Ring Town

Chapter 445: Refining

The dark golden real fire of life spewed out, wrapping the fist-sized thought stone layer by layer, and turning everything around it into a dark golden color.

With the intense flames, the temperature around the roasting area rose sharply by an unknown amount, and the air that was close to the real fire made a sizzling sound.

But the mind stone wrapped in the dark golden flame remained unmoved, its color was still dark, let alone melted, even if it turned red, it didn't.

This is so abnormal.

"This thing is too perverted? Even jade, at such a temperature, has already melted." Chu Feng murmured helplessly, but then became ruthless, gritted his teeth suddenly, and squeezed out his hands. Learned the formula.

This is exactly the unspoken secret that fuels the intensity of flames in the Shennong Dan Jue, the Great Burning Fingerprint.

Clasping his hands secretly, the handprints were squeezed out one after another, and then turned into one after another illusory shadows, with a hot and violent breath, they were printed on the mind stone wrapped in the dark golden natal real fire.

Following the shaking of the seal, a wave of heat that was extremely violent was immediately imprinted into the dark golden flame.


The real fire of life suddenly rose sharply, shooting out a flame that soared to the sky, and the clothes on Chu Feng's body were scorched, and Chu Feng's jade-like skin could already be seen.

Reflected by the dark golden natal fire, Chu Feng is like a man made entirely of gold, majestic and inviolable.

"It's really effective. It seems that this method of increasing the fire is really strong." Chu Feng muttered softly, and it was visible to the naked eye that the mind stone wrapped by the real fire of life finally began to soften.

Yes, it is softening.

It took about a quarter of an hour before the fist-sized mind stone spread out.But it softened into a cake-like thing.

"Can't this make the mind stone melt into liquid?" Chu Feng looked at the mind stone that had been softened infinitely depressed, and really wanted to take this mind stone out of the real fire of life, and then smashed it hard last one.

But he knew it would be useless to do so, so he took a deep breath, and snorted where his eyes flickered: "It seems that they are going to force me to use a unique trick!"

The seal of both hands changed again, and a violent infuriating energy was recorded in the chapter of Guigu Refining Weapons.Use the method of natal real fire refining.

"The real fire of my life is rising, my life spirit, the three-headed giant dog appears!"


The fire, which had already shrunk somewhat, swelled again amidst his violent shouting.The three-headed giant dog appeared from small to large in the flames.

The three-headed giant dog appeared.Then he fixed his eyes tightly on the mind stone.Then, from the eyes, a peerless light burst out, and it roared straight towards the sky.

Apparently, he was also affected by Chu Feng's mood, so he didn't know much about this mind stone.There is a kind of hatred that has been challenged.

"Go, devour, burn!" Chu Feng felt the violent fighting intent in the hearts of the three giant dogs, and immediately squeezed Fayin's hand.Stretching and pulling it out, he suddenly drank.

Then I saw that the three-headed giant dog that received Chu Feng's order immediately rushed towards the mind stone like a dark golden lightning, and then swallowed it in one gulp.


The mind stone is a heaven-defying spirit, with extraordinary spirituality. It seems that it instinctively sensed the danger, and immediately jumped to escape, but its speed, how could it be the opponent of the three-headed giant dog, and it was directly killed by the three-headed giant dog? Swallowed into the stomach.

At this moment, the belly of the three-headed giant dog seemed to be transparent, and one could intuitively see that the mind stone was being wrapped and burned by the most pure hell fire in the belly of the three-headed giant dog.

What's more, one after another, the real fire of life, which is almost as solid as a substance, also sprays towards the mind stone along with the countless fierce flames.

That is really the essence of Chu Feng's natal real fire, and of course, it is also the first time he has used it with the refining tool.

Guided by the Fire Control Jue in Guigu Refining Tool, the most quintessential real fire of life, and a trace of fire of life condensed in Chu Feng's body, are also hidden in the body of the three-headed giant dog, the soul of the real fire of life. They were all pulled out, wrapped in the mind stone and burning blazingly.

Finally, the Mind Stone, which seemed to be immune to flames, began to melt slowly under such a powerful flame. First, the edges, and then the inside, turned into traces of black dense liquid.

Once the liquid appeared, it merged with Chu Feng's divine sense.

In Chu Feng's heart, it seemed that he instantly understood the thoughts of the mind stone, and understood its lonely waiting for thousands of years.

"It turns out that you have been waiting for a good lord, so now you should be able to rest assured that I will take you on a glorious road that belongs to us!" Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look that had never been seen in his eyes. firm.

Staring at the thought stone that has turned into liquid, he said slowly: "You follow me, and you are destined to be no longer ordinary!"

As his words fell, the ball of thoughts petrified into a black liquid. He seemed to understand, but he became quiet in an instant.

