Ring Town

Chapter 591: Zhang Family

Seeing that Chu Feng disappeared inexplicably, and then brought back a beautiful woman, everyone in the Chu family was stunned.

However, although he restrained himself strongly, his aura still leaked out, which made all the super powerhouses feel even more turbulent at this moment, and they all looked at Chu Feng in amazement.

These people are all knowledgeable, and the extremely powerful aura exuding from Chu Feng at this moment is clearly the peak of the prefecture level.

After only going out for a short day, his cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has directly crossed countless steps and reached the peak of the prefecture level. This is really staggering.

Even the members of the Chu family were used to Chu Feng being good at creating miracles, but they couldn't help being stunned at the moment.

After all, this is too beyond imagination, there is no way to accept it!

Especially in the current world of the strong, every step forward is extremely difficult, so Chu Feng's breakthrough method can no longer be theoretically based on evildoers, it is simply as if the gods have directly selected the magic.

Of course Chu Feng didn't care about everyone's thoughts. In fact, after he reached this level of cultivation, many things that haunted his heart became much weaker.

Chu Feng, who doesn't value the opinions of outsiders, doesn't need to pay attention to them at the moment. Although these people are all strong members of his Chu family, he also didn't think about explaining clearly.

After all, he really has no way to explain this matter. Things like sacred bloodlines are really too ethereal. Even if he said it, no one would believe it.

It's better to let them be so curious, instead, they will hold their minds tighter and firmer, and their sense of belonging to the Chu family will be stronger.

Just like that, Chu Feng walked towards Chu Xiong and Chu Yaxuan under the envious and astonished gazes of all the superpowers: "Grandpa, Dad, I surprised you."

Although Chu Xiong didn't know how to cultivate, but as he got older and hotter, he could see the difference in Chu Feng's temperament at a glance, his eyes flickered slightly, and he laughed loudly: "Xiaofeng, it's good that you can come back, other None of it matters!"

Then he turned his gaze to Qing Shishi, and asked with a smile, "Xiaofeng, who is this?"

"Grandpa. Dad, this is Qing Shishi. Back in Pinghai, we..." Chu Feng stopped at this point.But Chu Xiong and Chu Yaxuan already understood even if they didn't say anything later.

The two are not old antiques.Especially Chu Feng's current cultivation base.It is already the peak of the prefecture level, and it is just around the corner to break through to another level. At that time, it will truly be like a land fairy, so even bringing a few more women back is really normal in the eyes of the two.

As for the Chen family.I believe it and definitely don't say anything more because of this kind of thing. After all, what is the concept of a master at the top of the prefecture level, but the two of them believe it very much, and the Chen family understands it.

It's just that they don't understand.There is also the Taoist door behind them, and they will definitely understand.

Therefore, these are really not a problem. The problem is that as long as Chu Feng likes it, the Chu family will directly step into the ranks of the world's first-class family because of him, a strong man at the top of the prefecture level.

Even if he is strong with the Dao of Longevity, now he has to be attached to Chu Feng in turn. This is strength.

In fact, in the final analysis of this world, at the highest level, Chi Guoguo's strength is still respected, and there is no adulteration at all.

If it was not because of the presence of their two ancestors, the Xiang Qian family would definitely not have such a big tone.

Of course, as an aristocratic family that has been passed down for more than 2000 years, it has its own background that outsiders don't know.

Just like Xiang Teng and Qian Yide, this path to advancement may not be explained by pure talent and intelligence. There are many elements mixed with the power of pills and stones used in it.

Now Chu Feng has miraculously produced a Chu Feng, and there is also a great alchemist as the backer. If this kind of foundation is managed well, within a hundred years, the Chu family will become like the Qian Xiang family. A family that can be passed down for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiong and Chu Yaxuan's hearts suddenly boiled with excitement.

"Xiaofeng, your mother has been worrying about you, you should go to the back to see your mother." Chu Xiong stretched out his hand and patted Chu Feng's shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Then I'll go to see my mother first, and I'll talk to grandpa and father about something later." Chu Feng's expression turned bitter when he heard that his mother was waiting for him.

This time he left without saying goodbye again, and even asked about Ping Hai through Chen Zhongyu. Chen Zhongyu must have told his mother, so it was inevitable that he would be scolded.

But when he heard that he was going to meet Liu Suyu together later, Chu Yaxuan's face suddenly became exciting, his eyes glanced at Qing Shishi, but he looked at Chu Feng with sympathy: "Xiaofeng, Zhongyu He Zhongyi is accompanying your mother, you..."

Although his words were not finished, the meaning contained in them was self-evident.

Chu Feng was startled, but then felt his scalp tingling.

But seeing the shyness and anticipation on Qing Shishi's face in an instant, he finally sighed in his heart: "We have to meet after all, since we can't avoid it, we have to face it!"

Sighing slowly, Chu Feng finally walked into the backyard with Qing Shishi feeling apprehensive.

Behind him, Chu Yaxuan and his father looked at each other, but shook their heads and smiled wryly.

After a while, Chu Xiong withdrew his gaze and turned to Chu Yaxuan: "Yaxuan, go and warn all the Chu family members that the news of Xiaofeng's return must not be leaked, and anyone who leaks the secret will be killed without mercy! "

In his slightly squinted eyes, there was a strong murderous look, which stunned Chu Yaxuan, but in an instant, he thought that if he could sit in the position of the Patriarch, he would be his own Father, this decisive arrogance to kill the clan is far from being comparable to him.

At the same moment, he thought, is his method too gentle compared to his father?

Once this thought arose in his mind, he couldn't let it go.

Chu Xiong didn't notice his abnormality, but his murderous look faded away, but he laughed, his expression changed so quickly and naturally, it was shocking: "Also, if you let someone inform Xiang Qian's family, just say that Chu Xiong Feng and Daxi discussed with them, and asked Xiang Teng and Qian Yide, the two Patriarchs, to come over in person."

"Yes!" Chu Yaxuan bowed respectfully to his father, then walked slowly towards a group of super strong men.

Before he got to his mother's room, Chu Feng heard laughter coming from inside, and he could tell that the two sisters, Chen Zhongyu and Chen Zhongyi, coaxed Liu Suyu very happily.

At this moment, Qing Shishi frowned quietly. Although Chu Yaxuan's voice was low before, she still heard it in her ears. Now she heard two young and melodious female voices. In his heart, how could he still not understand, and immediately looked at Chu Feng.

"Are they also your confidante?"

The slightly resentful words immediately made Chu Feng startled, but he couldn't help but stop. (To be continued..)

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