Ring Town

Chapter 498: Is there any reason for this?

Compared to the excitement of Tong Yaoshi and others, Huoyun Cthulhu is depressed and wants to spurt blood at this moment.

He watched in a daze as the five of them each filled a high-grade vitality pill into their mouths, and then the billowing blood filled up in an instant, they were out of their minds, and they just stood there in a daze, and even forgot to attack.

"How is this possible?"

Finally, he let out a roar like a roar, and roared out belatedly.

The complicated expression on his face is also a reflection of his mood at the moment.

The situation that was completely in the upper hand at first, was unexpectedly reversed in an instant.

Just now when Junzi Liang was about to use the demon disintegration weapon, although he was shocked, he was still completely sure of controlling the situation in the field.

Although it is inevitable that he will suffer a little injury, the strong blood of so many prefecture-level masters is enough to make up for all his losses.

Moreover, there is the rare and impossible blood of Chu Feng and Fatty, which can let him directly advance, which is hard to change.

He thought he had already won, but now Chu Feng suddenly produced five bottles of vitality pills, and all of them were top grade.

This was only one night, and now it took less than two hours. The pills that Chu Feng took out were already massive.

Putting it on ordinary cultivators, it is an accumulation that is impossible to complete in a lifetime, and it is impossible for those great sects with inheritance to have such a large handwriting.

But Chu Feng did it, which really surprised Huoyun Cthulhu beyond imagination.

It is rumored that there is a great alchemist behind Chu Feng. I am afraid that the level of this great alchemist is really not ordinary. If not, with so many pills, no matter how rich the alchemist is.It is impossible to get it out, let alone give it to the apprentice.

Such a great alchemist, I'm afraid I can't offend him, at least on the bright side, I can't offend him!

Moreover, what's more serious now is that he was already in a draw with these five people, and just now he was thinking that he had to rely on his own strength, which was three to four times that of theirs.Even if it is exhausted, five people can be exhausted to death.

But now the situation has changed. They have top-grade vitality pills, and they can quickly replenish their true energy if they lose their true energy, but what about themselves?

Huoyun Cthulhu sighed depressingly, he didn't have any energy at all.Although there are many elixir, there is no elixir that has been refined.The effect of taking it directly is not only greatly discounted.And there are certain toxic residues.

And to replenish vitality instantly, let alone think that these unrefined elixir can do it.

So although his True Qi is strong, it will be exhausted bit by bit.

Quietly, Huoyun Cthulhu had retreated.

Seeing the five people rushing up again, he no longer had the fierce killing move just now, but stared fiercely at Chu Feng.I wish I could swallow its flesh alive.

To say that the biggest variable today is probably Chu Feng.

This background is really unimaginably large and rich.It is too rich!

Why did I live for more than 100 years, but in terms of family background, I was still far behind this yellow-haired boy?

If I had the background like him back then, why would I need to practice such a laborious spirit-absorbing weapon, so that I was hunted down in the rivers and lakes every day, and I didn't live a stable life for a day.

Even if you are dating a girl, you have to watch all directions and listen to all directions, for fear that an enemy will pop up from somewhere.

What's more, in order to resolve the hostility left over from long-term consumption of foreign blood, and to avoid being chased and killed by the people of the world, he stayed in that place where rabbits don't shit, and avoided disaster for nearly a hundred years.

Why?Why is my Huoyun Cthulhu aptitude a hundred times stronger than this guy in front of me, but my fate is so different?

God is not fair, God is not fair!

He yelled at the sky in his heart, but he himself forgot that the road of the strong is to go against the sky.

Since it is against the sky, how can you complain about the injustice of the heavens?

Good or bad luck has a lot to do with everyone's opportunities and everyone's choices.

Often in the face of the same opportunity, different people choose completely different answers, so how can the road ahead be the same?

How could the fate be the same?

Since there are no identical people in the world, there is also no identical fate.

So if you are envious of others, it is better to think about yourself, which path you chose in the first place.

It can be said that Huoyun Cthulhu's luck back then was surprisingly good. In terms of skills alone, his skills belonged to the very high-level ones.

Although it is biased towards the devil, it can be advanced by devouring the blood of different species, which itself is an existence against the sky.

If he hadn't had no choice but to hunt and kill people and other creatures that were useful to him, but had principles and bottom lines, and made more friends, his path would definitely be different from what it is now.

Cultivation into the realm will be completely different.

Not to mention avoiding misfortune in the deep mountains and old forests for nearly a hundred years in order to avoid being chased and killed, and to digest one's hostility.

It's just that he doesn't think so, but feels that Chu Feng's luck is much better than his, and his jealousy suddenly arises.

Of course, what he is most eye-catching is Chu Feng's bloodline of a divine beast that is almost impossible to appear. Therefore, all kinds of complicated emotions are intertwined, and the unfavorable situation makes him fearful.

