Ring Town

Chapter 409: Opening the Pagoda

"Father..." Koji Kameda did not die, but stared at Chu Feng closely with an extremely clear gaze, and there was a deep nostalgia in his eyes.

There were still crystal tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, slowly rolling down drop by drop.

The situation in this scene is really hard-hearted, and it also needs to be moved.

Dexian was at the side, but he sighed softly: "Oh, life is the most difficult thing, nothing more than parting from life and death..."

Chu Feng looked at the giant palm extended by Kameda Koji, and his eyes became moist in an instant. He understood what Kameda Koji was thinking, and slowly walked over to his giant palm.

Kameda Koji lifted Chu Feng up in front of his eyes with great effort, but this movement pulled the wound on his body, the wound burst open, and blood spurted out again.

The severe pain made the corners of his mouth twitch, but he forced a smile again: "Father, take me to the eyes in the Linglong Pagoda, so that I can be with my father for a long time."

"Ah?" Chu Feng was stunned, and looked at Koji Kameda in surprise, unable to believe how he knew this secret.

Although this was his original purpose of keeping Kameda Koji, but with the subsequent contact, his idea has become more and more weak, and recently he has deliberately not thought about it. [

It's as if he has successfully broken through to the earth level, and the immortal power has accumulated so many points, but he has never done so.

In fact, he was hesitating in his heart, and he was not ready yet. Of course, these were all words he said to comfort himself.

But the real reason was the moment Kameda Koji fell down.Only then did he understand, it turned out.He already had real feelings for this big guy.

It can be said that the Kameda Koji in front of him is no longer Kameda Koji at all, but a brand new soul, a brand new giant child.

It's just because he was built on the basis of Kameda Koji's body, so Chu Feng is also used to calling him Kameda Koji, this name.It's just a sign.

Of course, Kameda Koji touched the softest part of Chu Feng's heart with his cuteness and cuteness.

But how could Chu Feng be shocked by the giant child in front of him who said such words?How dare you believe it?

Seeing Chu Feng's appearance, Kameda Koji suddenly smiled slyly: "Father, I actually knew it a long time ago. Because every time you go to the Linglong Pagoda, you always mutter to yourself in the eye of the formation, so I gradually understood, and even more, that you originally wanted to put me in the formation. But you were reluctant to part with it later. "

He muttered to himself, but the more he said, the more shocked Chu Feng became.

"Father, at that time, I was really happy and very lucky. Because you treat me well and you don't give up on me!"

wipe!Chu Feng suddenly felt like sweating profusely.

seemingly.After taking Kameda Koji, he has been used as a thug, right?

Occasionally going to the Linglong Pagoda, it was just to get him some toys indiscriminately. Of course, in order to let him be my introduction willingly in the future, it is very kind to talk to him, but in this way, he actually let him talk to him Are you grateful?

Chu Feng suddenly felt a little messy, but in his heart, there was an unspeakable touch: the child's world is really simple, if you treat him well, he will remember, if you treat him badly, he will forget it instead!

But I also understand one thing, it should be that Kameda Koji's childhood was gloomy, and the geomagnetic core has been lonely for tens of thousands of years. [

So the combination of the two is more sensitive to caring.

Even if he becomes a giant with only a child's IQ, this subconscious still exists deep in his heart.

"Dad, the time with you is the happiest I've ever been, but I'm about to die, so please put me in the eyes of the team, and let me do one last thing for you!"

Those clear eyes were full of anticipation, which made people unable to refuse.

Chu Feng stared blankly, but in the end, it all turned into a deep sigh, and then nodded heavily.

The moisture that had been soaking in his eyes slipped down in an instant.

Now that he has made a decision, and Kameda Koji obviously won't earn much longer, Chu Feng no longer has any hesitation, and shouted at Dexian: "Dexian, you go out and help me guard, no one will Let it in, and whoever wants to break in, I will kill them all!"

The cold words and strong murderous aura made De Xian's heart tighten, but he quickly responded, and then flew to the distance, carefully watching the surroundings, fearing that there might be some blind guy who wanted to take advantage of the chaos stand up.

After all, there were not a few members of the Black Widow mercenary group who just ran away, so he didn't dare to be careless.

With a pair of eyes, he looked around carefully.

But once in a while, when he looked back, he suddenly found that Kameda Koji's huge body had disappeared, and only Chu Feng was walking into a nearby cave with a sad face.

And looking at him: "De Xian, you guard the entrance of the cave and don't disturb me!"

