Ring Town

Chapter 471: Breaking the game

The thick spring rippling in the not too wide corridor raised the temperature here by several degrees in a short while.

The warm heat flowed slowly in the body, making the cheeks of the three of them rosy.

Because of Chen Quan's suggestion, although Chu Feng wanted to enjoy this gentle town more, he was always a little embarrassed. After all, this place is really suitable.

So he took a deep breath, and forcibly pulled out the thoughts intoxicated in tenderness: "Zhongyu, Zhongyi, it's time for us to go in, otherwise the old man will be in a hurry."

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Chen Zhongyu remembered his purpose of coming here, and his pretty face blushed.

Chen Zhongyi's face was full of surprise. She had always felt guilty before and didn't think about it at all, but now that it was mentioned again, she came back to her senses.

Looking at Chen Zhongyu with a look of surprise: "Sister, how did Grandpa know about this?"

Although after the double-beauty embrace just now, the barrier between her and Chen Zhongyu has been reduced a lot, but at this moment her tone is suppressing the doubts and embarrassment in her heart.

Chen Zhongyu was startled, but understood her thoughts in an instant, and immediately gathered the slightly messy long hair around her ears with slender fingers, and then said softly: "Zhongyi, you are also very aware of how much Grandpa attaches to Chu Feng. , and it was in his name that Chu Feng was invited to come over, even if Xiaoquan had eight guts, he would not dare to hide this matter from Grandpa.”[

After a short pause, he glanced at Chu Feng, but saw Chu Feng's indifferent smile. He should have guessed this matter a long time ago. Chen Zhongyi invited him here in the name of Mrs. Chen.

So he gave an apologetic smile, and then continued: "Zhongyi, you know Grandpa's temper, although you can do everything up to you, but he hates others cheating on him the most. So Xiaoquan did this for your own good. "

Chen Zhongyi also understood that what she said was right, but she was also uncomfortable in her heart. After all, this feeling of being betrayed was really uncomfortable, like eating a dead fly, and her heart panicked.

"Hmph! Well, then he can't tell grandpa without telling me?"

These words are full of complaints, and the resentment is very heavy. Although Chen Zhongyu has always been wise, but when facing his sister.But there has been no good way.

Hearing what she said now, it's all right.

But fortunately, she turned her mind quickly and looked directly at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng naturally understood the meaning of Chen Zhongyu's eyes, and smiled wryly.The arm that was released just now suddenly tightened around Chen Zhongyi's waist, immediately wrapping her in his arms.

"Zhongyi, Xiaoquan really did it for you. Besides, you really have to thank him for what happened today. If it wasn't for him, we..."

Enough is enough to stop here.But the following words, whether it is Chen Zhongyi or Chen Zhongyu, are very clear.

The faces of the two of them turned red immediately, and Chen Zhongyu spat lightly.He turned his face away, not daring to look this way.

Although Chen Zhongyi has always had a character of daring to love and hate, she is still a girl after all, especially when these words came from Chu Feng's mouth, while making her heart flutter, she felt shy at the same time.

Some people say that women are proud of those who please themselves, but in fact, more often than not, women are ashamed by those who please themselves.

But shyness is shyness, but his mouth is not soft: "Huh! You two are in collusion, help him, I am really afraid of you!"

Chu Feng heard what she said, but with his body in his arms, he didn't struggle. Knowing that she had calmed down, he immediately smiled and said, "Xiaoquan, come out quickly, Zhongyi is not angry with you anymore .”[

"Eldest sister, second sister." Chen Quan was not surprised that Chu Feng found out that he hadn't left, because he had experienced Chu Feng's magic before, and he stayed here not to eavesdrop on anything, but to the old man Let him come out to call for someone, but he ran back by himself, which is not easy to deal with.

So, as soon as he heard Chu Feng call him, he immediately walked out, with a grin on his face, and walked towards Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi.

"Ah!" Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi had no idea that Chen Quan was actually hiding aside, and suddenly they cried out in surprise, losing all their beauty.

Thinking of the police scene just now, the hearts of the two of them immediately lifted.

Chen Zhongyu reacted very quickly, and immediately rushed to ask: "Xiao Quan, when did you come here?"

Looking at Chen Zhongyu's anxious and shy expression, no matter how stupid Chen Quan was, he knew what she was afraid of. When he lifted it up and saw Chu Feng looking at him with a half-smile, his expression was unpredictable, and he suddenly felt There was a little jump.

However, he is young and mature after all, and he is known to be quick-witted, so he immediately laughed: "Sister, I just came here, and I just heard Brother Feng calling me."

Then he said half-truthfully to Chu Feng: "Brother Feng, it seems that your cultivation base is even stronger now!"

When Chu Feng saw him say that, he still glanced at Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi from time to time, so he might not understand what he meant.

Quietly nodded at him, pressed his voice close to his ear and cursed with a smile: "You boy, I haven't settled with you yet for helping your second sister lie to me."

It was just a whisper, spoken very fast, and then in order not to arouse the suspicion of the two sisters, she said loudly: "Hehe, it's not that I have a strong cultivation, it's that your steps are too heavy."

Chen Quan felt guilty at what Chu Feng said, and was about to ask for forgiveness, but Chen Zhongyi over there had already reacted, and came to him with all his teeth and claws, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed his ear.

"Little Quanquan, you actually dare to betray me, let me see if I don't reveal your scandal!"

"Ah!" Chen Quan let out a scream, and his ears turned red immediately, but he didn't care about it at all, but he clasped his hands together and begged Chen Zhongyi for mercy: "Second sister, you spared my brother because you don't remember the fault of a villain. This time."

"Forgive you?" Chen Zhongyi sneered a few times, but the strength in his hand was a little heavier, and his voice was annoyed and angry: "When you betrayed me, why didn't you think about it?"

At the side, Chen Zhongyu wanted to stop him, but after hearing Chen Zhongyi's words, especially seeing his younger brother, who has always been cautious about his identity and demeanor, he seemed to be a different person today.

It seemed that he was afraid of his sister, so he felt that there must be something weird in it, so he suppressed the thought of going up to stop it.

It was the first time for Chu Feng to see such a funny scene with Chen Quan, who was always serious.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Chen Quan's heart sank immediately, and he shouted: "Brother Feng, you can't have the opposite sex but not the same sex!"

When he said this, Chu Feng didn't feel anything, but Chen Zhongyi yelled in embarrassment: "You are the one who has the opposite sex and no older sister. Originally, I wanted to ask Chu Feng to help you with your grandpa." I pleaded in front of you to let you marry that girl, but now you betray me, hum, hum!"


As soon as she said this, everyone in the venue, whether it was Chu Feng, Chen Zhongyu, or Chen Quan, all exclaimed softly, and then all eyes focused on Chen Quan. (to be continued...)

ps: In the decoration, tired all day, hard work...

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