Chapter 350

Nagato's body slid down in the darkness.

The tunnel where the Crazy Flying Duans climbed out was connected to a long downhill. When Nagato first entered, he smelled a strange stench. Due to his habit of chewing and leaving nothing behind, Nagato still came up with some not-so-good conjectures.He decided it would be better to glide through the air.

In the process, in addition to once again confirming that the Byakugan and natural energy were still suppressed, Nagato finally discovered that his chakra perception ability was also affected and could not be used. ——The crazy flying sections clearly have chakra in their bodies, but he can't sense their location here at all.It has to be said that this dark and oppressive place annoys him very much.

The longer he stayed in this place, the more Nagato had the urge to use the Shinra Tensei to flatten the place.

"Wait a little longer. After we figure out the secret of the Ninja Sect, it won't be too late to blow this place to the ground and give the cultists a square dance..."

Nagato comforted himself in his heart. After flying over this downhill section, he finally landed on a flat stone road with his feet.

He looked around. Apart from the darkness that was so dense that it couldn't be dissolved, there were only stone pillars that were vaguely visible in the darkness. They were unreasonably tall, but very consistent with the style of this place.The temperature was a little lower than in the main hall just now. It may be because it has not been exposed to sunlight for too long. Everything here has a damp and cold atmosphere, like an ancient tomb.

"Well, there's no such stinky smell here anymore..." Nagato sniffed, his face changed at the same time, and he cursed, "Damn!!! That passage just now was not really used by crazy Hidans. A place to poop, right??”

The diet of Crazy Flying Sections is very wide, but no matter how wide it is, it is unlikely to include their own excrement, and that passage is originally the place they use to enter and exit their "home", so it is very possible no matter how you think about it... ··
Nagato shook his head with an ugly expression and decided to throw away this "ominous" thought.

"I must have thought wrong!!"

He told himself this, and began to explore the "hometown" of the Crazy Flying Duans with a murderous look in his eyes.I don’t know if I want to find “someone” or kill “someone”.

After a period of wandering "exploration", Nagato's gains were approximately zero.

There was no way, after all, he had no information about this place at all, didn't know what was here, and didn't know what he should do.He just intuitively determined that Crazy Flying Duan was the product of the ritual, so he could find clues by following the traces of Crazy Flying Duan.

But after walking around, Nagato found that there was nothing here, his patience was quickly exhausted, he stopped, and was going to get all his psychic beasts here, first turn this place upside down.

At this time, the sound of "clucking" "footsteps" began to be heard in the deathly darkness around him.It seemed that not only him, but also the crazy flying sections had lost their patience.

"Tsk, I thought you had regained some sanity in the depths of the temple and learned to be greedy for life and afraid of death..." Nagato heard more and more gurgling sounds, and he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Is it because I broke into this place, so you have to fight me? What a brave little cutie, it reminds me of Konoha's Will of Fire..."

The rattles became increasingly dense, surrounding the place where Nagato stood in the darkness, and kept moving and changing directions.Their footsteps in groups contained strong murderous intent, just like the wolves on the grassland, relying on the number of the group to attack the lone tiger, only to give the tiger a fatal blow when it showed its flaws.

"Very good, well done, it seems to have the instinct of a beast to supplement food." Nagato sighed softly: "Unfortunately, the gap between us is too big..."

Saying this, he moved his ears, listened to the sound, and instantly disappeared from the place, appearing in front of a crazy flying segment.

This crazy flying Dan was "crazyly moving", trying to avoid Nagato's attack that had not yet been launched. When Nagato appeared in front of it, it was completely stunned, unable to react at all, and almost hit Nagato.

"Fortunately" Nagato used the natural energy in his body to tie it up in the air in time.The silver natural energy turned into a silver snake, binding it tightly and preventing it from moving.

Crazy Fei Duan struggled hard, but couldn't break free from the shackles of the silver snake.So it was shocked and looked at Nagato stupidly, as if it didn't understand what was going on now?

“Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak—!”

The surrounding Crazy Flying Duans lay on the ground, inflating their abdomens and necks and making such sounds.

Although Nagato appeared among them in an instant, which made their obviously inoperable brains a little "stuck", their hunting instinct still allowed them to show amazing "teamwork", almost at the same second, All the crazy flying sections were in order, using exactly the same movements, and rushed towards Nagato, raising their sharp claws in the air, as if they wanted to cut Nagato into pieces.

Nagato glanced at them without making any move.

All the crazy flying sections who raised their claws were frozen in the air, motionless.A translucent giant python formed from natural energy circled its body to protect Nagato in the middle, passing through all the crazy flying sections and wrapping them in its body.From a distance, it seems as if they have been swallowed into the belly.

The crazy flying dans couldn't even struggle. They stood motionless with their fixed POSS in the air, their eyes glaring around, looking at Nagato from time to time, as if asking him to "give a perfect explanation."

Nagato ignored the looks of the crazy Hidans. With pure curiosity, he looked at the bodies of these crazy Hidans, and after a long pause, he came to a conclusion.

"It's ugly!!!"

He felt that any normal person would agree with him.Even the crazy flying sections themselves will not speak out against it!
These monsters transformed from humans have long lost their normal human appearance and turned into ghoul-like monsters due to the madness of their brains and the alienation of chakra.Not only has the hair on the whole body completely disappeared, the bones all over the body are rugged, and many parts of the body are wrapped in bones, as if wearing a coat made of bones.

Compared with the human period, their arms have become longer, but their legs have shrunk and become thinner, turning into four legs. They should be unable to stand up and walk again.Some of the nails on the limbs turned into animal claws, as sharp as knives, shining with cold light, but some still maintained their human form, only longer, more twisted, turned khaki, and looked very dirty.

The most eye-catching thing is that their backbones have grown completely outside the body and are directly exposed to the air, as if they are rusty, with some red marks.

A mouth full of black messy teeth was exposed from the open mouth. Nagato was extremely vigilant and did not dare to slack off at all.

Although there is a layer of natural energy separated from these crazy flying sections, Nagato can still judge based on common sense that these crazy flying sections must have extremely terrible bad breath. In terms of power, they are definitely not inferior to their claws, comparable to biological and chemical weapons, and they are absolutely powerful. Just be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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