Chapter 427

Everywhere on the battlefield, until Uchiha Madara showed up, Sasuke was invincible.

Although the timely arrival of Raikage and Tsunade prevented Naruto and Kirabi from being beaten by Sasuke using his full-body Susanoo, it was precisely because of these two "good Samaritans" "With help, Sasuke was able to successfully get rid of Naruto's entanglement, rush to other battlefields, and regroup the members of the Akatsuki organization.

Such a process is certainly compelling.

Obito wanted to stop it, but he was afraid of the combat power of the members of the Akatsuki organization when they gathered together, especially the destructive power that Sasuke, Itachi, and Deidara could cause when they joined forces. Obito could only choose to remain silent to avoid making enemies. There were too many, and he was strangled by the combined forces of the Ninja Alliance, Akatsuki Organization, Kabuto, and others.

At this time, Obito was forced to discover that his attempt to use the [-] White Jutsu and the heretic demon to push down the ninja world was a very unreliable thing.

Those [-] Baijue are just like [-] trash, they are disgusting people and have never accomplished anything serious.

After Naruto joined the battle, they couldn't even handle disgusting people, and they were easily wiped out and turned into fertilizer for the earth, which is an embarrassment.

Fortunately, the rare good news for Obito is that without Kabuto's blind command, the true combat power of the dirty soil ninjas has finally been brought out.

These guys are originally the products of the souls of ninjas who died tragically on the battlefield, and they have a deep hatred for the ninja world. Although most of them would not attack their former companions - this makes Obito very regretful. After all, Obito is a Attack your own people first.

However, if they have the opportunity to seek revenge against the hostile village through immortality, why would they not do it?
Why are the descendants of these enemies alive and well even after they died?This is unacceptable to them.

The "revenge" actions of the dirty land ninjas were almost always met with evasive retaliation from the "own people" mixed in the hostile villages, similar to "Senior, we are different now, we have united and trust each other! "I heard a lot of words like that.However, except for a few guys who didn't die so badly, most people can't bear the resentment of being killed, and only fight in their hearts.

"Don't tell me how you are doing now. I'm dead! He was killed by people from XX village! This is my revenge. If you don't want to fight with me, go away!"

An answer like this is what most ninjas from the dirty land feel.

Originally, the fact that these filthy ninjas could be killed while alive meant that they were not "invincible" and could easily be killed again.But who gave them the ability to communicate with each other?

After the subjective initiative of revenge was ignited, the dirty land ninjas followed the instinct of "teamwork" and quickly understood the importance of forming a group and communicating with each other.

In contrast, the ninja coalition's tactics—defeating the filthy ninjas and then sealing them—couldn't deal with their mutual psychic skills at all.After all, the sealing technique of ordinary ninjas is really too slow, not as fast as the psychic technique at all, and the dirt reincarnated body also has infinite chakra!This made the ninja coalition forces, which were clearly more powerful, fall into a situation where they were exhausted.

"A new enemy has appeared on the first unit. Darui said that the opponent is the second generation Tsuchikage Mu!"

"The Third Raikage has appeared in the second unit. Huang Tu said that the opponent is very arrogant and said that he will fight 1 people each time." - Sasuke irresponsibly let the Third Raikage run away.

"The Seven Ninja Swordsmen on the third unit have been released by the enemy again. The second generation Mizukage Suiden Gengetsu is exploding crazily here. Kakashi said the pressure is a bit high."

"Gaara of the fourth unit is competing for chakra with the Fourth Kazekage Rosa, and Golden Horn and Silver Horn are also here!"

--What?Didn’t it say that the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn were with the first unit?
After receiving this mess of information, Nara Shikaku finally had the opportunity to ask a question.

"We don't know what happened. They suddenly ran from the first unit to the fourth unit. According to the frontline ninjas, they should have been teleported directly there using psychic techniques!"

