Ring Town

Chapter 494: Let me blow it up

"Brother Feng!" The fat man looked at Chu Feng's body that was falling rapidly, and without any time to think about it, he rushed over and stretched out his hands to catch Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth and chest were covered with blood, making him look miserable.

It's just that there was still energy in his eyes, and he looked at the fat man with a wry smile: "It seems that you have worked hard during this time, and you caught me in such a short reaction time."

"Yes, I caught it." Fatty's eyes suddenly burst into uncontrollable tears. He wanted to stop it forcefully, but his efforts had no effect at all, and the tears still trickled down.

So he opened his mouth wide, took a step back, and slowly put Chu Feng down on a seemingly clean ground.

"Brother Feng, take a break and let me beat this bastard!"

At the end of the sentence, it had turned into gnashing of teeth, and then turned to Fire Cloud Cthulhu.

In the thick dust and mist, Huoyun evil god walked out slowly, just glanced at the fat man who was ready to go, then raised the corner of his mouth in disdain, and then fixed his gaze on Chu Feng.

"I have to say, you are really strong. It has completely surpassed my imagination. If the two of us have the same cultivation base, I will definitely not be your opponent. Unfortunately, you were born 100 years later!"

Chu Feng reluctantly wanted to prop up his body, but his energy and blood surged, and a mouthful of blood spewed out again, but he didn't pay attention to the spouting blood at all, but looked at Huoyun evil god with a playful smile, and then stretched out his little finger Come out and pinch it with your thumb, leaving only a little bit at the end.

"Actually, even now, you are also a scum!"

The anger on Huoyun Cthulhu's face disappeared for a moment, but then he laughed: "Are you trying to provoke me? But what if I let you succeed? You don't have the strength to fight me now!"

"And me!" Fatty ignored Chu Feng's hinting gaze, and went straight to Huoyun evil god.A body of fat trembled rhythmically while walking.

In the eyes, there is deep-seated hatred, and there is a killing intent so thick that it is full of blood.

How many times, he has been hiding behind Chu Feng and being protected by Chu Feng.

But every time, although Chu Feng was injured, he never got down, but this time, Chu Feng not only vomited blood.And it has obviously lost the ability to fight again.

What's more, the enemy is still in front of him, and that smug smile is extremely mocking.

Brothers can fight for him and stand in the forefront.He is rich and rich, and he is not a coward.

A cavity of blood, burning ragingly.Hot forehead.All with one thought, that is to kill the person who hurt my brother!

He may not be powerful, but the visual impact he brings to people is absolutely shocking.

With a weight of more than 600 kilograms, and a body so exaggerated that it hangs down half a foot of fat softly, he walks around.The building screamed loudly.

"Chu Feng, but you can rest assured that even if you die, I will definitely make good use of your blood. I really didn't expect that the power of your blood in your body is so pure. It is an ancient beast. , I am afraid that the golden dense pattern will not be inherited, you are really unexpected! Tsk tsk..."

He just talked to himself, until the fat man was only a few steps away from him, then he glanced at the fat man out of the corner of his eye, and snorted coldly: "It's very impolite to interrupt others, but since You are about to become a dead man, so I forgive you!"

The red-glowing arm slowly stretched out, and the long five fingers opened wide, then narrowed his eyes with a murderous look, and slapped the fat man viciously: "Go to hell, little boy!" Ants!"

"You die!" The fat man seemed to be ruthless, completely ignoring the slap at himself, and directly slammed into Huoyun evil god with his fat and fleshy body.

It's just that he has one hand behind his back all the time, and Chu Feng behind him can see that the fat man's hand behind his back is holding the Thor hammer that Chu Feng took him to pick at Qing Shishi.

Fortunately, he was fat enough and big enough to hide a weapon the size of Thor's Hammer behind his back.

And Huoyun Cthulhu didn't care about Fatty at all, so he didn't notice the abnormality of Fatty's posture.

But Chu Feng saw clearly behind Fatty, and immediately understood Fatty's thoughts, his eyes widened, and he hissed loudly: "Fatty, don't!"

The fat man turned his head, cast a gratified look at Chu Feng, and then rushed towards Huoyun evil god without hesitation.


The distance between the two was only a little more than a foot, and the iron palm of the evil god of fire cloud had already reached Fatty's body, but the fatty flesh of the fat man suddenly sunk in strangely and deeply, even holding the evil god of fire cloud His palms were wrapped.

Huoyun Cthulhu was stunned, but then smiled instead of anger: "Ha, I really didn't expect that even you practiced ancient exercises that have been lost for many years, and even became the so-called most miraculous ** Bastion, this spirit body is very rare, it seems that I found a treasure today, haha..."

