Ring Town

Chapter 518 is preparing

When the Huangfu family and the Chu family were sleepless, so was the Chen family.

Mr. Chen looked at Chen Zhongyu, Chen Zhongyi, and Chen Quan who were sitting below, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. He was really old, and his energy was getting worse and worse. After staying up all night, he felt a feeling that he had never experienced before. exhausted.

But that old guy Chuxiong is really lucky to have such a vigorous grandson, he looks decades younger.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the last time, after he promised Chu Feng's marriage with Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi's sisters, Chu Feng gave him a few pills.

At that time, Chu Feng seemed to be saying that if he swallowed it, he could live like a dragon and a tiger like Chu Xiong.

With a sudden movement, he opened the drawer and took out the jade bottle.

Inside the jade bottle, a few green elixir were twirling around, exuding a faint fragrance that soaked people's heart and soul, and just taking a sip like this lifted his spirit.

Unable to bear it, he quietly threw out a grain and swallowed it into his mouth.

A faint fragrance turned into a warm current, flowing down from the throat, and the long-lost full energy seemed to burst out at this moment, not to mention the exhaustion just now, even the old body, it was as if it had been soaked by the spring rain , full of vitality. [


Mr. Chen let out a long breath of foul breath. If it weren't for the fact that Chen Zhongyu's three siblings were all here, he would even want to howl loudly to soothe the agitation in his heart at the moment.

But for a moment, he had to force himself to control his excitement.Maintaining his always unpredictable image made him feel very painful.

It is so difficult to have the vitality of youth, but to maintain the appearance of old age.

He even understood a little bit why those young people like to do some exciting things so much, they are really too energetic to let off steam!

in the heart.It even gave birth to an unspeakable envy, this Chuxiong really gave birth to a good grandson!

However, he smiled in an instant.

He is a good old guy, but he is not much worse than him, and his move is really worth it!

Promising the two granddaughters to Chu Feng, such a handwriting seems to be desperate for the Chen family, but who can know the deep meaning of his move?

If it weren't for the promise of Chen Zhongyu and sisters to Chu Feng.Then there are those hundred years of inheritance?

Then you have these pills in your hand?

Although it is not as good as the Chu family, but I believe it is not much worse.

Moreover, isn't it all popular for women to head the house now?It's really time for Chen Zhongyu and sisters to marry together.Isn't everything belonged to the two sisters?

It was the kid Chu Feng.No matter how extravagant they are in the future, but with the concerted efforts of the two sisters, wouldn't they be able to defeat those women?

Thinking of this, he felt that it was necessary to communicate with Chen Zhongyu and sisters in private, and he must behave well.Just hold Chu Feng's heart firmly! [

As for what outsiders will think, let them say whatever they want.

These people say that grapes are sour when they can't eat grapes, which is really meaningless.

And, be said.It is also a kind of capital.

There are some things that you only know when you have used them.Those people only know hearsay, but they know nothing!

Thinking of this, Mr. Chen smiled complacently.

His smile stunned the three Chen siblings.

What's the matter today, old man?

Called the three of us over, but didn't say a word, just took out a jade bottle, swallowed a elixir, and then seemed to be dreaming a sweet dream, and laughed like this Come on, this is really too weird, right?

Is this still the grandfather who has always been calm and deep?

Seeing that Chen Zhongyi and Chen Quan were confused and looked at Grandpa blankly, Chen Zhongyu couldn't help coughing lightly and reminded: "Grandpa..."

"Oh?" Mr. Chen hadn't noticed the expression he inadvertently showed just now, and the three children were already stunned. When he heard Chen Zhongyu calling him, he was stunned, and looked at her with smiling eyes.

In fact, now, he really treats his two granddaughters more and more pleasing to the eye, especially Zhongyu, who not only made Huaxia's intelligence agency world-class, but also leaked large and small information.

Of course, what's more important is that she actually caught a wealthy son-in-law. If such a granddaughter doesn't hurt, who else can she hurt?

And Chen Zhongyi is not bad. Although she has always been very rebellious, this little girl is very lucky. She never thought that she would be favored by Chu Feng, and even dare to say it in front of her in order to marry her. , and also took out those conditions.

It can be said that if it was not because of Chen Zhongyi, Chu Feng would never have given such a considerable condition, so at least half of the benefits the Chen family received were earned by this girl.

Moreover, although this girl used to be as rebellious as she wanted, but now since she was promised to Chu Feng, she seems to be a completely different person. Not only is she not rebellious or crazy, she even knows how to help the family.