Such an answer from the intelligence force left the "acting staff officer" Nara Shikaku speechless. Not long ago, he was relying on Kabuto's stupidity to "manage the troops like a god". Now he is faced with the situation on the battlefield where leaks are everywhere and there is no order. He is desperate. He closed his eyes.

He understands that as long as the filthy ninjas who can use psychic skills can use psychic abilities to instantly shuttle between various battlefields, he will have no time to "arrange troops".

The former Kages of each village instinctively found their former subordinates and began to scold Fang Qiu on the battlefield, showing their true colors as villains and killing the ninjas of other villages until they were defeated.Fortunately, the dirty land ninjas are obviously not very good at dealing with each other, and they can kill each other vigorously. Otherwise, this war would not have to be fought at all. With the advantage of immortality and unlimited chakra, the dirty land ninjas are enough to crush the coalition forces countless times. , this is the gap in hard power, which cannot be changed by tactics!
On the battlefield where the first unit was located, watching Sasuke find Kakuzu, his men were getting more and more powerful. Obito, who could only watch from the sidelines, found that the gold and silver horns had already run away, and had to sigh: "We fought well." It’s such a mess! What is that bastard Kabuto doing?”

A White Zetsu emerged from the ground next to him and reported to him the new movements of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn. Obito could only activate the divine power to continue the space transfer and embark on a journey to find the Golden Horn and Silver Horn.

"Grandma Chiyo can actually channel the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn. What kind of world is this! Fortunately, I still have my Eye of the Moon plan, otherwise, this world would be hopeless!"

As far as the eye can see, the battlefield is full of bloody battles, and the blood of the ninjas spurts out from the wounds and sprinkles on the ground.

At this moment, they were once someone's cherished people, and now they were animals that no one cared about.

They are unaware, and there is only hatred in their eyes.

Along with the blood, hatred seeped into the earth, and the seeds of hatred took root and sprouted deeply.

It's all meaningless, fruitless, meaningless fighting.

This scene was exactly the same as the illusion that the world brought to him when Lin died, and it also strengthened his idea that this world was hell.

Underground in the Kingdom of Tang, in the black castle, the white eyes from the moon have exhausted their last pupil power and disappeared with the pale golden light.

These pale golden, firefly-like rays of light connected together to illuminate the scene in the castle, and also illuminated the appearance of the chakra meridians connected to them when they were retracted into Nagato's body.

Every chakra meridian is recycled into the body, and there will be a bright electric light flashing on Nagato's forehead and around the blue Tenseiyan.

When all the meridians returned, intense golden light radiated from Nagato's forehead, turning into a thunderstorm that filled the sky, scattering around Nagato and shining endlessly.

Nagato closed his eyes and fell back to the empty ground from the air. The reincarnation eye on his forehead was completely opened. The pupil power that shot out instantly penetrated the black castle and found the six paths hidden in the pure land. Immortal.

"Fortunately, the stupid Sage of the Six Paths didn't notice me."

After observing the wrinkled old face of the Six Paths Sage for a while, Nagato closed the new reincarnation eye on his forehead and let out a breath.

 The mutual communication between the reincarnated bodies of the dirty soil is not much different from the communication between the split bodies of Nagato.

  In other words, a ninja who knows psychic skills is inherently invincible.

  In the original drama, Sasuke used psychic techniques when he avoided Deidara's self-destruction.

  In contrast, to put it bluntly, Jiraiya's death was a joke.

  Toad Fukasaku had the time to lie down in front of Jiraiya and let Jiraiya carve words on his back in front of the five Pains. He might as well just channel Jiraiya away.

  Moreover, "One Stroke" remembered that when Kakashi taught Naruto the Wind Release Rasengan, he said that the Shadow Clone Technique was originally invented to detect intelligence.

  Jiraiya went to the Rain Hidden Village to get information. Firstly, he didn't use the shadow clone, and secondly, he didn't know that using psychic skills to escape at the last moment was an act of seeking death.

  At first glance, it may seem touching, but in fact it doesn’t make sense logically, and there is something wrong with the way Jiraiya died.It's a plot kill.

(End of this chapter)

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