Ring Town

Chapter 503: Only the Chu family follows the lead

"Brother Feng, I will go back to Chu's house as soon as my grandfather tells you to come out." Chu Feng had just walked out of the secret room when he saw Chen Zhongyi waiting there.

It has to be said that Chen Zhongyi at this moment feels completely different from before.

I don't know if it's because of the shyness after breaking up the relationship with Chu Feng, or because of the calmness after breaking up with my sister. In short, she feels very comfortable and peaceful now, and she also adds a bit of femininity .

Of course, her mischievousness and cunning still exist.

But at this moment, Chu Feng didn't have the time to appreciate these things carefully. He was surprised by the arrangement with Mr. Chen, and slightly stunned: "Did the old man already invite several other companies?"

"Yeah!" Chen Zhongyi nodded obediently, with a shy blush on her face, which made her look even more attractive.

"Okay, I see." Chu Fengning's gaze on Chen Zhongyi's face was slightly surprised, but when he saw that Chen Zhongyi became more shy because of his gaze, he smiled and patted her on the shoulder lightly , turned and walked out.

It's not that he doesn't want to be gentle with Chen Zhongyi, but that he already knows the purpose of Mr. Chen's visit to the Chu family.

This is the rhythm of holding a meeting of the five great families!

It seems that the communication between Mr. Chen and Grandpa has reached a consensus, and this time, the Huangfu family has indeed crossed the line regarding the Huoyun evil god.

Let the Chen Chu family find an excuse.

Of course, this is exactly what the saying goes, take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Although Huoyun Cthulhu is not dead, he is missing an arm. Although his cultivation base loss is not too much, and he can recover [-]% of his cultivation base after a period of recuperation, but in a short period of time, his combat power has dropped by at least [-]%.But it is an indisputable fact.

And the Huangfu family, which has a super expert like Huoyun Cthulhu, probably won't be satisfied with the status quo, so the rest of the family will not sit back and watch his family dominate.

What's more, what Huoyun evil god did this time caused public outrage even more. Not to mention the Chen and Chu families, they also involved the Li family.

In this way, the Zhao and Wang families will also have the fear of death.

Not to mention, Huoyun Cthulhu had killed countless people back then.That's a real devil.

A disagreement is like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

It is not that he has never done the matter of destroying a family.

Therefore, in these days, there have been Zhao Wang's and Wang's families who have made trouble for the Huangfu family.Not to mention that there is no guarantee that Huoyun Cthulhu will not attack them.

So this time the meeting.It complied with everyone's thoughts.

When Chu Feng walked to the door of the meeting.Hearing the sound of heated arguments coming from inside.

However, the topic of debate focused on how to deal with the Huangfu family.

"As for the Huangfu family breaking the rules this time, they dared to find someone like Huoyun Cthulhu to deal with our juniors. I want to hear everyone's opinions on how to do this." Discussed with Chuxiong.It was up to him to ask the questions, and Chu Xiong made the final decision.

After saying this, the conference room, which was still noisy just now, immediately became silent.

Wang Tianming represents the Wang family.But the problem now is that both the Chu family and the Chen family are played by the old man in person. In this way, he can't show any momentum in front of these two.

Seeing that Mr. Chen asked the question in the field, he looked at himself. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly. This is a question of standing in line!

He had already faintly heard that the Chen and Chu families had married, and the marriage partner was Chu Feng, the most powerful and mysterious member of the Chu family.

Speaking of Chu Feng, Wang Tianming regretted for a while, regretting that he didn't establish a good relationship with Chu Feng at the beginning, but he heard that the benefits the Chen family got this time were surprisingly great.

What's more, Chu Feng also promised to train several strong people for the Chen family. What kind of concept is this?This means that the luck of the Chen family for a hundred years is guaranteed!

He really regretted that he really should have given birth to a good daughter like Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi. If that was the case, he would also marry Chu Feng.

It's just a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world, and he doesn't have a daughter.

With a secret sigh, he chose to remain silent.

Wang Tianming didn't speak, but Li Moran stood up first. He looked at Old Master Chen and Old Master Chu sincerely and eagerly with piercing eyes, and made a generous statement: "Uncle Chu, Uncle Chen, what the royal family did this time is indeed true." It's too much! It has seriously broken the rules established by our six great families!"

Hearing Li Moran's impassioned words, Wang Tianming suddenly felt an unspeakable regret, why he hesitated?Just now this opportunity was clearly his own!

Moreover, my Wang family and Huangfu family have always been relatively close, isn't it time to show it?Mr. Chen looked at him at that time, obviously he wanted to express his position!

But Huoyun Cthulhu was a notorious god of killing a hundred years ago, and he was the alliance of five families. Can he really be restrained?

You know, many hidden sects were mobilized back then, but didn't they still let this murderous god get away with it?

Thinking of this, he just wanted to stand up, so he sat down again.

While worrying about gains and losses, Zhao Jiachen stood up, with calm eyes and a serious expression: "Uncle Chu, Uncle Chen, with your two elders in charge of the overall situation, no matter what decision is made, I will support it with both hands, so please Your two elders directly said what we need the Zhao family to do!"

wipe!Li Moran's eyelids suddenly jumped, and he scolded his mother in his heart.

Is this too blatant?This is the rhythm that really needs to be firmly stuck to the buttocks of the Chen Chu family!

It's so shameless!

And as soon as these words came out, it became obvious that what I said just now became so empty, without any nutrition, this rhythm, I have lost control!

But why didn't I think of it just now?Now that he has decided to hug the thighs of the Chen Chu family, he can no longer hesitate.

At that time, Li Moran was one of the parties involved in Xiangxieli Hotel, so he knew better about Chu Feng's strength and his connections.

Even the notorious Huoyun Cthulhu is different, was he beaten away by them?

Moreover, Chu Feng is still the nephew of the Yinmen Changshengdao. Changshengdao can't ignore this incident in the Chu family. If Changshengdao sends someone to help and kill Huoyun evil god, the chance is great!

With this in mind, Li Moran finally made up his mind.

So he stood up directly, completely ignoring the surprised gazes around him, and said loudly: "Uncle Chu, the lives of me and Xiaoer Jiahui were all saved by Xiaofeng, so from now on, the Li family will only follow the lead of the Chu family! "(to be continued...)

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