Ring Town

Chapter 556: If God Helps

Inside Wang Houde was envious and jealous, but outside Wang Tianming was filled with emotion.

Looking at the passionate expressions of all the super powerful members of the Chu family, he felt a feeling in his heart that the sky in Huaxia was really about to change.

Perhaps before, this feeling existed, but it was far less real than it is now. Only after seeing a group of super powerhouses, their majestic blood, and their abnormally powerful combat power, did he deeply understand that the Wang family Compared with it, how big is the gap.

Power comes out of the barrel of a gun, this is the same principle throughout the ages, but it flows forward with time, and many people forget this.

However, as one of the top families in China, Wang Tianming has a deep understanding, so seeing the powerful military power of the Chu family, he was really moved with emotion.

After all, the disputes between the aristocratic families are all small-scale internal strife. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to use the army. This is also a consensus formed by all the aristocratic families during their long-term coexistence.

In this case, the number of super powerful people in the family directly determines the strength of the family and the control of resources, which is why Wang Tianming sighed in this way.

If there was any unwillingness before, then now he has no other thoughts.

Confronting the Chu family like this is really hopeless.

Wang Tianming couldn't help sighing in his heart: The Huangfu family, this time it's really coming to an end.

"Brother Tianming, what do you think?" Chu Yaxuan's eyes flickered, and he stared at Wang Tianming's face with a smile, interrupting his chaotic thoughts.

Wang Tianming twitched, sighed softly in his heart, and in an instant a smile appeared on his face: "Yaxuan, seeing so many strong people from the Chu family, I really feel that it's too late!"

This is a pun.But it just expressed his heart at the moment, and also euphemistically expressed his intention to take refuge in Chu Yaxuan.

Chu Yaxuan could naturally hear that the smile was more subtle and kind, and he grabbed Wang Tianming's hand: "Brother Tianming, isn't it the right time to come here?"

"Oh?" Wang Tianming was slightly taken aback, and then he saw the sincerity in Chu Yaxuan's eyes, and he felt relieved.

Their eyes met, and after a while, they laughed together.

The doubts in my heart before and the past holidays were all dissipated by this smile.


On Tongshan.After killing Huoyun evil god and bringing a group of superpowers into the Chu family, the huge rock that Chu Feng had been hanging in his heart finally came to fruition.

It's just that the Huangfu family has not been uprooted yet, and the Ghost Eater Sect is behind the Huangfu family.But in this battle, there was no loss at all.

Although Chu Feng wanted to be at the top of Tongshan Mountain.Solve the Huangfu family together.It's just that the situation at that time, Huangfu Qiangren's decisive withdrawal made this possibility come to naught.

But it was also because of Huangfu Qiangren's decisive withdrawal that Chu Feng felt that this opponent was not to be taken lightly.

Therefore, he also put Huangfu Qiangren in his heart, but he didn't go to Huangfu's family right away.It is precisely because they have just subdued a group of super-powerful people and their hearts are still not stable, at this time, they went to Huangfu's family.Too hasty.

But now, a group of superpowers have been subdued, and the rules have been clearly stated, and stimulated by the contribution value, the public sentiment is high, so Chu Feng feels that it is time.

His eyes flickered slightly, and against the background of the night, it was like two bright starlights, piercing people's hearts, and quickly quieting down the group of super powerhouses who were a little noisy below.

Although Chu Feng's cultivation was not the strongest, but the power to kill Huoyun evil god with a stick on the top of Tongshan Mountain was deeply remembered by everyone.

Moreover, after they joined the Chu family, they directly obtained a high-grade golden pill, and they also knew Chu Feng's status in the Chu family and a large number of pills, all of which were controlled by Chu Feng. So after this understanding, how can you look at Chu Feng without awe?

What's more, Liu Junjian and Jin Shutong are like the second general Hunha guarding Chu Feng's body, which makes the super strong people below have to weigh their weight carefully.

"Everyone, everyone must have seen the scene on Tongshan Mountain. The Huangfu family was against my Chu family, but I killed the strongest backing of the Huangfu family, Huoyun evil god. The current Huangfu family's strength has been greatly damaged. when they perish!"

Chu Feng's eyes were burning with flames, and his voice was full of passion: "Everyone, I believe that everyone has already known the benefits of obtaining contribution points, so now is the time to give you contribution points!"


Hearing the contribution value, there was a commotion below, and all the superpowers looked at Chu Feng with anticipation and excitement.

What's more, he yelled directly: "Young Master Chu, please hurry up and order, my grandson can't wait!"

What he said spoke the minds of most people. After all, after tasting the sweetness of the increase in strength brought by the top-grade golden pill, they couldn't wait to get the contribution value quickly in exchange for the top-grade golden pill that can be advanced.

Among these people, some of their lifespans are already low, so they are even more urgent. Following the voice, they raised their arms and shouted: "Young master, as long as you have a word, even if I let my old Zhao go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, I will never die!" No frown!"

The crowd was so passionate that the entire Chu family compound was buzzing and echoing.

Chu Feng took a satisfied look, turned to the side, and looked at his father with Wang Tianming: "Dad, tell me a few words."

Chu Yaxuan smiled slightly, and stood in front of the stage: "I have seen your pride, and I am very convinced that you have already prepared the best, so I don't want to say anything more, I will only tell you, A large number of high-grade golden pills have been prepared, and we are waiting for your triumphant return!"


Messy, absolutely messy.

Hearing that the high-grade golden elixir was ready, who could control it, all eyes were shining with eagerness, and they wished to kill Huangfu's family immediately and obtain massive contribution points.

"The head of the family is mighty, the young master is mighty!"

Under the stage, the group of heroes did not know who yelled this sentence at the beginning, and it immediately attracted all the strong people to yell together.

For a moment, the whole Chu family's high-pitched shouts shook the sky.

On the side, Wang Tianming, who had been watching this scene, was secretly terrified when he saw this scene, but he was also secretly glad that Jiang was really old and hot. If his father hadn't put up his face to come to the Chu family, I'm afraid the Wang family would have really He will be removed from China from now on.

Cold sweat soaked the back of his clothes for a while, and he couldn't help shivering. He looked at Chu Feng again, but it was a bit fearful.

The Chu family has a grandson like this, it is really a blessing! (to be continued..)

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