally left the country with Kyuubi.

"Hey, Nagato, are you really going to Ryūchi Cave, or are you going to fight with the immortals there?"

In the Kamui space, Nine Tails has returned to its original size.

It lowered its big head and looked at Nagato in front of it, as if it had never seen such a thing seeking death.

A surprised look appeared on Nagato's face, and he asked Kyuubi behind him: "What? Do you still know about White Snake Sage?"

Kyuubi immediately shook his head like a splash drum, looking quite cute: "I don't know! But haven't we seen Slug Immortal?"

The three great immortals and the six immortals in the three holy places are all the stuff of the immortal generation.It's different from that fake guy Jiraiya. In terms of strength, he is at least one level higher than Kyuubi.

Nagato was very happy that Kyuubi was a tailed beast who knew it well, because he didn't need to spend any effort to remind Kyuubi to be careful about the upcoming battle.

"Well, the snake spirit in Longdi Cave is probably at the same level as the Slug Immortal. The enemy does look very strong, but for the sake of love and peace, we can't back down!! Ninth Lama, follow me now Go and destroy the monsters! For the sake of this world and the justice in people's hearts!!"

Nagato clenched his right hand into a fist, and shouted to Kyuubi in as upright a tone as possible.

"Save it, you villain!!"

Kyuubi unceremoniously revealed Nagato's background, "Don't think I don't know what kind of terrorist group your Akatsuki organization is. Your reputation is much worse than others, right?"

Although it sounded like he was throwing dirty water on the Akatsuki organization, Nagato had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what Kyuubi said, so he decisively chose to end the topic.

Thanks to Orochimaru, he knew the way to Ryuji Cave early, so it didn't take long before he took Kyuubi with him to the gloomy Ryuji Cave.

"Honestly, Nagato, why did you come here to cause trouble?"

Kyuubi felt that the immortal here might have offended Nagato, right?Why else would he come all the way here to fight? ?
"Because it's here."

Nagato answered seriously, looking at the densely packed caves in front of him, sensing the position of the White Snake Sage through natural energy.


Kyuubi has obviously never heard of the saying "the mountain is there", so it has no idea what Nagato means.

Nagato had no intention of giving it a scientific record. After sensing the huge chakra of White Snake Sennin, he began to use his Byakugan to find the passage to White Snake Sennin from the cave in front of him.

"Hmph, I won't follow you around without a reasonable reason!"

Kyuubi crouched behind Nagato, crossing his front paws in front of his chest, showing an arrogant face.

At first glance, it seems that he is having a little emotion.

Nagato sighed inwardly and asked: "Nine Lamas, you haven't seen the White Snake Sage yet, have you?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Then you don't want to beat it?"

While Nagato asked Kyuubi questions, he kept the complex geographical environment of these caves in his mind, so as not to allow the White Snake Sage to gain too much geographical advantage.

Kyuubi exclaimed in surprise: "I've never seen it, why do you want to beat it?"

"Then you are afraid!"

Nagato immediately came to such an arbitrary conclusion without looking back.

This is really too much!Kyuubi grinned angrily, revealing his sharp teeth and a fierce expression on his face.

"No, how could I be afraid!"

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"If you're not afraid of it, you must not be afraid of beating it, right?"

"Hmph, anyway, I'm not afraid of a snake! Even the slug immortal is not afraid of me!"

"Well, this is what you should look like, Nine Lamas. Then do you want to beat that snake?"

"of course yes!"

"Okay, I will help you! Now, I have found the passage leading to the snake."

Nagato ended the topic very quickly and walked forward, taking steps toward the cave that was as dense as a honeycomb.

Kyuubi:? ? ? ? ?
It touched the question mark that popped up on its head and stood there for a long time. When it saw Nagato walking further and further away, and the back in the white robe had disappeared into a dark cave, it quickly quickened its pace to follow. Go up.

"Hey! Why are you helping me again?"

Not long after, Kyuubi's body followed Nagato and disappeared into a huge dark cave.

Its thumping footsteps echoed endlessly in the seemingly empty Ryūchi Cave. Nagato, who was walking in front, ignored Kyuubi's nagging, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Through the insight of his white eyes, he had seen a large number of snake-like creatures crowded together around him, crawling with evil intentions behind him in the darkness.

The size of these snakes looks very different. The smallest species looks only about the thickness of an adult's finger, huddled together like giant earthworms.The largest ones are extremely impressive in size. If their long bodies were coiled up, they would probably be comparable to the Nine-Tails.

When Nagato observed them, they all silently uttered messages. The snake's pupils showed a cold light of expectation, and they crawled quietly around Nagato. The snake's face showed an anthropomorphic greedy look, and it looked extremely terrifying. .

Obviously, it was Kyuubi's footsteps that disturbed the sleep of these cold-blooded animals.

Nagato focused his attention on Byakugan's vision and glanced at the target of his trip, White Snake Sage.It was found that although it still had its eyes closed and was sitting cross-legged on a stone chair without moving, the position of its tail was obviously different from just now. It seemed that it was just pretending to be asleep.

It’s really interesting. Are you waiting for me to come over?
Nagato thought this way, and continued to walk through this huge and complicated cave with an expressionless face, as if he didn't see anything, and gradually approached the location of the White Snake Sage, which is the most central part of the cave network.

