Ring Town

Chapter 461: The Fire Bird from the Sky

It has to be said that with the popularization of computers, the speed of information transmission is really unimaginably wide and rapid.

Just after the photo, which was sprayed as PS by many people, was posted on the Internet, within a few hours, the number of views has exceeded hundreds of thousands.

But among the hundreds of thousands of clickers, there are some people who specialize in collecting information for China's aristocratic families. They saw such a photo, and there was also a video of many people discussing it at the scene, so It didn't take much time to confirm that the photo was highly credible.

So immediately, they reported this discovery to the wealthy family who hired them behind them.

Also because of this, I don't know how many wealthy Chinese families have been alarmed for a while, and those deep-rooted families have already turned upside down at this moment.

Others may just watch the fun, talk about alien flying saucers, and some even make gods come down to earth, but they are rich families, but they know that in this world, there is still a kind of strong people, which cannot be explained by science .

Moreover, beside or behind them, there are traces of these ancient martial arts or hidden gates looming.

So when they saw this photo, their first reaction was that ancient species appeared.

Of course, it's normal for them to think this way, after all, the giant wings faintly visible in the dark golden flames gave people a great visual shock. [

Moreover, this photo, after technical processing, has become clearer, especially the wing of the Fengshen pterosaur, which is more than 20 meters long.Even compared to large aircraft, it is not bad at all.

It also complements the dark golden flame.It made the pair of wings seem to be coated with a layer of golden light, making them look divine.

Needless to say, looking like this, there is really a feeling of a fairy descending from the sky, but this fairy is a fairy bird.

This photo is being projected on the wall of a hall, and next to the young man who is busy operating, is an old man with a silver beard.He was staring closely at the Fengshen pterosaur on the wall with his old cloudy eyes, and after a long time, he tapped the crutch in his hand on the marble floor, making a few beeping sounds.

The young man who was also concentrating on his work and didn't notice that the old man was in front of him raised his head in shock. When he saw the old man, his whole body tensed up.Suddenly stood up.

He bowed his body respectfully, with a trembling excitement in his voice: "Mr. Qian, when did you come here?"

Qian Yide glanced at the young man appreciatively, his cloudy eyes lit up, he stretched out his big skinny hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Heyang, you don't need it in front of me." Too reserved, sit down and talk."

He exerted a little force with his big skinny hand, and Zhou Heyang felt the strength transmitted from his hand, and he didn't dare to resist, so he sat down.

A middle-aged man followed behind Qian Yide.At this time, a bench has been moved from the side, and it is carefully placed behind the old man.

Qian Yide looked back at the middle-aged man.Smiling and nodding, he turned to Zhou Heyang and said with a smile, "Heyang, you have a flexible mind and are proficient in computers. Tell me, is this photo real?"

The old man's gentle words and smiling expression made Zhou Heyang feel like he was bathed in the spring breeze, refreshed, and it was even more difficult to hide the flattered excitement in his eyes.

Almost before the old man finished speaking, he stood up again, but when he saw the old man waving his hand to signal him to sit down, he immediately smiled embarrassedly, sat down again, and lightly "licked" his dry skin. Lips, said tremblingly.

"Old Qian, I'm sure this photo is absolutely real!"

Qian Yide didn't seem surprised by Zhou Heyang's words, but instead looked at him with fluke interest, and tapped the top handle of the crutch with his thin fingers a few times.

The old turbid eyes narrowed slightly, as if falling asleep. [

Neither the middle-aged man standing respectfully behind him nor Zhou Heyang dared to disturb the old man, but held his breath, waiting for his answer.

After a long time, Qian Yide opened his eyes and said with a slight smile: "According to what you say, is there really such a big bird in this world? Or is it really a fairy bird descending to the world as the folk legend says? "

If someone else said that, I'm afraid some people would have laughed out loud, but these words came from Qian Yide's mouth, neither the middle-aged man nor Zhou Heyang dared to laugh.

Especially Zhou Heyang, he himself is a computer expert, and he was hired by the Qian family to be the person in charge of the computer. The old man in front of him is also his savior.

So he is very aware of the huge energy hidden in the old man in front of him.

You know, what he offended at the beginning was a mafia boss in a district in Huaxia. In fact, it was because Zhou Heyang was too young and his computer performance was too shocking.

He was still a college student at the time and liked to play online games. Once in an online game, he had a conflict with members of a large guild, and was hunted down by that guild.

So he used the small program he wrote to track down the computers of the guild who chased and killed him at that time. In a rage, he compiled a Trojan horse, hacked their computers, and even deleted their accounts in the game. , delete the number directly.

At that time, there was a lot of trouble about this matter, and then the guild found out about him, and he knew that the president of this guild was actually a gangster.

But at this time, it was useless to regret, so he could only run away.

But no matter how he was able to run, how could he escape the gangster's killing order, so he was arrested.

It was also at this time that he was lucky and met Qian Yide. Qian Yide saw that he was a talent, but with just a light sentence, the arrogant boss sent Zhou Heyang to Qian Yide like a pug. Easy to get in front of.

Because of this incident, Zhou Heyang was very grateful to Qian Yide, and he also understood the importance of having a backer behind him, so he stayed in Qian's family all the time.

But when he saw this photo for the first time, he didn't pay attention to it. You must know that there are countless ghost photos like this on the Internet every day, but they are basically fake.

But after that, Qian Yide personally called and talked about this matter, so he took it seriously and took over the matter himself.

It is also because of this that he has a very deep understanding of this photo, and he knows that this photo is absolutely not adulterated.

This also shocked him deeply, because if the photo is real, it means that there is really such a firebird that descended from the sky.


He didn't even dare to think about it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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