Ring Town

Chapter 526: Borrowing from Heaven and Earth

Seeing the appearance of the Fengshen pterosaur, Chu Feng stretched out his finger and flicked its forehead, pretending to be angry: "You bastard!"

The Fengshen pterosaur knew that Chu Feng didn't really care about it, but seeing Chu Feng's appearance, he felt unconfident, so he used its big head to rub against Chu Feng.

While rubbing against each other, he kept yelling in a low voice, like a child acting like a spoiled child.

Stretching out his finger, he flicked the Fengshen pterosaur's head again, and then Chu Feng smiled jokingly, "Now you know I'm doing it for you?"

Fengshen Pterosaur could nod his head quickly when he heard that there was something interesting.

Seeing how well-behaved it was, Chu Feng was also elated, and the little bit of anger just now had gone to nowhere.

"Do you know that in order to get these things for you, I used several elixir plants, and in order to test the effect, I even added my natal essence and blood, which is enough for me to nourish for more than half a year!"

Chu Feng's words are a bit exaggerated. It is true that he has absorbed the blood of his life, but if it is said that he needs to practice for half a year to make up for it, it is really a bit untrue.

Now he has the Golden Pill, and the Golden Pill is the most important for body training, and his natal blood is mostly dominated by black tortoises, and the black tortoise is for body training, so a bottle of Golden Pill can replenish almost the same amount.

Of course, if there is no golden pill, it will really take more than half a year, which is not a complete lie.

When Fengshen pterosaur heard how precious it was, its bird eyes lit up a little bit, and its big head rubbed against Chu Feng even more forcefully. This thing is really not to be missed!

Chu Feng didn't adjust the taste of Fengshen pterosaur, but directly put away all the giggles on his face, and said softly: "Collect your mind, hold the original and keep one. Follow my guidance."

After all, he stretched out a palm.


With crisp applause, he hit the heart of Fengshen Pterosaur with one palm.

Here on Fengshen pterosaur's body, there is a thin patch of white fine hair covering it, but it is also the weakest existence in its body.

But here, it is also the sea of ​​qi and blood of the Fengshen pterosaur, in charge of the exchange of qi and blood throughout the body.

After Chu Feng pressed the Fengshen pterosaur with his palm, the Shennong Danjue started to run at a high speed. He just wanted to use the Shennongdanjue as a guide to mobilize the Qi and blood of the Fengshen pterosaur's whole body.Under his guidance, the essence and blood were collected.

Then, using the strongest blood essence of the Fengshen pterosaur's body as a guide, connect the simple dense pattern covering its body surface with it.

Of course, this process is said to be simple, but it is extremely dangerous.And this process must not be too long.If it is too long, the Fengshen pterosaur can't stand it at all.

And the strength of Fengshen pterosaur itself.It has already surpassed Chu Feng's strength, and because of its huge size, its energy and blood are many times thicker than Chu Feng's, so use Chu Feng's Shennong Danjue to mobilize the energy and blood of Fengshen Pterosaur, It's hard work.

This is why his Shennong Danjue is extremely overbearing.If it's a mundane practice, you don't even have to think about it.

Because of this, even with Chu Feng plus Shennong Dan Jue or his strength after Xuangui's body training, he couldn't last long at all.


True Qi flowed into the body of Fengshen Pterosaur along the palm.Guide its incomparably majestic qi and blood, flow according to a certain secret method, and finally gather them in the heart veins.

At this time, I saw that the whole body of Fengshen pterosaur was getting redder and redder. It was a faint blush, but later, it turned red like blood. Once the gold paint is rendered, it looks even more brilliant and dazzling.

Slowly, the red color moved towards the heart vein of the Fengshen pterosaur. Just looking at the appearance, one would have an illusion that all the blood of the Fengshen pterosaur had moved to the heart vein.

The crimson color that was originally on its body also slowly faded at this moment, replaced by the heart veins, which were as red as fire, red to purple.

The whole body of the Fengshen pterosaur, with the dark golden dense pattern painted by Chu Feng, is also emitting a little bit of light at this time. I don't know if the light is because of the flickering of the sun's rays, or because of other things. direction is turning.

And if you look closely, you will find that it seems that it has not moved at all.

Countless lines of dense patterns interweave vertically and horizontally, and finally all converge on the heart vein of Fengshen Pterosaur.

It turned out that Chu Feng had already thought of this when he started painting the dense pattern.

The blood-like crimson and purple, intertwined with the dark golden dense pattern, all formed a point at the heart vein of the Fengshen pterosaur.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly shouted softly: "Clumsy!"

With this soft drink, he seemed to be slowing down with one finger, and directly touched the heart vein of the wind god pterosaur where all kinds of energy intertwine.


Following Chu Feng's pointing, a stream of bright red blood spurted out from the heart vein of the Fengshen Pterosaur.

