Ring Town

Chapter 467: Fire Cloud Evil God

The prosperous Shengjing, as the capital of China, is also a famous metropolis in the world.

As such an international metropolis itself, it is really a matter of randomly counting on the street, that is, you can run into any wealthy son or brother.

It's just that in the past two days, those young masters seem to have disappeared from the world, they are very rare, and there are even fewer luxury cars running on Shengjing Street than before.

This matter is not quite right, even the ordinary people have sensed the weirdness in it, so in the streets and alleys, some fantasies extended from the basis of the truth spread rapidly like the spring breeze sending rain .

"Have you heard, a phoenix landed in our Shengjing a few days ago!" In the breakfast shop next to the alley, a middle-aged man took a bite With the fritters in his hand, he whispered to his friend at the same table.

"Tch, it's not a phoenix at all, it's a flying saucer of aliens!" The friend at the same table retorted without any hesitation when he heard his words.

"Come on, the flying saucer can grow into the shape of a bird? And it's full of fire?" The companion who had just been refuted by him snorted disdainfully when he heard this.

As if he felt that the words were not strong enough, he raised his voice slightly and added: "Could it be that all your planes look like this?"

"My family doesn't look like this, but how can there be such a big bird in this world, it's also a phoenix, and it's really a dragon!" The man was a little bit red-faced when he was scolded by his companions, and he couldn't get off the stage.But he thought of a refutation with sufficient reasons, so he began to scramble for words. [

"Cut! You don't understand this!" The man chuckled.He was not annoyed, but instead smiled.

After all, he has always taken the initiative and the upper hand in all these topics, so he was in a particularly good mood, so he patiently explained to his companion: "Brother, I knew that you must not have looked at the photo carefully, after the photo was enlarged. It's obviously a firebird, and a professional animal caller has already come forward to say that this fairy bird that appeared in the sky above our Shengjing is the legendary fairy bird Auspicious Phoenix in China!"

His companion wanted to say something to refute, but he pressed it down, and he spoke so fast that he didn't give his companion a chance to speak.

"What is the phoenix? That is our famous auspicious fairy bird in China. It is also closely related to our Chinese nation. Now our country is in a peaceful and prosperous age. When the phoenix comes out, it really heralds that our China will take off again. Already!"

There was a raging fire in his eyes, and there was an inexplicable excitement, it seemed like this buddy.Also used to be an angry youth.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. He is a cynic, and his companions will not be too bad.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, the companion.I really didn't want to refute anymore, but my eyes were just like him.He also faintly burned with excitement, and his voice trembled a little: "What you said is really true. Now that I think about it, this must be the auspicious fairy bird Phoenix. If it is a flying saucer of aliens, That kind of burning appearance, it should have crashed, but there is no residue left in this underground place!"

"Brother, I knew it, you will understand." The man was overjoyed when he saw that his companion agreed with his statement, as if he had accomplished something very successful.

He patted his companion on the shoulder vigorously, and whispered, "Let me tell you, I've figured it out in the past few days. In Shengjing City, there are quite a few people from outside."

"Is this normal? How many locals are there in Shengjing? Weren't you and I all from other places in the past 20 years?" The companion looked at him suspiciously, somewhat unable to understand the meaning of these words.

With a mysterious smile, there was a sense of superiority in his eyes that you don't understand, which immediately made his companion a little bit holler, and was about to refute, but he had already spoken in a suppressed voice.

"Brother, we all drive taxis, didn't you notice something?"

"what's up?"

"In the past few days, you didn't realize that in Shengjing City, we used to be able to see the famous young masters everywhere on the street every day, but now sometimes we drive all day without even meeting any of them."

"Huh! Don't say it, it's really like this!" The companion was awakened by his words, and immediately looked at him closely with surprised eyes. In the depths of the eyes, there was even a look of admiration and worship. [

This also gave the man a sense of accomplishment, and he felt complacent, so he said even more ostentatiously: "I heard this from a very good buddy, he said..."

In fact, he didn't listen to what his buddies said, but when the two passengers were chatting when leaving the car, he listened to it seriously, and he didn't want to become the capital of showing off today.

The two were whispering there, but they didn't notice that in the breakfast shop, a deep gaze was quietly staring at the two of them.

The owner of that gaze was sipping the bean juice in the bowl at the moment, but his attention was focused on the words of the two of them.

Judging by his age, he is at most 24 or [-] years old. His handsome appearance is set off by his fair skin, which gives people a very delicate feeling, but the occasional glances at the two of them clearly show a touch of contempt and disdain, which makes him Gives a feeling of inaccessibility.

Coupled with his fiery red hair, and the thin corners of his mouth, the slight teasing made people uncomfortable.

So although there were many customers in the fast food restaurant at this time, no one sat at the table with him, which also made him look even more different.

However, because there were so many diners and they were all busy with work, even if someone noticed something strange, no one would pay much attention to it.

After all, this is a fast-paced era, and no one wants to spend time on an irrelevant person.

Finally, the two who were whispering quickly finished their breakfast, and then they each returned to their taxis, ready to start a busy day.

A light flashed in the eyes of the red-haired young man, and then he threw a hundred yuan bill on the table, and followed the two out of the fast food restaurant.

Then, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he stopped the middle-aged man who had a superior face and was overjoyed among the two.


The taxi drove for more than 20 miles and stopped in a street. The red-haired young man also got out of the car, with a faint red glow on his face, and habitually twitching the corners of his mouth: "It doesn't matter if you come here this time." How many people have been killed, that magical beast belongs to my Huoyun evil god!"

It's just that he said this in a very low voice, so no one else could hear him, otherwise he might really be regarded as a lunatic.

However, such things have happened a lot in Shengjing City in the past few days... (to be continued...)

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