Ring Town

Chapter 510: Murderous Night


The muffled gunshot, like bursting beans, was not too loud. It could be seen that the opponent was a veteran, and the muffler was obviously added.

And such a low gunshot, it is impossible to attract the attention of pedestrians.

Especially at this point in time, what a coincidence, it was the moment when Jin Tan was attracted by Wang Tianming and turned his head to take a look, the gun went off.

The bullet pierced through the strengthened glass, and there was a dull thunderous sound, which shook the eardrums of both Wang Tianming and Jin Tan.

However, Jin Tan is one of the most powerful members of the Wang family. Although his attention was partly distracted by Wang Tianming, he still reacted very quickly. Wang Tianming threw it aside, although because of the fixing effect of the seat belt, Wang Tianming missed the vital point.

The bullet stuck tightly to the sternum next to the heart, and penetrated into his chest.

Fresh blood spewed out, Wang Tianming only felt that his breathing was stagnant, and it seemed that countless blood had entered his chest cavity, making him feel suffocated.

His head buzzed before he finally came to his senses, and shouted as if he was tearing apart after realizing it: "Ah..."

It's just that before his cry fell, he was pushed down by Jin Tan: "Quickly get down!"

After Jin Tan shouted this sentence, he buckled the seat belts of the two nimbly with his fingers, and his body was like a civet cat, clinging to the car seat.

"Master, swallow this elixir quickly!" He shouted eagerly, and stretched his hand directly behind, a elixir appeared in his hand.

The burning pain in his chest made Wang Tianming's mind become more sober.My mind was spinning much faster than usual.

Without the slightest hesitation, he took the elixir handed over by Jin Tan and directly put it into his mouth.

The warm medicine slid down his throat, and he knew that his life was saved for the time being.

Because of this elixir, he has enough confidence, because it is the rejuvenation elixir.

That's right, this is the Rejuvenation Pill refined by Chu Feng, and the Wang family entrusted some connections.I also got a few pills, but I have always regarded them as treasures, and I am not willing to take them out.

But in this situation, there is no choice.

With one hand, he rumpled the clothes into a ball.Pressing hard on the gun hole in his chest, cooperating with the powerful medicinal properties of Huichun Dan.The gushing blood finally subsided.

He let out a long sigh of relief.He wanted to order Jin to sigh, but his throat was full of blood, which made him cough violently.

Jin Tan turned to him, a stern look flashed in his eyes, but he said in a subdued voice, "Master, be careful. I'll drive out!"

The opponent's gunshot, since the first sudden sound, never fired again, which made Jin Tan feel a bad premonition.

So he gritted his teeth.Finally made up my mind.

But he understood that since the other party had arranged for such an assassination, it was absolutely impossible for him to rush out like this without a backup, but now, he had no choice.

He lay on his back on the car seat, carefully controlled the steering wheel, and stepped on the accelerator with a hard kick.


The Mercedes-Benz made an explosive roar, like a sharp arrow, piercing straight ahead.

Watching the car drive away, Wang Tianming relaxed slightly, "Jin Tan, if you can get out alive this time, you won't have to call me Master anymore, just call me Brother Ming."

It has to be said that, as the appointed heir of the Wang family, Wang Tianming has his own merits. At this time, he still doesn't forget to sell people's hearts.

It was this kind of words that made Jin Tan's blood boil, and he was completely moved.


"Well, why do you still call me master? Didn't you mean that you are my brother?" Wang Tianming said with feigned anger, enduring the piercing pain in his chest.

"Ming, Brother Ming, even if I die, I must protect you and go out!" Jin Tan choked up and shouted in a hoarse voice, even the hand controlling the steering wheel began to tremble.

It is obvious that he can feel the turmoil in his mood at the moment.

An imperceptible sigh flashed in Wang Tianming's eyes, and he nodded in satisfaction: "Drive hard, I believe their assassination will not be so simple and just stop!"


As if in response to his words, and to confirm his guess was correct, an all-black Hummer rushed straight out of an alley by the side of the road, and ruthlessly crashed into the extended Mercedes.

The violent impact brought Wang Tianming's body into close contact with the car seat, and Jin Tan, who was controlling the steering wheel, was the first to bear the brunt of the impact, and was violently used to the other side of the car by the powerful inertia.

Fortunately, he was super skilled and quick to react, so he quickly protected the vitals of his head. This made him not seriously injured although he was hit in several places.

It's just that this kind of feeling is not good at all. The bones in the whole body seem to be falling apart, crisp and painful.


