Ring Town

Chapter 443: Closing

In the reception room reserved for Chu Feng alone, Chu Feng, Pope Christopher, and Bishop Yadod were sitting there, and Alice was helping to make coffee.

Of course, what Chu Feng brewed was tea, and he didn't like the taste of coffee very much.

Pope Christopher gently stirred the small spoon in the coffee cup, touching the sugar cube and the cup wall, making a crisp sound, breaking the tranquility in the room.

His eyes also turned from the coffee cup to Chu Feng, with a faint smile on his face, and the traces of previous violent anger could not be seen at all.

In fact, Christopher was angry at the time, but generally speaking, he was not so angry. The most fundamental reason was that he was showing a gesture to Chu Feng, and he was showing his favor to Chu Feng.

After all, a person who can refine the Meditation Pill and decide whether he can advance to the next step, Christopher's attention is placed first in an instant.

Of course, it's not that he didn't have other thoughts, but when he heard Alice say that Chu Feng came from the mysterious country of Huaxia, he had already given up the idea of ​​forcibly keeping Chu Feng for his own use.

That was when he was a child, and he followed his ancestors to that mysterious country, but those memories were not good.

And his elder, who was a genius of the church, was extremely powerful, but suffered a great loss in China, so after that, Christopher had an unspeakable awe for the mysterious China.

Another reason is that after he saw Jingxin Pill, he could confirm Chu Feng's identity, which is definitely not something that a child of a family can explain.

Because when he followed his ancestors to China, he had heard from them that the mysterious powerhouses in China could refine this kind of panacea with heaven-defying effects, compared to the holy water bestowed by God.The functions are even more domineering and more diverse.

The last reason is that after Pope Christopher entered the castle and approached the hall, he had already noticed an aura that was a little stronger than him. The moment he entered the hall, he was sure of this aura. The aura belonged to Chu Feng, the mysterious Chinese distinguished guest, so he completely dispelled all the thoughts that should not appear in his mind, and only wanted to befriend Chu Feng.

Because, that Jingxin Pill is really against the sky.

He is sure.As long as he has enough Meditation Pills, he can break through his current bottleneck and enter the next level. In that case, not only will his life span be increased by several decades.It is to become an angel in the future, with eternal life and glory.Not necessarily impossible.

Faced with such a temptation.A Mason is definitely worth sacrificing. I believe that Archbishop Wenger will not be angry when he finds out about this, but will thank him for everything he has done today.

His thoughts turned in an instant, and Pope Christopher suppressed the agitation in his heart.Looking at Chu Feng with a smile: "Mr. Chu, I want to know if we can supply more Jingxin Pills, or how many pieces can be provided every month."

Chu Feng's heart skipped a beat.Jingxin Pill does not consume spiritual medicine at all, so no matter how much it is refined, Chu Feng can do it, and it is definitely worth it to exchange this for spiritual medicine.

However, the things used to refine Jingxin Pill are taken from the traditional Chinese medicinal materials that can be bought in pharmacies. Although there are a few flavors that are relatively expensive, the money in the world is of no value to Chu Feng now. , is just a number, a thing for circulation.

And now that the Linglong Pagoda has opened the function of one day to one year, it also makes Chu Feng's demand for the living medicine become urgent.

But even if the elixir is not alive, as long as he has the elixir, he can refine a large amount of elixir, and it will be very simple to exchange for the elixir. Now I am very confident.

"My lord, do you mean that you want me to supply you with Jingxin Dan for a long time?"

Christopher's eyes lit up suddenly. He just put forward two plans, but in his heart, he didn't have much hope for Chu Feng to provide Jingxin Pill for a long time.

After all, in his impression, there were never many spiritual pills for those powerful Chinese experts back then, but now Chu Feng has directly omitted the first plan and started with the second plan , This caused his heart to shake rapidly, as if the earth had been turned upside down.

Staring at Chu Feng closely, he asked very quickly, "Mr. Chu, is it okay?"

Chu Feng smiled mysteriously, but picked up the antique-grade teacup in front of him, sniffed it lightly at the end of his nose, and then took a small sip.

Then he said in a very slow voice: "My lord pope, of course it is possible, but I have one condition."

"Oh?" When Christopher heard Chu Feng say yes, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, his whole body shook with excitement, and a lot of the coffee he just picked up in his hand spilled out.

He didn't care about the stains splashed on his body at all, and locked his eyes on Chu Feng. Seeing that Chu Feng kept smiling calmly, he asked word by word after a long time: "Mr. Chu, don't you know?" What conditions do you want?"