"It's now!" Chu Feng shouted quickly, stretched out his hand to call, and grabbed the Crescent Moon Sword in his hand, then wrapped the Crescent Moon sword with his mind, and threw it into the mouth of the three giant dogs.

The three-headed giant dog was connected with Chu Feng's mind, so he opened his mouth and swallowed it without Chu Feng's order.

In its belly, the long sword of the Crescent Moon was wrapped by divine thoughts, and collided with the black liquid transformed by the mind stone.

"It must be successful!" Seeing the waning moon's long sword in contact with the liquid transformed from the black mind stone, Chu Feng's heart suddenly rose.

It can be said that what he did today is very risky, because it is unprecedented to fuse a treasure of the heavens with a spiritual thing like this, and there may not be anyone in the future.

He can, be the first person to eat crabs.

However, according to Guiguzi's Artifact Refining Chapter, this matter should be a sure thing, and the fusion is even more of a mind stone that can penetrate divine thoughts, which increases the success rate even more.

That's why Chu Feng dared to do this.

Of course, the biggest reason was the temptation of the Flying Immortal Yujian, which was too great for him not to be tempted.

But it was the first time after all, so his eyes widened and he held his breath.

Carefully using his spiritual thoughts, he pulled the liquid transformed from the black mind stone into a thin layer, but the shape was exactly the same as that of the Crescent Moon sword, even the hilt was not the slightest difference.

After doing this, Chu Feng's forehead was already dripping with sweat, but he didn't know whether it was hot or nervous.

"Fusion!" Gritting his teeth fiercely, Chu Feng finally spread the layer of sword membrane transformed by the mind stone on the long sword of Crescent Moon.


It was as if water had been poured on a red-hot iron block, green smoke came out, and the sizzling sound kept going.

The long sword of the crescent moon trembled violently, and the three giant dogs roared in pain.


Amidst the painful roars of the three giant dogs, the dark golden flames around it trembled wildly, and wisps of green smoke all came out from its roaring mouth.

It makes its image a little bit inconsistent, like a flame monster spouting green smoke.

The light of the trembling dark golden flames also weakened, and the figure of the three-headed giant dog faded a lot.

But the long sword of the waning moon in its belly, and the black mind stone liquid, have not yet completely fused, and the sound of sizzle is still endless.

The green smoke was thick, covering both the Crescent Moon Sword and the stone liquid of thoughts.

"Hold it, you must hold it!" Chu Feng's hands tightly squeezed the seal, supporting the three-headed giant dog. Streams of pure energy penetrated from his fingertips into the three-headed giant dog's body. In the body, the figure of the three-headed giant dog is hard to maintain, and it cannot disappear.

However, in the belly of the three-headed giant dog, the long sword of the crescent moon is too domineering, and it is not what it wants to fuse with the black mind stone fluid, so the struggle is particularly fierce, rushing from left to right, trying to escape from the three-headed giant dog. The dog's belly rushed out.

But in an instant, the sharp sword light stabbed the three giant dogs to pieces, and the real fire of life flowed out from the wound.

The sweat on Chu Feng's forehead came out more quickly, and his whole body was almost soaked in sweat.

However, the sweat, before shed, was roasted into steaming steam by the fiery natal real fire, above his head, in a straight line, heading straight to the sky.

Moreover, this water vapor is divided into three colors, which looks very strange.

If someone sees this scene, they will definitely shout: "Three flowers gather on the top!"

That's right, this is exactly the three-flower gathering that has appeared in countless martial arts novels, but the real appearance is very rare.

And the gathering of three flowers at the top is definitely not like what martial arts novels say, no matter what.

It is a phenomenon that will only appear after the cultivation base has reached the day after tomorrow, when the true energy is concentrated and purified to a certain degree.

Of course, at this time Chu Feng didn't have the heart to show off this, and was desperately trying, because he knew very well that if he couldn't hold on, the Crescent Moon Sword would be destroyed once.

This is a heaven treasure that has been with him for a long time. Although it is not as good as in heaven, it has made great contributions to him.

Moreover, like an attack weapon, he seems to have only one left now, and that one mind stone is even more rare, so there is only one thought left in Chu Feng's mind, that is, success must be achieved.

He swallowed the qi pill that had been in his mouth all the time.

It was transformed into the purest spiritual energy in the abdomen, and instantly replenished to all parts of the body.

Chu Feng, who was full of true energy, suddenly roared: "Fusion!"

In his hand, he made a mysterious magic seal in an instant, wrapped his right hand in his left hand, pointed out the index finger of his left hand, and then penetrated into the fierce real fire of life, until it touched the forehead of the three giant dogs superior.

An incomparably thick and simple energy penetrated from the forehead of the three giant dogs into its belly.

Straightforwardly, he held the long sword of the waning moon and the stone liquid of mind that were still struggling desperately, and then his wrist shook, and an unspeakable, obscure energy penetrated into the long sword of the moon and the stone liquid of mind. (to be continued..)

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