Ring Town

Chapter 596: Ghost Xiao

After sending Xiang Teng and Qian Yide away, Chu Xiong looked at Chu Feng in surprise: "Xiaofeng, are you really the great alchemy master?"

"Grandpa, how can I make a joke about this kind of thing." Chu Feng smiled slightly and nodded lightly.

Chu Xiong's eyes flickered, he stared at Chu Feng for a long time, and finally smiled gently: "Xiaofeng, you are really strict, even I was kept in the dark about this matter."

With an apologetic smile, Chu Feng apologized to his grandfather, "Grandpa, it's not that I didn't say anything, but that I was too weak to protect myself, especially in this world of the strong, so I'm guilty I dare not speak out about this matter, please forgive me, grandpa."

Chu Xiong stretched out his generous palm and patted Chu Feng's shoulder heavily, shook his head and said with a light smile: "Silly boy, you did the right thing. If you really said it early, you might be tricked by someone with ulterior motives. Not only you, but our Chu family may not be safe, so how can I blame you."

In the faint words, there was a strong kindness, which made Chu Feng feel warm in his heart, but he also became more determined in his heart to arrange the future of the Chu family before being promoted.

Seeing that the old man had finished talking with Chu Feng, Chu Yaxuan finally interrupted: "Xiaofeng, have you really decided to deal with the Ghost Devouring Sect?"

Hearing the name of the Ghost Devouring Sect, Chu Feng's eyes narrowed immediately with a strong evil spirit, and his voice became slow and heavy: "Father, it's not that I want to deal with the Ghost Devouring Sect, but the root of the Ghost Devouring Sect. won't let us go."

As he was speaking, he suddenly turned his gaze out of the window, and said loudly: "Friend, after listening for so long, you should have heard enough, why don't you come down and talk?"

"Ah?" Chu Xiong and Chu Yaxuan were startled.Immediately, he looked at Chu Feng in surprise, but saw that he was staring at the top of the window with piercing eyes, and immediately turned his gaze over together.

"Huh!" As the eyes of the two turned around, there was a sudden "huh" sound outside the window, and then a light figure also jumped down from the roof, but landed directly in the courtyard.

Because of the light problem, Chu Xiong couldn't see at all, let alone hear the sound of the man falling to the ground.

But Chu Yaxuan saw a black shadow falling in the courtyard, and immediately rushed to Chu Xiong's body.

Chu Feng smiled and opened the door.He walked out slowly, with a playful smile in his eyes, staring at the unknown visitor in black: "Your Excellency is surrounded by black energy, and has a very hostile aura, presumably he must be a member of the Ghost Devouring Sect?"

That person was surprised by Chu Feng before.But he wasn't too surprised, but now Chu Feng revealed his identity in one word.But he looked at Chu Feng blankly.Looking at him in disbelief: "You, how do you know?"

"Hehe, I'm very sensitive to breath, so I guessed it, but I guessed it right." Chu Feng's voice was light, but his divine sense was released instantly, locking on the man in black.

It seemed to feel Chu Feng's lock.The man in black's complexion moved, and the black energy overflowed from his body, but such an approach obviously had no effect on Chu Feng's lock.

After all, Chu Feng's divine sense came after he was promoted to the peak of the prefecture level.It is so strong that it can cover an area of ​​hundreds of meters around it, and it is solid, so the man in black wants to break free, but how can he.

After trying to escape to no avail, the man in black's complexion turned even worse, turning a little pale. However, he had met him before, so after a while, he calmed down.

However, his eyes were full of disbelief, and there was even a faint look of shock: "Is your cultivation really the peak of the prefecture level?"

"That's right." Chu Feng smiled lightly, and the aura on his body was no longer restrained, but released.

The man in black couldn't calm down any longer, cold sweat dripped down his forehead: "How is this possible? A few days ago, you were only the fourth floor of the prefecture level. How could you have reached the peak of the prefecture level all of a sudden?"

"Hehe, haven't you been here for a long time? Didn't you hear what I said to Mr. Xiang Qian?" Chu Feng looked at the man in black jokingly, but the aura on his body was full of eagerness, like a giant hand , tightly wrapping the man in black in it.

This feeling made the man in black a little suffocated. He looked at Chu Feng with a pale face, but shook his head with difficulty: "Although I came before, I was afraid of being discovered by the two of them, so I didn't dare to eavesdrop. I didn’t dare to leak a little breath, so I naturally didn’t hear what I said at that time.”

"That's it!" Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he finally figured out the key to this.

He originally thought that the man in black had some kind of secret technique and was not afraid of his own cultivation, but now it seems that he didn't listen to the conversations of the few of him before very clearly, and he didn't even think that he would be the peak of the prefecture level.

That's why after Xiang Teng and Qian Yide left, they revealed their whereabouts under a loose breath.

However, Chu Feng had to admit that the concealment method of the man in black was indeed very clever.

As for such a character, Chu Feng admired him very much, especially because he needed to rely on the man in black to open the door to the Ghost Devouring Sect, so he smiled lightly, with a kind of kindness in his words: "Say, How do you choose now?"

"How to choose?" The man in black was stunned, but then he understood.

In fact, it's not that he has never thought of running away or fighting, but at this moment, Chu Feng's concentrated divine sense is like an invisible hand, the billowing black energy he uses to confuse his opponent, it is confined within within a range.

So he directly gave up the idea of ​​running away, and believed in Chu Feng's words in his heart, that he was indeed a master at the peak of the prefecture level.