What is even more surprising is that her ability is no less than that of her elder sister. This is really a treasure. The ancestors of the Chen family have accumulated virtue, and this life will finally repay it!

But Chen Quan is even more blessed. With the help of Zhongyu and Zhongyi's spring breeze, he got Chu Feng's help, but he didn't want to have such an accident in Xiangxieli Hotel. It was dangerous, but it was a blessing in disguise, and he achieved the genius talent that others dreamed of all at once.

Even Taoist Master Qingsong saw him afterward, and he was full of praise all the time, and even proposed many times that he would personally accept Chen Quan as his apprentice. This matter also made Mr. Chen very happy, and he couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear for several days .

How dare you think about the qualifications that even the hidden door is jealous of?

But now that it happened to him like this, Mr. Chen couldn't help but want to yell, heaven has eyes!

Of course, although he was proud, he didn't forget that all of this had a great relationship with one person, but everything, every incident was inseparable from Chu Feng.

Therefore, it is necessary to firmly grasp Chu Feng's heart and tie the Chen family with him tightly!

Thinking of this, Mr. Chen looked at Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi with softer eyes.

"Chu Feng has already called and said that everything is under control. Since that's the case, next, you two little girls will have to work hard."

"Yes!" Hearing Grandpa's words, the two sisters Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi hurriedly responded.

"However, Grandpa is old and doesn't quite understand some words, so you two girls, also call that boy Chu Feng and ask about the specific "operation", so as to ensure that there is no mistake! "Mr. Chen said, with an ambiguous smile in his eyes.

This is a hint, Chi Guoguo's hint!

With the intelligence of the two sisters, Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi, how could they fail to see what he was thinking, the two of them blushed immediately, and whispered: "Grandpa, we know."

"Okay, okay!" Mr. Chen's brows were wide open, he looked like a month old, and there was still a little bit of his usual inscrutable look: "Hurry up and contact that kid Chu Feng, and then spread the news, I believe , the Huangfu family will start to act tomorrow, after all, they can't afford to wait now!"


If it is true, the atmosphere in the Huangfu family at this moment is so tense that it is about to suppress the water.

It was as if a black cloud was pressing over the huge conference room, and there was already thunder and lightning.

Yun Feiyang choked on Fang Li's words so that his face turned red for a long time, but he couldn't find any reason to refute it. It was Huangfu Qiangren who helped him out.

"Fang Li, I understand all these things, so this time, I am bound to win the Fire Phoenix!"

His eyes were red like fire, and his hands clenched into fists, showing his determination at the moment.

And he also knows that even if he doesn't want to participate in the competition for the Fire Phoenix, he probably won't be able to, because the Fire Cloud Evil God is there, not to mention that he needs the blood of a beast like the Fire Phoenix if he is injured, even if he is not injured, this one is rare in a thousand years He will never let go of the auspicious beast.

Because Huangfu Qiangren vaguely knew something, the unique technique of Huoyun evil god to improve his cultivation.

Moreover, the birth of the fire phoenix was witnessed by many people with their own eyes. Huangfu Qiangren also saw the abnormal appearance in the sky that day. Unforgettable.

In addition, that Tongshan Mountain is indeed a treasure land of geomantic omen, and in that Tongshan Mountain, there is a phoenix tree that has lived for thousands of years. All these things add up, so Huangfu Qiangren believes that the fire phoenix is ​​really very likely. It lives in Tongshan.

"Now, the issue we need to discuss is to work out a feasible plan. If this is false, we can escape unscathed. If this is true, the fire phoenix will definitely fall to the ground. In our hands!"

He had a ferocious face and gritted his teeth. It could be seen that his determination was so great that it was irreversible.

Fang Li sighed softly in his heart. Although he was extremely unwilling for Huangfu Qiangren to place his bet on this unknown fire phoenix, he couldn't think of how to get the Huangfu family out of the immediate crisis.

But he is the chief counselor of the Huangfu family after all, so at this time, no matter how reluctant he is, he must help Huangfu Qiangren come up with a plan.

He also knew very well that if it was really the Huangfu family that fell, he would not be much better off, after all, the imprint of the Huangfu family had already been deeply imprinted on his body.

It is no longer possible to clean up his crimes, let alone let the Chen and Chu families accept him, so he is just like Huangfu Qiangren, and there is no way out.

At the moment, Fang Li made a summary of all the information gathered in his heart, and then approached Huangfu Qiangren: "Patriarch, we must do this..."

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