Chapter 300

The White Snake Sage held up his snake head, and the snake body that was lying on the ground slowly stood up. His height gradually reached the same level as the Ten-Tails, and he greedily spat out the snake letter towards the Ten-Tails.

Affected by the strong greed emanating from it, the Ten-Tails no longer stared at the Kyuubi with its six magatama samsara eyes, but turned its head back and stared at the White Snake Sage in front of it.

Nagato breathed a sigh of relief and realized that he no longer had to restrain the Ten-Tails from a distance and order it not to attack the Kyuubi.

Even Juwei couldn't ignore the terrifying deterrent power emanating from the White Snake Immortal. He unintentionally helped Nagato and Kyuubi, distracting Juwei's attention.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa."

The Ten-Tails once again roared with unknown meaning at White Snake Sage.

To Nagato, this cry sounded like the Ten-Tails asking White Snake Sage, "What are you looking at?"

Then, without waiting for Immortal White Snake to answer, "What are you doing?"

The Ten-Tails, whose expression was dull and whose brain was obviously very flawed, opened his big mouth and bit the White Snake Sage without even thinking about it. It was obviously beyond the scope of the White Snake Sage's understanding.

"Why don't you practice martial ethics?!"

Seeing Immortal White Snake's neck being bitten by Ten Tails, with an extremely painful expression on his face, Nagato recalled the lines in Immortal White Snake's heart.

The Ten-Tails is indeed the only, supreme, and strongest "god"-level monster in the world that has the origin of the world. The layers and layers of densely packed sharp teeth in its mouth are not just as scary as they look. In actual combat, When it is taken out and used, it can be said that the effect is overwhelming, and it bites a huge bloody hole in the neck of the White Snake Immortal!

The muscles on the White Snake Immortal's face were twisted in pain. It opened its mouth wide, and the snake letter spit out from the mouth, trembling in the air and making a loud hissing sound.

The snake body, which seems to be "indestructible" and even harder than the Nine-Tails, has no resistance in front of the Ten-Tails' good teeth. It is like a ham sausage with the skin removed. It really breaks into pieces with one bite!
A large amount of scales, minced meat, and blood spurted out from the wound on its neck in an instant, flowing down the corner of the Ten-Tails' mouth and all over the ground, staining the ground with red blood.

White Snake Sage screamed again and again, leaning his upper body back as a conditioned reflex to get rid of the Ten-Tails' big mouth. Then strong anger appeared in his eyes, ignoring his neck that was still spurting blood, and leaned forward like a bolt of lightning. Ten-Tails, and quickly wrapped around the Ten-Tails' body, restrained its big mouth, and started a hand-to-hand fight with it.


The main hall where one person and three beasts were located was completely blown into pieces at the moment when the two beasts collided. It was like a powder keg that had been detonated without a trace left.

Whether it's the ceiling as high as the night sky, or the four walls that are so solid that Kyuubi is helpless.They all disappeared in the collision of two six-level ferocious beasts with the huge shock wave.

Because of this, one person and three beasts were forced to go from indoors to the "outdoors".He saw the rain of blood falling over Longdi Cave, and the miserable appearance of the broken corpses of the psychic snakes scattered from above.

Nagato sniffed the strong smell of blood around him and looked around at the scenes. He felt as if he was in Shura Hell. He wondered what it was like for these psychic snakes to be whipped to death by the White Snake Sage.

"Back up! Let's back up a little more!"

The moment the shock wave broke out, he dodged behind Kyuubi without hesitation, using the fox's body as a shield to avoid the shock wave. Now, after straightening his somewhat messy hair, he continued to face the shock wave. Kyuubi gave the order.

Although he and Nine-Tails stood a hundred meters away from the Ten-Tails from the beginning, the scene of the Ten-Tails fighting with the White Snake Sage was too terrifying, and the shock caused by it had a devastating impact on creatures below the Six Paths. .

Nagato felt that even if he and Kyuubi were not afraid of the impact of this battle, there was no need to stand close to be heroes.

"Now you know you're afraid? How dare you let go of your control of the Ten-Tails?"

Kyuubi was also obviously frightened by the battle in front of him, and he didn't turn his head. After complaining to Nagato, he didn't care about Nagato's behavior of using it as a shield.Like a big mouse that has stolen corn, it cautiously backed away, widening the distance from Ten Tails, looking extremely wretched.

Nagato looked at Kyuubi's thief-like movements with disdain, and while retreating after it, he replied: "The mountain man has his own clever plan, you don't understand it, Kyuubi Lama, you haven't seen the animal world!"