After all, the aura emanating from Chu Feng's body clearly carried a strong sense of coercion. If he hadn't supported himself strongly, he might have knelt down to worship at this moment.

Such a powerful coercion has only appeared on the suzerain, but different from the domineering and gloomy coercion on the suzerain, Chu Feng gives people a faint feeling but makes people feel that there is nowhere to escape. Unconsciously, the thought of surrender was born in the bottom of my heart.

This feeling made him want to surrender, but when he thought of the horrific torture in the Ghost Devouring Sect, his heart tightened for no reason, and he said in a trembling voice: "Kill me!"

"Hehe." Chu Feng naturally took his expression into his eyes, and smiled even more kindly and indifferently.Moreover, a jade bottle appeared in the palm of the hand: "Although the Ghost Eater Sect is sinister and has always been called evil, it is still a martial art that has been passed down for thousands of years, so you should have heard of the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill? "

"Nine Turns Resurrection Pill?" The man in black looked at the jade bottle in Chu Feng's hand in surprise.

Chu Feng smiled even more calmly, with a gentle temptation in his voice: "I heard that in the Ghost Devouring Sect, everyone under the sect has been planted with the poison of the ghost mother of Xuanyin, so they dare not betray you for the rest of your life. Zongmen, but the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill can reshape the body, the original body is gone, and the poison of the ghost mother of Xuanyin naturally does not exist."

With a slight laugh, Chu Feng shook the jade bottle in front of the man in black: "As for the benefits of reshaping the body with the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill, don't I need to talk about it?"

After hearing Chu Feng's words, the body of the man in black trembled suddenly, and a strong emotion appeared on his face.Even the voice had obvious trills: "You, would you really be willing to give me a Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill?"

In fact, as a disciple of the Ghost Devouring Sect, he knows the horror of the Sect even more.There is fear in my heart all the time.Especially when the poison of the ghost mother of Xuanyin is planted in the body, if the antidote is not taken on time, it will be like a hundred insects scratching the heart, making people really unable to survive or die.

It is also because of the ghost-eating suzerains of the past dynasties, all because they have practiced the ghosts and souls.Therefore, each of them has a very strange personality, and it is more common to get angry, and punishments have always been endless.

The man in black has also suffered a lot, but because of the poison of the ghost mother of Xuanyin planted in his body.But he didn't dare to have such thoughts at all.

But now Chu Feng actually took out the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill. As a disciple of the Ghost Devouring Sect, the man in black is very clear about the effect of the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill. This medicine can definitely be regarded as one of the magic pills.

It can reshape people's bodies, and more importantly, the aptitude of the reshaped body is absolutely heaven-defying.

As a member of the Ghost Eater Sect, the man in black has dealt with ghosts for a long time, and his aura has become ghostly. At the end of his practice, especially when he breaks through at each level, it will be an ordeal, and it will be a test of life and death.

Because the inner demons tend to like them the most, so it is often difficult to break through to the end of the Ghost Devouring Sect. monster.

But Nine Turns Resurrection Pill can make him come back again. With the previous experience, the man in black believes that he can do better, and the most important thing is that the body reshaped by Nine Turns Resurrection Pill is not at all. Fearing the erosion of ghosts, so practicing the techniques of the Ghost Devouring Sect will really benefit a hundred times.

With all these temptations added together, how could the man in black not be tempted?

"Of course it's true, and I can give you the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill right now." Seeing the hesitation on the face of the man in black, Chu Feng laughed happily, and threw it away, and it turned out to be true. He threw the jade bottle in his hand to the man in black.

The man in black took it, then eagerly opened the bottle cap, took a deep breath, and his body trembled violently.

His eyes were even brighter, and he stared at Chu Feng closely: "It's really the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, aren't you afraid that I'll take the medicine and run away?"

"Why are you afraid?" Chu Feng smiled lightly, his face was full of confidence, and his breath tightened even more, but the man in black felt an invisible giant hand directly holding him tightly, Make him unable to move.

Looking at Chu Feng with horror on his face: "You, you..."

"Take the Jiuzhuan Huanhun Pill now, and you will be a member of my Chu family in the future. You will enjoy the massive amount of pills provided by the Chu family just like all the disciples belonging to the Chu family. I believe that with your cultivation experience, It will soon be able to reach or even surpass the current level of cultivation.”

Chu Feng spoke lightly, and let go of the invisible giant hand that was holding the man in black.

"Okay, I'll join the Chu family!" The man in black sighed a long time after all, but knelt down on the ground without any hesitation, kowtowed several times at Chu Feng, and his mind was finally at peace. Relaxed now.

"Very good." Seeing that he let go of his mind, Chu Feng suddenly smiled mysteriously, stretched out his fingers and flicked lightly, but shot out a divine thought, which entangled in the consciousness of the man in black: "I planted in your consciousness There is a restriction, if you have a second heart, I will feel it, and you know the consequences."

"Ah?" The man in black did not expect that Chu Feng would do this, and even less that Chu Feng would imprint a spiritual imprint on his own consciousness, which made his face pale with horror. After feeling unwell, there was no other abnormality, and his face eased a little.

However, he was very clear that his consciousness was different from before, and he believed Chu Feng's words, and it was not an appalling threat, but a real one.

Because Chu Feng stamped the restriction in his consciousness, but made him understand this.

After confirming that there was really no other influence, he finally let out a long sigh: "Ghost Xiao pays homage to the master, and will never dare to disobey the master's wishes in the future."

"Hehe, good, good, get up quickly." Amidst laughter, Chu Feng helped the man in black, that is, Gui Xiao, up. (To be continued..)

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