Ring Town

Chapter 417: Gaffe

Seeing Powell holding the elixir tightly in his hand, and putting his hand into his bosom, Chu Feng couldn't help laughing, and kindly reminded: "Mr. It melts, be careful if your hands sweat for a while, the elixir will lose its effect."

"Ah?" Powell was stunned, but he quickly took his hand out of his arms, but he didn't know where to put it for a while, so he asked Chu Feng for help with a bitter face: "Mr. Chu, what should I do?"

Seeing his appearance, Chu Feng sighed helplessly, and thought: Sure enough, in the face of life and death, no one can be too calm.

So he smiled lightly: "Put it in your mouth and eat it."

Such a simple question would never come up in normal times, but now Powell is so excited that he doesn't even think about it.

Immediately, the old man blushed, but he didn't care about these things, and directly filled the pill into his mouth.

A faint fragrance immediately flowed down the throat and entered the dantian of the lower abdomen.

It didn't take long, the blush on his face glowed faintly, so that people could feel the vitality and vitality at a glance.

Seeing Powell feeling the boundless energy in his body, Chu Feng smiled slightly, but turned to Alice, took out a Zhuyan Pill, and handed it over: "Alice, this is a pill that can keep you young forever. The elixir stationed here, you take it."

"Huh?" Alice almost jumped up in excitement.

One is that this pill was given to her by Chu Feng, and the other is, which girl does not love beauty, let alone such a beautiful woman who is as beautiful as a fairy?

Of course, she is very clear.The value of the elixir in Chu Feng's hands, so he thinks that Chu Feng has feelings for her.

His face blushed, but he shyly took Zhuyan Pill, and slowly swallowed it into a pair of red lips.

"Feng, thank you!"

After Alice swallowed the Zhuyan Pill, she stood on tiptoe, quickly touched Chu Feng's cheek, and blushed with embarrassment.ran away.

Over there, Powell finally came to his senses, but looked at Chu Feng in surprise, and then looked at the direction in which his granddaughter was running.Immediately, an inscrutable smile appeared.

He was shocked by Chu Feng's methods.Although he was enjoying the crispness brought by the longevity pill just now.But there is nothing to miss the conversation between Chu Feng and Alice.

I was even more shocked by the words Zhuyan Dan.

Of course, what he saw was a business opportunity.

Because, simply because the Rejuvenation Pill can't cure all diseases, it can't have such a big appeal, because some people in their prime may not be willing to use what they have in their hands.In exchange for such a pill.

Perhaps even making such a trip would be troublesome.

But if the wife or daughter of the rich man knows that there is such a magic medicine as Zhuyan Pill, then that's a different matter.

to most women.Especially for young and beautiful women, beauty is far more important than body!

Of course, this situation refers to the situation where there is no major disease.

Don't you see, for the sake of beauty, many beautiful women insist on wearing a pair of thin stockings even though their thighs are blue in the winter?

Therefore, beauty is more attractive to women than anything else.

This is why Powell is excited.

He rubbed his hands vigorously, and looked at Chu Feng embarrassingly: "Mr. Chu, can you keep some of this Zhuyan Pill for exchange?"

Hearing Powell's words, Chu Feng immediately thought of this verse, and said with a smile: "Yes, even the longevity pill, I can also keep a bottle."


Powell was really in a daze. The longevity pill, such a heaven-defying thing, can be kept, so why can't I...

Thinking of this, his eyes sparkled brightly, and he wished he could swallow all of it immediately.

Seeing his expression, Chu Feng certainly knew what he was thinking, but he smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Powell, although this longevity pill is a good thing, ordinary people can't take more, and only the first two pills are effective. The third pill will no longer work."

"That's it!" A look of disappointment appeared on Powell's face, but immediately, his eyes lit up again.

Because he only took one pill, if he can take another one, it will be another five years. If the rejuvenation pill he took before is added, he will be free from all diseases, and he can die without illness. Around 130 years old.

And he is only half alive now, and he still has decades of good life. Compared with ordinary people, he is only middle-aged now. After all, he is still making a lot of money.

God knows, what kind of elixir will the master in front of me show up in the future, in that case, he still has many opportunities.

The prerequisite is that you must have a good relationship with the person in front of you. As long as you handle the matter that he told you, and make him happy, you will never forget yourself if there are any benefits in the future.

What's more, his granddaughter Alice is still unclear with him. If something can happen between the two of them, then his relationship will be really strong.

And Powell can see Alice's feelings for Chu Feng, so that's a good one.

But looking at Chu Feng, it seems that although he is good to his granddaughter, he doesn't show too much affection between men and women. This matter makes people feel uneasy!

It stands to reason that my granddaughter, let alone in this city, is a rare beauty in the entire country m, but why is the relationship between the two developing so slowly?

No, you have to hit Alice, and this method is too gentle, shouldn't you be more proactive?

He was full of miscellaneous things in his mind, thinking about gains and losses.

Beside him, Chu Feng was fortunate to not know mind reading skills, otherwise, knowing these thoughts in Powell's mind, he didn't know whether he should be happy or angry.

Of course, the two didn't stay here for too long, because William came over and whispered in his father's ear: "Dad, the guests outside have been arranged. Look, can we start?"

Powell didn't look at his son, but looked at Chu Feng, and asked, "Mr. Chu, do you think it's time to start?"

In fact, Chu Feng had already heard what William said, and now Powell asked again, of course he had no objection, and nodded lightly: "Well, we can start, but I won't go out."

Then he glanced at the identification record in Powell's hand, and said: "Remember, as long as this box is lit, it means that the item is what I need. As for how to exchange it, just do as I said."

"Mr. Chu, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter well!" Powell assured Chu Feng again.

Then, he looked at Alice who was walking slowly over with a blushing face standing in the distance, and said, "Alice, be sure to accompany Mr. Chu."

His eyes squeezed quietly at Alice, which made Alice's face even more flushed. (to be continued..)

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