Ring Town

Chapter 547: Income

You know, in this dharma-ending era where spiritual energy is scarce, it takes a lot of hard work to improve every little bit of cultivation, but how can the speed of improvement of the two keep everyone from being dumbfounded.

Immediately, everyone was stunned there together, and even a person like Huangfu Qiangren, who was so deep in thought and kept going back and forth, could no longer suppress the shock in his heart.

Because the growth rate of Liu Junjian and Jin Shutong's cultivation base is really amazing.

As a strong man who pursues the way of heaven, and even the best among them, how can Huangfu Qiangren not be moved, so of course he can't pretend not to see these things.

However, from Chu Feng's hands, the possibility of obtaining a super-grade golden pill is basically zero. The rest of the Huangfu family may still be able to leave the Huangfu family and throw themselves into the arms of the Chu family, in order to get Chu Feng to give him a gift of the elixir, but he But absolutely impossible.

Therefore, the super-grade golden pill in Zhang Gong's hand is even more attractive to him.

If he had this super-grade golden elixir, he had already approached and broken through the cultivation base, and there was still a slight possibility that he would directly break the rank.

Looking eagerly at the only super-grade golden pill left in Zhang Gong's hand, Huangfu Qiangren even had the idea of ​​snatching it directly.

It's just that as soon as this thought appeared in his mind, he was stifled by him.

It is conceivable that even he has this idea, let alone other people.

He turned his head and looked for a week, but saw countless fiery eyes, all staring at the super-grade golden pill in Zhang Gong's hand.

If it wasn't for the powerful Huangfu family, I'm afraid these people would have come forward long ago.

Even the powerhouses of his own family showed emotions one by one, even the two powerhouses from the Ghost Devouring Sect invited.

Huangfu Qiangren's heart sank.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid people's hearts will be scattered.

It is necessary to come up with a plan, but Chu Feng is in the void, and no one on his side can pose a threat to him except Zhang Gong, so what should I do?

And Zhang Gong...

Thinking of Zhang Gong, his confused thoughts finally came back, and he looked up at Zhang Gong.

Seeing that Zhang Gong's complexion was complicated, he seemed to be struggling very much, but he finally gritted his teeth fiercely.Swallowed that super-grade golden pill into his belly.

After all, the temptation and impact brought by Liu Junjian and fellow practitioner Jin Shu for growth is too great.

It was so big that not only him, but also all the strong players in the field could no longer control themselves.

Zhang Gong was able to endure loneliness for a long time, and chose the unpopular magic weapon such as bow and arrow.It shows that he is a person with a firm mind, but a firm mind.But it doesn't mean that he doesn't desire strength.

Quite the opposite.His desire for strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, but his personality is too low-key and he doesn't like to say it.

The roiling heat flowed down the dantian to the limbs, quickly nourishing the meridians that had been purified by the heaven and earth thunder calamity, and the current meridians were purified.But it was just when he was dry, he longed for the infusion of true energy and spiritual power.

This hot flow poured in, and immediately filled the gaps in the meridians, making Zhang Gong's strength suddenly increase.

certainly.This is also related to his long-term depression.

Because of his personality, and the support of the Huangfu family behind him, his foundation is actually very solid, and he has experienced the refinement of Lei Jie, and the infusion of super-grade golden pills, which made him thick Accumulated but thin, the momentum of the outbreak is stronger than Liu Junjian and Jin Shutong.


Amidst the astonishment and astonishment of the powerhouses, Taos of brilliance radiated from Zhang Gong's body, and there was even a faint roaring sound, which resonated with the surrounding air.

"Hiss..." Chu Feng was also a little stunned. He chose Zhang Gong not because he was optimistic about his aptitude, but because he wanted to provoke the unity of the Huangfu family on the one hand, and on the other hand because he had bows and arrows himself. Magic weapon, so he has a close affection for Zhang Gong.

But this unintentional planting of willows suddenly turned into a shade, which really made Chu Feng a little dumbfounded. He didn't know whether to lament that his luck was so good, or lament that he hit his foot with a stone.

After all, although a seed has been planted in Zhang Gong's heart now, God knows whether this seed can take root and germinate.

If Zhang Gong really wanted to be an enemy of himself and the Chu family deliberately, then his super-grade golden pill would really have the opposite effect.

But at this time, it is obviously not the time to think about these, but the three super-grade golden pills that Chu Feng threw out, the effect he wants to see is better than expected.

All the powerhouses began to boil.

After all, everyone has worked so hard, fighting for fate, all kinds of killings, and sufferings, isn't it just to improve their strength, to be the strongest and stand at the top?

For the sake of strong power, they almost escaped death, and now such a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity is in front of them, how can they let it go?

But now that the three super-grade golden pills have been swallowed, it is useless to kill the three of them, so the hopes of all the strong people are placed on Chu Feng.

As for killing Chu Feng, there is no need to think about it at all, because he is basically an air force, flying in the sky, and you can't reach it, so why kill and seize treasures?

So the only way now is to worship Chu Feng's family and become his man, so that he can get the elixir.

And Chu Feng also clearly said just now that as long as the corresponding contribution value is obtained, it can be exchanged for elixir. Are you afraid that there will be no elixir for it?

Even if he planned for the worst, after worshiping under Chu Feng's sect, he broke his promise, and it would be a big deal, and he didn't lose anything.

But the possibility of Chu Feng deceiving people in this matter is very small. How can someone who can take out a bottle of super-grade golden pills in one shot like this, and even send out three pills in one go, how can he lie to people like himself?

What's more, when the time comes to join Chu Feng's sect, it will be equal to his people, and they will have to exchange for contribution points, and they may not always be exchanged for super-grade golden pills, so there is a high probability that this is true.

As soon as this thought came to this, everyone was immediately moved, and looked at Chu Feng frantically.

Even more urgent, the people near Shouyuan had already bowed down directly under Chu Feng.

Mr. Chu, please accept this old man! "

These people clearly saw the benefits of Jin Shutong before, so they wanted to take the lead. Although they could not be as exaggerated as Jin Shutong, they could get a super-grade golden pill, but one step ahead would always make them feel better. Chu Feng was more impressed, and it could also make Chu Feng feel better.

If someone takes the lead, there will naturally be more people in the past. Even those strong-willed men, in front of the bright avenue, let go of their restraint, walked over hesitantly, and bowed down beside Chu Feng. Down.

All of a sudden, everyone shouted in unison: "Master Chu, I (the old man) would like to worship under Mr. Chu, please take him in!"

Such momentum is truly frightening.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that a group of people are all unrivaled powerhouses, and elite figures who have survived the experience of thunder and calamity shouted in unison, how can such a grand event not be a sensation?

The echoes that vibrate Tongshan are everywhere, like thunder. (to be continued..)

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