"How much longer?! Nagato?"

Kyuubi's voice sounded impatiently behind Nagato.

It and Nagato had been walking in the dark for a long time.The sneaky snake creatures around made it a little upset, so while asking Nagato on the surface, it also extended its chakra and connected it with Nagato, and asked Nagato through its consciousness: "Do you want me?" Kill all the reptiles around you? A few Tailed Beast Jade shots will take care of them."

"Don't do that." Nagato also answered through his consciousness, "It will scare the snake away. Do you know why I didn't use my divine power to go directly to the White Snake Sage? Because I was worried that it would run away!"

"Huh?" Kyuubi's eyes widened in shock, "Are you still worried that it will escape? Are you thinking too much?! The immortal you are talking about refers to the white-scaled snake in front of you! It is waiting to treat you as a snack. Yeah! I can feel the malice in its heart!"

Nagato scratched his head in embarrassment: "...I always feel that it is better for us to act like we don't know anything and walk over. These snake-like creatures are not as stupid as ninjas. Even though you know you can't fight, you don't know how to run away. From a biological point of view, creatures in nature have no desire to fight when they encounter prey that cannot be caught."

"You know biology? I don't believe it!"

"I know a little bit about it, I used to watch Animal World!"

"What it is?"

"A masterpiece that describes all kinds of animals. The description of the resurrection of all things in spring can be said to be particularly fascinating."

Kyuubi: "..."

"Anyway, we're almost there. Just be patient. After you deal with the White Snake Immortal, you can kill these ordinary psychic snakes no matter what you want."

Indeed, they were very close to the malicious white-scaled snake, but what about the so-called psychic snakes around them?Their number has reached an extremely terrifying level, and they are crowded together in a way that drives people with trypophobia to death, making it difficult to ignore their existence.

Nagato and Kyuubi were silent as they walked out of a huge cave. Their field of vision suddenly became extremely broad. An unbelievably huge palace appeared in front of them. It was magnificent and magnificent. It's like an enlarged version of the human palace. Above the main entrance of the palace, on the vertical plaque, there are three characters "Longdi Cave" written from top to bottom.

The expressions on the faces of each of the one-tailed beasts couldn't help but change when they saw the words Ryūchi Cave. Nagato tried hard to suppress the disdain in his eyes, while Kyuubi held back and fired the one-tailed beast jade. The urge to blow past.

He's obviously just a broken snake, why are he pretending?
Such thoughts flashed through their minds. After taking a gentle breath, they stabilized their emotions. One after another, they walked into this place that looked normal on the outside, but they didn't know if it was because they were underground. The reason is that the huge palace exudes a strong gloomy atmosphere, like the Nine Netherworld.

The White Snake Immortal was still resting on the stone chair with his body crossed.

What made Kyuubi a little unhappy was that the psychic snakes that followed it all stopped near the entrance of the cave after it came out of the cave, as if they didn't dare to get close to the palace at all.It was unable to deal with the White Snake Immortal and at the same time deal with these reptiles that dared to follow it.

"Probably because big snakes can devour small snakes."

Nagato explained to Kyuubi in a biologically authoritative tone that he had watched several episodes of the animal world.Then, with a normal expression, he stepped towards the White Snake Immortal.

When Kyuubi heard this, his eyes showed a thoughtful look, and he followed Nagato's footsteps.

"Human, what are you doing here?"

When they were less than ten meters away from the White Snake Immortal, the White Snake Immortal who was sitting cross-legged on the stone chair suddenly opened his eyes and asked them.

Nagato and Kyuubi immediately stopped and secretly strengthened their chakra connection. Then, Nagato asked: "What do you think I am here for?"

"Practice immortal arts?"

The White Snake Immortal tilted his head.

"This can be done..."

Nagato nodded.

Now, he can enter the Nine-Tails Chakra mode at any time, and the natural energy in his body is slowly increasing.

"Hehe, what a naughty kid!"

Immortal White Snake took out a huge pipe, put it into his mouth, took a puff, and exhaled bursts of smoke, "Shigu Forest, I can still feel Immortal Slug's breath. Have you learned the magic of immortality?"

"I've only learned a little bit about it. Compared with you, I'm far behind."

Nagato's tone was humble.

"Really? I think you are very courageous. Was it also ordered by Immortal Slug to come to my Longdi Cave?"

White Snake Sage blinked his eyes, looking at Nagato's red hair, the willow leaf-shaped mark on his forehead, the extremely rich and slowly increasing natural energy on his body, and the pair of stunning samsara eyes, his mouth widened. evil smile.

When Nagato Sutra was mentioned by White Snake Sage, his mind immediately came to mind: Slug Sage's white and tender fat face, and what Slug Sage said to him through his split body when he learned the intermediate celestial art.

"Before you do bad things, can you make others believe that all your actions have nothing to do with Shigulin?"

At that time, on his shoulder, the little slug said so.

Nagato nodded, recalling all this with a smile on his face, and immediately made the decision to throw the blame on Slug Sage's head.

With a regretful tone, he replied to the White Snake Immortal: "Yes!! It was the Slug Immortal who ordered me to come to you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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