Ring Town

Chapter 405: Everyone is Dumbfounded

Chu Feng squinted his eyes slightly, avoiding Bit's tricky sniping, but his eyes were always fixed on the strange jumping hellfire between William's hands.

It seems that there is no plan to go up and interrupt William's spellcasting. Instead, he has a kind of expectation, waiting for William to finish casting the spell.


William, who was chanting in a low voice, suddenly spewed a mouthful of bright red blood from his mouth, and sprayed it directly onto his hands, like dancing, active hellfire.

This mouthful of blood is what his life is tied to, and it is also the life essence of a vampire, the condensed essence, so when this mouthful of blood splashed out, his face became paler and his body shriveled.

However, his spirit was very good, and he was even more excited. With a trembling voice, he shouted hoarsely: "The darkness is full of flames, the dance of fire, go harvest the blood and soul of the enemy!"

The flames of hell between his hands sprang up, but in an instant, it condensed into a huge hideous head, with a mouth stretching out to about ten feet, and with a roar, it directly swallowed Chu Feng.

This sky-swallowing momentum made Bit, who was a hundred meters away from him, feel a kind of tremor from the bottom of his heart. He actually forgot to shoot and watched all this happen in a daze.

William laughed violently, with a blood-thirsty red light in his eyes: "Go to hell!"[

Chu Feng, who was under the giant mouth of the sky, suddenly smiled strangely, but immediately after, his body was swallowed by the giant mouth of the sky, submerged in the sea of ​​flames of hell, and disappeared .

"Haha, I'm finally dead!" William watched Chu Feng's body disappear into the sea of ​​flames, and laughed wildly, with excitement and excitement on his tired and pale face.

Bit looked at all this in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that this was really happening.

Did he die like this without any resistance?

It seems a little too smooth, right?

This matter was really weird, so he stared blankly at the flames of hell that were still raging in the arena.For a while, he was stunned there.

Of course, Chu Feng would not die like this. He allowed the hellfire released by William to swallow him up. In fact, he had his own calculations.

Because right at the beginning, when William summoned the fire of hell, he felt a kind of kindness, yes, kindness.

It seemed that William had used the strongest killing move.The dark flames, the peerless and fierce flames of hell, are inseparable from him, making him feel that the fire seems to be a part of him.

this feeling.It's like, when you are outside, you suddenly run into your long-lost brother or son or daughter, which makes Chu Feng feel this fire, and it doesn't hurt him at all.

Instead, I want to be close and want to own it.

But in his mind, there was an instant realization.Because the real fire he just refined is the fire of hell, and it is also the fire of hell that has condensed the soul.

It's just that his hellfire has been refined by Hekla's spirit for many years, and it has absorbed an unknown number of resentful souls, so it is already mottled and impure.

Far worse than before, the ray of hellfire summoned by William from hell is pure.

certainly.His hellfire has been refined into real fire, and there are three giant dogs as spirits. In terms of strength, it is many times stronger than the hellfire summoned by William from hell. [

It's just because Chu Feng's real fire has been corroded by hundreds of millions of resentful spirits for many years, and then refined by Chu Feng, so the vitality and spirituality are much less.But the ray of hellfire summoned by William in front of him is freshly baked, full of vitality and spirituality.

So how can Chu Feng not be greedy?

He didn't move, he pretended to be dazed and frightened.But it was precisely for William to be able to release this dark flame.

In front of him, the blazing hellfire enveloped him, but he wanted to shout excitedly: God helped me!

At this time, because he was surrounded by the surrounding dark flames, he was not afraid of exposing his real fire, so the real fire came out from his fire mansion, covering the whole body with a faint layer of flame.

Indistinctly, one can also see the phantom of the three-headed giant dog appearing behind him. That peerless fierce face is not a gorilla at this moment, but roaring in a low voice with a strong sense of excitement.

Surrounding him, the intense hellfire was quickly sucked into his abdomen, entered Chu Feng's fire mansion, and merged with his real fire.

Visible to the naked eye, Chu Feng's real fire was originally only a faint dark gold color, more of a black flame, but at this moment, after merging with the pure hellfire, it quickly exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Turned into a pure dark gold color.

In this real fire, raging vitality and spirituality are ignited, and it looks like it has been revived.

And the phantom of the three-headed giant dog hanging behind Chu Feng also slowly became solid, the long hair as black as oil is fading rapidly, and the new hair grows out quickly, but It is dark gold with a metallic texture.

At this moment, the three-headed giant dog looks more ferocious, mighty and inviolable. The majesty of the brilliance and the flames of peerless violence make people feel admiration just by looking at it.

It seems that it is the incarnation of hell, the master of hundreds of millions of resentful spirits and wandering souls.


After inhaling all the hellfire summoned by William into its stomach, it was emitting intense dark golden flames from its body, which was more intense than before, burning everything blazingly, as if it was going to destroy the entire city of Hell. The Kra volcano was burned to ashes.

Of course, the transformation is very fast, so in the eyes of outsiders, they can't see it at all, and they can't see it in this sea of ​​flames.

Bit was shocked, he looked at the sea of ​​flames almost stupidly, his thinking had stagnated.

Not only was he dumbfounded, William was also dumbfounded.

William has used the dark flames before. Although the power is relatively strong, it can never reach this kind of power, and the roar of the beast that seems to tear the sky has never been heard before.

At this moment, he even began to doubt, is this the dark flame he summoned?

But other than that, he couldn't think of any other explanation, but to convince him that this was what he summoned, he dared not admit it to death.

Because now even he himself is already trembling in his heart, and even wants to bow his head and worship him.

In the battlefield in the distance, except for Kameda Koji and the glasses who pulled away from everyone, everyone including Dexian was shocked.

God!What exactly is this?

A sense of fear from the soul, somewhere, seems to have a voice calling.

The appearance of this voice caused Han Yan's eyes to change, a flash of firmness flashed across his body, but his body retreated quietly.

Almost everyone's attention was focused on that sea of ​​flames, so no one noticed his whereabouts, neither did De Xian.

Because he is worried at this moment: In such a sea of ​​flames, even a master as strong as a sky-level master may not be able to survive. Could it be that Master has...

Thinking of this, he suddenly broke out in cold sweat and couldn't help himself. (to be continued...)

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