Ring Town

Chapter 587: The Sea of ​​Fire

Qing Shishi, who had been watching Chu Feng nervously, saw that Chu Feng was directly swallowed by Kametaro, and couldn't help but exclaimed sadly: "Chu Feng..."

But her words were interrupted in an instant by Yagyu Yijian's triumphant laugh: "Haha, Kametaro is one of the best fighters in my Yagyu Kenzong, and he is most famous for his devouring kung fu, which makes people hard to guard against. Swallowed by him, even steel can be melted!"

"No!" Qing Shishi was really sad and terrified at this moment, completely forgetting that although her poison was suppressed by the Rejuvenation Pill bestowed by Chu Feng, she couldn't use it at all, so she wanted to rush over and fight with the turtle. Taro tried his best, but as soon as she moved, she felt her whole body go limp, and she fell directly to the ground.

She struggled to stand up, a hint of determination appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Liu Shengyijian's eyes flickered, and he twitched the corner of his mouth contemptuously: "Hmph! I thought how powerful the number one powerhouse of the younger generation in China is, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. What a disappointment!"

"The young master is right. He can compare with you. If I were to fight against you, I would have no chance of winning at all. Even if it is surprisingly difficult to use this trick of swallowing meat, it will also be easy for you to crack it." . " Guitaro looked at Liu Sheng with a smile and flattered him with a smug look in his eyes.

"Haha..." Hearing Kametaro's flattery, Yagyu Ichiken laughed even more happily.

Kametaro, who was about to flatter him a few more words, suddenly changed his expression at this moment, and let out a slight surprise: "Why do I feel that he is moving in my belly?"

He looked at his abdomen in amazement, but at this moment it was rising and falling sharply. It felt like someone was put in a bag and was struggling sharply.

"How could this be?" Yagyu Ichiken also looked at Kametaro in astonishment, with a serious expression on his face, but he didn't have much worry.

On the other hand, Guitaro snorted and sneered twice: "It seems that he is not willing to become a part of my body. If that is the case, then let me give him another helping hand!"

Amidst the grinning sound, his body turned into a leech rolled its tail suddenly, and it rolled into a solid round pier made of pure steel at the bow.

The round pier is about one meter in diameter and one meter in height. It is welded together with the ship plate at the lower end. It is specially made for Kametaro for him to hunt and kill prey.

Now it just came in handy. After his tail curled up in the round pier, his whole body curled up along with it.His body turned into a leech was already somewhat softer than a snake, but this move was exactly the way the snake digested and killed the living things in his body.

Fourteen books aside, he had already reported his determination to commit suicide and die for love, but seeing this situation, he couldn't help but put away the knife hidden in his hand, and watched nervously what happened at the bow of the ship.

interlocking fingers.The nails had penetrated into the palm of her hand, and she still didn't realize it.I just kept shouting in my heart: "Chu Feng, you must live!"

In fact, Chu Feng was really still alive. After he was unexpectedly swallowed by Kametaro, he only felt the darkness in front of his eyes, and then a large amount of corrosive mucus wrapped him up.

So the first thing he did was to close his eyes. After all, the eyes are the weakest link of the human body, but they cannot withstand the erosion of this highly corrosive mucus.

He released his consciousness.He saw everything that happened outside.

Originally, he wanted to use his strong body to block the erosion of the corrosive mucus in Guitaro's body, and then slowly looked for opportunities, but he saw that Qing Shishi was about to end his life with a knife.He immediately changed his plan, struggled sharply, and even used sound transmission to enter the secret, and said to Qing Shishi: "I'm fine, you protect yourself!"

Qing Shisi heard these words clearly, she was surprised and happy at once, and quietly retreated to the side of Fengshen pterosaur. Here, she will be safe. She quietly glanced at Fengshen pterosaur, but saw Fengshen pterosaur The pterodactyl was also looking at Guitaro with piercing eyes at this moment, but there was no worry in its eyes, instead, there was a hint of playfulness in its eyes, it was stunned, and immediately fixed its eyes on Guitaro body.

"Mysterious tortoises have the strongest defense against all evil!" Chu Feng shouted sharply, his voice rolling, and the rapid air flow came out of Guitaro's body, shaking Guitaro's eardrums almost to rupture.

However, because the voice came from his abdomen, after it came out, the voice already seemed a bit buzzing, and the content could not be heard at all.

But this extremely uncomfortable feeling made something bad happen in his heart.

Immediately, he entangled the body of the steel round pier, and was about to send out a little faster, with a ferocious smile on his face: "It's really unexpected that you are so difficult to deal with, but if you enter my belly, you have the power to reach the sky!" If you have the ability, don't even think about turning over the waves!"

He wrapped his body tighter and tighter on the round pier made of steel, but Chu Feng in his body clearly felt the pressure from the outside world.

"Do you want to use this method to kill me?" Under such circumstances, Chu Feng suddenly laughed. At this moment, his body was covered with secret lines shining with dark golden light. It's not just the mysterious tortoise pattern before, but also the secret pattern inherited from the phoenix.

"My natal real fire, burn up!"

When the secret pattern emerged from the body, Chu Feng's eyes suddenly opened, and two dazzling dark golden flames also burned blazingly.

As soon as the corrosive mucus wrapped around his body met Chu Feng's real fire, it instantly turned into a steaming mist and dispersed.

In an instant, besides Chu Feng's body, there was also a raging flame, which burned together.


Feeling the heat in his body, Kametaro let out a scream. He looked at his body in disbelief, but saw a ray of dark golden flame slowly piercing through his skin as tough as steel. It was burned outside the body.

"How could this be?"

He screamed miserably, tried to shrink his body, and pressed his four tentacles-like hands towards the ray of burning flames, but he found sadly that he covered this place, and the rest of his body, But a few wisps of dark gold fire sprang out again.

"What, what's going on here?" Yagyu was also stunned. He looked at Kametaro whose whole body had started to burn in surprise, with an inexplicable panic in his eyes, and couldn't help touching the handle of the sword. superior.

"Ah, don't!" Kametaro's face was already ashen, and there was still a trace of arrogance and complacency in his eyes. He looked at his body and was completely surrounded by a raging darkness. In the sea of ​​gold fire.

"No, don't kill me, I'll let you out!" He yelled frantically, but the dark golden sea of ​​flames engulfed him instantly. (to be continued..)

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