"Hmph, I don't understand!" Kyuubi snorted coldly, "Who told me that I don't know magic, but at least I know that all your split bodies are gone! Where are they hiding?"

Kyuubi stared at the empty back and big head of the Ten-Tails, seeming to miss the tens of thousands of clones standing there.

Nagato shook his head, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile: "If my tens of thousands of troops can suppress the Ten-Tails, I will definitely be able to defeat the White Snake Sage! And even if we can't, it doesn't matter! Just run away decisively when the time comes. It's gone!! The sky is falling and there's a tall man holding it up, I don't panic at all with my supernatural power!"

Kyuubi's body froze, his big eyes turned back, and he glanced at Nagato, warning: "When the time comes, don't forget to take me away!"

"Don't worry, I won't leave you alone. You're not as brainless as the Ten-Tails. I won't abandon my companions!"

Kyuubi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

If you have never experienced the power of the so-called Six Paths, you simply cannot understand how terrifying it is.

Just like a chuunin, no matter how hard he works, as long as he does not have special abilities beyond his level, it is impossible to imagine how powerful an elite jounin is.Ninjas below the Sixth Path would not be able to appreciate the huge gap if they did not fight against Sixth Path level combatants.

Before an ordinary chuunin fights against an elite jounin, he may imagine that he will die from all kinds of gorgeous ninjutsu and weird and unpredictable abilities, but in fact, he will only find out when he is killed instantly after the fight that others can't deal with him at all. No ninjutsu is required.Just hold a kunai in your hand and slash his neck casually.

The basic strength of both sides - strength, speed, and reaction ability are not at the same level at all, and the gap is wider than the gap between ordinary people and ordinary ninjas.

And what about the difference between the Sixth Path level and the Sixth Path level below?Obviously, it is more terrifying than the gap between elite jounin and chunin, and it is close to the gap between gods and humans!
After all, if an elite jounin takes an attack from a chuunin, he may still die.But the figures at the Sixth Path level are different. Even if they stand motionless, the ninjas below the Sixth Path are helpless against them and cannot break their defenses at all!
Of course, people with special abilities are not included in this list. For example, Nagato, although his strength is not at the Sixth Path level, but he has the Samsara Eye, and Kyuubi, although his strength is far from the Sixth Path level, he is born with unparalleled defense power. , I can't die if I try my best, so I can naturally make a few gestures with the white snake fairy of the sixth level!
At this time, facing two real six-level monsters fighting each other, the two "little characters" Kyuubi and Nagato realized how huge the gap between themselves and others was.

The White Snake Sage, who no longer retained any strength, used the upper half of its snake body to tightly wrap around the Ten-Tails' body, and the second half of the snake body was also whipped together with the ten tails of the Ten-Tails.Like giant whips that penetrated the sky, it whipped the earth into terrifying cracks and "canyons", causing endless shocks.

The Ten-Tails stood there, more than ten times higher than all the mountains at its feet. Its terrifying face was full of confusion. It seemed that it had no idea what the hell the White Snake Sage was doing by wrapping itself around it.
After the White Snake Sage opened his big mouth and bit down on its neck, the Ten-Tails yelled out in a dull voice, raised his big hand that was larger than the Nine-Tails' entire body, and slapped the White Snake Sage one after another. On the face, the White Snake Immortal was beaten until blood spurted out, but he refused to let go like a bastard, with excitement and madness in his eyes.

The two giant beasts fought together, relying only on the power of their bodies to plunge the surrounding environment into "chaos".

The earth changed under their feet in the blink of an eye, and everything raised on the ground, whether it was mountains or vegetation, was beaten into dust in the constant reverberation of the vibrations.

Ryuji Cave, which was originally eerie with countless caves, seemed to have lost its vitality in an instant, and turned into a desert filled with yellow sand.

The sand is lifted from the ground to the sky as the White Snake Immortal rolls his circling snake body, and is connected with the clouds in the sky, turning the world into a chaotic and hazy world of yellow sand, which makes people feel astonished. It is difficult to distinguish between heaven and earth.

Upon seeing this, Nagato squatted on top of Kyuubi's head and had no choice but to share his ability with it.

Kyuubi flew into the air as he ordered, and looked at the fierce battle that seemed like a mythical epic in front of him, with a look of shock on his face.

Under them, the yellow sand swept across from time to time. The huge snake tail of the White Snake Immortal carried the power of sweeping everything. Nine Tails had no doubt that it only needed one blow to whip the whole fox to the sky!