He had already made a decision in his heart, even if Chu Feng wanted the bishop's position, he would find a way to get it for Chu Feng.

You know, with so many people in the entire church, there are only four bishops.

Of course, he hoped so in his heart, because although such conditions were difficult for him, they were still within his control.

But Chu Feng's words once again exceeded his expectations.

"My lord pope, my condition is that you must provide three live elixir plants for each transaction in the future. They can be used and exchanged." Chu Feng tapped his hand on the table slowly, making a beeping sound .

But in his heart, it was a completely different scene, and it was also a sky-turning moment at this moment.

I kept asking myself, is this condition too much?

After all, the elixir is easy to find, but the living elixir is really difficult, but he thinks this is an opportunity, and this is one of the largest churches in the world. It can be said that their energy is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Therefore, no matter what, you have to gamble on this one. If it really fails, the condition will be changed again.

Pope Christopher didn't know what Chu Feng was thinking. He was slightly startled when he heard Chu Feng's conditions, and turned to look at Bishop Yadod.

Although he knew something about the mysterious Huaxia, and got a few tranquility pills from Alice's hands, after all, he hadn't seen the transactions of the past few days, and he had no idea about the elixir.

Seeing the Pope's inquiring eyes, Yadod didn't know what was going on in Christopher's mind, so he immediately approached the Pope, and whispered what he had learned about the elixir in the past few days.

After listening to Yadod's narration, Pope Christopher's eyes flickered, but suddenly he slapped his hand on the table and turned to Chu Feng: "Mr. Chu, I agree to this condition!"

"Oh." Chu Feng really didn't expect that Pope Christopher would agree so quickly, but he was relieved immediately. After all, he is also one of the largest religions in the world, and his influence spreads all over the world. .

In his hands, he still controls an unknown amount of resources, and the heads of many countries also want to give him face. If he really wants to collect living elixir, he may just let it out, and many people will rush to deliver it to his door.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn't help sighing, this is the gap between whether there is a foundation or not!

However, the situation in Huaxia is fundamentally different from that here. Even if a certain big shot in Huaxia came forward, I am afraid that such an effect would not be achieved.

After all, in China, there are too many sects, too scattered, and everyone knows the benefits of elixir, so it is difficult to do this.

This should be the Chinese characteristics.

While he was thinking wildly, Pope Christopher spoke, with a negotiating tone in his voice, and he was a little unconfident: "Mr. Chu, I hope our transaction can be carried out once a month, and every time I hope there will be sixty of the quiet pills for trading, what do you think?"

"No!" Chu Feng smiled and waved his hands, directly rejecting Christopher's proposal.

Pope Christopher froze, and the expression of Bishop Yadod next to him also changed.

At their level, it takes at least three days to use one Jingxin Pill, and sixty pills can only be used by six people, but Chu Feng actually refused, that is to say, the supply cannot supply this amount.

Then do the math, four bishops, plus the archbishop and the pope, that's six people.

If the supply is less than sixty, it means that someone cannot use the Jingxin Pill to practice. Although the possibility of it being his turn is very small, but...

Chu Feng took the expressions of the two into his eyes one by one, but he laughed and said, "Pope Christopher and Bishop Yadod, please listen to me, what I mean is that fifty days a month There are too few Jingxin Pills, how can this be enough, at least a hundred pills are enough!"


Pope Christopher and Bishop Yadod suddenly exclaimed in unison.

This time, it was really going from hell to heaven. This surprise came so fast that the two of them had no time to react.

But both of them are outstanding people, especially Pope Christopher, who is even more persevering, so it took only a moment for him to react and look at Chu Feng: "Mr. Chu, is what you said true? ?”

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Christopher with a calm smile: "My lord, do you think I am joking?"

"Mr. Chu, this is a medal. Please accept it, Mr. Chu. If you need me in the future, just hand over this medal to the local priest, and he will find me, and he will satisfy all your reasonable wishes." Request." Pope Christopher was really ecstatic, if it wasn't for the hindrance and status, he might have jumped up at this time.

After all, as long as there are enough Meditation Pills, it means that the strength of the church will be raised to a higher level in the future. In that case, the confidence in hitting the next level will be much greater.

How could he not be excited.

What a person in his 80s needs most urgently is life.

As long as he enters the next level, he can live to at least 120 years old, what an exciting thing this is! (To be continued..)

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