Suddenly shouted loudly: "Blood Cloud Buddha Tu Mahamudra!"

As he yelled, his body suddenly leaped high and straight into the air, his hands danced even more quickly, and mysterious and simple seals slipped out from his fingertips one by one.

This speed is extremely fast, it seems to be a matter of an instant, and the handprint has finally been finalized.

The handprints were condensed, but the strange red glow on Huoyun Cthulhu's body suddenly rose several inches, shining with dazzling brilliance, and his expression became even more strange.

It actually combined the gloomy and the solemn, which gave people an illusion, as if his face had two sides, one was gloomy and the other was solemn.

Like good and evil.

It's just that, at this moment, the kind side of his face is also showing a strange red glow, but that one eye is tightly closed.

"Buddha came to the world, all spirits are destroyed, shock!"

The quaint Dharma seal pinched out, shouted loudly with this sound.It fell straight down, and it rose bigger and bigger against the wind until it hit the top of the five people's heads.

The speed is so fast that people can't avoid it.

Chu Yaxuan and the other five were a little surprised when Huoyun evil god condensed the magic seal, but they forgot to escape. At this moment, they were covered by the huge magic seal and pressed under the seal.

However, although the five people were shocked in their hearts, after all, they all had the experience of desperately fighting just now, so at this moment.Encountering the big handprint of Buddha Tu, he was quite calm.

Liang Junzi even yelled: "Let's break it!"

So the five of them used their mana together and blasted towards the Shading Seal that fell from the sky.


Under the loud noise, Fayin immediately scattered in all directions.All five of them were shocked, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Look at Huoyun Cthulhu, but he is not much stronger.The French seal was broken.He was the first to bear the brunt and suffered a huge backlash.

It was as if his chest had been hit by a heavy hammer, causing all the vitality and blood in his whole body to float, and he couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood.

However, since he sacrificed the seal, he has not stopped on his feet, but hastened towards Chu Feng at high speed.

now.Although the French seal was broken, he was subjected to backlash and blood gushed out, but he didn't seem to notice it.He didn't care about his injuries at all, but quickly rushed to Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, be careful!"

The five people who had just shaken off the seal were all stunned when they saw this scene, and wished they could switch places with Chu Feng immediately.

But no matter how anxious they are, it is useless, because even if they rush over at this moment, they will be beyond their reach.

I'm afraid that by the time they arrived, Chu Feng would have already been captured by the Huoyun evil god.

Although Chu Feng had already sensed that the Huoyun evil god must have a trick when he suddenly used the big handprint recklessly, but he didn't expect that at this time, he didn't want to escape, but actually wanted to catch himself.

However, Chu Feng knew that Huoyun evil god is insidious and cunning, and things are often surprisingly difficult, so he was prepared. Seeing Huoyun evil god capture him, he snorted coldly: "Since you are here, stay!"

The light on his face shone, and he was actually stronger than when he was not injured. With a swipe of the Moon Sword in his hand, he slashed straight at the neck of the evil god Huoyun along the arm that was grabbed by the evil god of fire cloud.

This change happened so fast that no one in the field could react at all.

Huoyun Cthulhu was also taken aback, but after all, he is a strong man who has experienced countless life-and-death battles and proved his way through killing, so in such an urgent situation, he forcibly stopped his body.

Not only that, but also bent his body backward in an incredible posture.

It's just that the distance between him and Chu Feng is too close, and Chu Feng's sword was prepared, and it was extremely fast and hasty, so even Huoyun evil god reacted quickly, but he just avoided the neck. But the outstretched arm was cut off by a sword because it was too close to Chu Feng, and blood gushed out immediately.


Huoyun Cthulhu let out a shrill scream, and even with a severed arm, he didn't even bother to pick it up. He just stomped on his toes, and flew out into the air.

"Chu Feng, I will never let you go!"

But after a while, Huoyun Cthulhu disappeared without a trace, only the vicious screams still drifted in.

At this time, the other five people cared about Chu Feng, and instead of chasing Huoyun evil god, they all surrounded Chu Feng: "Xiaofeng, are you alright?"

It was Liu Suyu who spoke.

Chu Feng shook his head, but immediately after, a mouthful of blood spattered out.

Liu Suyu was shocked when she saw it, and hurriedly supported her son, tears streaming down her face.

The rest of the people also looked at Chu Feng with surprise on their faces. After all, the scene just now was really abnormal.

Chu Feng, who was already seriously injured to the point of being unable to move, suddenly rose up and severely injured Huoyun evil god.

Of course, Chu Feng saw the doubts of several people, smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "The situation was not good just now, so in a hurry, I made a breakthrough!"


The five looked at Chu Feng as if they were looking at a monster, and couldn't believe their ears.

After the prefecture level, it is extremely difficult to break through to the first level, but he was lucky, after a fight and an injury, he broke through.

Is this, is there any reason for this? (to be continued..)

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