As he spoke, he entered the cave in a blink of an eye, leaving only De Xian in a daze, with his open mouth, after Chu Feng disappeared for a long time, he murmured: "Master, are you Will it be juggling?"

In fact, this is exactly what he really thought. After all, Kameda Koji's huge body disappeared at once, which is really too weird.

He knew there was a space ring, but Koji Kameda's body was too big, how could he fit it into the space ring, that's why he was puzzled.

Because the largest interspatial ring he had ever heard of was only the size of a house, while Kameda Koji's body was more than ten feet long, which was out of proportion anyway.

But immediately his eyes lit up, and he muttered in a low voice: "Since you can't figure it out, then don't think about it. Anyway, Master has something strange every time. Follow Master, the future is really bright!"

Chu Feng didn't know what Daxian was thinking at all. At this moment, he was intoxicating all his mind in the Linglong Pagoda.

In that place, the rotating eyes, the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter have already opened, and the Linglong Pagoda is full of vitality.

But at the eye of the formation, I always feel that something is missing, but it is the eye of the formation, that vacant depression, which has been empty all the time, which also makes this formation less angry and loses its soul.

Of course, Chu Feng understood that this was because the souls of prefecture-level masters were missing in the eyes of the formation.

He smiled shyly, but he didn't look at the eyes of the formation, but at Koji Kameda who was held between his arms.

Don't be surprised, as I said before, Linglong Pagoda is a special space, and it is mainly dedicated to Chu Feng, so in this space, Kameda Koji's body is about the same size as Chu Feng, so this support, It's no different from hugging someone.

Seeing the complicated emotions in Chu Feng's eyes, Koji Kameda immediately twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Dad, let's do it!"

Hearing Kameda Koji's childish voice, Chu Feng's hands holding him suddenly trembled, and his heart was immediately pulled.


He wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to start them.

There were tears in Kameda Koji's eyes, which suddenly filled up, and then his body turned over, and he fell from Chu Feng's hand, and fell straight into the eye of the formation.

In the mouth, there is a soft blessing: "Dad, don't let me down..."

Chu Feng was stunned, and then subconsciously stretched his hand down, but it was empty.

Because the formation eyes had been activated at this moment, and Kameda Koji was directly involved in it, and those clear and unwilling eyes became eternal.

"Do not……"

Chu Feng yelled, but everything was irreversible, the eyes of the formation had already been activated, and there was no way to stop it.

Kameda Koji's childish voice slowly echoed in the space inside the Linglong Pagoda: "Dad, don't let me down..."

He raised his head suddenly, but tears were streaming down his face.

It's just that he knows that this is not the time to be sad, and he has more important things to do.

Kameda Koji has already integrated into the eyes of the formation, if he doesn't quickly pour in the celestial power and true energy, all of this will be in vain.

So he suppressed his grief, and with one hand, gently touched the side of the stone ball outside the formation's eyes.

It seems that there is something connected with consciousness, flowing in the stone ball, as if Koji Kameda is still in front of his eyes, as if that childish voice is still ringing in his ears.

He just subconsciously poured the accumulated celestial power and true energy into the stone ball.

Then I saw that the formation of speed, on the stone ball, emitted a bright light, like the sun and the moon, people looked at it, and gave birth to a humble heart.

The first floor of the Linglong Pagoda, following the light, is undergoing a rapid transition, hot and cold for a while, scorching summer for a while, and ice and snow for a while.

And the stone ball under Chu Feng's palm seems to have a very strong suction power, not only directly evacuating the immortal power and true energy accumulated in Chu Feng's body, but also sucking his powerful consciousness. A wisp went in.

As soon as this ray of consciousness entered the stone ball, it quickly merged with the stone ball, and the stone ball went straight to the eye of the formation, which also allowed Chu Feng to get in direct contact with the eye of the formation.

In the eyes of the formation, there is also a very strong spirituality, ignorant, but it seems to be infinitely close to himself.

Chu Feng was very familiar with this consciousness, and it suddenly dawned on him that this was the ray of soul that Kameda Koji had lost his self-consciousness.

Chu Feng felt hot in his heart, but suddenly felt that that ignorant consciousness was quickly entwined with the divine consciousness he had passed through, and in an instant, they became one.


With the mixing of consciousness, a door suddenly opened in Chu Feng's mind, but it was the space of the Linglong Pagoda. It seemed that this pagoda was a part of his body.

And in this pagoda, everything is presented in his mind as it really is, it seems that just one thought can control all of these things, including all the creatures in this pagoda. (to be continued...)

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