Ring Town

Chapter 459: Purifying True Qi

Thinking of doing it, Chu Feng's mind turned sharply, and he had already sacrificed the real fire of life. The dark golden real fire of life was burning faintly in his heart veins, very soft, far less violent than before.

However, Chu Feng is very clear that this is just a false appearance. Once other objects get close to this natal real fire, he will definitely find that this natal real fire is far more powerful than imagined.

So he didn't dare to be careless, especially what he was going to do next, although it seemed that the risk was not great, but this kind of thing was measured by himself after all, and God knows what would happen.

It's just that after the zhenqi is purified, the strength can be greatly increased, and more aura can be compressed into the dantian to enrich the dantian, and with the limited possibility of becoming an immortal, all these become less important.

Especially for Chu Feng, who has the mysterious ring inheritance and the exquisite pagoda, his goal is to become a fairy, so this kind of temptation seems particularly real and urgent.

It was Ji Yu's feeling of urgency that Chu Feng couldn't wait for a moment, and immediately ignited the true fire of his life to verify the thoughts in his heart.


The dark golden natal true fire melted into a raging mass, and instantly entered the dantian from the heart.

This is exactly Chu Feng's idea. He wants to confirm whether his natal real fire can really purify and concentrate the true energy to achieve a powerful effect like the heart pulse. [

However, this matter has certain risks, so Chu Feng is not completely sure, so he is cautious in doing this matter.

Although the fire seems to be very fierce, the amount of true energy swallowed into the real fire of life is not much. This is why Chu Feng took most of his true energy out of his dantian just to be on the safe side, leaving only a small amount of it. A strand was in the dantian, swallowed by the real fire of life.

"Nourishing, nourishing, nourishing..."

Like the raging sound of thunder and lightning, it rang non-stop in the dantian, and the natal real fire scorched the mist-like zhenqi non-stop.Even more so, the entire dantian was reflected in a golden yellow.

"Fuck! Is there such a power? It's really unexpected!" Chu Feng looked at the vision in front of him in horror, and couldn't believe it was real.

After all, such a situation is really unbelievable.

The mist-like true qi was slowly melted in the dark golden natal true fire, and I saw the fog-like true qi.The volume is getting smaller and smaller, but the color of true energy has become a bit darker. It was still like a fog, but now it has become like a cloud, which even gave Chu Feng an illusion.I am not purifying and concentrating true energy, but refining the floating clouds in the sky.

"Is it really possible?" Chu Feng forcefully suppressed the agitation in his heart, and his eyes were fixed on his dantian, where the clouds of true qi that had been roasted by the dark golden natal true fire finally murmured uncontrollably soliloquy.

In fact, it's not his fault, because this dantian belongs to him, and his feelings are clearest.Just when the true qi was purified and condensed into a cloud-like existence, a kind of enlightenment arose in his heart. Although the condensed and purified true qi seemed to be small in quantity, the violent power contained in it , but it is far from comparable to before.

This is a qualitative change, so the impact is huge.

It was just heard before.It felt a little unbelievable, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that this thing was not just unbelievable, but too unbelievable.

But no matter what, this thing actually happened, and the benefits are obvious, so after a long time of astonishment.Chu Feng finally laughed happily: "Haha..."

The laughter oscillated, making the natal real fire that was burning rapidly seem to feel Chu Feng's mood, and suddenly exploded, following the dispersal of the natal real fire.It can be seen that the mist-like true energy that was originally wrapped in the dark golden flame by the true fire of life has now been condensed from a ball the size of a washbasin to the size of a fist.

Although the amount of true energy has been reduced by half, it is still far out of proportion to the concentrated volume.

But now the appearance of this ball of true energy is as thick as jade liquid, with a luminous texture, giving people a peaceful atmosphere. [

Inside, there are several dark golden flame-like things, which are constantly moving around. It is impossible to see the mystery of it from the outside, but Chu Feng feels the deepest in his heart.

Although this fist-sized zhenqi seems peaceful, the power hidden in it is even more frightening and astonishing than the complete wisp before it was condensed.

Because, this ball of true qi has no impurities anymore, and it has been compressed to such a size. Don't you see, the gas that is commonly used at home, after being compressed into a jar, it changes from gas to liquid.

But this ball of true energy is even worse, it has condensed into a viscous liquid like jade liquid, which is many times more pure than ordinary liquid.


Chu Feng let out a long sigh of relief, and the light in his eyes flickered.

He stretched out his hand and summoned it lightly, and the ball of true energy like jade liquid arrived in his palm.

After he looked at it for a while, he closed his hands slightly, and the jade-like true energy melted quietly into his palms, becoming the purest true energy, replenishing all parts of his body.


Feeling the surging power of this trace of true essence, Chu Feng couldn't help but let out a long howl.

The whistling sound lasted for a long time, and Chu Feng suddenly stretched out his palm in front of his body, and a ray of natal real fire from dark gold immediately flowed out from his fingertips.

It's just that the real fire of life at his fingertips seems to be exactly the same as before, but there is a subtle difference in the feeling.

It seems to be more connotative and restrained, and the dark golden color that was originally a bit pale also seems to be a little heavier.

"Is it just refining a small amount of true energy and blending it into the body to have such a domineering effect? ​​It's really unexpected!"

Saying this, there was a touch of excitement and enthusiasm burning in Chu Feng's eyes, and it became more and more intense. In the end, it was as bright as the sun and the moon, so that people dare not look directly at it.

Just when his eyes were scorching, Chu Feng suddenly put away the scorching eyes, and then let out a long laugh: "Haha, now I can finally be completely sure that this natal true fire is very important for purifying and compressing true qi. It's useful, if that's the case, let's purify and refine all the zhenqi in the whole body!"

While the voice faded away, Chu Feng's body also ignited a raging dark golden flame. This is his natal real fire, hell refining fire, and in this exhausting flame, he could vaguely hear that hell beast roaring sound.

It was really a sea of ​​flames, and for a moment, his entire body was wrapped in a dark golden sea of ​​flames.

Chu Feng was not moved at all, but enjoyed it very much.

A pair of slightly squinted eyes looked down from the back of the Fengshen pterosaur flying high in the sky, but it revealed a touch of incomprehensible distance. (to be continued...)

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