Ring Town

Chapter 412: Missing

Earl Degu had a gloomy face, dripping water gloomily.

The atmosphere in the conference room was just like his expression, the oppressive dark clouds seemed to be hanging over everyone's heads, making the entire spacious conference room like a small cage, tightly holding everyone inside.

Even Jibo, who always liked to sing against him, was silent at this moment, only a deep worry was locked between his brows and eyes.

After a long time, De Gucai finally snorted softly. In his deep voice, there was a hint of deep sorrow, and there was a lingering murderous look in his eyes: "Say, tell me the whole story in detail." Say it carefully!"

With a fist in his hand, he slammed it hard on the heavy solid wood table, making a muffled sound, but it surprised everyone in the conference room, and all turned their eyes to him.

Even the air, in an instant, suddenly became colder by several degrees, and it was frighteningly icy.

But at the door of the meeting room, there was a young man in a state of distress, covered in dust and dust all over his body. It was obvious that he had driven for a long time, and he had no time to rest, so he stood here.

At this moment, there was still a touch of unbelievable panic on his face, as if what happened before was a nightmare that could never be erased.

This person is one of the Black Widow mercenary group.

Of course, most people chose to escape, staying away from country m and the Degu family.

But after all, there are so many people, not everyone has the same thoughts.

This person wanted to come to the Degu family to ask for some benefits, so he came to report.

However, as soon as he entered the meeting room and felt the oppressive atmosphere here, as well as the gloomy and frightening face of Marquis Degu, as well as the cold and murderous look all over his body, he regretted it.

Regretting that I should not listen to my companions, I should have chosen to go with Han Yan.

It's just that he felt that Han Yan was just a vampire who had just advanced.Even with the nearly twenty black widow's mercenaries who survived, they couldn't compare with the long-standing Degu family, so he chose to take the risk to report to the Degu family.

But now he really regrets it.

However, there is no turning back.

Sensing the gazes cast by the crowd, as well as the murderous eyes of Marquis Degu, his heart trembled, and he timidly took a step back.

Cold sweat instantly drenched the back of his clothes, trembling voice, confused thoughts.Tell the whole thing slowly.

But when it comes to Chu Feng, the fear in his eyes is so obvious.

Even the people in the meeting room did not see him in person, but they heard his voice that was clearly frightened.And that expression, but also empathy.

certainly.This also aroused the dissatisfaction in the hearts of many young people.

After all, the competitive spirit is too strong.

and.There are many people who always can't tolerate others being better than themselves.

After listening to his narration, Ji Bo's brows furrowed even tighter, and the look of worry in his eyes became more intense.

But he still didn't comment.Although many people in the conference room turned their eyes to him, they only frowned.Thoughtful.

He didn't speak, and the people below naturally turned their attention to Marquis Degu again.

Disappointment flashed across the eyes of Marquis Degu, but it was only for a moment before being overwhelmed by deep hatred.

He hit the table hard with his palm, squinted his eyes, but stood up abruptly, glared at the timid person standing at the door, and shouted violently: "Since they are all dead, why are you still alive?"

The voice wasn't too loud, but it was extremely fierce, like a sound sword condensed into a sound sword, hitting that person hard, causing his body to tremble suddenly, and cold sweat poured down like rain.

"I..." He opened his mouth to explain, but just as the words came out, his throat seemed to be tightly strangled by a giant hand. He coughed a few times, but he couldn't make any more sound.

Eyeballs protruded, full of shock and terror, his face was instantly flushed red, and his hands were desperately scratching his neck, but it was a pity that everything was in vain.

After a while, there was a muffled bang, like a balloon exploded, and the man's body was shattered into a cloud of blood.

In the huge conference room, a strong smell of blood immediately permeated.

Only then did Marquis Degu put down the palm that was closed far away, and the hostility in his eyes seemed to have faded a bit.

The killing intent on his body was even stronger.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere was also tense, and everyone was silent like a cicada.

They all know the horror of Marquis Degu, but it has been too many years, this old man has not done anything, so some juniors have already forgotten that the old man sitting in the main seat was once a god of death hundreds of years ago .

Even now, although the murderous nature has been restrained a lot, but the cultivation base is a Marquis, Marquis, what is the concept?

That is the power of the demigod in the legend, which can be transformed into various images at will, and ordinary holy objects cannot cause substantial damage to it, and only a few super powerful artifacts can suppress it.

Marquis-level vampires are very rare, and low-level vampire hunters and priests can't sense their existence at all. Only true saints and prophets with super-sensing powers have the opportunity to sense their existence.

But feeling and disappearing are two different things.

So when Marquis Degu showed his power like this, there was a deathly silence below.

Speaking of which, Marquis Degu did have enough reasons to be angry.

Finally, after hundreds of years, I know that there is still one of my descendants alive in the world, and even recognize each other, and I have to say that the blood of the glasses is very strong. After getting the ancestral blood, it turned out to be a direct advancement To the earl.

Among vampires, this was a rare gift from heaven.

What's more, the glasses understand people's hearts very well, coaxing Marquis Degu very happy, and let his heart, which has been lonely for too long, taste a kind of family affection and happiness that he has not seen for a long time.

But all of these were destroyed before they could be warmed up. How could this old man who had been lonely for so many years feel so embarrassed?

Therefore, his anger is really indescribable.

Since the death of his daughter, it was the first time that he got so angry. Even Jibo raised his head and looked at him in horror, because Jibo knew that something big was going to happen to the Degu family this time!

Sure enough, Marquis Degu slapped the wood chips flying across the solid wooden table in front of him with a heavy palm, then narrowed his eyes with a strong murderous look, and swept towards the crowd around him.

He said in a freezing cold voice: "That Chu Feng is now on his way to country M. I don't care what methods you use, I just want to see his head!"

The blood-red eyes seemed to have penetrated the vast starry sky and swept towards Chu Feng's direction.

Right at this moment, Chu Feng, who was sitting on the plane, felt cold all over his body, subconsciously wrapped the clothes around his body, but muttered in surprise: "Could it be that someone is thinking about me?" (To be continued.. )

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