Ring Town

Chapter 507: 3

After a while, Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran finally managed to hold back the twitching corners of their eyes, and when they looked at Old Master Chu again, they had become like a surging river, flowing endlessly.

High, really high!

Moreover, Mr. Chu's intentional or unintentional look in his eyes explained everything. This clearly meant that the Li and Zhao families had to hand over the nomination certificates!

Such a clear path, so obvious, how could Li Moran and Zhao Jiachen fail to understand, and immediately they stood up together, and bowed deeply to Old Master Chu and Old Master Chen: "You two old men, it's getting late, The junior will not disturb the rest of the two old men."

"Okay, be careful on the road, Shengjing is really not safe these days!" This time it was Mr. Chen who spoke, and he intentionally emphasized the safety issue. This implication was obvious, and Zhao Jiachen and Li Moran The bodies of the two stagnated, and they quickly expressed their opinions.

"Don't worry, old man, this junior has always been very careful, so I brought a few more bodyguards, so I don't think there will be any accidents."

These words are very implicit, but the people who can sit here are all extremely smart, how can they not understand the meaning expressed implicitly.

At that moment, Mr. Chu and Mr. Chen looked at each other, laughed loudly and said, "In that case, I wish you two good nephews the best of luck!"

Looking at the slowly closing door of the meeting room, Chu Xiong slowly turned his gaze back to Mr. Chen and Chu Feng. After a while, the three suddenly laughed together.

The wild laughter made the entire spacious meeting room hum.

After a long time, the laughter finally stopped, but Mr. Chu's eyes were fixed and his expression was a little serious: "Now is the time to inform the Huangfu family."

He paused for a moment, and a look of complexity flashed across his face, but it was fleeting: "The spies of the Huangfu family stayed in the Chu family. Do you think I don't know? I haven't touched her all this time, just because I don't want to be touched by her after I touch her." The Huangfu family put another one in, and it would be very troublesome to investigate like that, since I already know this, it is the easiest."

What he said was endless, but both Chu Feng and Mr. Chen understood, but Mr. Chen didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Chu Feng reminded his grandfather: "Everyone must be responsible for what they do. Since they have chosen that path, they have to bear the consequences. However, although this person has been in Chu Feng for a long time, he has not Do something bad, after this incident. Grandpa can also consider..."

Chu Xiong suddenly reached out his hand.Stopped Chu Feng from continuing: "Forget it, after this incident, if she has nothing to do, I will send her away."

Chu Feng opened his mouth to say more, but seeing his grandfather's expression, he finally didn't say it.

He is very clear.In fact, Grandpa is also reluctant to give up, but many times, people may not be able to do everything according to their wishes.


In the dark study, Huangfu Qiangren sat there alone.The faint moonlight shone in through the window, and he could vaguely see his short stubble. Combined with the darkness and gloom of the night, it made him feel an unspeakable sense of vicissitudes and loneliness.

Ever since the incident at the Champs Cherry Hotel broke out, he felt a deep sense of uneasiness in his heart.

And as time went by, this anxiety became more and more serious, but he could only resist it silently, because his father had been seriously ill a few days ago and couldn't get out of bed.

But even if the father can get out of bed, what role can it play? Alzheimer's disease, a worldwide medical problem, has made the wise old man who was once full of resourcefulness no longer even recognize himself.

Therefore, he can only bury everything in his heart and bear it alone.

For 20 years, my father has suffered from Alzheimer's disease for 20 years, and he has been working very hard to hide it from the world for 20 years. No one knows that his father has Alzheimer's disease.

No one can understand the pain in his heart, let alone how much he has paid for the whole family.

As a result, his hair is completely white before he is 60 years old, and he has been relying on dyeing his hair to cover up. Perhaps what he really wants to cover up is the vicissitudes in his heart?

As he thought this way, his thoughts became more and more chaotic and ethereal.

At this moment, the crisp phone rang, breaking the tranquility in the dark study.

Huangfu Qiangren stared blankly at the ringing telephone.

The quaint telephone immediately fixed his eyes.

This phone is more like an antique.

The actual situation is that this phone has basically never been used, and even Huangfu Qiangren himself feels that it is really more like an antique.

But now that the phone rang, there was only one possibility, that An Zi, who had been placed in his aristocratic family, had discovered something important.

He took a deep breath, and forced out all the decadence in his eyes, even the sense of vicissitudes seemed to fade a lot.

His hands were slow and steady, and he held the phone tightly, but he didn't speak, but remained silent in the dark study room.

This silence didn't last long, and was broken by a voice from the quaint telephone: "Master, I'm Thirteen, Wang Tianming has a big secret, someone wants to kill him!"

"Oh?" Huangfu Qiangren raised his thick eyebrows directly, and his eyes widened even more. It is definitely of great value to be able to spread such information at such a time.

Moreover, someone wants to kill Wang Tianming, this matter is really too important.

The relationship between the Huangfu family and the Wang family has always been good. Although last time, the Wang family suppressed him together with the other four families, he knew very well that the Wang family was more forced.

And later on, Wang Tianming provided him with information so that he could plan in advance, so that although the Huangfu family suffered some losses, the foundation was not harmed.

After Huoyun Cthulhu found him, he was the first one to find Wang Tianming. Of course, showing his power to the Wang family through Huoyun Cthulhu was only one of his purposes, and most importantly, he wanted to make the Wang family feel at ease.

The Huangfu family still has a strong foundation and cannot be broken!

And after that time, as expected, the Wang family did not exceed Huangfu Qiangren's expectations, and leaned towards the Huangfu family.

So when Huangfu Qiangren heard that someone was going to kill Wang Tianming, he immediately became excited.

Opportunity, this is definitely an opportunity!

"Where is it?" His voice was also filled with a hint of urgency because of the excitement.

"On the way back from the Chu family to the Wang family." Thirteen on the other end of the microphone spoke quickly, and with a touch of panic: "Someone is here..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and Huangfu Qiangren's hand holding the microphone froze there. In his eyes, a little light like fire flickered and burned in the dark study room. Even the darkness of the night could not resist it. (to be continued..)

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