But his laughter stopped abruptly, because just as he was distracted laughing, the fat man, who he had been dismissing all along, had already sacrificed the Thor hammer that had been hiding behind him all the time. , hit his lower abdomen fiercely.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, and I saw that the palm of Huoyun Cthulhu hit deeply into Fatty's body, and the huge and sturdy Thunder God Hammer in Fatty's hand ruthlessly hit Huoyun Cthulhu belly.

The next moment, their bodies flew high together.

Huoyun Cthulhu finally reacted when he flew into the void, he yelled angrily: "You despicable villain, you dare to sneak attack, I will definitely rub your bones and dust you today!"

But just after he finished speaking, a severe colic seemed to tear his internal organs into pieces, and coupled with a surge of blood, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

If it wasn't for the fact that the difference in strength between Fatty and him was too great, I'm afraid it was just this blow, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die, and he couldn't even think about fighting again.

But even so, Huoyun Cthulhu is also very uncomfortable at the moment.

Unprepared, he suffered such a hammer, especially Thor's Hammer is a powerful magic weapon that is corroded by the power of lightning, so Huoyun Cthulhu was seriously injured.

Although the combat power still exists, it has already gone by [-]%.

Fatty's condition was even worse. He was already prepared and wanted to exchange death for injury.

So Huoyun Cthulhu's palm just now seemed to be blocked by his strange fat body, but the gap between him and Huoyun Cthulhu was really too big.

That palm still shattered his internal organs. Fortunately, Huoyun Cthulhu didn't take him seriously at all, so he only used [-]% of his strength to strike.

Moreover, Fatty's strange cultivation technique was extremely mysterious, which made him not die on the spot.

But the internal organs have been shattered, and this injury will undoubtedly lead to death.

Gu Gu’s blood spurted from the corner of his mouth, but there was no trace of regret on his face. Instead, he looked at Chu Feng with relief, and tried to squeeze out a smile: "Brother Feng, finally I can stand in front of you for once. Yes, I'm really happy..."

Chu Feng's tears flowed down the ground, and he held down the fat man: "Stop talking!"

He was afraid that if the fat man continued talking, the injury would be even worse.

But the fat man just smirked and kept saying, "Brother Feng, I can't accompany you anymore, remember that we are still brothers when we get down there!"

Chu Feng reached out and took out a Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, and handed it to the fat man: "Eat it!"

The fat man smiled sadly and shook his head: "Brother Feng, the Rejuvenation Pill is useless to me, so don't try again..."

But before he could finish his words, Chu Feng had already pressed the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill into his mouth.


The elixir melted in the mouth, and quickly turned into a stream of warmth, which nourished the fat man's whole body, even the pale face, which also became much better at this moment.

"Nine-turn Resurrection Pill?" Huoyun Xie Shen is an old monster who has lived for more than a hundred years. As expected, he has seen a lot, and recognized at a glance that the pill that Chu Feng fed the fat man was Nine-turn Resurrection Pill. Live screamed out.

He was very strict with the refining conditions of the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill, so he was even more surprised that Chu Feng could come up with such a precious medicine.

In addition to the rejuvenation pill he took out before, how many treasures does this guy have.

His eyes became hot, but then he realized that Chu Feng probably only had such a precious pill, otherwise, he might have already taken it since he was injured just now.

But such a piece can change the physique and speed up people's cultivation, but for Huoyun evil god, the meaning of the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill is far from that.

Because he practiced by devouring the spiritual blood of other people or beasts, so long-term devouring of blood also brought him powerful side effects.

Although he has almost eliminated these impurities for so many years, there are still some residues after all, which is also the reason for his slow advancement.

However, if he had the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill, he could reshape his body, and the reshaped body would not only remove all impurities, but even practice with half the effort.

Especially for him, the effect is more powerful, because the body reshaped by the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill will not leave any troubles if it swallows the blood of a different species in the future.

How could such a huge temptation keep his heart from moving.

"It's a waste of heaven and earth for you to waste such a magical medicine like the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill! However, such a god-defying panacea like the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill will not be absorbed so quickly, so let me devour you fat man now, Turn the Resurrection Pill into your own!"

With a speed like the wind, he forcibly suppressed the surging blood energy, and rushed towards the fat man viciously, with a savage appearance, there was no doubt that he really wanted to swallow the fat man alive.

Seeing him rushing towards him, Chu Feng's complexion changed, but he barely supported his body, stood up precariously, staggered to the front of the fat man, faced Huoyun evil god, and roared: "I said, you The opponent is me!" (To be continued...)

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