Ring Town

Chapter 552: Preparations

"What? Huangfu Qiangren retreated in embarrassment? The Chu family took in dozens of super experts?" Wang Houde stood up abruptly, staring straight at Wang Tianming with a terrifying expression.

There was an unspeakable tiredness and shock in the old muddy eyes.

The clenched fists were trembling slightly, and there seemed to be a weight of tens of thousands of catties on his shoulders, which made him overwhelmed, and finally sat down on the chair behind him weakly.

"Is this all true?" It seemed that he had aged ten years in an instant, with a tired expression and a full head of silver hair, which made this all-powerful old man lose the calmness and strategy of the past.

Wang Tianming's heart trembled suddenly. He looked at his father's sudden change in surprise and could hardly believe his eyes.

This situation is even more shocking and shocking than seeing Chu Feng lead a group of strong men down the mountain.

All along, my father has always been so aloof and supreme, calm as if everything is in the palm of his hand, but he has never been so decadent, so helpless, yes, helpless.

At this moment, this word that should have appeared in his father's body seemed so appropriate that Wang Tianming's heart was immediately entangled.

Could it be that the sky of the Wang family is really about to collapse?

He thought secretly, and answered his father's question in a gentle tone as much as possible: "Dad, I saw it with my own eyes. I stayed there for a long time to prove the truth. That kid from the Chu family is full of flattery and respect."

Silence, after he finished speaking, there was a deathly silence in the study, which made the atmosphere more oppressive.

Wang Tianming even secretly regretted telling his father the result in his heart, looking at his father's gloomy expression and those old and tired eyes.He almost felt like crying.

Is this really his father who never gets angry or lustful?

While waiting anxiously and anxiously, Wang Houde finally exhaled a long breath, and the pallor on his face eased a little, which made his spirit look better.

It's just that his voice is still old, without a trace of the calmness and profoundness of the past: "In these years, I have been cautious, like walking on thin ice, and I have to be [-]% sure of everything before I dare to do anything. I have exhausted countless scheming. It made the Wang family support until now, but..."

Before arriving here, his voice suddenly became hoarse and deep, and there was an indescribable sadness mixed in it.It made Wang Tianming's heart tremble violently, as if he couldn't bear to listen to him continue.


Wang Houde waved his hand lightly.She cast a bitter and astringent smile at him.Stopped his following words: "But it's unimaginable, it's just such a decision that both sides want to please, neither should offend, and want to make a profit, but ruin the future of the Wang family, it's really..."

in the sound.Already carrying an uncontrollable sad tone, his thin body was trembling slightly, giving people a feeling of weakness.

Wang Tianming quickly stepped forward and supported his father: "Dad, don't talk about it, even if the Chu family got those strong men, our Wang family is not made of mud!"

His face was ferocious, and there was a little bit of fierceness in his eyes, and that appearance gave off a trace of cold air.

But Wang Houde held him firmly with his arm, shook him, and said with a wry smile: "Silly boy, do you believe these words?"

Wang Tianming was speechless immediately, yes, can he believe these words?

Saying it out is just a consolation, there are so many strong people, not to mention the three families of Chen, Zhao and Li, with such strength, even with their eyes closed, they can still sweep the Wang family.

What's more, neither Mr. Chu nor Chu Yaxuan is the kind of person who will lose his head, plus that heaven-defying Chu Feng, all of this is really unimaginable...

Wang Tianming's frenzy had cooled down, and now his stomach was so cold that it was so cold that he couldn't help shivering.

With fearful eyes, he looked at his father.

Wang Houde sighed heavily in his heart, his already old complexion became even more ugly: "Go, prepare a generous gift, I want to go to the Chu family in person!"

"Ah?" Wang Tianming looked at his father in astonishment, his eyes were full of shock, he really couldn't believe his ears.

In my heart, there are all kinds of feelings. It seems that this time, my father is really driven into a hurry!

Wang Houde no longer looked at his son, but closed his eyes tiredly. Only the old body became more and more stooped, making people feel an unspeakable sense of sadness.


At the same time, in Chu Feng's study, chatting happily.

Of course, only four people participated in this conversation.

Of course Chu Feng was one of them, and Mr. Chu couldn't be excluded. Then there were the two brothers Chu Yaxuan and Chu Yasheng.

On Old Master Chu's face, there was an unconcealable joy, and there was a little bit of light in his brows, making him look even younger.

If you don't look closely, you might think that he is only 50 or [-] years old.

"Since Xiaofeng already has an idea, let's talk about it." Chu Xiong was obviously in a good mood, and looked at Chu Feng with a smile on his face, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

That expression, even with a strong doting element in it, seems to be that every word Chu Feng utters is full of truth, and he must do it.

This much love is because Chu Yaxuan and Chu Yasheng, who were born as biological sons, are faintly jealous. Of course, the two cannot really be jealous. They know very well that everything about the Chu family is brought about by Chu Feng. of.

If there is no Chu Feng, the current situation of the Chu family may be very worrying.

Under the watchful eyes of the three, Chu Feng smiled innocently: "Grandpa, I think so."

He quickly sorted out the thoughts that had been in his mind for a long time, and slowly said to Chu Xiong: "Grandpa, I feel that if our Chu family wants to maintain long-term prosperity, we must have a long-term management system. , I just have a preliminary idea, but I haven't thought about the specific details."

"You kid, don't be modest, any of your ghostly ideas, isn't it all shocking." Chu Xiong looked at Chu Feng, he was really full of advantages, so he boasted, it was really not at all. unambiguous.

Chu Yaxuan and Chu Yasheng looked at each other, but shook their heads secretly. In the old man's eyes, only Chu Feng exists!

Chu Feng smiled modestly, and talked eloquently: "Grandpa, I told my father about this in Tongshan, and that is to manage all the Chu family members with contribution points."

"Oh, what do you say about this?" Hearing such an unfamiliar word, Chu Xiong immediately became interested. Of course, in his heart, as long as it was Chu Feng's idea, he would be interested.

"What I mean is that we divide the things that are beneficial to the family into three, six, and nine levels, and then convert each level into a contribution value, so that whoever completes this thing can get the corresponding contribution value, and then , they can use their contribution points to exchange for the pills, instruments or exercises they need..."

Chu Feng spoke out his initial plan slowly, and the eyes of Chu Xiong and the others became brighter and brighter. (to be continued..)

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