Seeing this ray of blood coming out, Chu Feng's eyes froze suddenly, and he spit out a mouthful of white mist, and sprayed it towards this ray of blood.

It was strange to say that after the wisp of white mist spewed out from Chu Feng's mouth, it condensed into a ball, directly covering the wisp of blood essence of the Fengshen pterosaur.

Almost instantly, after the cloud of white mist wrapped the blood essence of the Fengshen pterosaur, it directly merged into a cloud of blood mist.

"The heaven and the earth borrow the law, the sun and the moon borrow the way, and all things borrow the spirit, condense!"

Following Chu Feng's violent shout, with him as the center, a gust of strong wind suddenly rushed towards the surroundings.

The wind was fierce and seemingly irresistible, and it hit the surroundings straight.

All of a sudden, flying sand and rocks were blown, and the entire Tongshan Mountain was covered with a piece of gray.

At this time, you can see that at the foot of Tongshan Mountain, a total of twelve large flags have been planted in twelve directions.

The big flag disappeared in a flash, but in fact, their bodies are all tiny sides, which are buried deep at the foot of Tongshan Mountain and connected with the entire mountain range.

Chu Feng took advantage of these twelve big flags, and set up the Twelve Capitals and Heavens Grand Formation according to what Guiguzi said.

But these twelve capitals and heavens doubled his strength. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he can use the twelve French flags on the Tongshan Mountains.Borrow the power of the entire Tongshan.

What's more domineering is that as long as the creatures on the Tongshan mountain range, their aura power will also be used by Chu Feng.

You know, now Huangfu Qiangren, as well as a group of strong men from the hidden sect, casual cultivators have all entered Tongshan and walked past the foot of Tongshan Mountain, so their power has also been borrowed by Chu Feng.

This is also one of Chu Feng's plans.

He just wants to use the power of these people.For the favor of his own life, Fengshen Pterosaur changed the sky and changed his pulse, and changed his fate against the sky!


The wind is stronger, the sand is stronger, and there are a group of strong people in Tongshan.They all stared dumbfounded at the inexplicable hurricane, feeling their bodies go weak for a while.For a while, he was stunned.

among them.A well-informed person felt something was wrong at the first time, and shouted in horror: "No, this wind is not right, it seems that part of my strength has been taken away!"

Amidst the frightened shouts, the others were awakened immediately.

Immediately, each of them felt their own bodies carefully.However, they found that the situation was just like him, and they were weaker than usual. They were all terrified and inexplicable, looking at the hurricane that was blowing incessantly.

"Quick. Climb down!"

Some people reacted, thinking that the hurricane was playing tricks, and hurriedly beckoned their companions to climb down, trying to resist the fear of being pulled away from their strength.

But they soon discovered that this was useless at all, and their strength was still decreasing.

There are also people who are smart, but they jumped up, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that the power that was decreasing actually stopped.

Immediately overjoyed, I hurriedly reminded my companions: "Quick, jump up, so that the strength will not be lost!"

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared on the top of Tongshan Mountain. Many people jumped high in the face of the oncoming hurricane, not afraid of being blown away by the wind.

Fortunately, their strength is strong enough, so there is no worry in this regard.

But then, they discovered sadly that jumping up can resist the force's withdrawal, but they are not flying gods after all, no matter how high they jump, they will eventually fall down, and once they fall, they will fall like this again. As before, the power was taken away by the strange wind.

However, some people vaguely guessed the truth of this matter.

"It's not the wind, maybe it's the fire phoenix on the mountain, it wants to use our strength to improve its cultivation!"

"This, this is a heaven-level master, and it is impossible to do this at all?"

"That's right, a celestial expert can't do this at all. Besides, if he is really a celestial master, he probably won't be tolerated by this world at all. He should have ascended long ago!" Some people objected.

And the reason for this is very definite. After all, everyone is strong, and they are all strong above the prefecture level, so they dare to come here to fish in troubled waters, so they know what kind of world it will be after breaking through the prefecture level.

That is truly stepping through the void and entering another world.

This is what ordinary people say, ascending to immortality.

But if it's not a sky-level master, who can do this?

A lot of questions linger in everyone's mind.

However, among these people, the three religions and nine streams are all-encompassing, so some people who know the way of formations shouted loudly: "I understand, this entire Tongshan Mountain has been planted with formations!"

"What? The entire Tongshan Mountain has been planted with formations?"

This statement is too unbelievable, so many people's brains are directly disconnected.

But he was also clever, and quickly accepted the matter. After all, if it was a formation, then it would be reasonable to explain it.

But who could plant such a formation?

You know, there is one formation, but many large formations in ancient times have long been lost.

It is impossible for the ones that have been handed down to be so domineering, and there is absolutely no one that can cover the entire Tongshan in the formation and use it for its own use.

However, there are also well-educated people who are proficient in formations. At this moment, an old man with a silver beard stood up and looked at the entire Tongshan Mountain. Erdutian is a big formation!" (To be continued...)

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