In front of him are ten giant tails standing up, like ten thick and long pillars of heaven. They are entangled with the snake body of the White Snake Immortal. From time to time, they drive the lower half of the White Snake Immortal's body and violently collide with the earth, making a roar. The rumbling sound sounded like the moaning of the earth.

"What exactly is that?"

Compared with the terrifying sights in front of him, what Nine-Tails cared about more was the giant silver snake that was flying around the heads of the White Snake Sage and the Ten-Tails, making the world become increasingly bleak.

After Nagato heard Kyuubi's question, he looked up following its gaze and realized how the world where Ryūchi Cave was located had turned into such a miserable state.

It turned out that all the natural energy in this place had been extracted by the White Snake Immortal and turned into this giant energy snake that exuded silver light. The bloody horns on the snake's head particularly attracted his attention.

"Is that the so-called dragon?" he guessed.

"Whether it's a dragon or not, you've been fooled, haven't you?" Kyuubi stared at the Ten-Tails, who had "divine power" but didn't seem to know how to use it, with his eyes that turned into ripples, and complained to Nagato, " Others are obviously taking advantage of the natural energy in the Ten-Tails, but you foolishly put the Ten-Tails into its mouth, you are really stupid!"

Nagato silently stared at the battle between the Ten-Tails and the White Snake Sage, knowing that even the most ferocious tiger could not defeat the hungry wolf if it was not good at using its claws and teeth.

The Ten-Tails does not have complete biological consciousness at all, and now it is gradually falling into a disadvantage, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

"Are you just going to watch helplessly? Or should you just take action? Once this strange snake gets the power of the Ten Tails, it will be too late!"

Kyuubi suggested to Nagato with an anxious look on his face.

At this time, the injuries on White Snake Sage's body had obviously improved. Although the Ten-Tails raised its palms and fired its bows left and right, so that its face was swollen, the natural energy of the Ten-Tails seemed to be more delicious to it than anything else. Therefore, while being beaten, it showed a mean smile. It looked like it wanted to be slapped by the Ten-Tails for a hundred years. It was really sick!
"Then, let's try to shoot him." Nagato said calmly.

After he and Kyuubi consciously communicated about the cooperation plan for a while, Kyuubi made a decisive decision and suddenly raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and condensed an unprecedentedly huge tailed beast jade on top of his head.

This tailed beast jade expanded and formed at an extremely fast speed, and it didn't take long to become larger than the entire nine-tailed fox. It exuded an extremely heavy feeling in the void, causing the yellow sand around it to spread out in all directions. Like a newly formed black planet in the dust of the universe, it gives people a sense of vastness.

Kyuubi's body also lost weight rapidly during this process, and even the fur on his body became dry and split, as if he had been a refugee in the Black Continent for several months.

Nagato opened his hands, stood up on top of Kyuubi's head, and hugged the huge tailed beast jade, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He connected himself with the nine-tailed chakra and entered the swastika mode of the nine-tailed chakra. After putting on the black shinigami windbreaker, he controlled the huge tailed beast jade to spin quickly, making it go from perfect to perfect. The circle gradually turned into an oval, and a tornado spun faster and faster around the tailed beast jade.

The whistling wind quickly swept away the surrounding dust, making the air fresh.

Nagato's red hair was raised, and the black oval tailed beast jade controlled by his hands continued to elongate.With his control that is infinitely close to the Sixth Path level, on the basis of maintaining the internal energy balance of the Tailed Beast Jade, he forces the Tailed Beast Jade to undergo the most extreme form changes to enhance its power.

It didn't take long for this form change to reach a critical point, reaching a very extreme level with the energy and cohesion contained within the tailed beast jade.

Then, a terrifying roar sounded like a star exploding.Under Nagato's control, one pole of the oval-shaped Tailed Beast Jade was aimed at the White Snake Sage who was biting the Ten-Tails and wouldn't let go, and then he exerted force with both hands suddenly. The Tailed Beast Jade, which was bigger than the mountain, was trembling crazily. , scattered and disappeared.

It was like countless tiny black particles disintegrating into the void and disappearing in front of Nagato.

The tornado around him and Kyuubi suddenly disappeared with a dull roar, and a gamma ray burst-like energy beam was shot towards the White Snake Sage.As if it exceeded the speed of light, it dragged out intermittent trajectories in the air. It seemed that it was still slowly taking shape in Nagato's hands. In fact, it had already crossed the space and bombarded the White Snake Sage!
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa."

 The power of the Six Paths level refers to the single Rinnegan, Obito of the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, who can instantly kill the Senju Hashirama and tear apart the Four Red Sun Formation at will.

(End of this chapter)

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