Like a wounded beast, he let out a roar, stretched out his hand and pulled out from the car seat, and pulled out a two-foot-long black dagger, with a cold light and a faint murderous look.

The other one, who did not know where, took out a pistol and handed it to Wang Tianming.

"Brother Ming, you take this."

Wang Tianming was startled, and subconsciously took the pistol: "Jin Tan, you, do you want to go out?"

"Yeah!" He nodded heavily, his eyes were full of murderous aura, and he was firm and unquestionable: "Brother Ming, Jin Tan is a rough person and can't speak, but Jin Tan understands, who treats me better?" , I will pay with my life, if they want to kill you today, they have to step on my dead body!"

Looking at Jin Tan's very ordinary face, Wang Tianming was suddenly moved in his heart.

This feeling has not appeared on him for too many years.

On weekdays, it's all about vain and submissive, intersecting interests, and a person like Jin Tan is just a servant of his family. Although he has been following him and doing his best, in Wang Tianming's eyes, this is nothing more than a useful value. .

But it was a little man like Jin Tan who taught him a lesson and made him understand that there is true love in this world.

Those who are righteous are mostly dog-slayers, and those who are heartless are all scholars!

For some reason, such a sentence suddenly came out of his heart, and for an instant, tears filled his eyes, even he himself didn't know why he was crying.


The words that came out of his mouth suddenly made Jin Tan pause, but then he cracked his lips and smiled: "Brother Ming, you will be fine, I promise!"

After saying this, his legs bent and flicked suddenly, like a flying swallow, he sprang out of the extended Mercedes-Benz and threw himself into the embrace of the boundless night.


Following Jin Tan's ejection, a suppressed gunshot rang out immediately, and Wang Tianming's heart sank suddenly, and the hand holding the pistol couldn't help tightening, and a little bit of sweat leaked out.

The gunman's eyes were tightly attached to the night vision goggles, but what he saw was a figure like a civet cat, shuttling quickly in the dark night, and in the black Hummer, the driver had been captured by a short horse. Cut off the neck, the dead can no longer die.

The shooter's pupils shrank suddenly. He was an old hand, so he knew better when to shoot and when to retreat.

Therefore, when he was not sure, he would not shoot indiscriminately, as that would only reveal his position.

But after two shots, he didn't kill his opponent. Instead, he let his opponent escape from the car and into the night.

Although he has night vision goggles, and his companions stopped pedestrians on this section of the road, Shengjing's economy is highly developed, so many advertising spaces and other things have been set up here, which can be used as bunkers .

Obviously, the other party is also a master, and knows how to use such an advantage very well, and the movements are too fast, and the body shape is changeable, making it impossible for him to capture the trajectory of his progress.

So for the third shot, he has never been able to shoot, because he knows very well that with the opponent's speed, he only has one chance to shoot.

Either kill the opponent with one shot, or let the opponent rush up.

What he didn't know was that behind him, on a high wall, there were still two people standing, one tall and one short, with their hands behind their backs, watching him and Jin Tan.

"Can we make a move now?" One of the short and thin men asked with sparkling eyes as he stared at Jin Tan's ghostly moving speed and trajectory.

"No, it's not yet time." The tall man said with a ruthless voice.

"That's fine, anyway, it's these people, not ours, and they die when they die." The thin man smiled dryly, with a touch of contempt and hatred in his wretched triangular eyes: "Besides, I also hate those who use Gun guy!"

The tall man just glanced at him, he closed his mouth and looked towards the field.

At this time, the most tense moment in the arena was reached, because Jin Tan had already approached the shooter at a distance of 20 meters.

For Jin Tan, a strong cultivator, this distance was just over a second, and he was concerned about the opponent's gun, so his speed was greatly affected.

However, he has a strong self-confidence and can kill his opponents, but he can't guarantee that he will not be injured.

Moreover, he didn't know if this was the last wave of killers, so he was very cautious and had to get rid of this enemy at the lowest cost.

Beads of sweat had already oozed from the shooter's forehead, but his hand holding the sniper rifle was very calm and motionless, and the direction of the gun was aimed at Jin Tan's invisible position.

He is very clear that under such a distance, he has only one chance, if he fails, he will succeed.

He even felt a little regretful. If he had known that the opponent was advancing so slowly, he should have fired a shot first, but he also knew that if he had fired before, the opponent would definitely run away before he finished firing the shot. Go to him and give him a fatal knife.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still, frozen here. (To be continued..)

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